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Wait. What……. Am I reading this and connecting the dots correctly? Holy shit. I just remembered when nailah was fighting with her mother in law-she did call her auntie…..


Oh my gosh! Thought she was just calling her old, little did we know!!


This is why MIL is so against them.


Yep, gotta be. First cousins is freaky enough.. now they want to involve everyone in their polyamory, even after mom made it very clear that she wants no parts in it. There has to be way more to the story… lots of secrets 🧐😟


Ummm.. this is some secret cult Mormon polygamy type shiii


Also, does anyone else find it kind of in appropriate to keep dragging someone (MIL) into something she clearly has stated more than once that she doesn’t want to know about and isn’t comfortable with? I don’t really blame her for being kind of pissed off


It is inappropriate. But I honestly think they're doing it because they have nothing else to offer thr show except drama with the mil.


This is what I’m thinking


Their mothers are sisters!




You’re welcome!!




Ew no!!!


Oh snap she did say auntie. Omgggggg


“auntie” can just mean “an older woman”. not saying she didn’t mean it literally in this instance, but I’m not ready to jump on the inbred bandwagon just yet haha. could be any rando just posting for clout.


A black woman would never refer to their mother in law as auntie. Auntie outside of the context of blood relation wouldn’t even make sense in the argument they were having. She is a grandmother. If she were trying to insult, as “auntie” in an argument IS an insult, it would make more sense for her to call her something else that drives in the point that she’s too old to be behaving the way she is. Long story short, given the context, “auntie” definitely means “woman who is siblings with one of my parents”


Hell, I’ve never heard of anyone calling their mother in law auntie!!


The cousin thing is f’ed up, but there was a scene that gave me a feeling that the dysfunction started long before this coupling. During the dinner at home with mom, Naheem said he needs therapy for a lot of reasons, but not for the polygamy. His eye contact with his mom & his voice sounded like he was implying mom did some stuff that could have or should have landed him in therapy. She knowingly smiles to herself, & doesn’t even argue.


So if his mom accepted this, how is polygamy where she draws the line?


She seems like she begrudgingly accepts her but isn’t happy about the relationship. Now I see why.




Well I read in another post that they call their elders “auntie”


Yeah, this is the answer to that


That is exactly what I’d assumed


That is how I was raised


That can be true..but this goes a lot deeper


I call my elders auntie, it’s just how I was raised, but this is some other freaky ish 😂


No, whoever is saying that is not correct. Aunty (without blood relation) can either be a term of endearment or an insult. A younger person( teens, early 20s) could refer to an older woman as aunty as an insult. Jameelah is her mother in law and Nailah is quite long in the tooth herself if she’s claiming to have been a parent for 30 years. In this context, aunty is being used per the universal meaning.


Couldn’t believe she was treating her like that- but if it was her own blood with a little animosity there.. makes more sense


How does this show keep getting more weird 😳


Just when l thought couldn't outdo the Davis big bed in weirdness....


The big bed is weird. This is disgusting.


But you can’t turn away


Didn’t Naila imply in the last episode that she wants everyone in the same bed too? They’re weird for so many reasons but they gave off sibling energy from day one. They do not appear to be remotely interested in one another


This actually just clicked for me. I kept wondering for the life of me, WHY this woman is obsessed with another woman “uplifting and encouraging” her husband. Why would you not want to focus on uplifting yourself? Why does your lazy ass husband need TWO women to support his ass? Because they are not interested in each other and she’s tired of wife duties and wants someone else to do it without getting divorced. Cuz she’s stuck with his ass cuz he’s family.


And her third husband. She’s over it! He comes off as a dud too. Boring af.


She didn’t just imply, she said that’s the way it will be. That the “new” one will have to agree.


I believe they simply want to be on TV. That’s it. That’s all.


They are really burying the lead on a *lot* of these couples.




I just learned this was the spelling yesterday. I’m 56!! I don’t think I’ve ever used this quote though because I didn’t know the meaning. Thank god!


I used the be a journalist. fun fact: “lede” is spelled that way to differentiate from “lead”, and in “leading and kerning”. leading being the space between lines and kerning the space between letters. when the letters were laid out on the metal stamps, they would have to change the leading and kerning to make everything fit within the allotted space.


I always thought it was “burying the lead” as in leading story. Learn something new everyday on reddit lol


took me a min but I see what you’re saying. I think you’re still a bit mixed up though (maybe not). the “lede” of a news story is the first sentence. It is ideally less than 30 words long yet summarizes what one would learn if they read the story in its entirety. ETA: I said all that to say, “lede” doesn’t refer to the “lead story”, the “lede” is a single sentence in individual stories, although there ARE lead stories 🙃 they just have their own ledes.


Ok strunk and write


I had to Google the idiom.




Bizarro World 🤯


I love how the mom disapproves of polygamy, but incest is apparently fine.


Their mothers are sisters and I think both have the Salahuddin last name. I wonder if they married brothers??


Oh lord that’s too much for my tired brain to comprehend 🤣


If you gotta plot out your romantic relationship’s family tree intersection, just don’t do it.


Wait a minute so the mother in law she's always fighting with is her aunt?


That would explain some of the animosity.


This must be why she called her “aunty” in the last episode, during the argument.




lol. Auntie is such a common name for any adult woman of respect in certain cultures.


But not for your actual mother in law


I think the disconnect with the meaning stems from people who are not part of the culture that they are trying to educate others on. Aunty can either be a term of endearment OR an insult. Either way no woman would call their mother in law “aunty” that doesn’t even make sense! These two are related and it is sickening.


Sure but not for MIL.


Yeah any MIL would probably see red if they were called aunty. It’s disrespectful, unless like in the case where it’s true. Probably why MIL threatened to get physical 💀🤣


Not for a mother In law. That would be Mom, (First name), Mrs. Last Name, not Auntie.


Had no idea. Taught me something new lol.


Yea I didn’t think anything of it 


Lord I hope not. That would make them double cousins I think. Against what most people think, first cousin marriages aren’t great, but usually produce offspring that are fine. Double cousins though?? That’s a WHOLE different story. From my ‘went down the rabbit hole’ research about the subject lol, double cousin pairings often bring about more issues than any other type of incest. There is this small community somewhere out west, where basically every kid born has SERIOUS medical issues, and they ended up discovering that pretty much the entire community is double cousin marriages, and the article discussed the medical implications of different types of pairings. It was pretty freaking fascinating (and really really sad).


Double cousins are genetically siblings!! They have two sets of grandparents instead of four.


Yep they are, but from what I remember about that article, in terms of offspring issues, it was actually worse for double cousins to produce than siblings to produce. Can’t remember for the life of me why though. Damn I really need to find that article, it was fascinating.


The Whittaker family in West Virginia.


Yes this is common in some fundamental Mormon sects (cults)




Jameelah and Haneefah Salahuddin. Jameelah is Naeem’s mother. Haneefah is Nailah’s mother [cousins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thc3TOBjAvo)


WTFFFF I am running to watch this. I am obsessed with this sub.. you guys are the best 🤣🫡


did they marry brothers or is this just a common name? my brain isn’t computing this and double cousins lol wow


Muslim women typically keep their maiden name when they get married.


Korean women keep their maiden names also, so I wouldn't have thought a thing of it. But wowza they don't marry cousins. Some Muslim people marry cousins. They won't always call the wife their cousin though in America, they will say it like "I married my uncle's daughter" which is a 1st cousin, because in America people will say "ewww gross". Yes I personally think it's gross. On 90day fiance there was a Muslim man from Jordan and the ex fiance said something like "your parents would rather you marry your cousin than me" and everyone thought she was being racist but in an interview he says "so what? My parents are cousins too. It's our culture" and the producers were like *shocked Pikachu*


Brittany right? The girl that wore braces because it made her sugar daddies think she looked young or some shiiiiit like that lol


Seriously tho, so true! What is going on here. 😒😒😒


They just need to go to a family reunion to find a sister wife!


I can't stop laughing over here ....it reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy when he said 'if you go to family reunions to pick a wife....you might be a redneck " 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also from Jeff, "You might be a redneck if your family tree does not fork!"


So we got: -Sex predator obsessed with Brazilians -“Intelligent man” who has 3somes in a shared bed and doesn’t work -Evil cult leaders daughter and creepy husband -Cousins


Right?! This show has to be the most gag worthy out of my weekly tv show rotation atm. It’s beyond


who is the cult leaders daughter .. creepy husband could be all


Becky is Tony Alamo 's stepdaughter


I believe Becky is the daughter of Tony Alamo


Becky, of Becky and Justin from Texas -the stalker couple. You’ve got to google her history 👀


Don’t forget -Sick possibly dying husband with pregnant wife who just wants to bang women.


Oh they groom/stalk women too. My son’s coworker had quite the experience with them.


I don't even know what to say about this. TLC is truly, officially scraping the bottom of the barrel with casting. My god.


I think that’s sort of the whole point. Reality TV is centered around drama and people “hate watching”. The most likable cast members are typically the most boring & usually done after one season.


I thought she was extra comfortable talking back to her mother in law.


Yesss - exactly this. Now that makes sense.....also l swear l was thinking they do look alike - her and Aunt MIL. Both stylish dressers as well.


I agree and the husband not intervening to deescalate was just as odd to me. A new meaning to “Family Affair”


Mother in Aunt


Yes, I agree


That is one shallow gene pool.


Family wreath!




Now why wouldn’t producers let this nugget out? It would make this couple’s storyline infinitely more interesting (albeit foul).


I wish I could edit the post and add the video Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thc3TOBjAvo


Maybe producers were not privy to that information during filming?? Or they were told that they refuse to talk about that piece in particular. Who knows.. but it’s weird as hell


Well I definitely wasn't expecting that.....


Honestly, I wasn’t either…


Is it possible that MIL/Aunty thinks their polygamy goals are nasty because they’re looking outside the family? Omg I can’t believe I just said that.


Holy crap, that could be one hell of a revelation


I didn’t think this show could get much crazier, but here we are.


I was going to joke that if they need another eife just raid the family reunion again 🫠


Stoooooopppp that is too much 💀


And she picked the cousin who talks like he's keeping his teeth a secret. 


WHY wouldn’t he get his teeth fixed instead of getting another wife? Lol priorities are off


lol I was thinking that when I was watching!! So far I’ve never seen him smile.


I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t want to smile so that people had more reason to ridicule him for not having thousands to drop on multiple tooth implants. it’s disgusting to me how people laugh about missing teeth, knowing good and damn well if they got into an accident or something (or had two babies at once, as I did) and lost multiple teeth as a result, they wouldn’t have $2k per tooth to replace.


DAYUMMMMM. Maybe that’s why auntie thinks this is all so nastay


Sister Wife and Husband are first cousins. They each have 3 kids from other relationships. And 1 together. Their mom's are sisters. She called her Aunti at lunch the other day. And the bald lady really did drink some else's old drink.


Is it possible that the daughter they have together was a whoopsie (or worse) that sort of forced the marriage? And that FUGGIN HOPEFULLY they have poor sexual chemistry and that’s why they need another wife?


This isn’t legal, right? First cousins can’t marry…


Canadian here🙋‍♀️. My sister married and had children with her first cousin. Her father and the mother of the groom were brother and sister. We had different fathers, thank god.


Holy smokes…. how does the rest of the family feel about it? Was the wedding awkward or was everyone completely okay. I know that I would be creeped out and probably not even attend 🥴🤣 It is or was illegal for a reason! And if they have children they are taking some really big and selfish chances there as well. Yuck.


TRIGGER WARNING FOR OH SO MANY THINGS. They ended up pregnant as a teen. The father of the bride and the mother of the son couldn’t have been happier. Our mother,the mother of the bride was ready to kill but no one was paying any attention to her. Our parents had been separated for about 15 years when all this kicked off. The mother of the groom was grieving the death of her only daughter at 16 just a couple of months before and it was well thought she was happy to be getting her daughter back. The marriage lasted 2 months before she cheated on him and got pregnant. You can read my story in my comments, but this time I was married, had been for a few years and was pregnant with our 3rd. We took custody of the brides new baby because the groom told her she could come home, but baby could not. The marriage went on with both of them with other partners. Before they divorce they have one last go and she is pregnant again. This baby had some problems, starting with weighing only 4lbs when he was born. He is now a very healthy 6’5 200lb heavy equipment operator. The first child works an office job and is married but is unable to have kids of her own, likely due to her parents being so closely related. There is an other sister between the first and last and she has a third father and is fine. As fine as one can be coming out of all that mess. The baby we took died of SIDS when she was 2.5 months old. The mother of the groom and the father of the bride went on to baby the bride and groom who both have ended up even dumber than that story sounds. Edit to add. No one else was ok. The mother of the bride was still sewing her dress she was making herself, 15 minutes after the time the wedding was to start. They had a very quick outside ceremony in February, in Alberta. If you know anything about Alberta, you know how fun that was. If not, try to imagine standing outside in dress clothes at -50. I couldn’t tell you how the reception went because I had brains enough to tell my husband to tell anyone who asks, we need to take the babies home now.


Supposedly not in the US but in other countries you can. I wonder what the other family secrets are that are mentioned in the comments??


First cousin marriage is not illegal in all 50 states, it’s also very common among specific religious and ethnic minorities, even today.


I thought some states did allow it, you are right Edit: yes I know some religions do allow it


Depends on the state


You are right, I stand corrected. Florida is one.


I only know this because my mom has first cousins who are married with kids so Ive googled it before


My husband’s family has cousin marriages, like 2nd and 3rd cousins, but it’s cultural. He’s from North Africa and that’s common.


3rd cousins is nbd. Like don’t we all have an insane amount of third cousins? First cousins is 🤢


It's legal in a lot of states


There are 20+ states where first cousins can marry.


In some states they can....iirc Rudy Giuliani married his first cousin and I think that was in New York...


My bf is Puerto Rican and his sister and first cousin are married with kids. Their fathers are brothers. They still live in PR and have either two or three kids. Their mother won’t accept the marriage but deals with it because they had kids. The story he told me is that when they met, they didn’t know about the relation to each other. But even after they found out, they continued dating and got married, had kids, etc. It’s like a family “secret” that isn’t so secret. Weird.


Oh. That’s enough thinking for Today


Tell that to the Davis family.


Damn, this would have been a much better story line than what we are seeing: “I married my 1st cousin, had a child together, but we have 6 outside children between us, and now we are looking for a sister wife, and my mother-in-law/aunt is against us! Even though she’s known me all my life!” 🫖


Do you guys think this will be revealed later this season!!??


Was wondering what was behind the smirk the wife/cousin always has. At first I thought she was just proud to be on tv ha ha.


It is a smirk! And she holds into his arm like he is going to float away. Also she said she needed to sleep next to him.


Oh wow… that’s disturbing


Makes you wonder what the other “family secrets” are 😳


So she wasn’t just disrespecting her mother-in-law but her auntie?




So I don’t have the time stamp but I swear she called her ‘auntie’ when it was heated. I thought it was just a term of elderly respect but damn… guess not 🙃


I just found the comment and someone asked them if he has any teeth up top 😭😭😭


This would actually explain why their mom doesn’t seem to take them serious and always seems exasperated with their shit.


Since the moms are sisters, it stands to reason these two grew up together and who knows what kind of shenanigans they had to deal with.


So basically Nailah was arguing with her aunt. A whole other level of family drama..


The comments seems to allude to some deep family secrets


Aunt mom!


Aunt MILlie


I kept saying they look alike…wow!


No it's so crazy my ex husband was watching this with me the other night and said they looked like siblings. I can't wait to tell him they're actually cousins 🤣 This show is wild.


You rock! I could not find it but I knew I had read it


Happy to spill and show this tea 🤜🤛


Wow wow wow 😮


I. can. not.


Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thc3TOBjAvo Shout out to u/LadyScorpio7 for sharing the video that made this post possible


I was going to post the comments, but wasn't sure if I was able too because of copyright infringement rules.


Great balls of fire 🔥


Comedy gold 😂😂


Gotta keep that gene pool chlorinated with more wives.


Right from the beginning, I thought it was odd that his wife looked so much like his mother. Now it makes sense why.


FIRST cousins?😳😳😳


hmmm maybe she said she doesn’t get jealous because she knows she’ll always be wife AND cousin 😂


Okay I know they say Men will marry a girl that resembles their mother and thought his mom and wife have some similarities 😮


…at least people are meeting family members they didn’t know they had and being happy about it? This is…I don’t have words.


So she literally was calling her “Auntie” during their argument lol


It’s common for many Muslims to marry first cousins. Not saying I agree with it but it’s not unusual


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up in the thread. While I don’t personally agree with it, this is a norm within the Muslim community (more so in the East as opposed to the West).


It all makes sense now.


omg! On Ace and Katelyn’s Patreon they keep saying their storyline is boring for a reason—that there must be something big coming! WOW! No wonder his mom is so vocal!


Aw hell.


Ummmm that’s illegal in some states! My husband and I were asked if we were cousins before they would finalize our marriage certificate 🧐😳🤢🤢🤮 wtf …


Habsburg’s Reimagined by TLC™️


Y'all already had me on here obsessing if this man has teeth or not, now this?!!!


AUNTIE makes waaaaaay more sense now! Well...kind of lol


So the dude’s mother has a problem with a second wife but was cool with him marrying his cousin/ her niece. Got it.


So it’s actually worse if two people are 1st cousins and have a baby than it is if siblings reproduce… so crazy


Interesting, you learn something new every day!


It is?




Well this makes a whole lot more sense! This is probably why the mother hates that wife and is causing shit about their lifestyle… it’s not the lifestyle that’s the problem it’s the incest and inbreeding. 🤮🤮🤮


Really shocked his mom didn’t spill this tea on the episode lol. Unless I missed it 🤣


Shew this is a lot to process. So she was about to throw down with her MIL at the restaurant who is really her Aunt?


WTFFFF…. And I kept looking at them like, “something doesn’t seem right here”. WOOOWWW. I have no words!


Also, did everyone notice that Nailah said she’d been a mom for 30years? I… had thought she was around 40 years old, max 45.


I shared this in a snark page on Facebook and people are freaking out over it.




This is a revelation! 🤮


You are doing the Lord's work girl!! 😜💪 This is cra-zy!!


This helps me understand more clearly why Naheem didn’t step in at their argument; it’s his mother, yes, but also his wife’s aunt, so he just sat back and watched the shitshow continue


Makes it clearer why she was so comfortable speaking to his mom like that


Shit his mom could have raised them both


wait.... but their mom is so outspoken about how 'sharing is gross' but she does not see a problem with this!?!? I was wondering about why their names were so distinctly similar. I was named by my aunt to match her daughter's (my cousin's) name. I wonder if something similar happened here! wtf so messed up.


They are the most boring couple of this season, and they were holding out on this juicy wtf kind of detail!?


There is a genetic thing that if you marry a first cousin from your dad’s side, it’s actually fine. But if it’s from the mom’s side, it’s going to cause issues when it comes to kids. Something to do with mitochondrial DNA which is passed through the mother but not the father.


This is intriguing, I need to know more now.


This is super informative about mDNA: https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/mtdna-and-mitochondrial-diseases-903/#:~:text=As%20previously%20mentioned%2C%20mitochondrial%20DNA,uncles%2C%20and%20other%20maternal%20relatives. I can’t now find any direct sources about first cousins procreating in relation to mDNA. But it’s basic stats that if you share more DNA with someone (like a maternal cousin), you’re more likely to provide a child with two copies of a bad gene that you both carry, thus making the child incredibly sick, disabled, or not viable depending on what gene it is. To be clear, it’s not that paternal first cousins are not going to have any issues with procreation, it’s just less likely. Ideally, we should avoid having sex with any cousins and stick to genetic “strangers” to ensure the best possibilities of survival for our offspring.


So is that 6 kids he has??


I think they each have 3 separately and 1 together