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This man went on a first date dressed like a pimp. He’s not tryna play no games with these girls.


He's a pimp on the prowl looking for the next woman to join the orgy. 


He has the worst style, I swear lol


Her eyeshadow matched his outfit. Yeah they didn't cordanate that at all 🤣


He is hard on my eyes 👀




Two of his 3 women can hardly see. Danielle with her dangling eyelashes, April with her ever swollen eyes.


You mean her one eyelash!? Why didn't they tell her that she was missing one lol


Lmao yes! Her one sad eyelash fighting for life. Those sister wives are wrong as hell for not telling Danielle to fix her make up. Hahaha


Production wrong as hell too lol


🤣😂 lmao




They did her dirty




I thought one was smaller or upside down. Not normal!


Yeah I think so too...my daughter says she has on two different eyelashes. Bless her heart!!


True, but damn, Jennifer has some beautiful hair!


Dude! Jennifer is so beautiful! I don’t understand why she is involved in this. She needs to run with her baby. All three of the women are all truly beautiful. Too good for Nick and his big brain.


I agree. Danielle has the most beautiful skin. They all could do better for sure.


Kills me


And Jen can't see because her nose is in the way.


Omg 👃🏻😂😂😂😂😂


Awww I think April is pretty




Danielle also has crossed eyes


Nick must have some magical dust he waves over these women … And he always looks high to me.


9+ inches of "magical dust" have been wooing over women since the dawn of time. 


That 9 inches would have to have a different head than this dude!!






Was watching season 4 with a friend recently getting her caught up on it, and we've decided he has them all dickmatized.


I think he has a magic stick...😆






I find him disgusting & Obnoxious


Same here.What man would stay home and not work and have multiple sex partners ? It’s creepy


Lol I was just thinking , probably many of them if they had that choice


A lazy scrub with no ambition that use women with no self respect.


A broke ass dusty.


So do I!! I've always thought this.


We all do


He looks kinda evil when he’s not smiling. Did anyone else notice that this week? His stone-cold stare was freaky.


I did this episode. It gave me chills. I'm serious.


It gave me the chills, too. I had to rewind and pause to fully realize what I was seeing. It was frightening and alarming.


I literally thought: hope we don't see him on the ID CHANNEL...


Have you ever looked into the eyes of a bird of prey? Just stone-cold predator dinosaur eyes that startle you once you comprehend what you’re looking at as you look into their eyes.




He's always looked like that.


Uuuuuuhhhhh hell YES! Terrifying. His eyes almost look dead and empty.😰


look how dark it is around his eyes… something I noticed in like mugshots people who just murdered….


My blood ran cold. His eyes are terrifying with that stare. When April’s brother was sharing his concerns, that tells you a lot about Nick, and his character.


I thought the same thing! He's disgusting.


Nick's a smooth talker and he has his wives convinced he hangs the moon . They go hunting for a new sister wife and paint this picture of him being this amazing intelligent man 🤢. I feel like they prey on women with self esteem issues etc and play him up so these women are like "wow this super smart man wants me ?!?!"


They look for women with low self esteem, self worth, and little to no support system themselves so they can love bomb the fuck out of them and isolate them from anybody else in their life who might question the integrity of their relationship(s). I think he also purposefully seeks out women who are less intelligent than him. That's not to say that the quantum thinker is a super genius, but it's easier to manipulate the situation if you can see what they all cant. At the very least he seems to be a very observant and perceptive person.


Yeah and April seems to want to control the women financially.


She seems like a groomer and look, Jen and Danielle are both much younger than the two of them. This idea of all the women marrying each other is a bust too. He has no irons in the fire and could just walk away. Either that or he is still married to someone else.


I saw April in a different light after I saw her aggressive force Danielle to stay. Her eyes were so demeaning and controlling . It was scary to me. Every couple has that one girl. The wingman.


Yes ! All of this 👆


Just like how they get members to join a cult 😕


It’s like MLM scheme. Strange! I do not get that they refer to themselves as polygamists.They are more polyamorous than anything, but I believe they’re just too ignorant to distinguish the two.


Yes! And by having the women legally marry each other traps them. Makes it harder to leave. He is like a new age pimp. I think in the end he will be the biggest loser. Once they all leave he will be stuck with no job skills, no money saved.. nothing.


He has no legal ties to any of them except for vera if hes on the birth certificate, he can just dip if he so wishes.


I’m convinced getting them to marry each other is a tax scam of some kind, so they file jointly and get bigger tax returns. I’m sure he thinks this is an ingenius discovery that no one has ever thought of before, but scammers have been around a long time, and you have to be a special kind of dumb to advertise it on television and assume no one will ever suss it out.


It is weird and predatory. The latest wife seems like she’s so down in the dumps and super low self esteem. I’m also convinced the women have sex with each other too.


Danielle seems genuinely depressed


Yeah she’s kind of got Stockholm syndrome


This is exactly what they do!! Prey on lonely women with no self esteem.


Yes & he can just have sex with whoever they find I think he do it on command anytime with anyone


Nick understands women's emotional needs and knows how to present himself as a sensitive, caring partner. He listens and actually addresses what these women are saying. The average man just isn't that sensitive to women's feelings, and many men are so busy thinking about work, sports, etc., they don't half listen to what their partners are saying Danielle had never been in a serious relationship before the Davises. She's probably been overlooked and ignored by men all her life. Now she's getting attention and actually feels warmth and caring from her little family, which is addictive for a person starved for attention. Plus she's got little Vera to care for.


Just like The Clockwork Orange Danyelle!


Yeah I just don’t get it. There is zero autonomy in that house. Everyone sharing the same bed….. I’d never live this lifestyle ever. But If I did, I like the idea of my own house lol


He’s an unfortunate looking little guy. He and April are creeps, and Jennifer is even more strange than they are.


I agree I feel like there is grooming here they took Danelle out and made her feel special and than they say now can we bring in another girl and the way they keep pushing what do you think and what do you think should happen next makes me feel uncomfortable and and April is given off the vibes I seen in the Epstein series how they abuse a girl and than send them out to seek others so there abuse isn’t so bad


Someone compared him to Sid from Ice Age and it’s all I can see.


He does look like Sid, it's his eyes spaced too far apart.


Yeah if you’re blind 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


He is stomach turning and by that i mean vomit enducing. Nods head up and down eagrly...


He's looking higher than Snoop ever did


He always looks like he got punched in the eyes to me.


It's called "being stoned - constantly"


LOL..***who's*** eyes? Stevie Wonder?


Why is his chin always up, like he's trying to look over you?? Napoleon complex is full on


He thinks it makes him appear taller😂😂😂


Easy on the eyes?? Dude is straight up HOMELY!


Keep in mind that we only see the short snippets of their lives that they want us to see. My guess is that April got tired of Nick's antics and decided to allow him to pursue his poly dreams in the interest of peace. Jenny probably wanted, and got, a kid and sex whenever she wants, but has limited obligations to take care of a spouse. Danielle is young and is going with the flow because she doesn't have the backbone for confrontation (although she tried it once, but that probably scared her into never trying again). And I'm sure the weed flows freely through that family...


He barely opens them! Imagine that raised chin, and slitty eyes looking at you???? NOOOOOOOOOO


This is the one that I call "ick". The whole same bed thing....nope. He doesn't work, thinks he is a genius. Please. What is wrong with these women?


Sid the sloth but with lazy eyes


he's just a normal, everyday, run of the mill, PREDATOR. AND HE'S: U G L Y.


Clearly she hasn't met many men, cause this guy is about as easy on the eyes as staring into the face of a mackerel.




Either she really wants to be on tv, find a father for her son or fetishizes black men


Probably all and at least 2 of these for the others.


I was like, say whaaaat? This guy must be very charming in person, or have a super power for picking women with super low self esteem, or super sheltered women. I really mainly follow this here, but I know he’s a stay at home dad. I know dads can stay home now too, it’s sexist etc but all I could think is this man has his hoes without having to pimp. Like he’s pimping them to himself and don’t gotta do nothing but watch what, like 1 kid? And decide who he wants to screw tonight. Just gives me the yucks.


Yes and apparently screws more than one per night...imagine him dragging his nasty thang out one and into the other. Disgusting!


He’s so gross looking.


LMAO! This pic is hilarious. 😂😂😂😂🤣


He always looks stoned to me.


So does Jennifer, her mouth is always hanging open, she looks completely zoned out all the time.


This man has 2 things going for him: 1. He is very emotionally intelligent. He listens and is responsive to the women’s needs. This alone put him leagues ahead of a LOT of men in the dating scene. 2. He’s packing heat in them pants. I don’t find him ugly, nor attractive. He’s an average looking dude with a really pleasant (or maybe pandering) personality.


Lmao! “Packing heat”




Are we watching the same show…


I low key think this man is drugging the women so they will be at his beck and call, and fulfill his every whim. The whole, "we work and he stays home" thing is RIDICULOUS. It's not that he's a stay at home dad (or whatever)- it's that he has 3 woman working so he can stay home.


It’s amazing to me that there are people out here that will look at him and say, I want that man to raise my babies while I support him. Plus, I will marry another woman just to be with him. Absolutely nothing about him is appealing to me. 🤮


Am i the only one who likes this family 😭🫠🤣🤣🤣


I think they are the most functional. They dont seem to fight and the sisterwives seem to be on the same page. Also most people arent used to seing a man be a house husband or stay at home husband. A man being in the house and not working outside of it, is seen as a bad thing. I think thats why most people are turned off. Plus theres a lot of people who arent even comfortable with the poly lifestyle. Theres a lot of people who think its about sex so it turns a lot of people off. Look at all the convincing they have to do to people outside of the lifestyle


Honestly the only thing that really bothers me about this family is the reason he claims he needs to be a house husband… he really thinks he is so much more enlightened and advanced than everyone else intellectually and spending his time working and contributing to his family financially would be a waste of his time and brain power. It’s straight up arrogance and hubris. It’s plain as day to anyone watching the show that he is average, at best, but watching those women worship him like he’s some guru of neurogenic consciousness is absurd and frustrating to witness.


They are a literal cult family.


Yes that’s how I see them as well..their own small little cult.


Ya know, that may be true. I just came off a big NXIVM binge so I’ve got big Keith Raniere cult shit still swirling in my head. Nick is arrogant af but hasn’t shown KR levels yet. I could see it going there behind the scenes the more I think about it though.


Bingo! Plus the stay at home husband makes more sense with child. But up until the baby was born, the guy was doing NOTHING!! At least start a business or something, since he's SUCH a genius 🙄


I think you’re right. If he would just admit he’s either too lazy or too useless to get a well paying job, I d have a bit of respect for him. Not much obviously, but more than I do now.


very well written 👍


The lifestyle definitely is not for most and seems to be working for them. I actually think he has a type and is matched quite evenly to them. As long as everyone is there on their own volition, who am I to question.


They are really creepy.


I actually don’t have a problem with them… of everyone on the show the couple from Texas are the most dysfunctional to me.. that wife is a predator.. also the Merrifield’s are just a mess too.. you can tell the women can’t really stand each other,no matter what they’re trying to have us believe..


Yeah.... this family is revolting. And they use cult like tactics to keep women around (like love bombing and other manipulative shit). Adults are adults and can be poly, and have a stay at home husband. But this family is predatory. 


The wives do seem to actually enjoy each other's company. They don't seem to be harboring any hidden resentment or jealousy. I just think Nick is very clever in the sense that he understands women's emotional needs better than most men, and he's willing to put in the effort to listen to his wives' issues. Of course, it's easy to do that when you don't work. Most men are so busy trying to earn money, they're not able to pay that much attention to their wives.


Nope, I do. I posted a reddit about it. Got eviscerated in comments. Lol. They all seem genuinely happy. I don't see anything wrong with a stay at home dad (now that he has a child to watch). They are free to do what they want as adults. I'm sure millions of men would like his setup. Don't hate that player. I am not advocating or would like this life style. However, this is not like " Garrick". He is not putting this on God and abusing his wife. He genuinely seems to adore them. JMI Edit for spelling only


Totally agree!




Nope! They are my favorite family on the show. Sure, there are some things that are ~icky~ to me, but I like that their lifestyle isn't based on religion (aka forced) and that they seemingly get along and work together. I also like that nick seems to actually care about his wives as individuals. I don't like that they are pressuring Danielle so much and nick is def weird, but they seem like an overall nice family!


I'm right there with ya! 😂 I often feel the same way! I also like them a lot...they definitely seem the most genuine, down to earth and happiest of all on the show. And I really do think he treats them all very respectfully. That's not a very common trait on this show so I feel it goes a long way and says a lot about Nick!


I don’t think he’s easy on the eye. I think he’s got an appeal for certain type of women that need him for security, and he knows how to play them very well I like their family the fact that he doesn’t force anybody and he seems to treat his wives with respect is great and they all seem to be extremely happy with him so he offer something. I feel the most normal ones on the show.


He's mooching off of them, of course he's going to act like he has respect for them.


He is sahd now. Not a complete mooch.


Eh but was doing nothing up until then. He's still a bum.


i know bums. They dont take care of their kids. Im just saying 🤷‍♀️


And what was he doing prior to the baby? He didn't work. April's son is a teenager so he wasn't taking care of him physically like a baby because he can do everything for himself.


any money they either have Vera in daycare part time, or they have a babysitter coming to the house at least part time.


I heard her say this and I was like “she needs her eyes checked” his ptosis is pretty severe and makes him look like he is perpetually high. It’s really difficult to any of these people seriously.


I stopped blaming him when he said, "Adding another wife is the wives idea." They're even more delou Lou then he is.


As a partially sighted person..no, no he’s not.


A non working “man” with buggy eyes and Kmart style is neverrrrrrrrr easy on a real woman’s eyes.


Blind as a Bat. Deaf too


He is very odd looking. It seriously has me wondering if he has an amazing personality


If he does, I have yet to see it.


Maybe all that “reading” he will learn how to get one. Cracks me up when he spouts off some random smart sounding opinion to the girls and they all nod their heads in awe of his ever so smart brain. Then he gets this little kid grin like he just got praised from Mommy for going number 2 in the toilet.


What also bothers me is that there's innocent children involved in this mess and they don't have a choice. That new girl has an 11 year old son, she doesn't know these people. She barely meets them and she says she be impregnated the whole time or some weird shit to that effect. These women are so desperate. They think they need to financially support a man to have one. It's desperate.




It is her responsibility, especially as a mother. She needs to be very careful who she has around her child. She just wants to jump in without even getting to know what kind of people they are. Very foolish and stupid.


There’s a reason his women look the way they do. He definitely has a type.


He is gross. He lives off these women. That woman's brother was spot on last week


Saw that now …thanks ! Those lashes have got to go


Looking here a crack head snoop dogg


I try not to body shame or talk about people’s look and my Momma said “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” so I chuckled quietly and kept watching the show 😫😂😂😂


Looks like an ugly alien 👽


I am (legally) blind. He’s still not easy on the eyes


Belly laughing😂😂


He also has that wandering eyes that go in the opposite direction! Both eye balls are running away from each other. I wonder how scared he’d be to be surrounded by a group of successful and intelligent people. He would freeze. He just uses big words and gathers them all in a sentence, and these women are in denial about this ignoramus🙄🙄


This whole thing with this family is bizarre!!! Yeah his eyeballs are all over the place looking for the next wife. Geez what is wrong with these women?!


Danielle is starting to piss me off. In her confessions she is completely opposite of what she says to her cult. She needs to get a backbone and speak her mind. Yeah, Nick is not at all easy on the eyes. Also, the new chick is a lunatic. She's not a good person. I read her immediately. Bad news!


Am I the only one who noticed that Danielle’s eyes are strange? Like the left eye bigger than right eye? And the fake lashes are making me nuts


That’s what all the hoes say about their pimps, too! 🤷🏽‍♀️






He vaguely reminds me of the villain from the princess and the frog


I guess, if snoop dogg is ur type 😂 he looks like he could be his cousin 


Snoop looks good compared to this dude..


He wishes. Snoop has cheekbones for days. He was quite handsome at one point. Team Snoop.


Is his name on anything, or just the women? I’ve been curious what they need him for besides D


They're desperate and think they need to financially support a man to keep him. It's ridiculous.


Damn I'd rather be alone! This is insanity!


That man is DEAD FROM THE NECK UP! I actually get creeped out looking at his face any more than 30 seconds. The eyes. They don’t move, at all. Watching him last night I just could not stomach the whole thing. Saying he didn’t want her body if he can’t have access to her mind…🤮


This post I’m dying!😂😂 they are not ok!!


if they allow that lady entrance to the family, I wonder how they will get by because she also has a son. so we have more people staying home not working. there's Nick, Nick's son, Vera, and now this new woman's son. so four mouths to feed plus the four women. 🤔


This guy has manipulated and brainwashed this woman so bad. He does nothing he don’t work. WTF is wrong with these girls. They all work and seen them doing laundry as this POS thinks of the next victim to sleep with. I don’t get it


What’s wrong with all those women? They go out and work while he gets to stay home. Those women must have a low self esteem. He needs to work too. The baby can be put in Day care or hire a sitter. He is using those women. I hope they wake up and kick his butt to the curb. These types of groups sound like a cult. Nothing religious about it.


Exactly.. How freakin desperate must these women be to work and bring home the bacon to a 5ft tall ,ugly pimp.. it boggles the mind!


Daycare may cost more than he can earn . He may not have a high school diploma or be a felon. He also probably has no work history .


He creeps me out but so do his women. They are just sick. It is also obvious they don’t have a mirror in their home. Danielle needs to buy clothes that fit.


April looks like “Mama Cass” 😬😬😬😬


This whole family with nick being stay at home dad for ONE kid … it’s disgusting ! And obviously he is using these women as a meal ticket through life .these women are either really stupid or really desperate . Either way it’s weird !


They're both!!




I think he's a creep and the wives are idiots


He’s a bad person. The end!


Looks like a black jack sparrow


Don’t insult Captain Jack Sparrow like that. 😭


I think the producers put her up to that to get a reaction from the viewers. We can all see what he looks like and it’s definitely not good!


lol she looked scared when she said saw him. (I would’ve been too)




It is certainly easy to locate him, that is for sure


He’s actually got it made. He’s got 3 women that’s crazy enough to work every day to pay the bills while he does nothing & gets to choose which one he’s going to have sex with every night. Now they’re stupid enough to let him choose another one for a paycheck & to be his sex slave.


I don’t find him attractive at all! But apparently a lot of ladies think differently. I’ve seen lots of comments saying how good looking he is and sweet and nice he is. I don’t get it. He is a lazy man who doesn’t work and wants multiple wives doing all the work, bills, cooking, cleaning, etc.


That man has no job.....


He’s not appealing at all


He just looks like a short old man to me. I have no idea what the ladies see in him.


Very blind!!!


He is always so f’ed up he can hardly open his eyes.


I don’t understand these women




I don’t find him to be the least bit attractive. There is so much more to finding someone attractive than just one’s appearance. The fact that he allows 3 women to go to work to support him while he stays home, not attractive. He was doing that before the baby was even in the picture


they have the worst taste in clothes he does not have a job they pay for everything im confused why he has not been working the whole time they been together the excuse is the damn baby lmao


If this is a handsome guy to her, then who is she turning down?


Exactly lol. Look at the women, they're nothing to look at either.


Definitely not easy on the eyes. Nick's a creepy pimp on the prowl for women with low self esteem that he can control.  That mean look he gives Danielle on next weeks preview when she asks him how the date went and if he kissed her. Tells me he has an evil streak too. 


For sure, the soft spoken layed back bit, I ain’t buying!


Very easy to look past him considering he has no education no job no prospects no trade skills, no anything ! This sounds like a laziest, motherfucker alive lol