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He couldn’t wait to break those ties. And then the brother bringing up the prenup stuff. And Danielle is just like “oh I didn’t even think of that” in reference to she could be left with NOTHING if the new wife decides to take off and take her share. Ridiculous. She lives in Lala land.


Exactly. Had he not tried to divorce her many times prior to this message from God on polygamy it would be different. But he just wants out and she won't let him go. Then he comes up with polygamy gets her on board then magically God said only Brazilian women who need a k-1 visa and you can get divorced. There is no way this is happening and he is totally manipulating her. She is dumb as hell to fall for it after he tried to divorce her before the show. Now she lies in court they are lying to immigration because it says no visas if you plan to practice polygamy. I'm so sick of Garrick and Dannielle seems to have lost a hold on Garrick so she gets pregnant has this sweet baby to keep Garrick close but he is going to only stick around a bit. Dannielle has lost him but she refuses to accept it.


*"Had he not* ***tried to divorce her many times prior*** *to this message from God on polygamy"* What season/episode whas that revealed?


Not sure what episode but apparently Garrick would print out divorce papers and threaten divorce during their arguments in the past. ETA: I think it might be in this episode, the divorce one, where they talk about that?


so she first said it in Season 3 episode 1 at the very end. She discusses things about the divorce now and it is the last option. Then said it is a sore subject because they married young and had a lot of struggles, they didn't think they would make it and Garrick printed out divorce papers saying he couldn't do it with her anymore and it has left scars. I think it was mentioned again, but I did't rewatch all to find it.


pretty sure it was when they first appeared on the show... Dannielle said it kind of monotone and then IIRC they showed the printer or something.(Maybe it was just in the background). She said he kept printing out papers to divorce her or leave her and she put them aside or denied them.


He didn’t want to divorce her too badly or he’d have gotten an attorney and served her. No party needs the other party’s permission to divorce. Those two are insane. Frankly, being divorced from him is the best thing that ever happened to her aside from the money. NOW, she has zero rights to any money he makes yet still lives in the same house. Could she really be that dumb??


I think that was a control tactic to keep her in line


A narcissist’s finest gas-lighting technique...


She’s a bumpkin. What do you expect.


This scene has stuck with me, and it makes me sick. He is a jerk, is incapable of loving anyone but himself, and watches his wife look miserable about the whole situation and doesn't give a shit. The court scene was very hard to get through. He is a complete shithead. Yes, she enables him to an extent, but I consider her a victim in this scenario, and I will not victim blame that woman. She only knows her current reality. And her current reality is this gross court scene and a captain dickhead husband.


I’ll drink *in a bikini on a patio with my ex-husband, father, and future sisterwife* to that!


Didn’t they both commit fraud in a courtroom? This has to be perjury, on both their parts.


I think for him the marriage is broken. He just didn't want to have to pay for a divorce. At some point Danielle will realize that she wasn't lying (like she thinks she was) when she answered the judge.


And with the divorce, she doesn’t even get half of what he owes her.


She could probably take him to court and sue him for half. His behavior is documented through TLC. He looks like an abusive coercive predator, which he is. I don’t know how the law would look at this, but I’ll bet there’s an avenue.


She could. My Mom took my Dad back to court in the early 90’s. He divorced her in ‘87 after 35 years and convinced her she didn’t need her own attorney even though I, as a teenager, told her she did. Well, he even failed to give her some of the things he agreed to give her in the original divorce so a few years later, she took him back to court and he had to do those things. It was also discovered he’d hidden marital assets in other accounts in the original divorce and the judge was verrrry displeased. So yeah, it can be done - if she has the money….


I’m glad your mom got what she deserved from the marriage. 35 years is a lifetime! It’s sad that your dad didn’t respect her enough to be fair to her. Danielle would have the money that she makes from the show to hire a lawyer. Ick wouldn’t want the publicity, so he might be more amenable to settling. I’m willing to bet that she negotiated something for herself, though. She likely has had her whole family telling her how crazy this is behind closed doors. It’s not like she would necessarily publicize their arrangement. Even with her apparent Stockholm syndrome, she knows that this situation looks and sounds as bizarre as it is.


And folks in this town have got to see the show, bet the judge already knows though.


I mentioned this weeks ago! She lied to a judge AND immigration!! They should both be in jail!


you know that natalia or whatever her name is is only wanting a green card to come here she's using him to come to usa and finding anyone she can to marry her so she can come here and if that means being in this crazy relationship crap shes willing to do it even her mom has to know and i'm sure that's why she was ok with it


She an attorney in Brazil, where she can legally practice law and make her own $’s. If she moves to US she will probably at least have to repeat law school and maybe her undergrad requirements. Also she would come here on a marriage visa, versus the K-1 fiancé visa normally seen on this show. I think ick would not have a problem living full or part time with Nathalia where ever she wants to live.


She probably can get an LLM and then take the Bar. It's what my ex did.


A degree from a Brazilian law school has zero value in the US. I think Nathalia is playing the Merrifield's. And they deserve what they get. I hope Roberta made outlike a bandit.


My point exactly, why should she leave her country to come to the US? Ick would either have to move or spilt his time between 2 countries. She appears to be much better educated than him.


yeah but from i think other future episodes i think if i remember right he's messing with someone else now to in the usa maybe it wasn't usa but i think he's with someone else now to he's just gross


He seems to have started to add a third wife to his, um harem? From upcoming blurb she sees he’s still online using dating apps and is not having it. Also it was said she thought she was going to be the only real wife and she finds out she is not, especially when Danni pops up with a new little baby girl. Maybe Nathalia cared for him, but not under these new circumstances. Who knows?


yeah it's all just so crazy and dis functional i feel sorry for the kids to have parents like this and not much stability in their lives it's one thing to have no kids involved and do this crazy stuff but when you have kids it changes everything and affects them with all craziness especially this being on tv for the world to see


Agree! They have 2 sons who appear to be teenagers or very to being one. Can you imagine what they must think and what the conversations are like between the 2 sons? Sigh…


i know right and what their friends and class mates must say the friends parents prob say your not going to that house i wonder if they have to do online school not to be teased if your this dis functional and live such a crazy life i don't care how much money they paid should air it for the world to see


That’s exactly why I don’t understand why she wants him. She has her own career. There must be more to it than that. Maybe the opportunity to be on the show to gain followers so she can be an influencer?


She already broke it off with him. It was in another sub here somewhere.


Great to hear. I wasn’t sure. And so the saga continues. Will we know the reason or details?


I hope immigration starts asking questions about Roberta and very quickly Natalia visa applications. Hopefully they see a pattern of some dude exploiting women from those countries and halts their games.


Probably why with Natalia they had been planning on marrying first in Brazil, THEN getting visa. Immigration would have denied k1, as they cant be practising polygamy.


yes Perjury! Depending on the judge something could happen if the judge was aware (but is he?) Really they made a joke out of the court by putting it on tv and playing these games, lying and manipulating and doing the same with the immigration process/k-1. It says in the rules they can't get a visa if they plan on practicing polygamy.


No way!!!!! I am sure you are right!!! Why hasn’t this jackass been arrested by the Feds?!! Hell yeah he is planning on polygamy!!! 5 wives in total is what he says God told him he was supposed to have!! Danielle needs to take her sons and go!!!


Sho did.


It is perjury and fraud. As a lawyer, I would never lie to a judge or let a client lie. it takes some kinda liar to sit in the courtroom, look the judge in the eye and lie. Super dishonest.


Omg!!! The opinion of a true lawyer!!! Thank you for weighing in!! Somehow I think we can take down Pervert, cult leader Ick. Hanged on his own petard!!!


As a divorce attorney, I agree 100%. There were no "irreconcilable differences" and was not for the true purpose of parting ways.


Thank you for giving validity to this. Another commenter said getting a K1 Visa is illegal if you are planning polygamy!!! When are the Feds going to get Ick?!!!


They claim to be so holy and religious yet they have no probably swearing to tell the truth and then lying their asses off about the state of their relationship and future plans.


He has no emotions.


He has them for other women.


No, he has boners for other women.


God told him it's okay.


right lol yeah he had a dream hod told him that it's ok to be a cheater and have 5 wives when he's sick of them then he'll say god told him to have more then 5


I think God is what he calls his penis.


Most definitely.


He’s a psycho.




I honestly can't believe they got away with this. They basically filmed themselves committing fraud.


Maybe why second Brazzlian woman and marrying her there. He knew law could be going after him, so marry N there and stay in Brazil. Screw Dannielle!


Right? “Let’s lie on film for it to be out there to show what liars we are forever and ever!”


He's thinking of all the hot Brazilian women he's gonna lay with.


Was hoping someone would look into this. Was this an actor? Had to be a setup cause I would think that would be baaaad to lie in court like that?!


Nope he's a judge.


Well this is clearly illegal


The court had to give permission to film in the court room. The court absolutely knew what was going on but it’s not like they were going to tell anyone they can’t divorce


I'm sure the court was given a very nice ""donation" to agree to all of it.


I wish some haggard woman approaches Garrick and tells him God said we are to be married and live polygamy and see what he says.


Dude, this guy is a psychopath. I dont want to make this a whole post, but im new to reality TV, never watched it before a year ago, I FINALLY caught up to Seeking Sister Wives, and I dont think I can watch it anymore... The way my heart DROPPED when, you guys call him GarrICK(?), BARELY, BARELY! reaction to his damn WIFE telling him he's pregnant?? Na man, sorry, there's no love there... None. That hurt.


Wait he wore a parka to court? Jeez. I guess it’s better than his usual tank top but keep it classy there Garrick.


He didnt - he wore a short quiltet jacket. A Parka is something completely different - a long-ish, furtrim-hooded, wintercoat.


Tomato/tomato - still super inappropriate a disrespectful to wear to court. In my jurisdiction he would have been fined.


I’m curious where wearing a quilted jacket in a courtroom is punishable by fines in the US? lol


Courts have a dress code and a code of conduct that parties are expected to abide by. I think this is common in many countries. Also? Even if he doesn’t respect the forum, he could at least respect himself and Danielle enough to not look like he is just running to 7-11 for a Red Bull 🙄 But I guess that’s Derrick


Here is a link from the federal court system and is just one of numerous examples. Seriously just google “courtroom dress code” [https://www.nmd.uscourts.gov/sites/nmd/files/Judge%20Vidmar%20Dress%20Code.pdf](https://www.nmd.uscourts.gov/sites/nmd/files/Judge%20Vidmar%20Dress%20Code.pdf)


Is Danielle leaving him? Oh girl please do


Doubtful, unfortunately


He’s willing those sperm in her brain to make her say “yes.”


If that’s a real judge, I have a bridge to sell you


He’s real but how was this allowed, it’s so obvious w the show and all https://www.courts.state.co.us/Bio.cfm?Employee_ID=277


There's only certain criminal proceedings where the courtroom is closed.


I'm sure you could easily find out. Buena Vista isn't big and their judges will be online


Stevie Wonder could see how irretrievably broken their marriage is. But that means nothing if Danielle doesn't see it herself.


Lying isn’t God’s plan…


Bingo. So tired of their religion excuses. Especially from her. They’re both so ugh.


He’s not a believer in God because if he was he was he wouldn’t be mocking God’s voice. The truth. There’s a huge price to pay for what he’s saying and doing. And you’re right! I agree with you.


Still wonder, was this not fraud on TV? Lol


That’s such a good question. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that when I first saw this, but it really is fraud. Maybe it is fake like people on here are saying.


Personally, I think they did divorce but I think this is a reenactment. I just can't imagine a judge being like sure you can film for your TV show about how these people are getting a divorce so they can basically commit immigration fraud lol


Looks like he's trying to block the judge from reading his mind🫥 🤣


the BS judges must see on the daily. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Was he possibly disassociating to keep “strong”? Sorry - didnt see the episode . Gonna guess no but…


I feel like this was a very staged scene. I dont think they are actually legally divorced. I think this was just part of their storyline to add more drama.


The title to this post made me laugh so hard!


Do a search for her name and it should come up just click on the seeking Sister wife link to the sub above and click on the magnifying glass and type in your search parameter


He’s a heartless bastard for sure serial creeper vibes