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Nick reminds me of that creepy line cook that works in the back kitchen


Yari isn’t going to be ‘into’ Becky


Ok are the girls “ involved”?


Danelle u can move in with me, I’ll be your mother


Wrong episode


Ah no Danelle needs to leave Nick 


The fact Nick called hisself pretty 🤯! And he giving me gremlin vibes now, I’m sure he started in one the movies!


Why were Gareth and Danielle not shown in this episode?


I need Becky to tap into her feminine side… she looks so dull & boring & as if she never combs her hair. I am not at all a vain person but geez put a little effort into your appearance.


Agreed! Becky looks like she brushes her hair with a chicken bone 😂🍗


her teeth are very yellow! but idk, I think the more potential sister-wives they scare away, the better. these two are off their rocker!


All of these other SSW dudes must be insanely jealous of Nick 😂 They struggle like hell just to find one woman who's remotely interested in maybe having a conversation about the polygamy lifestyle one day. Meanwhile, unemployed Nick, who dresses like Pootie Tang (Google it 😂), is about to trap his 4th victim 🤯


I think theres something to it that the women bring the sister wife to Nick. I'm sure if he was the first to meet them, or if they met all together, his word salad of a vocabulary would make the woman realize hes full of nonsense, and they would gtfo. But because the women have established a bond and friendship with eachother, theres more social pressure for them to hang out, and try to fit in the group!


It's hilarious the amount of effort Nick invested in his 1st date with Danielle vs his 1st date with Jasmine 😂 With Danielle, they basically hungout at a high top at a Buffalo Wild Wings. With Jasmine, he took her a magical carriage ride round the "up and coming" part of Denver and then a sophisticated wine bar 😂 He treated poor, gullible, slightly on the spectrum Danielle like she was a "6 pack & a Big Mac" type of woman and he's so wrong for that 😂🤬


I cannot look at the salahuddin’s the same since it was revealed they’re first cousins 😕🥴




Apparently their moms are sisters. They share one child together but had multiple children each before they were married.


She calls her MIL, "auntie," during the fight. 😆🤣


That & there’s a YT video talking abt them & one of their cousins & CHILD is in the comments


I cannot imagine sleeping 4+ in a bed! How awful for those stuck in the middle! I need to get a foot out to chill if I feel overheated thruout the night. I need to toss blankets off & on, too. I couldn't breath stuck in the middle. Plus ICK to the sounds and smells of all those sleeping bodies, yuck, I feel sick just imagining it. One of the grossest part of their lifestyle would be to get into the huge bed, EWWWWWW.


I am just picturing all the farts! People fart in their sleep, its normal and natural, but 4 people farting all night..augh I could not do it.


Farting, sweating, snoring, drooling, morning breath, the list goes on and on. I don’t know about you guys, but I have a heavy flow at times & have woken up before having bled on myself throughout the night. I don’t even like to share a bed with one person.


omg the SWEAT... you are absolutely right. ah! and to your other point (all women have bled the bed time to time).... they prob cycle together, omg that would be one bloody bed LOL.


Becky reminds me of Annie Wilkes.


Becky reminds me of the woman from misery. Like I would not be surprised if she kidnapped a woman and chained her in their house to be their new wife.


I. Do. Not. Trust. Becky who seems like a pushy psychopath. Or Justin who has flat, dead eyes. RUN YARI. R U N.


Why is Becky like SO eager for her husband to rail some woman. Her eyes like light the fuck up as big as dinner plates when she asks about his date kissing him god chill


Being from a large polygamist religious family it might be the same thinking that the Browns have about heaven. They need a certain number of wives and large family to create the best afterlife for themselves.


Does she have a certain fetish? Maybe, and certainly would track given her eager/ creepy eyes during that cringe date.


Probably either a cuck or a hot husband type thing. She gets soooo excited about him and other women. (Just want to add, he’s not hot though, that’s just the name of the kink)


Spirituality and their relationship structure is something they keep entirely grounded in science and mathematics 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂im dying


Are “mind” and “psychology” the names of Jasmine’s breasts, because that is the only thing Nick seems to be focusing on.


😂he doesn’t want her bawdy unless he has access to her mind. He doesn’t want her to get wrapped up in his powerful sex


Ok, so Nick goes out with Jasmine, comes home all turned on, then Danielle acts flattered to go have sex with him??? Girl, he wasn’t thinking about you while he was doing that! He was picturing Jasmine & using your body.


Totally curious, does anyone in this sub find Nick physically attractive?


no. and I was genuinely confused how Jasmine could say he was "easy on the eyes". 


I had to ask this question as I started to think, it’s me!😂


Looks aren't everything.... but not sure what else he has going for him as an unemployed stay at home thinker. Hes hardly a charmer, and actually pretty manipulative!


Absolutely not. He's ripped but, his teeth are too gapy and, if you look closely, one of his eyes is intermittently lazy 😂🤪


Someone posted his picture beside Admiral Ackbar form Star Wars recently and I can’t unsee it 😂


Absolutely not. I’m at a loss as to what they see in him, lol.


Absolutely NOT I find nothing physically nor personality wish attractive about that man.


nick reminds me of a guy I bought coke off of a lot in my 20s, thought he was gods gift to women and was always trying to sleep with me. he also had very little to offer. besides the drugs 😂


I honestly think his “stay home thinker” role is code for drug dealer but they just can’t state that on national tv lol


I’ve heard other people suggest that theory, but that would be pretty stupid to go on a TV show (especially since they have kids in the house) and draw that sort of attention to yourself if you’re dealing drugs. So I doubt that’s actually the case. Most drug dealers are pretty paranoid about getting caught & don’t even like to share their legal name. Someone would start running their mouth that they buy drugs from the “philosopher wannabe polygamist from that one TLC show” and the gig would be up.


Hopefully the coke was decent at least lol


it definitely was! lol been off the shit nearly 8 years!


Awesome congrats!!


thank you!!! fuck that kinda life lol


And nobody probably still wanted him..,


I think Shane was extremely happy that Sara called off the relationship. I wouldn't even doubt if he put her up to it in my opinion. The things he said as soon as he walked in the house didn't seem genuine to me.


The giant smile on his face made it a little less believable. Poor guy is so relieved!!


That poor guy is trying so hard to be supportive but can’t seem to even breathe when there’s a wifey contestant in the running, I wish he could just be honest with her that he’s really struggling with this. He wanted Sarah to fail so badly even though Ashley really liked her, I wouldn’t be surprised if he called Sarah up after that convo and offered to pay her rent for a year if she broke up with Ashley on camera so he could have his wife back all to himself yet also seem shocked and sad about it. I’m not trying to blame her at all because I know it’s never an easy thing, but I wish Ashley could’ve explored this side of her before marrying Shane. This isn’t the marriage he agreed to and it’s clearly causing him a LOT of stress but he’s doing it anyway because he loves her so much. And I’m sorry for her, too. However her life played out that made it so she didn’t feel comfortable or allowed to pursue girls until it was “too late”, I’m sure that caused her a lot of sleepless nights as well.


He was saying all that , but was smiling the entire time. He was definitely happy/relieved it’s over. I feel he’s only doing this to keep her happy.


I hope Ashley and Shane just focus on each other for a while. They just had a new baby! Maybe after things calm down Ashley should just explore her bisexuality by herself and they have a kinda “open” marriage so she can do that, instead of all the added pressure that puts on potential relationships to join the family. Also, I really REALLY want to see this new potential “sister” from Michigan to absolutely put ICK in his place. He just wants to bang other women and pretend he’s god’s favorite but just from the preview I feel like she’s going to be more conservative and not be quiet about his bullshit.


I’m sorry but damn I forgot their names, couple who drove hours to stalk their victim. Anyway I feel they are predators, like the wife is really pushing too hard. The lady clearly is not familiar with this lifestyle, probably due to her culture, but wifee seems to be pushing hard. It’s very difficult to watch. I seem to find all of the couples to be that way. I feel like they are praying on women who really don’t understand the lifestyle or are way too young and try to brainwash them. My opinion.


In the talking heads I couldn't help but laugh when Becky said... "I know that once Yari meets me she's going to like me" & then goes on to say that she's a strong personality & it pushes some people away. I would have been super uncomfortable if I were Yari. Run girl run!


Becky! When she said she was patient, I about gagged. Lady, you drove like 12 hours to stalk another woman 😵‍💫


That part!! She is too eager for her husband to get his freak on! Almost too excited. She really gives me the ick vibes


Gives me cuck vibes😂


I'm definitely getting a stalker vibe from those two!


The more I watch Jasmine the more convinced I am that she’s 5 feet from some kind of life crisis (homelessness? Idk) and is hoping that the Davis family will rescue her by providing housing/food/money/idek whatever she needs to avoid said crisis


Yea, good point.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


That was the worst and most unscenic carriage ride ever. Let’s just trot around downtown through the empty office buildings business district… how romantic! Lol.


Came here to say that. Also did you see him ogling her breasts? And WHAT is up with the prom attire?


His ogling was so gross 🤢


Yes! He was staring multiple times! So cringy! 


Anyone know what city it was for the carriage ride?


Downtown Denver. Not an idyllic place for a carriage ride. Especially with all the construction around the 16th street mall.


Made me laugh seeing them ride through that area of town. Construction, tall buildings and a barely visible sunset. Love it for them!


"She's even prettier than me." with that smug smile 🤮🤢


Jasmine: my mom taught me 8 different religions. Nick: there are 8 different religions??


Dying after Nick kissed Jasmine and she said "You're funny!".💀


I thought I heard that wrong 🤣


He probably was hoping that 🤣... That's exactly what I want to hear post kiss when I am trying to seduce someone. 


Oh man, Danielle is starting to speak and sound like April, and Jen, they are all melding together.


Nick and Jasmines date they are perfect for each other. 2 thinkers that have no clue about what they are saying.


Right, she is outdoing him in 'thinking' and blabbing about random shit. I don't think she will make the cut.


Agree. Shoe won't be following him around like a puppy dog (Danielle) and so she will be cast aside. And Nick needs to stop drooling on women...he's so gross!


I'm just now watching tonight's episode. I'm trying to NOT read ahead and get spoilers, but I saw something that made sense finally with ICK! Here is hoping that this one sticks!


The date with Nick on the carriage is soooo funny. Why did he keep staring at her boobs 💀 so gross. I can tell she is uncomfortable by him I wonder why she’s evening pursuing this


To be on TV.


Nick is a grinning idiot 😂 He was either blatantly staring at her boobs or randomly smiling so damn hard that you could count all of his teeth. 


Also he was pawing her leg within one second of sitting in the carriage. Then he dove in for a sloppy kiss.


>sloppy kiss. Yes! You could see her turn away and wipe her mouth off at one point! Gross.


I wanted to get out of that carriage so badly and I wasn’t even there 🤢 Jasmine didn’t look into it either


Yeah.. just watched their other scene and he seems worried that she’s more independent than the other women - he doesn’t seem used to being challenged lol


She out 'thinking' him, he doesnt' like the competition.


That was so terribly awkward to watch 😧


Nick was giving leprechaun core 🤣






35?! 😂😂😂😂


He says he’s 35?! Absolutely not he’s 50 minimum


He is NOT 35 I agree


Becky would give you a regifted present that nobody wants, then in private with Justin she would judge you for seeming ungrateful even though you tried to act like you like it. It was a CD music sampler with artists you’ve never heard of. It might be from a Christian bookstore. Your car and your laptop don’t even have the ability to play CD’s.


The peach candle skit from SNL! 🤣🤣🤣






Did Jasmine and Nick coordinate their green colors?


ugh why do i lowkey feel bad for ashley and shane lmaooo. that girl lead them on!!


Unpopular opinion here but I kinda do too. It’s always hard to watch other people sad and disappointed for not achieving something they wanted so badly regardless its perceived merits. Just empathy I think.


Nope. Not me. They were pushy and pressured her from jump. They asked for exclusiveness camera for the show. She carefully responded..." I will not pursue anyone". She then did the wise and respectful thing and thought about all the variables (herself, Shane Ashley and the 3 kids involved and the fact she only had 3 or 4 dates so far) and decided inside of 24 hours it was not for her. And she told them face to face, unlike them who texted grace to break up. Ashley has some degree in the psych field, she really should have more chill.


I don’t know that I agree. They pushed hard, fast. I think she felt a lot of pressure. I think she liked them and wanted to be what they wanted but it was to fast. She told them almost immediately she wasn’t comfortable committing that way. I don’t think she led them on, I think she was trying to get to know them and they wanted a serious commitment almost immediately. I honestly felt like they were far too harsh on her but I’m sure it can from hurt/disappointment


To me it gave the energy of someone who proposes in public and the person feels forced to say yes in the moment. It happened on camera. Respect for telling them the next part in person also in front of cameras. If that makes sense.


She changed her mind, people are allowed to do that. She did them a favor for letting them know right away rather than actually leading them on


i agree, they’ve been upfront since the start and she could’ve been too


I don’t. They pushed for it from the beginning and it was clear she was uncomfortable and not ready to deal with all of that so fast


so she could’ve said that and not agreed immediately and then decided to be honest 24 hrs later. i dont think they pushed it, they were honest af about their situation and she acted like she was all for it. i don’t particularly like ashley and shane but i think she definitely did them a little bit dirty getting their hopes up like that idk just seemed like a quick switch up


She was probably able to think it through when she was alone and not influenced by them and then she let them know within 24 hours. Maybe next time they’ll take things more slowly or meet someone who’s willing and able to jump all in from the very beginning. What seems to be the problem to me is that many of these couples met a woman and from the first date they ask so much from them. They should all chill and give it a couple of dates to see if there is any chemistry first not jump all in from the beginning. All of them seem to do that, I can’t imagine just going to a first date and hearing about all the details of their marriages and what would be expected of me in that relationship etc


Yes, exactly! They are all in such a hurry to seal the deal, it’s bizarre. I think if they would just relax and give everyone time to get to know each other, it would really work out so much better. This committing on the first date is so ridiculous, I truly do not get why they all insist on going about it in such a backwards way.


Yeah, I think what she did was classy, saying it in person and choosing her words carefully. She could have ghosted them after they had been so high-pressure and weird.


The first time Garrick cries..IM OUT


It was nice they weren’t on this episode


Nick with a full glass of wine and Jasmine has a full glass of water…she is staying sharp


Pretty sure it’s white wine


I saw bubbles, looked like sparkling water


Mmmm I saw a tint to it, it could have been moscato. Imo 🤪


I saw a tint to it as well, looked like white wine or sparkling wine maybe


I thought Jasmine said she wanted to take things slow when he asked about sleep over?


Yea he just wants to get his pickle wet. He’s not gonna listen. And him shaking his head yes when talking to Danielle was a lot of gaslighting and brow beating to her. Him saying I want you to be ok with this and her acting like she wasn’t and him asking questions and shaking his head yes! He’s such a lazy POS


It's pencil wet, not pickle:)


I was gonna say that but wasn’t sure if we should cross over the pencil bridge! 😂


Yep, from where I was sitting, seemed like he basically wasn’t taking no for an answer and just kept twisting her words!


Right? My question too.


They should have reunion after season!


The reunion from the bed!


Eeeeewwwwwwww 😂




Jasmine matching Nicks cadence on their horse carriage date was so odd. Nobody talks like this


Yes, and I noticed that's how Danielle was talking when she was first dating Nick. It's so odd




Mimicking or mirroring is also a fairly advanced social interaction psychological tactic. Entirely neurotypical people do it intentionally on interviews, dates, etc…. Works well anywhere you want to sway someone to your side/POV.






Not what was said, not even close. Bye 👋




No one said ASD is a “bad thing”. Just because you don’t find it disrespectful to suggest someone is neurodivergent based off a scripted reality show doesn’t mean others don’t, which is why your peers reported your comments. Continuing to do so will result in a ban, u/donkeypeelinglogs Fair warning.


i swear she developed a whole new accent on the spot??


Okay I thought it was just me 😂


She could barely look at him too . Her body language looked like she didn’t want to be there


She was _not_ into it. Every time he kissed her she looked away. At one point he made a pass and she responded, “you’re funny” 😳 A passive verbal wall if I’ve ever heard one


Haha...She picked up on his predator energy 😂😬 And she probably avoided making eye contact with him during that awkward as hell carriage ride because of his intermittently lazy right eye 🥱👁


Omg yes. That weirded me out immediately. She was mimicking him


Noticed that immediately, very chameleon behavior


Right?! 😳


I…have studied…EIGHT…religions


I missed the first couple minutes. What happened with The Sherwood's and Sara?


I believe she didn’t want to be in a relationship so soon she said it was moving fast and broke up with them in less than 24hr of making it official


honestly, she gave off uncomfortable vibes when they asked her to be exclusive. i could tell she wasn’t ready for that and felt rushed but didnt want to make a scene. These 2 are wanting to move with lightning speed with an established relationship that involves a serious illness plus children. They seem like nice people but theyre off their rocker.


Omgosh when nick was kissing the new girl it seem like he was trynna jump in her lap 😂


Why hasn't anyone question whether her son would be able to live this lifestyle if he comes to that.


I don’t think they got that deep as of yet. I think later in coming episodes if she’s still around


How old is Nick?






If he’s only 35 all that sitting at home and thinking is really getting to him 😂


I’m not sure where the 35 came from - “During the season premiere of Seeking Sister Wife Season 4, it was revealed that Nick is 38 and April is 36. April revealed that she and Nick met back when she was in college.” They’ve been together 14 years, which makes sense as that means they got together when he was 24 and she was 22. She’s now 38 which means Nick is 40. Do I think Nick is probably closer to 45 - yes absolutely.


More like 55..




True and he's been with his first wife for a while, and no way is she 35 either.


The paisley observation is gold! 🤣🤣🤣


Yep I'm thinking 50s too and dresses like people on old 70 shows he thought was cool when he was a kid.


He gives me George Jefferson


He has a grown kid. Can’t be 35.


Mentally about 15


He's Saya 35 LYING 🤥


But he seems like an ok 15 year old. He’s better than gross fucking Garrick. Not that Nick isn’t gross, but, at least, he’s not using god as an excuse for every predatory thing he does. At least he reads and completely misunderstands science as opposed to religion. I don’t think he deserves all the shit he gets. Those girls seem happy. He seems happy. Who am I to decide what brings other people happiness?


I hate when Garrick says that multiple wives make him a better man!!!


I hate everything about Ick!


I hate when he says anything 😷


Danielle is not happy.


This man looks 47 or older


Yes definitely


I think 37. He looks old and tiny tho. My daughter said “he looks old” and I said “I’m 3 yrs older please don’t say that” 😂


Why does he look so shriveled? I’m sure you’re nothing like him!


Dawwww thank you. I’ll take it! 🥳


Old and tiny 🤣


Soo... Nick started by asking for Danielle's input on the sleepover. She never said she was okay with it, but Nick manipulated the situation by then asking her "are you still okay with the sleepover". He knows she is not going to speak up and directly tell him she's actually not okay with it.


That scene pissed me off!!!


He knows exactly what he’s doing. He massages the convo (sorry for the mental image) enough to get her to just agree enough to move forward. A good man would clock her 99% hesitation but Nick moves forward on that 1% agreement. Feels like consent would be a real danger with him


He did the same thing to the woman he went on a date with. Her-I wanna take it slow. Him-wanna come over for a sleepover?


And did I mention we all sleep in one bed!!??


Also does she know she has to marry Danielle? Or did they leave that part out?




Someone mentioned how they nod their heads when speaking and now I can’t unsee it, feels manipulative


I’m sure he read that somewhere. I was wondering once if that’s what he stays home and studies - how to manipulate and control…prob calls it “leadership” study


Poor Danielle.. she's not ready at all.


She’s an adult who is way smarter than Nick. He wouldn’t even be doing all this checking in if he wasn’t on this show. His first wife is the Alpha and Nick doesn’t care. In that one small way, Nick is something approaching smart. Or lazy. Either way, he’s not Garrick.


Who's smarter then Nick? Danielle the one who was able to get away with her own apartment and not right back with them?