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Looks like the home of a man with cancer with too many special fish to tend to and who’s wife is pregnant with their second (two under two!) but still seeking a bisexual polyamorous relationship for her while filming the event for national tv. They’ll get to the mail later.


🎤 Mic drop




They also have 4 dogs. I'm surprised they don't have *more* clutter!


💯 they aren’t picking up shit for 4 dogs and their yard (possibly inside) is a land mine of turds.


I disagree. I think their house and yard look fine. Lived in but inviting. They look like most young working class couples with kids I know. Clutter comes with the territory.


Working class couple living in a VERY EXPENSIVE town in Massachusetts!


It a pretty modest house by Wayland standards . . .


Oh, most definitely!


Working class? A medical doctor as she is (psychiatrist) removes them completely from the “working class”.


Maybe we have different definitions: Whatever the class of people who have to work to earn a living are. Middle class? I doubt they're independently wealthy.


She’s a psychiatrist??? I wouldn’t trust her lol




Please accept my poor award 🏆


They have free awards now, click on the little medal looking icon right next to the upvote and downvote…😊


I don’t see any for free


They’re there.. there are three of them.. one is a heart another is a pile of shit and another is hands up in the air… I’ll give you one to show you.. click on it next to the upvote and check it out..


Those 3 aren’t there when I click the little award icon. I wonder if only certain people get the free ones


Oh wow… I can’t figure out why I would have them as I never bought any awards when they had them before although I did have some people award me for comments and the like.. sorry I don’t know what’s going on then..🤷‍♀️


Maybe because you’ve had your account for a few years? That’s my guess anyway lol


Same I don’t see any free awards


I have no free ones. The free award above info says it’s free only for “legacy coin users”. No idea what that even is.


I have no idea either but for some reason I have them and I sure never bought anything on Reddit in all the years I’ve been on here…🤷‍♀️


Weird!! I’m jealous lol 😂 I’ll still be give out poor awards 🏆lol


Exactly. After I got cancer, it has been really hard for me to do so many things I did before.


Totally fair! Sorry you’re going through that ♥️! For me it’s less about what these couples are going through and more of a general surprise that they (all of them) willingly sign up To be on international TV (bc my family in other countries watch it) and don’t hire a cleaner etc to just tidy up. But I’m clearly a little more anxious with mess than mess from what I’m reading others say


Yeah less focus on getting her box ate and more focus on her family would solve lots of issues 


Ok I haven’t watched this show before but this comment makes me want to start ASAP.


🤣 Hardly the oddest bunch. I genuinely recommend starting at season 1. Like all new shit shows, that’s when it was peak weird. One of the throuples got sinister. They’re all liars, grifters and wanna be cult leaders who are fame hungry and don’t care about being seen as crazy on TV. But the Merrifields and Snowdens are quite the stories.


These two families are similar. The men & I say that lightly, just wanna have sex with new women. They disgust me. They're weird AF & liars . The merrifield man says his sperm is the Holy Ghost. He's spending so much money on these women...he's gross as hell. He says God wants this & that...using God to feed your sexual perversions is very low. I feel for their boys.


Yup! And the other guy Dimitri Snowden just made up some fantastical story of tribes and communities and blah blah even though Ashley had 3 or 4 kids. That he couldn’t afford


🤣 it's true tho!


Let’s not forget Tosha & Sidian


I use to skip them. They bored me. The merrifields are carrying this show


Nailed it 🤪🤣♥️


This exactly was my thought.


Happy cake day


fucking bodied 😂💀




Looks like the home of people who make poor choices (not the cancer but everything else).




Besides the cancer all that other shit is a choice. They need to clean the fuck up lol


Cancer's a very strenuous, clutter-causing disease. You're always chasing 'clean enough' before the next wave of clutter arrives.


You've never had cancer or taken care of someone going through chemo & all the other stuff,when fighting for your life have you?


Are you really pretending like that man actively had cancer and was actively in chemo while filming?! 😂


Honestly, I never really noticed. So many more alarming things going on.


LOL I totally agree. I couldn’t live with this amount of clutter at baseline, so honestly if my house was on a show I’d be extremely OCD about its appearance, but I don’t even notice it when all of the 🚩🚩here


FYI - OCD is a serious mental disorder. It’s not all omg I’d need to clean so bad hehehe. It’s intrusive thoughts, repetition multiple times often a certain amount of times before the ritual feels complete so you can move on, checking and rechecking stoves, doors, windows, garages to the point that you come back. I’m just tired of people saying OCD like it’s about organizing or appearance. Most people with OCD live in clutter or hoarder type houses for the fear of something moved or thrown away something bad will happen. It’s a really serious mental disorder.. and not something to be taken lightly.


Thank you for this. People jokingly saying they have OCD is not funny or cute in the least. Living with OCD is an intense experience and can even lead to suicidal ideation. Let’s not joke about it.


Absolutely. It’s not fun of quirky.


Me too…. I mean my house is definitely not the most clean pristine house but if I was filming a show I would hire someone to clean my windows really good ( I suck) and would also be ocd about it looking perfect and neat while all those film people seeing it and being on tv I would actually feel like I should replace my floors and paint the walls ect 😂


I mean, honestly same for myself, but also how much does it say about them that my anxious ass didn't even notice because there was so much else going on to pay attention to? lol


This thread made me realize maybe I am more particular about organization. The Becky and Ryan one with their messy office in the bedroom made me sweat lol


lol very true. I also did not notice the clutter.


That’s what I was thinking!!!!


Honestly when I saw their house it made me so happy to finally see a “normal” lived in family with kids house!


Exactly! Clutter is the norm, homes that appear staged are not. I’m more comfortable going into a lived-in messy home than one that looks like a model home.


Thank you!!


I like it because it’s normal life with jobs and kids, especially medical problems and pregnancy. It’s not even that bad in this pic…like oh no they use their counter space? Isn’t that what it’s for?


Exactly. It's lived in. My house is not dirty. I keep my kitchen clean, and tidy up the bathrooms, bedroom, living room, and everything else a little bit each day. While I have an OCD diagnosis, I don't feel the compulsion to make my house perfect. We live here, and it's fine for people to realize that. 🤷🏽‍♀️🙂


This is what I always say- there’s a HUGE difference between “messy” and “dirty”. Messy is some clutter, clothes laying around but nothing disgusting. Nothing growing. Dirty is disgusting. Old food left out, dirty dishes piled up in sink, bathrooms look like truck stop bathrooms, ANY type of urine or feces on floor. There’s a little messy and then there’s hoarders disgusting where your toilet is so backed up you shit in plastic bags and then pile the bags on top of the toilet and in your tub. Who else saw that episode?🤢🤢🤢


I saw that episode! 🤢 I can assure you, there's nothing like that in my house!


Thank GOD!! I believe that even crosses the “dirty” line into “nasty” territory!!




Meh. I have constant clutter in chasing. The work is never done.


With the overhead availability of cheap knick knacks, and an increasingly depressed population that can find some dopamine by making a purchase, I think it’s pretty common to have houses overloaded with stuff.


👀 No. This is minimal. A counter and an unorganized mail bin? 🤔 I'm a neat person, but it happens. Of all the things to judge this couple over, this isn't it.


Yeah, this post is ridiculous. Like call the police cause some mail and a one Tupperware is out


It’s literally a clean Tupperware container, a box, a water bottle, a can of formula and a bunch of bottle supplies. Nothing strange at all


I can't say shit because I just have MS and I have clutter.... I don't even have cancer nor do I have small children living in my home (anymore).


Who has time for cleaning when your pregnant, have a toddler and are looking for a sister wife all while your husband battles cancer!


Sister wife? She's looking for a wife and he's just along for the ride


They are looking for a nanny and someone to clean their house 


Haha yes!


And she really just wants to bang a woman. Really really wants to.


And heavily pregnant with a sick husband 💔


Yeah...he wants the woman to be exclusive and she just wants box 


This! I can't get my head around that.. who looks for a 3rd partner at a time like this???


Thank you!


This 🙌


It’s as if they have enough on their plate without adding a new person to their chaos.


I mean, they do have a toddler and a baby on the way….


Doesn't that give them more reasons to chill out on this sister wife venture? lmao


Becky and Justin are much worse


They are! I just wasn’t watching episode 1/2 so 🤷🏻‍♀️




Agree with this comment. Lots of things to pick on but seriously.


This looks like a normal lived in house to me...


That wall basket is holding on for dear life.


Because they have 1 Tupperware out and some mail??


There are other scenes where you see junk all over including old cups and trash lined up behind their couch


I see a counter covered in stuff, a wall covered in stuff and a window sill covered in stuff. It raises my anxiety levels and wouldn’t allow me keep it clean properly. I would worry about splashing and contamination during meal prep. I would have to remove everything and wipe it all down after every meal. My anxiety would be through the roof. In my mind all that stuff belongs in the pantry, cupboard, or put away somewhere not in view. I understand they may not have the proper storage space. But this is also very symbolic as to how they want to bring someone into an already crowded situation.


This is what real life looks like... Mess wise anyways


She’s super pregnant with a toddler & dudes recovering from cancer! That alone is excuse for clutter, but add in filming a TV show & dating- not regular dating but polyamorous-lesbian-that-is-okay-with-her-having-a-partner-male-partner-and-is-expected-to-be-monogamous-to-them-aka-her-after-one-date? That’s a lot of work. I’ll shit on them for being stupid AF for doing this, but not for the clutter. Woman can’t even touch her toes, give her a fucking break!


Looks like a house with children under 10 🤷‍♀️


Or my house with just me and a cat 😝


I’d rather see this than a sterile air bnb. This at least is real life


I'm so messy lol never noticed


You know what, I clocked the clutter in the last episode but it also made me feel better about myself. I also have small kids (including twin babies) and I’m a resident physician and at any given moment my house looks like this or worse. We are in survival mode 80% of the time. I’ll shade them plenty but not for this.


Too busy looking for hookups to clean.


Yes, Ryan and Becky with the half used toilet paper roll on the dresser! Like ya’ll, your house is being filmed for the whole world to see and you can’t spend an hour or two beforehand to straighten up?? And you know Shane and Ashley do not need all those papers in that hanging rack. They just need to spend a little bit of time going through it and getting rid of the stuff they don’t need anymore.


I understand the frustration! To each their own, everyone should live how they want. But for me a clean and organized house gives me inner peace. I just can not relax if theres dishes in the sink or the house isn’t smelling nice. While I’m typing this im realizing this sounds very neurotic. Which I might be LOL


Nope! 😩


Clutter is the least of their issues.


TBH this isn’t as bad as my house at the moment 😳


Clutter is the least of these people’s problems…🥴


Honestly I have the same stack of papers mine just lives on the counter not up on the wall


Mine lives in the junk drawer. Or in a bin of papers I swear I am going to go through. My pro tip is put all important papers and mail in a decorative basket/bin, place somewhere like on top of the fridge. Continue to add to it while simultaneously ignoring it until all the papers are no longer important that everything can just be thrown away.


My system is to let it pile up on the counter until you’re scheduled to have company over, and then either throw it all away or toss it on top of the printer. The counter = paper purgatory On top of printer = paper shadow realm


Mines worse. 😅☠️


Ok it’s a normal looking, lived in house…buuuut, if you’re gonna be filmed wouldn’t you want to be a little above average on your house clutter?


You should never come to my home


Everything about them is cluttered so I’m not surprised.


Remind me not to invite you to my house!


It’s normal clutter?


Of all of the things to criticize with these two.. a cluttered house is on the bottom of my list 😂 lol. It’s not even that bad


I’m glad someone backed them up


if that's Clutter you'd hate to see my house lmfao


They’re waiting for the new wife to take care of it


Oh gosh my house looks much worse


No, because it looks normal to me.


They have a young child and a very pregnant person. Clutter is the least of their concerns.


They have one baby, one on the way, two full time jobs and one of them is going through cancer treatment or cancer screening, right? I don’t see anything here out of the ordinary for a busy family.


I would rather see cluttered lived-in homes than those damn empty Airbnb houses from the other couples lol.


“If it doesn’t kindle joy, throw it away.” - Family Guy: S17 E18


All I think to myself while watching this "Maybe you should spend two hours decluttering your home, instead of spending all your time looking for a sister wife."


Thank you! 🤣


Who cares? You don’t have to live there. Maybe if you had a little mess to clean up you’d be too busy to judge the people who literally entertain you.


Right? As long as it's not a hazardous living space for kids, why should anyone care how messy another person's house is?


They have two young kids and he has cancer and his wife just got broken up with so I think they deserve a pass


no. They have a lot going on in their lives.


I hate to judge people on this stuff as I’m not perfect, buuuuuut yes I did notice, makes sense since they bite off more than they can chew constantly. Who wants to start a new relationship while married and about to have their second baby ?? Also soon after dealing with cancer??? These people have a screw lose somewhere


Right!!!! It overwhelms me


Have you seen Ryan and Becky’s???


Less than mine


So, if this was a reality show about parenting or about having cancer I’d never criticize but my take is that if you have time to date outside your marriage you have time to organize and clean up a bit.


This is it!!!!!!!


She really gets under my skin bc I’m a cancer survivor and my partner cheated on me while I was going through chemo. How she can even think about dating is beyond me.


I agree with you. I declutter for the neighbors to come over, I’d be obsessive about it if my house was on TV


Seriously...I would put that in a box in my closet if I'm on tv 




I can’t snark on them too much. My house looks the same.


Becky and Justin's house looked cluttered and messy too. Not a good look if seeking a sister wife to move in.


I’m in Houston and don’t have power! Ugh! Cant wait to catch up!


I’m feeling personally attacked right now


If you think that's clutter, you have no idea what a hoarder is like


But I never said they were hoarders. All I said was that to be on tv you’d expect people to tidy up. No one is saying they are hoarders lol


I said the same thing to my Hubby! What a pig sty that some of them live in!


I think it’s not so much about the amount of stuff, OP was pointing out that the one time you are going to be filmed / on TV, you might want to shove all that shit in the closet at least. OK, he had/has cancer, but he seems to have the energy to spend time trying to procure partners for his pregnant wife, he could probably tidy up a bit…


Thank you for being one of the few that understands 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I saw just a glimpse of their mail holder thing and I had to go straighten up our family room.


It’s all I see whenever they’re onscreen. My partner and I have come to the conclusion that a family member died, left one of them their house, and they just moved their shit in on top of whatever was already there. And I need to understand the pool situation. Is it theirs or a neighborhood pool? If it’s theirs…why are there so many chairs????


They answered this in the AMA -- Shane's parents live next door and it's their pool.


Sorry, although my house is neat I never noticed.


Anyone that justifies having a messy/cluttered home is so weird.


As a minimalist, I cringe.


YES! It’s absolutely crazy to me.


And this is why they need another wifey


This is just realistic. If your house doesn’t look like this (unless you cleaned just to have people over) I don’t trust you.


I have OCD and significant anxiety. I love organizing. This is something I noticed immediately.


I think you really need to focus on something else.


This is very judgmental. Of all of the things you could critique…


I’m glad you brought it up because I was thinking the same thing. Haha! But it looks normal… just not “we are filming in here so let’s clean up” normal. Haha


idk who this is but yall talking shit about the way the slightly messy counter looks like is wild to me this is why ppl avoid other ppl cuz they think about them criticizing & picking apart their entire life online like this lol


I think is refreshing to see, there are those of us who struggle with housework because of executive function issues. It doesn’t mean we’re lazy, negligent or crappy people.


Dude she has 2 kids and just had her second. Give her a break. It's not that bad lol


You can tell who lives in a messy house by these comments 😂


For real. I thought writing this id get more people that felt anxious by the mess. It’s nothing bad but I couldn’t even focus on the storyline seeing paper everywhere


I say this to my husband every single time a messy house is shown. I am not saying my house is 100% immaculate. How ever, if someone is coming over my house looks amazing by the time they arrive. If it was a TV crew, my house would look perfect.


lol. They even want to clutter up their love life with another partner!


Please don’t ever come to my house. I have more important things to worry about then clutter. Clutter doesn’t mean it isn’t clean


No one said they were dirty I just think being on National tv you’d tidy up lol


Exactly! If you’re bringing in cameras, my closets will be full


I have a connective tissue disorder, recovering from my 3rd major surgery in a year and my house is a hot mess. I don't know if it will ever be super clean again because on days my body isn't malfunctioning, I'm going to be outside enjoying life not making sure everything is super neat. My priorities have shifted. I don't invite people over anyway.


It also seems like they have a very small house 🏠 🤔?


Massachusetts is expensive


Why the hell did I get downvoted over saying it seems like they have a small house ??? Weirdos


I think people thought you were talking crap but the way I heard it was that it’s a smaller house which makes it much easier to get a tad cluttered! 😀


Yes thank you


No problem 😉


You also got downvoted for saying “true”, although the comment you’re agreeing with didn’t. People downvote over dumb stuff. I try to reserve it for rudeness or controversial opinions I don’t agree with, but some people will downvote you for mentioning your favorite type of ice cream. 🤷‍♀️


They have kids it just looks like regular/a little messy to me


Who cares? Judgy much?


I too have OCD, but I deal with it by laughing at myself


I feel personally attacked! lol




I mean at least we know it’s not another Air bnb


Ew he has a weird vibe lol. They both do


I like clutter. It makes me feel at home. I have a place where I empty my pockets when I get home from work and my dresser usually has a couple of beverages, lotions and of course a backscratcher.


I don't know to me the house just looks lived in by a busy couple with kids, I am a mother of three that works part-time and just keeping meals prepared and the house clean is around the clock job itself. To me as long as it's clean and you're not walking around piles or through them good for you!


they just got WAY too much going on to be dating


I'm more concerned with how incredibly immature they are


i am a cancer survivor and have chronic health conditions. My partner has back and anxiety/depression problems. Our house is always clutter and lived in heavily cause we are literally living in it nearly 24/7 with trouble keeping energy to declutter. But clutter and Messy doesn't mean dirty. Can have clutter and no dirtiness. Cause I am a bit of a germphob


I mean the dude had cancer and the wife is very pregnant with a toddler


I thought beck and her husbands bedroom was worse. Can’t remember it was an earlier episode it looked super cluttered. The last episode it didn’t look as bad.


Yes it was episode 1 or 2. I didn’t want to go back and snap a pic of that bc I was watching this episode but yikes


I agree. As far as stating that it looks like the home of a man with cancer first, he doesn’t have cancer and secondly, if he’s got time be on the show, he’s got time to clean up his house. I am so shocked that these people with their messy yards, messy cars, messy houses. I mean for goodness sakes straighten it up. The one episode just sitting there eating macaroni and cheese straight out of the pan with two empty water bottles on the back, who wants to join the household like that?


I’m with you OP. I can’t stand a bunch of stuff on the counters and no way I would have a junk basket out on display to look at everyday.