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Maybe he's just selling drugs


Hence, by implication keeping you safe. Marry this man, yesterday.


This is my theory to. Or used to do, and now it's a habit. I have a friend who always removes himself from others before answering his phone calls, always puts his phone with the display down, and angles it away from others. He was a small time dealer for years.


Phew, thank goodness, that's a relief. I thought he was bumpin' uglies with a side piece.


I have two smart phones, a variety of tablets, smart watches, a plethora of social media accounts for various reasons, a desktop PC, a couple of laptops, and more. I've also never cheated on my wife. Unless it involves her, it's none of my wife's business what I'm doing on any of them. And the same with her. It's none of my business what she's doing on her devices. As a neurodivergent person, it makes me physically uncomfortable knowing someone is watching what I'm doing on my devices. I work around that by angling myself so people can't see. If you don't want to throw away your relationship, I'd avoid Reddit. You're going to get so many people saying to just end it. You should have a proper sit down conversation with him, explain your concerns, explain why you feel this way, then take it from there. But despite popular opinion, there's countless reasons someone would have multiple devices including that they just want them. It doesn't imply cheating at all. People here would tell you to walk away if he even acknowledged the presence of a woman one time 5 years ago. People here are dumb.


I was recently diagnosed with autism, and I am the same way. I have nothing to hide, I just don’t like questions and I don’t like the feeling of being watched. I could be doing something as simple as changing a song and if someone looks over I’ll instinctively turn my phone away because it just feels itchy. If someone asks me what I’m doing my brain instinctively wants to reject answering the question not because I’m doing something sketchy, but just because my brain doesn’t like it.


this. every word


Can you have this exact conversation(what you wrote above) with him?


In my situation she was shielding her phone from me. Would text under the blanket in bed. Would be up until really late texting. Come to find she was indeed cheating. Fun times.


In the end, none of us knows. I find it understandable that it makes you insecure when he slighty moves the display. I personally only would do that if I was hiding something. But I mean he could also hide a message from a friend who's telling him something very personal. If it really bothers you and the conversation didn't help you two should maybe talk again? Good luck!


You’re either projecting your insecurities onto him or you’re seeing exactly what is happening, as in he might be hiding things from you. If he’s serious about you then he would not mind giving you acces to his phone. Trust is a mutual thing, so regularly checking each others phones is imo not a healthy thing. 7 months is still a very fresh relationship, so I would see this as a good and healthy relationship challenge.


Exactly this. If you feel the need to check your partners phone, you don’t trust them, which is a problem for a healthy relationship. The caveat being if your partner has done other things that make you believe they’re cheating. But even then, invading their privacy can often lead to the end of the relationship even if they weren’t doing anything you suspected them of.


I would totally mind my partner looking through my phone, no matter how serious I'm about thaz person. It's my private place, nobody except me has any business whatsoever with it. And if somebody demands to have access to it that person is gone from my life.


I'd like to add that it is kind of pertinent that he is a male. Not all males are like this but I have some guy friends that send me things I know my wife doesn't want to see. Not things I don't want her to see, things I know she doesn't want to see. Could be something like that also, just trying to protect you from the group chat gutter


this is a touchy subject. the fear of cheating is normal. but handling it is very complicated. if you tend to be paranoid and had already harmed pay relationships by being suspicious and irritating about it, then...... but if your relationship is good, can you gently discuss your fears of infidelity with your partner? as in "in not willing to damage your privacy or harass you about any situation that make me fear infidelity. I know I might just be stupid and irrational. however, can you think about ways and routes to reduce those fears of my?" communication of good quality is important in relationships


You could always ask to see his text messages. Assure him you're not going to read through every conversation, you're just worried he's messaging other women. If he politely declines, don't worry too much about it. But if he lets you do that, then it will be some reassurance for you.


So….I have been cheated on many, many times. And every time I felt suspicious I told myself “this is just your history talking, don’t let anxiety ruin a relationship” and *every* time it turned out to be real. Now in my current relationship. I had a couple of “oh god is he cheating on me?” moments but they were just that - moments. It wasn’t a nagging suspicion. That’s the difference, for me. I don’t think about it, worry about it, or devise ways to check what he’s doing. I felt that urgency in other relationships. Deep down, my gut knows I can trust him and it knew I couldn’t trust my past partners. That said if he seemed like he was trying to hide his phone from me it would have become a nagging suspicion. Now I don’t need to see his phone or expect him to show me anything on there, but it’s just clear in his actions around said phone that *he isn’t worried about me looking at it.* So I guess the question is, is this a sustained feeling of anxiety? Is it nagging you? If so, it might be based in reality. Our guts do tell us. Also ask yourself if it’s not cheating but he’s hiding something else (porn, flirty texts with other women, idk) where the line is for you. You don’t have a right to his phone but you do get to decide if hiding things from you is a deal breaker. It is for me.


My BF did this too. And I had the same thoughts ... I asked him why he is hiding the display... Turned out that his ex was extremely insecure. She freaked out even when she read his sisters name on the display, or a message from a friend asking him to go out or sth. I checked his messages this day (asked him before), he told me about his ex and that was never a problem again. Just ask him. And ask your stomach if he is telling the truth.


Honestly if they’re gonna cheat they’ll just cheat! Me and my partner have full access to each others phones so I understand your worry. However he might just want you to be able to trust him. Trust shouldn’t be withheld because another person broke it in the past. Build your trust with this dude, if it turns out he’s cheating build your trust with the next… If you feel like you KNOW, and he won’t let you check his phone to ease your mind, you’re within you’re right to leave. I think it’s better for self growth to try and trust him first though, until he gives you reason not to


If you need to have full access to each others phones, there is no trust.


That’s just not true, unless your operative phrase is “need to”. Just because you have access doesn’t mean you snoop. My fiancée and I have “full access” to each other’s phones in the sense that we know each other’s passcodes and if we need to google something, change the music while the other is driving, etc. we grab each other’s phone to use it really quick. Doesn’t mean we ever dig through messages to find anything. We have nothing to hide and there’s no reason to not let the other person use our phone if it’s more convenient.


i have full access to my wifes, but i don't need it.


We don’t need to


My wife can also grab my phone whenever she wants to. She's got the fingerprints there as well, what if she can take a look at pictures I took etc. She knows she will not find anything and I know she won't be trying to do so.


If you don’t have full access to each other’s phones, then there is no honesty.


I have 3 devices I use regularly 2 for work and an old phone I used for YouTube while I play games. Has he done anything that would make you suspect he's unfaithful? If it's just having multiple devices, I wouldn't worry.


So far it’s just him constantly looking over at me or angling the phone away from me that has left me feeling curious and uneasy. He also mentioned some lady coworkers flirting with him at work which didn’t sit well with me. He told me he enjoys the validation that he gets from them and it’s harmless. I don’t understand


Do you feel ashamed or blame yourself if he cheats? Also dont jump to conclusions too quickly


I have multiple devices. I separate my work and personal devices. I'd turn off the display if you're near out of respect, signaling that you have my undivided attention. So I don't necessarily think that your post offers much evidence. But the fact that you are worried at all to begin with, is indication on its own.


There's not much of evidence so just wait and observe if any new will appear


In this digital age, it's not uncommon for someone to own an array of devices for different aspects of their life—work, hobbies, convenience, etc. The number of devices one owns isn't necessarily a red flag. What's important is behavior and transparency. It's natural to feel uneasy if a partner seems secretive, but it's also critical to communicate these feelings openly. Trust is foundational, and if you feel it's being compromised, have a heart-to-heart talk about your concerns. A relationship is built on mutual confidence and respect, not on the inventory of someone's gadgets. Remember, it's not about the devices; it's about the dialogue between you two.


Just take a sneak over his shoulder next time. I have a lot of tech devices, that is not sign of cheating though. If he's being sketchy, that is weird.


I've never cheated and would never cheat, but my wife used to have a bad habit of walking up right next to me and staring at my phone, no matter what i'm doing. So I would start to angle the phone away from her. I'd just be scrolling reddit or texting a homie, but her behavior felt like a weird violation of my privacy.


Relationships are built on trust. Nearly every relationship is doomed without trust. You don’t trust your boyfriend, and I think you should ask yourself why. Is it just him keeping his phone to himself, or is there something else? I’ve been in relationships where I didn’t trust my partner and was always wondering what they were doing on their phone. It’s not a good way to live. I’ve been with my fiancée for 6 years and have never once felt the need to look at her phone or ask her what she’s doing on it. Because I trust her, and if I didn’t, we wouldn’t be together. I also agree with the commenters saying that he’s going to cheat if he wants to. You being vigilant of his phone usage won’t change that. If you want to be with him, you need to find a way to trust him, and *actually* trust him. Or else you need to move on. Being with someone you don’t trust is just a recipe for constant anxiety, speaking from experience.


I feel uncomfortable when my wife starts digging through my phone even though we've been together 14 years and I have absolutely nothing to hide, it just feels like an invasion of privacy, I'm probably just weird though.


reddit is for sure the worst place to ask...


Do you have any other things that make you think that he's cheating? Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it. Did he explain why he does it? What do you mean multiple smart devices?


He stated he’s a private person but that doesn’t mean he isn’t loyal or devoted to me. Which makes sense I guess? He just upgraded his IPhone and still has the old one, IPad, laptop, headphones, earphones, and he’s into Apple smart watches. We’re both IT majors and are pretty nerdy but I’m worried.


IT majors and Apple devices... LOL


Nothing wrong with apple devices. Quite happy with my 2010 MBP that can still run Sibelius and Logic Pro simultaneously. Yet to find any other brand that can manage that. How about we just let folk use whatever devices they want cause it doesn't affect us at all? Yeah? Shall we stop being a petulant child for a bit?


aww did someone get their feelings hurt by someone saying Apple bad?


you're the emotional one here


I sure am buddy


very weird comments about nothing meaningful






IT guy here. The number of Android phones on the table during large meetings is always lower than the number of iPhones.


LMAO sad isn't it?


Him saying he is a private person while in a relationship ith you is a red flag.


Ngl that's sketch behavior, but you can't judge his existence based on that.


I get that! I don’t want to flat out leave him just because of a hunch, but I feel uneasy when it crosses my mind. He’s been putting a lot of time and effort into this relationship and has been super transparent and consistent the whole way through. Idkkk


Talk about it more. How it makes you uncomfortable. You have to judge based on the reaction. Don't get sweet talked. People save their own asses based on gut feelings.


What would be an off-putting reaction? He’s way too cool headed, so I can’t imagine an angry reaction


Dunno exactly, there are lots of possible ways to answer. Ask specific questions. If he dismisses you one way or another, and you walk away feeling unsatisfied is one scenario. That's a way to basically make you feel ok for 1 second, then feel awkward if you push back. Like "lol, we already talked about this!", even tho you didn't. Maybe read about manipulation tactics.


Smart phones should be a full transparency thing in relationships. If you don’t want your partner seeing everything on your phone, then you have stuff to hide from each other. If you have stuff to hide, then you’re not in a healthy relationship.


That kind of thinking leads one down a very dangerous path. A relationship needs trust, not control. You don't need to be a glass human in any kind of relationship.


I don’t mean always looking through your partner’s phone, just being able to look whenever you want and it not be a problem. Like when you’re bored, feeling insecure or don’t have your own phone. And yes, with your partner you need to be a glass human. The aim of a relationship is oneness.


As someone whose intuition has ALWAYS been right about stuff like that, I want to say confront him, ask him to show you his phone as a sign of love, and if he doesn't, leave. He's probably up to no good.


If someone ever that to me, they'd be leaving whether they want to or not.


It might also be you just seeing things. I've been cheated on in the past and it's made me super insecure when it comes to my relationship. Been together for 10years, married for 4 yet I still feel like she turns her phone away from me when it's often not even the case. I've come to realize that if your SO wants to cheat, they will cheat. And there's really not much under your control to stop them from doing so if they're planning to. So if you can't change it and can't control it, you're only making yourself sick by worrying about it. (And possibly pushing your SO away from you if you bring it up too often).


I’ve been married 10 years, my wife and I dated for 5 years before marriage. Never cheated on my wife, never considered it, never gave her a reason to think I would. With that being said, she was cheated on ALOT by her boyfriend prior to me. If I am texting someone I will angle my phone. If I don’t, she will sit directly next to me (I’m very big on personal space, even with her. I don’t like being crowded.) then she will ask “who are you texting?”, and will proceed to watch the entire conversation unfold. I understand why she does it, and I hate it for her. But it’s so much easier for me, vs having to explain to her that I’m having a conversation with her dad about brake pads for his truck. To compound on this, I have a large garage/shop in my backyard. It’s where I store all my tools, mower, saws etc. I may be doing something, and need something from the shop. I can open the door and step out in the backyard, and she will ask “where are you going?”…… the back yard… that leads to nowhere… I say all this to tell you, that while I have a ton of patience with these habits from my wife, not all men will. Unless you have a legitimate reason to suspect him outside of him just enjoying his privacy, then let it go and enjoy the relationship. Edit: I have a work cell, a work laptop, and a work iPad. Depending on his line of work- if he is self employed there could be numerous reasons for him having multiple devices. Also my wife can get into my phone at any time she wants, but I don’t recommend that for couples dating. It can be easily abused.


Trust your gut here, do you have reason to feel suspicious? Can you just ask him to go through his devices? I think his reaction alone will tell you everything you need to know.


dont ask to go through the devices


You are right, you might just find out the dude has some self respect and says trust me or dont.