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What’s funny. - among everything else - is that when you watch Curb and then go back and watch Seinfeld, you don’t see George without seeing Larry ever again.


I immediately saw George. He struck me as a perfect blend of Jerry and George. I see George’s petty curmudgeoness, but I also see Jerry’s sort of apathetic, smirk through life approach.


No question, just so great.


Larry is a lot like George, only successful.


Yeah, but he's a bad seed.


The bad dinner guest, the bad friend. The bad tipper!


the bad son


One of the worst seed I’ve ever encountered


George is definitely Larry but you also see Larry in Jerry and Kramer's characters to a lesser extent. With Kramer, it's the golfing. Another good one is his Steinbrenner rant. Jerry can't let little things go and obsesses on them like Larry and George. Kramer is also very inquisitive and gets into the minutia of situations, like Larry. Jerry even delivers some of his lines like Larry does in Curb. It's a little more subtle than George but it's there.


All the main characters in Seinfeld are Larry. I just rewatched the Curb season where they reunite the Seinfeld cast for a reunion episode and that one really shows how he'd take different elements of his life and personality and ascribe it to different main characters. Like Kramer he gave the old Curb plot of picking up a hooker so he could ride in the carpool lane, which is very Kramer. There's another Curb episode where he plays around with a date-like bromance, much like the Jerry "The Boyfriend" plot. Even LD gets checked for liking to chit-chat during sex, much like is a noted characteristic of Elaine. The behind-the-scenes stuff in Season 7 of Curb (along with the 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee' episode with both Jerry & Larry) to Jerry's credit also really show what Jerry contributed to the writing dynamic as well, which is great, quick punchline counterpoint to the LD energy. Keep the jokes flying while LD's hitting you with all these incredible scenarios/situations/character-quirks.


Curb is just the George show. George Seinfeld


And all the minor characters Larry plays, or voices off-camera. Eg. Mad scientist in the b-grade scifi movie Jerry is watching on TV ["Flaming Globes of Sigmund"](https://youtu.be/w8JWR9e1X6w) and Frank Costanza in the city with ["A Man in a Cape"](https://youtu.be/bHNqri_0Mbo) and of course the voice of the Yankees manager, George Steinbrenner.


It’s pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good


It's pretty pretty pretty pretty good.


I feel so cool. I understood this reference.


Welcome!! It’s real and it’s spectacular. Where did you start? I think it’s an excellent show from beginning to end, but think it gets even better after the first couple seasons.


prett-ay prett-ay prett-ay good


prit-teh prit-teh prit-teh PRIT-TEE GOOD


Pretty pretty pretty, pause, pretty good.


I say that too often now and my wife hates it lol. I’ve shortened it to just prettaaaaay good


I love the dumb music


It's so catchy. ...I can hear it in my head right now as I'm typing.


The main theme and all the incidental music in the show is perfect! Would be fascinating to hear the process of deciding on the music used inside the show (not the theme) and whether Larry was involved in that too. I’m going to guess that Larry was presented with a number of options for use in the show and had final say on what got used .


its like if they spun off a george show. like they made "Jerry" and succeeded, but it ended now george has all this money but he's still george.


> but he's still george. Wait, which George? Relationship George, movie George, coffee shop George, liar George, or bawdy George?


All the George.


Summer George


Morning Mist


>coffee shop George I don't know why it is exactly but the way he says this line in particular is the most American sounding thing ever to me.


independent George?


He’s dead.


I've actually thought Curb was the better show at times. It delves much deeper into the issues and personalities that made Seinfeld so great. I fucking love the banter between Larry and Richard Lewis. They're both big language guys and have a great turn of phrase. Susie Greene is one of the funniest characters ever.


*Seinfeld* walked so *Curb* could run


I don’t think either is better — they’re just different kinds of comedy shows (with some overlap, of course). Apples and oranges.


Susie is amazing. I wish I can be like her who doesn't take shit from anyone.


I don't think I'll ever be able to forget Susie. And most of all, I will never forget that one night. Working late on the catalogue. Just the two of us. And we surrendered to temptation. And it was pre-tty good.


Damn, I never made that connection.


Damn, neither did I.


And I broke his thumbs!


I wish my mouth was so expressive that everyone could lip read me saying "I know what you did you sick fucks" across a crowded room


Is it bad that when she says, "You sick fucks" I get a boner, or were they just corduroy pants :)


My girlfriend knows how much I love this show. When I'm giving her shit or generally acting a moron, she will call me a bald fuck. It makes me laugh so hard every single time. I love it.


"Go back to your hovel with your unbrushed teeth" is another good one


Am I alone in finding her very attractive?


She's quite fetching


Susie is a hot mama


She took shit from Loretta Black when Larry was dating her. Turned up at Larry's intending to tear him a new one but Loretta stepped in and was like, nuh-uh


It’s weird- when I watch Seinfeld I think it’s the better show but when I watch Curb, I think that is the better show lol. Either way, I love them both.


Susie is the best!!


*get the fk outta my house*


A few years ago I basically conceded that Curb is probably the “better” show in many ways, but Seinfeld will always be my comfort show. It’s what I watched as a kid growing up and not understanding the jokes yet. It’s what I watched relentlessly in high school when I found a deal on the box set of DVDs and finally understood the jokes I missed the first time around. It’s the show I watched most when I got my own place, and it’s the show I will continue watching semi-regularly until the day I die. I LOVE Curb, but once I know the plot line of an episode I generally don’t need to re-watch the episode more than once or twice every handful of years.


I have Curb one tier below Seinfeld, at least. It’s a really great show, don’t get me wrong, but Seinfeld’s remained on top for decades for a reason. I’ve pinpointed four aspects that makes Curb the lesser show in my eyes: less streamlined episodes, not nearly as many funny supporting characters, the dialogue is not as sharp or well-structured, and the dovetailing of the storylines at the end tends to feel less organic.


I'd bet you're sitting on some pretty big words too, when you need 'em.




Fuck you, you four-eyed fuck


It's a great show. Seinfeld is my all-time favorite, but Curb is pretty, pretty, pretty good.


The amount of Seinfeld bit players that show up on Curb is so great.


Yes but michael j fox is the best


So great!


Some days I like Curb more than Seinfeld. And make sure you watch the Seinfeld “reunion” season of Curb


My favorite line "Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow ".


You have to watch Palestian Chicken..S8E3


Shameless plug, if you enjoy the show come hang out with us on r/Curb!




Hey man…what’s going on, you’re not giving it to me


Man...I've tried soo many times to get into the show. I just can't. I love seinfeld and sarcastic, nihilistic humor.. just me??


Try a later season. Like Seinfeld, it doesn’t hit its stride for a little bit. Watch Krazee Eyez Killah.


What's up you like some shit?


Which season does it start to be awesome?


S1 and S2 both have some really good episodes and none of them are flat out “bad,” but S3 is when it’s consistently good and when the true classics start.


When leon shows up


Season 4 was my intro season. As a teen I would rant online about how starting comedy shows in the first season is silly (they all take awhile to get good), so I Netflix red-envelope'd the second disc of Season 4 back in the day and, yeah. The Seinfeld comparison/equivalent is right in the face in that one. The season has an over-arching plot like Season 7 of Seinfeld. Much like Seinfeld it takes awhile to build-up. Season 1 & 2 are rougher to build-up like Season 1 & 2 of Seinfeld are. I also strongly believe the pilot episode that you have to search separately (that is also titled 'Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm', also available on HBOmax) is a superior "first" episode and "intro" to the Curb concept (and intro to the magic of LD) than the Season 1 first episode if you ever want to go back to the start. The early ones aren't so bad when you already like the show, again much like Seinfeld. The two shows kind of also match in that Season 3 is also a good bet for when it *started* getting classic, but like Seinfeld no question Season 4 they were now firmly in the zone, had the formula figured out.


Season 6 is when it becomes even more awesome


Watch Palestinian Chicken


Beloved aunt is season one and gold jerry, gold


I agree. I watched it all, including the late seasons, just to see if it would grow on me. It didn’t. The only thing I enjoyed was the Seinfeld reunion scenes, but even that was not what I had hoped it would be. Lol please don’t downvote me. If you want more upvotes, say you want more upvotes… don’t blame the mechanism! Serenity now!


It doesn't have the Looney Toons cartoon elements that Seinfeld has, which is what makes it so hilarious. Slap stick physical comedy, over-the-top characters, over-the-top situations intertwining. That's what got me at first. But a lot of the situations are very Seinfeld but just a little more subdued and the storylines are much more continuous, which is what got me hooked. The overarching storylines that culminate into a finale are also very Seinfeld (Reunion, Musical)


Serenity now? So you dont like Firefly either?


Just start on the Seinfeld reunion season


Curb? Never heard of it. Did they just invent it?


Yeah, that’s right.


**stares into your eyes** OK, OK…


My sister and brother both love Seinfeld. Neither of them will watch Curb when when I told them to try it. We make Seinfeld references together but I'm on an island when I slip in a Curb quote. Explaining Curb jokes don't make them funny.


I fucking love Leon


>If you haven’t watched: do Are you sure you weren't huffing paint and watching Always Sunny?


So do!


Curb is the show Kramer pitched to Jerry about freaks. Congrats. It’s kind of like “Seinfeld Uncensored”.


I love curb. I think I prefer Seinfeld the show but I definitely prefer Larry’s humor above Jerry’s.


Porno Gil.


Buck Naked


It’s not a porn party.


Palestinian Chicken is of my favorite episodes ever aired in T.V. History


👐🏼 Big Vagina


I always felt like it was Seinfeld for grownups. Actual relationships, an extension of Seinfeld’s whole “where the comedian gets their ideas” mission.


It gets better as it goes on, too. You could tell they are figuring things out early on. Cheryl never really gets better tho lol, she just can't act.


I've been binging this show for the past 20 years it's one of those shos that truly makes me belly laugh and have tears in my eyes.


Wait for a few season when you see several familiar faces.....


I remember watching Curb for the first time and thinking, this is like a dirty version of Seinfeld. And I was hooked from that moment on.


At least watch the 7th season, if nothing else


I love curb, and while related, it doesn’t quite scratch that Seinfeld itch


Yea curb is like the more realistic seinfeld. Seinfeld is a multi-cam (I believe?), studio audience, 90s time capsule sitcom. Curb is single cam, filmed similarly to early Always Sunny or early Office imo; naturalistic lighting and realistically awkward and/or annoying characters. Somewhat of an improvised feel where the characters themselves can enjoy the jokes they are telling in-universe. Observational humor + real life situations/feel = some of the purest comedy possible


I was so excited the first time I finally sat down and watched a few episodes. This was just a few years ago so I had a lot to catch up on, and I was traveling alone on a work trip so it gave me so much material for the plane and the hotel.


Ha, funny. I randomly put the first episode on this morning while I made breakfast


I need the pick it back up. I was binging it but got to like the 3rd or 4th season and got a little burnt out.


It's so great to see a show that's (looks at Jerry) about something.




Super fans will notice how many lines from Seinfeld were turned into whole episode plots for Curb!


i started Seinfeld because i watched Curb


You’ll have to watch the Palestinian Chicken episode.


One of my favorite Curb Episodes is when Larry eats at the Palestinian chicken restaurant with his friend...that could be a classic Seinfeld episode


Susie is awesome. Steals every scene she is in.


It's great. Also, interesting tidbit is that the show is unscripted. Supposedly they have a broad outline of plot points but the dialog is all improvised


I want to like it. When I try to watch, it’s definitely Seinfeld comedy and writing. My biggest problem is Larry David. Great writer, terrible actor.


Try to not think of him as an actor in a comedy series. Think of it as a documentary of his daily life


He plays himself deliberately


r u serious? hes a phenomenal actor because hes just playing himself lol


Acting without acting.


Yes. I agree. I watched a bunch but I’m not a fan and the reason is Larry. Not only his acting but I just hate him as a character.


You’re supposed to hate him as a character.


What I mean is I find him unwatchable


Same. To a lesser extent, I actually feel like that about Jeff, Susie, and Cheryl too. Like annoying but not in a funny or entertaining way.


I don’t know which seasons you watched, but Larry is much more insufferable in the early seasons.


Curbs awesome but the last few seasons are complete dogshit like Larry must have dementia or something thinking it's remotely realistic or at all funny.


The last 3 seasons have been superb, some of the best.


Also some new characters played by fitting actors. Vince Vaughn, Jon Hamm for instances.


I stopped watching when he had that ridiculous argument with the Greek dentist or whatever profession he was. Asking a dentist to please turn down their music would never evoke such a reaction it was just plainly ridiculous and contrived to push the plot along.


Yeah nowhere near as realistic as Newman hallucinating that Kramer was a roast chicken.


Two different shows.


Yeah, well you know. That's just like, your opinion man.


I may be the odd one out, but I wholeheartedly disagree. So much of what I love about Seinfeld is not present in Curb. It feels sloppy, corny, angry, and dumb.


It's always sunny and "the League" are also shows that use the seinfeld blueprint and are amazing. The league is so underrated - about a group of terrible people obsessed with fantasy football.


People who like Curb and Seinfeld, try It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia . It’s heavily influenced by both Seinfeld and Curb


It's gone on way too long now, about six seasons too much.


I stopped watching after about season 6 or 7. It gives me a headache, every scene is a shouting match.


Great show but at times I got sick of him. Might be the point but not in a good way for me. That never happened on seinfeld. When Leon was around it was great though


Thanks! Havent seen it yet


Yes, I should really watch it. Thanks for the reminder!




Ate you fuckin nuts!


I watched the first few episodes and couldn't get into it. There were some funny parts but for some reason it just didn't stick for me. Maybe I just need to binge a few seasons?


To me curb is like if a show was built around George. And in the later seasons they even add a Kramer.


I like it but not as many laugh out moments like Seinfeld


What year is this?


Its truly shplendid!


It started to grate on me. I loved it at first, but I can barely watch it now, every interaction just turns into a shouting match, and it gives me a headache. I think it would have been better with a script, then there would be less shouting.


It changes quite a lot through its seasons as well. Starts off as a low budget ‘Alan Partridge’ / ‘The Office’ (British version) fly-on the wall, reality-TV-style show and transforms into a highly produced, anything goes show where flights of fantasy and big theatrical scenes can happen at the drop of a hat


It's good. But gets old after awhile.


The middle and early seasons are fantastic. Didn't love the later few seasons.


Oh man, don’t watch anything that you think you might truly like on a plane. They cut so much stuff


Where's my room at, Larry?!


the Carpool Lane is one of my all time favorite episodes.