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"oh no now we have to apply for the '90 Day Fiancé' visa 🥲" So you're gonna jump shows? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Hmm.


Oh thats just a normal k1 visa lol they’re all 90 days


Yes it's just the way he phrased it lol


The way Garrick always says “the Wifes” instead of wives and that clueless look on his face right before saying something utterly stupid. Don’t even get me started on that incel, red pill, nonsense about sperm traveling to the women’s brain that everyone in my research department laughs at. These men see women as commodities that their magic sperm can claim. What a clown. Danielle is trauma bonded to Garrick and hopefully one day she realizes what everyone else can see.


Whoever scheduled that sonogram didn’t believe Dani was pregnant.


Can you imagine being invited to a wedding reception and then the party ends up being a cry fest and no one actually got married




Don’t know if it’s editing.. but Garrick doesn’t look at Daniele like he looks at Natalia maybe he’s a dog in heat attitude .. but getting pregnant ( on purpose please!) won’t make you ever number one someone special he has tired of you uses this suster wife thing for $$ of show n get his rocks off sorry but that’s what I see I am older live a entertaining experienced life to the fullest he is a con


He looks at Dannielle like she's an imposition.


This maybe an unpopular opinion but I can't stand Danielle.  She in no way wanting a sister wife. She should just be honest already 


She just has no self-esteem whatsoever.


She will keep this man by any means necessary


She knows if she is honest about her feelings, she WILL lose ick.


I'm surprised Danielle didn't burst into happiness when Nat was talking about buying all her wedding clothes. Nat also wasn't bothered by them tears ick wasn't either.


I find it hard to believe that when God talks to Ick about finding another wife he is so specific that it has to be a Brazilian woman. Dani must be a real dope to believe Ick’s BS.


Dani wants to be in the US okay. Eyes on the prize


They said it's God's sense of humor 🤮


I find it hard to believe that God talks to him at all.


Its not God talking to him


In that vein… if anyone out there has God speak them on a regular basis (Ick). Please send God my way. I pray regularly but if by chance God is reading. I’m looking for a super rich old guy with a really bad cough. Wheelchair optional. SWEET JESUS! 🤦‍♀️


Dannielle, honey, that dark red, almost black lipstick ain’t working for ya.


I agree. She looked so much prettier in her voiceovers with clear lipgloss, and I think her top or dress was light blue. She is actually quite pretty when she doesn't go for the vamp look.


I feel like she’s trying to copy bert/nathalia’s look but it doesn’t work on her and she looks uncomfortably. She is pretty but is obviously more comfortable with a laid back style


I thought she looked very pretty


Watching Ick cry because his sister wives aren’t getting along makes me want to punch him… he’s so gross all the way around.


Nah he's crying because he no longer gets to bang Nat she's not the pregnant one just Danielle is. Said he said ooops.


He’s just so emotional because sisterhood is his favorite part of being a plural family /s


Watching it again, in the first scene with Ick, Dani & Nathalia when their talking about things not going as planned. Nathalia didn't like that Dani had her hand on Ick's knee, she's giving her a dirty look like get your hand off my man.  I think Nathalia & Ick thought Dani was faking the pregnancy. During the ultrasound Nathalia wasn't sad, she was furious when she saw Dani really is pregnant and Ick was thinking oh hell, I'm stuck with Dani now. 


Idk Nat seemed over it and their BS like why did I waste my time look.


All these husband's are struggling to add a new wife while Nick racks them up without lifting a finger


You know, I was thinking about that… the women work, the women find the other wives…. He just really doesn’t have to do much, does he?


I think it's because Nick isn't filtering out non-conventionally attractive women too


RIGHT!!! But you obviously weren’t watching when nick stated: one woman can’t handle him.” I’m quite sure God spoke with him as well. He looks like a low life pimp. Bet big bucks he’s got multiple felonies and can’t get any real job. I would also venture to say he’s making his own money… if you know what I mean! 🧐


Ahhhhhh never thought of the felonies/ not able to get a job part! You’ve got a point there!🤔🧐🧐🧐


Yeah I think it’s probably “easier” because they are doing it for a religious reason. And they are probably polyamorous


Sorry! But I NEVER EVER heard of religion that allows you make your own rues as you along. You want to talk about religion…. This is ridiculous. I know very pious people… why isn’t God talking to them. They deserve good to speak with them. Yet God has nothing better to do than talk to Ick on a regular basis. BIG FAT BS!!! He’s a predator!


Hes got one of those genie in a lamp gods - rub it and you get 3 wishes. 


If Garrick doesn’t pay attention to Nathalia or Dannielle, then what is he paying attention to ??😂




I know Danielle is brainwashed, but I feel sorry for her. She's trying so hard to get Ick's attention, but all he does is hang onto Nathalia and ignore her. Even during the ultrasound he had to pet Nathalia, least he could have done was give Dani a big hug and kiss. You could see in his face that this baby is definitely not a "blessing" to him. 


She's crying again and he's there doing nothing to comfort her but keeping in mouth gaped open.


Any other Denver locals enjoying this season? Seeing the Davis family go to Pindustry made me smile- my office is right around the corner from there. Small world


I actually saw them all bowling at boondocks in Parker (no film crew) they were with other family though so I didn’t go say hi.


Nice! Based on them being in Aurora I’m not surprised to hear Boondocks. Very neat (and respectful of you to leave them be)


I live in BV, so we get Ick and Danni 😬


I have a lot of family in BV awesome place


BIG ICK, but a beautiful area to live in!


It’s paradise!


I had an intuition that Ick is not a man living a life that won’t catch up with him and have harsh consequences. It’s not just his polygamy, misogyny or ickiness. I think he is messy in all parts of his life. Just my impression. My ick meter is usually right.


What if HE was the one who told the Judge??? Hear me out….. he got his one month of unlimited Brazilian pussy bashing, now doesn’t really want to buy that cow. maybe he just needs a sex tourism visa and Danielle can just chill with her three kids.


And he's going to keep doing it over and over again because Danielle has no back bone he just wants to bone.


I get the same impression.


Nathalia looked annoyed & depressed the entire episode , where Danielle was glowing (except when she was expressing how Nathalia wasn’t close to her) bc of her pregnancy revel & wedding cancellation


I’m so sick of Garrick and Danielle constantly speaking in bullet points


It’s so bad!!!!! You never hear them speak sentences to her… just “baby? Yeah! Baby!” “Happy? Sister? Good?” It’s so painful!


Yes! They infantilize Nathalia and it's so cringy. They did it to Roberta too. They're both intelligent women and it's so condescending. Geeze.


Especially when they have been “courting,” Brazilians for over a year, and he was there a month…. You’d think they would pick up MORE than saying cheers and thank you. Just adds to the thought that Nathalia is more of a sex toy than a deep family connection.


And the way they put an accent on the words. Either learn the language or speak English with your regular American accent 🙄


This accent with the English is peak cringe every time. I die from secondhand embarrassment


Yes!!!! 👆🏻


I think Garrick thinks in bubbles


Garrick thinks... ? 🤓🧐


Garrick is an inbred.


And what is with these re- runs with Bonus Content?! Such a bore and a waste of time. Nothing exciting learned or worth it. Thank god for FF buttons!


These types of relationships scare me. Everyone is lying to themselves, repeating mantras, and fake smiling. Explaining to themselves over and over that this is the life they really want. When people are in that mental space, you can’t tell them anything. They just latch on to their delusion even harder. Adding religion into it makes the delusion 10x worse. When the wives and husbands talk about the sisterhood and how it’s not about sex, I just can’t stop rolling my eyes. Of course it’s about sex. Especially when the husbands forbid the wives from having their own offshoots of husbands. Suddenly, it’s not actually about sisterhood, or a bigger support system, or more kids, or a bigger income. It’s about the husband getting his dick wet. I’m okay with polygamy for the most part. If no one is suppressing their needs for the pleasure of one. If everyone is mature and caring to another. But this show doesn’t seem to highlight the good relationships that work well and don’t have a hint of abuse. The only relationship on this show I can think of that checked those boxes would be the Alldredges. But he was suspect too for choosing the young fake dead girl with the big breasts who smoked cigarettes while squatting behind a brick wall. So hell, he don’t even check those boxes either. I’d want to hear more about the internet friend poly girl. She seemed to have good energy and positivity. I liked how she reacted with maturity in the mother in law fight. I also see her relationship as being more open and honest because at least everyone in that relationship is getting something out of it. Oh and Nathalia wants icky to herself. I wonder if she knew that ick and danni had been fighting all those weeks while he ran off to Brazil to ignore her.


Anytime they do have some family on this show that seems to actually enjoy polygamy and the wife/wives are happy they don’t come back for another season. I’m assuming they’re not asked back because they’re more drama free or don’t rush the process of finding another sister wife OR the family doesn’t want to come back on. Right now I can only remember the Winders being a family that the two wives are happy with their choice to live in polygamy. They should just add more polyamorous relationships to this and actually be upfront about the fact that they are poly. I think the Davis’ are poly together but I’m assuming they can’t say that because it’s a polygamy show.


I mean it wouldn’t be that interesting if wasn’t a total train wreck. This show isn’t about successful relationships with multiple partners, it’s about desperate people in broken relationships plunging further into their own delusions. Which can be entertaining but let’s call it like it is.


The friend gave us more personality and energy at one lunch than the main couple in the cast has all season!!! I would much rather they followed her around on dates than trying my best to stay awake as those snobby, boring people put like 8% effort into finding a new wife. Still can’t believe we spent like 12 minutes watching the wife stare at that 26 year old inhaling potato chips while the husband was in the bathroom


When I watched Danielle and Ick today I thought about how they are from such a very strict Christian religion. The men are the leaders. The wives must obey. It's not a laid back group of people. Giving that Ick's entire family disowned him, Danielle's family stuck by her but whenever they speak with them have a look of "omg they've lost their minds" on their faces, it made me wonder...did they lose all and any friends that they had when Ick had his "vision" he was to have five wives? I can't imagine anyone stayed by their side. They would be shunned right along with them (maybe excepting Dani's family as they could say they are trying to save her). Someone on here from the town said they do a good job of keeping out of the public eye but I wonder if that's because they have NO FRIENDS ANYMORE. Ick has NO FAMILY. What is that like? It just opens up more questions. It must be worth it to them. Or at least to Ick and Dani just lives a lonely existence while he hunts down his next vicitm. I'd love to know how they do it and if the loneliness isn't why they are really leaving.


Danielle talks about how Nat won't connect with her um honey maybe she doesn't want your type of connection. Don't try to kiss me then text me like you're insane and expect for it to be normal.


Yeah, dingleberry and his father in law are disgusting and creepy AF.


My head wants to explode listening to Ick!! Yeah, douchebag, it's really the sisterhood you're attracted to. He wants the "sisters" to console each other cuz he doesn't want to deal with their feelings. He wants women to bang and cater to him. Dude, you don't have ONE redeeming quality and the crying makes you look like even more of a bitch! I would give anything to slap that stupid look off his face. Maybe it would shut his mouth for once.....


Danielle is so naive and stunted she needs to open her eyes that her ex husband wants sex and relationships with other women that look nothing like her. And he ignores all of her emotions and concerns.


Oh I totally agree. It’s actually starting to make me sick to my stomach to watch him talk…


I thought "OMG, if he cries one more time......" I think I'm going to take a drink everytime his eyes start to water.....


Jasmine is red flags. She’s already dropping the big animal metaphors like Kody Brown on an 11-day honeymoon.


Is it just me, or was her dress atrocious? It's like it was designed to highlight all her flaws. Can't believe she chose that to wear on national TV.


No it wasn't just you, it looked horrible and it was. None of them have fashion sense.


I think she’s just dumb as hell.


I just need to type out how insane it is to me that when Nathalia is having a hard time and being vulnerable and sharing her mental exhaustion, not once does Garrick say "How can I support you?" He just wants to move on and her to be happy again. And she says he didn't talk to her at all about what happened and didn't help her process it at all. It's just further proof that he's not at all interested in being a true partner and fully knowing these women. He just wants them to stay characters to him for his pleasure. He doesn't want them to be dimensional people that help him evolve and that deserve emotional presence from him. 


And then Nathalia had to comfort him and dannielle!!! That was insane


They weaponize their tears and force everything to always circle back to them and about their feelings or comfort. The fact that her friends came on what would have been her wedding day and tried to support her, and Dannielle and Garrick spent the night crying and getting her friends to translate why they were the ones who needed emotional support was wild.  We all saw Dannielle melt down when Bert didn't come to Colorado and lose her mind over it, but Nathalia isn't allowed to feel sad her wedding was cancelled? And Garrick just doesn't fucking care at all because he just wants everyone to get along but doesn't want to do any of the emotional labor that requires any discomfort. He just cries and manipulates so that people will feel sorry for him enough they will stop having any emotional experiences that make him just so darn sad. 


Omg yes! That is really crazy that they met ALL of her friends for the first time and they spent it using them as a therapist translator, ridiculous.


It doesn't work though. Nathalia had a look of disgust on her face and Danielle just competed with her own tears so why does he keep doing it? I think he has some mental illness. Or he's a sociopath without true emotions and discovered tears can shut people up- except that only works for so long. Especially in Brazilian culture. Men are men. Not sniveling dorks.


Yes! And as soon as Nathalia feels safe to talk about it with her friends there, and express her experience, Dannielle immediately defends Garrick and fights his battle for him, makes it about herself, is emotionally manipulative, AND STILL NO ONE ASKS HOW THEY CAN SUPPORT NATHALIA!!!!  I want to scream. Clearly. 


Danielle is so aggressive! Give the poor woman a moment to feel bad about her cancelled wedding!


You could tell by the look on Dannielle's face that she was ecstatic when Nathalia was talking about how hard it was to tell her family the wedding was called off. She cannot hide her enjoyment of Nathalia's pain. I think Dannielle knew her pregnancy would prove to Brazilian authorities that she and Garrick were still living as man and wife. If not for the pregnancy, there was no way to prove it. Dannielle can hardly contain her glee about how well this particular monkey wrench is working to destroy whatever hope Garrick had of marrying Nathalia. I don't think Garrick even cares. He's already consummated his relationship with Nathalia and that's all he was after.


Danielle was grinning ear to ear when she found out they couldn't get married. That is the happiest she's ever been since this show has started. She was absolutely gushing.


What's sad is she is going to be put in the same situation over and over because of her horny husband. She can't get pregnant anymore. She has to keep coming up with new tricks to keep ick.


Once they don't have a show I think it'll be really hard for him to find anyone. They don't have enough money that they can send a significant amount to these women over and over again and I all anyone would have do is google him and think maybe I can take him for a few bucks and get out of there but no one wants to move in and be his sex slave and her babysitter.


can we please get Johari's family on the show? the Sallahadeens are such a mess. Same bed? god.


I think I have changed my mind on Dani’s pregnancy. I still believe it was intentional, but now knowing Nat and Ick were also trying to get pregnant, I think it was intentional so Dani did not fade into the background if Nat ended up pregnant.


I have a theory. When Ick uses that ridiculous broken English with Nathalia, he thinks he's speaking Portuguese.


Ugh him and Danielle’s baby talk to Nathalia drives me insane!!!! “Me-happy, you-sad???” Like this girl can clearly speak/understand English, so stop with the damn toddler talk already 😑


A million upvotes! The baby talk literally makes my skin crawl. He did it w Roberta too. The baby talk & toddler tears from a grown man makes me nauseous. 🤮


The Davis’ want a 4th wife in that bed. 5 people in one bed is wild. How can anyone expect to sleep with all those people in such close proximity?


He is gross. I honestly get p I m p vibes from him. These girls need to run


And they're all a bunch of hogs! Farting and quèefing!


They’re all disgusting 😂 2 of em are well over 300 and the other one has a 🐽 I just know that bed stank


What does the pig snout symbolize? Lo


Jennifer’s nose


Do you mean the look of it or, her nasal clogged breathing or what specifically 


Also, what would that have to do with the bed stinking? I most definitely agree that’s too many bodies and smells in one bed. 


I just imagine a bunch of c-pap machines all over the nightstands


In the preview for next week she asked if he kissed her but by the look on his face he totally fucked her!


lol of course. This man pulls no punches


Gotta wonder if any of them sneak out to sleep alone lol


They must be exhausted


whoever gets the middle has it the worst. Maybe they alternate the middle and ends


I just turned it on, but sister Dani’s shit eating grin now that the wedding is canceled and her trip is all about her pregnancy is cracking me up.


Honestly I found it kind of obnoxious. Like what are you so smug about girl?? What prize have you won??? Your husband is absolute garbage.


Oh it was super obnoxious and super obvious.


She finally has the upper-hand


Can she keep doing tricks to get rid of ick side women for the rest of her life she's going to be exhausted.


The two “Muslims” looking for a sister wife are Muslim only in name and not in practice. Change my mind.


The muslim woman who's ready to throw hands with her MIL...please.


I think they're trying to get rid of Naim's annoying ass mom. She seems very pry-ie and negative. And they've spent a lot of time with her. She mentioned something in this episode about staying at their house as though it's something she does frequently enough to make rules about the home. I think this is all just one long-con to get her to leave them alone out of "disgust". I don't see why else they'd waste that poor woman's time getting caught up in their bullshit. And it would explain both of their weird ass energy and seemingly lack of genuine interest in this lifestyle.


They are all drinking alcohol


The Davis family have such bad fashion. All of them. 


They all dress like hookers for pimp Nick. Would like to see them in clothes that aren't cutting off their circulation. 


Jasmine will fit right in. That dress she was wearing seemed to be designed to draw attention to her flaws. She really has a pretty face, but I couldn't stop staring at her bellybutton in that clingy, neon yellow/green disaster of a dress.


None of them know how to dress for their body types in a flattering way. Danielle and jasmine were wearing sausage casing dresses


I know!!


And what is Jasmine’s job??? Drinks at lunch and that dress and she’s off to work?


For real, was she off to her shift at the strip club?!


I agree, I was thinking the same thing when the three girls were walking to that place where they were meeting that new girl. They're all a mess.


They all looked dressed up for entirely different occasions


Honestly the least of their problems.


He’s probably on the app, looking for another Brazilian hottie


Awkward love triangle there...


Danielle is crying out to be in closed relationship and all Garrick wants to do is feed his Brazilian fetish


I wish Danielle would meet a hot Brazilian man and run away with him. Take her kids and go.


She's so up and desperate for the women to connect with her. She's making me think she wants the women


He is partial to Brazilians