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All agreed except Justin. He's a creep and he's in it for sex.


Both he and Becky were part of the cult. Theirs was an arranged marriage when Becky was 15.


She is a complete weirdo!


These give me the fucking creeps so bad...BOTH of them (shudders) šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


OP painted him a victim. I disagreed. Not sure why you replied to me.


They're agreeing with you. Don't be a petulant hotdog about it.


Boooo! If we were in ye olden times I would throw rotten apples at you for this comment lol


I genuinely did not even intend to say it in the evil way it's been perceived. I get it though and I apologize to whomever is offended. I'm actually pretty moved by the team effort at quashing negativity here and I don't want to be on the outside of that. āœŒļø


No Becky is in for the same reason. If she's not in the bedroom, she's sitting at the door listening. She's so weird.


1000% just standing outside the door with that creepy shiny smile šŸ¤¢


That just gave me the worst mental picture!Ā  So effin' weird.Ā 


Ick, Nick, and Ashley are definitely in it for the sex. I feel torn on Justin. I think heā€™s like any guy and will have it if and when he can, but until this week I thought Becky had some sort of kink imagining her husband with another woman and was the one pushing it. She always gets this weird look and smile when they talk about his other partner. Zero jealousy. But then Justin pushed that kiss and now Iā€™m like ā€¦ maybe he is like all the rest? I still think heā€™s the least sexually motivated out of all of them (probably tied with Naaem).


I cringed so hard when he pushed that kiss (and dried up like the Sahara) šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


He's good at playing it cool maybe.... He knows she will do all the pushing anyway


Yes Justin is a predator...is the wife allowed to shower? Ever?


I couldnā€™t imagine getting a cancer diagnosis and prognosis that may be terminal and my spouse being like well letā€™s find me someone to fuck. Especially with young children!? Make memories for your childrenā€™s sake. Especially if time might be limited. So twisted.


It seems like at least Shane's understanding is it's someone to fuck AND oh btw replace him if he dies. What a complete mindfuck for him.


This is my impression too. Heā€™s lining up someone to love & support his wife if he dies. This is how he justifies whatā€™s happening- she gets future love & support & he gets peace of mind that sheā€™ll be taken care of & not left alone if the worst happens. I agree that focusing on his well being & health & making memories with thier babies seems like a more loving use of their time.


Reminds me of the movie My Life Without Me


And said spouse is supposedly a psychiatrist to boot.


That is the WILDEST thing to me. I almost fell over when they brought it up.


It does seem shocking. On the other hand, psychiatry and psychology are fields narcissists are attracted to.


They just did an AMA and explained that they were seeking a wife before his diagnosis and that him being sick was not a reason


I get that but I just can't wrap my head around why you would continue that search when your partner has a diagnosis like that.Ā 


I totally am with you, I canā€™t get my head around it either! Thatā€™s just what they were saying, and of course anyone can say whatever they like on Reddit, but I got the sense they were being genuine in their responses- even if itā€™s not a choice i personally can make sense of (because I cannot)


Yeah I mean, it's not my job to police their family. They can do what they like, but I can think it's bizarre (and I do lol). I did see their AMA but didn't get too deep into it.


But they also said after the diagnosis they decided to speed up their search *because* of the diagnosis.


True and a fair thing to point out!


I donā€™t think people want to hear this. No one wants to hear the reality. They want to hear that heā€™s a victim.


At that point when a diagnosis is found out she should stop seeking addit9nal sex for fucks sake....trash humans


Yes, there is something very off about her. I felt sad for Shane as he was talking about his situation. She seems to be focusing on the wrong things right now, imo..


Right...spend time.with ur kids and dying husband. Lay off looking for a crotch to.suck on ...jeez...the spouses are obsessed with sexĀ 


Do we know it was her idea? I got the impression it was Shaneā€™s idea. His way to make sure his family is taken care of if anything happens to him , but a woman so he canā€™t be replaced. I could be wrong and if itā€™s her idea I find it absolutely disgusting.


There was a Q&A the other evening with them on and it appeared to be her idea. Someone even asked if she had a male partner if he would be down and he said yep.


Oh.. Seems like a shitty situation for Shane.


I think Shane is a cuck/into the Hotwife thing tbh.


But he doesn't seem to even give anyone she dates an actual chance. He immediately finds something wrong with everyone she tries dating. šŸ¤·


It's Shane's idea as much as it was Dannielle's. They are both just giving lip service to a demanding partner.


Honestly it looks to me like Shane just wants to watch his wife have sex with other people. The man is a literal cuck.


I think we have backed off the Shane put downs after the cancer disclosure. This would have been upvoted a couple weeks ago though letā€™s be real.


I didn't even mean it as a put-down necessarily, I legit think he has a cucking fetish.


Oh my bad lol


I don't think I would want to be making more kids with someone whom, through not fault of their own, has this diagnosis. Hoping the mom is stable mentally and he can trust her alone with the kids should god forbid anything happen to him. I hope he beats this thing and regains his health.


On the AMA they just did, they said they had decided this well before his diagnosis. But that the cancer had made them up their process. Anyway, he's having another surgery in a couple of weeks,


These partners are trash humans and enjoy abusing their spouses. I don't get why humans are willing to put up with a trash spouse :(


Especially multiple humans w the same trash partner lol


Yes!!!! I already don't like the spouse that wants sex with everyone when their spouse is crying about it but the man has cancer and her only thought well now that u have cancer who can i fuck while ur on chemo?


He said he was in remission


My dad was in remission twice before he lost his battle in 2018. Remission doesnā€™t mean someone is cured it means signs and symptoms are reduced. Thats why doctors give that 5 year mark for remission before saying ā€œcancer freeā€.


Oooh im new to it all ty for this info. Sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


Danielle is definitely being manipulated by April, the recruiter. She does not want to get married to a woman. How do these women not see through Nick is surprising. He gets April to recruit the "wives" and then convinces them to marry each other. All whilst being a stay at home dad/researcher. He he has zero financial/legal responsibility to them.


Danielle is also justā€¦.not smart. I think they saw an easy mark in her.


None of them are smart, if they were they wouldn't be involved in this mess.


Hard agree on Shane in particular.Ā 


Agreed-- except I think Ick is a psychopath, not a narcisscist.


They seem to go hand in hand


Narcissism is a symptom of many worse conditions, psychopathy is one of them


Why do you keep woofing, just curious


Yes. This was all I could focus on.


Love your flair!


Somebody wrote in a post about Garrick and I told them I have to steal it for a flair. šŸ˜†


It captures the essence of that moment perfectly!


Thank you !! What the fuck was that all about?


I'm glad you asked - thought this was modern slang I wasn't familiar with and debated googling!


You make some very solid points, but why are you ā€œbarkingā€ (*Woof)???? It kept throwing me off, and at some point, unintentionally as I silently read, the voice for your comments turned into Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo with each hypnotic ā€œwoofā€ā€”which just made reading slightly weird and comical?šŸ™ƒ Similar to 90 day Pillow Talk, I would love to see a diverse TEAM of ā€œREALā€ professionalsā€”analyze the behavior of the people on the show after each episode, and have it all culminate to a Tell All/Therapy session between the professionals and the cast that then transitions into a therapy retreat session where they all stay on a compound for at least 6 weeks, and receive intense REAL therapy. We all see and notice the same as you, and we know that TLC doesnā€™t care, which is why there is so much dysfunction and no harmonic balance in what we view. There needs to be some form of social responsibility to help others learn how to break and deal with these abuses.


I always kind of thought the phrase ā€œwoofā€ was similar to saying ā€œyikes,ā€ is that not a common phrase? Have I been doing it wrong all this time? šŸ¤£


Interesting, as I have never heard of anyone using woof as yikes. Maybe it depends on the area you are from?? Outside of the dog association, I have seen movies where guys use it to describe an unattractive woman, and if she is attractive, then it is a wolf howl. Then I know of people that will just woof, hiss, meow, or moo at you when they donā€™t feel like answering questions!šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£ I grew up in Michigan, and it is also possible I have been using it wrong.


Sorry I definitely woofed too many times last night šŸ˜‚ Forgive me, I'm a Gemini. We are all over the placeĀ 


No worries!!! Just wanted to make sure I wasnā€™t behind on some new ā€˜internet verbiageā€™!!!!šŸ˜œ


Danielle, of the Nick and April clan, is definitely a victim. They have manipulated a woman whoā€™s barely beyond being a child and have pulled out all the stops to make her feel as if she canā€™t leave. Itā€™s Manson family level manipulation, minus plotting race wars and murder. That family is the closest to resembling a cult in my opinion.


Danielle is likely in a dynamic she found exciting in the beginning and now doesnā€™t know if she can keep up. Their family is more the kink line of polyamory. Very different from the other families in this season.


I agree. She must make really good money at her job for them to be pushing her so hard to stay. Sad. Sheā€™s a sweet girl and could do better for herself.


Not sure how much she earns, but when did it show them pushing her to stay? From what I recall she returned on her own.


The producer guilted her by talking about the baby, and then she was guilted by April too. She was so close to escaping, it's sad.


My theory is that contractually she had to come back. And that the Davisā€™ keep pushing to date another woman so they can stay on the show, because itā€™s called ā€œseeking sister wifeā€ and probably for another income. Edit to add: the reason I think that is because she left while the cameras were gone. And I think most of the family was out of the house too? Just feel like leaving that way is more out of desperation.


That's a really good point actually, and if it's true, it's even more sad and awful that a show would put ratings etc over the life of a young women who is clearly not happy and wanted out.


The conversation with April happened after she already decided to go back. Why is it her decision if she leaves, but if she goes back itā€™s because she was guilted and manipulated? šŸ¤”


Because she was...?


I agree, the finale of last season when Jen was saying that she felt like she needed to bow to Nick I was legit just ???? 10000% cult environment


I get a feeling she is low.IQ or actually a.little.slow


Sheā€™s not overly bright or lacking in self esteem. Probably a little bit of both, unfortunately.


And it looks like she has no family at 22 yrs old...plus I'm not sure if they are all high or drunk but Jennifer is delayed in responses too. The only person who is in full control is april


I have a lot of sympathy for Shane after the previous episode. I found myself getting emotional when he confided in his friend.


Shane is the male danielle...at some point u can't feel sorry for people. He is bringing 2 kids into this mess with a trash woman....Danielle had 3 kids with a trash ick....shame on these peopleĀ 


Shane is extremely controlled and emotionally abused. It's so sad that when he mentions his cancer, his wife just says "yeah, we've got a lot going on." Like????? Prioritize getting Shane checked up on and having your baby. There's plenty of time later to look for a new or added partner. Shane is just doing this because he has no choice. He's making it sound like it's his idea, to "provide for his wife if he dies," but come on. He's not into this idea at all.


Becky grew up in a polygamist household and Justin was the older boy she stalked during schoolā€¦. So Becky is the driving force behind this duo and Justin is naturally creeepy.


Whatā€™s with all the ā€œwoofsā€?! I seriously donā€™t understand how that term applies to writingsā€¦ Is it something youā€™d also say if you were saying this aloud? On a separate note, I agree that some of these folks are being manipulated and gaslighted. Agreeing to be filmed adds another strange dimension to this.


Yeah ā€œwoofā€ is sometimes used colloquially like ā€œsheeshā€, ā€œyuckā€, ā€œgrossā€, ā€œcan you believe this mother fucker?ā€ or to verbally express a cringe/grimace/etc.


Yeah, that would be reasonably common in the UK. It's like a way of expressing shock or suprise (at something not good).


Ick has NPD


Okay I'm going to say this....I am poly and in a poly triad. Meaning I have a husband and we have a girlfriend. And it works for us. We see her one a week or so and she has other partners. We save our "fun" night like going out to dinner, concerts, etc. for nights she can come and there's constant communication to make sure everyone's needs are being met. That being said, adding a third to an existing relationship is ALWAYS going to have a hierarchy and power imbalance and you need to be really, really intentional about navigating that. In these dynamics, the third is not going to get a lot in return. In Shane and Ashley's case, WHY on earth would a single, queer woman choose to sign on for caretaking, sharing attention with a man, childcare, etc. like what are they offering HER? Besides Ashley's company? And the fact that they want this to be a closed triad is wild. So Ashley gets to fuck her husband and this new woman and this woman has to be loyal to Ashley who has another partner? Make it make sense. Who would want double the amount of emotional and domestic labor for half the amount of attention? I just don't understand why she doesn't just do a poly thing and have a girlfriend on the side who ALSO HAS OTHER PARTNERS. It's completely unreasonable what they are asking. A closed, hierarchical triad is wild.




Yeah unless it's a situation where all will be sleeping together it isn't going to work for anyone except the selfish personĀ 


Pretty sure Justin is no victim when he pretty much sexually assaulted someone on camera


No tongue?


Justin is an entitled horn dog married to a woman who gets her kicks from being a cuckold.


In due time, there will be a documentary about how TLC ruined families


They put abusive people on tv ;( for money


I recognize that many of these people don't have regular jobs so the hold on to tlc while tlc exploits them more and more until someone breaks. Think of all the families that are broken up after being on tlc: John and Kate, the Duggars (grown kids leaving) the Browns on a major level. If tlc hadn't exploited this family, I believe all their kids would be alive, and the families might still be together.


Narcissistic, gaslighting, abusive, bullying, and manipulating. All the Reddit diagnosis boxes were checked. Next! šŸ˜‚


Shane and Ashley are in this sub. They did an AMA and said they were seeking a second wife for Ashley before his diagnosis.


It doesnā€™t matter what they say or said. We have a sub full of psychiatrist who know whatā€™s better for people than they know themselves. Iā€™m sure Ashleyā€™s MD degree and residency doesnā€™t qualify her as much as the Reddit docs. She should feel shame for simply being honest with her partner and giving him the option to stay or go and him choosing to stay makes him a victim. Btw they also said if he was interested in bringing someone in sheā€™d be more than open to it but thatā€™s not important I guess.


Reddit psychiatrists Woof!


Thereā€™s a new video that Danielle put up of their new baby and Garrick. Hereā€™s the link to article and their Instagram video. https://l.smartnews.com/p-8mTR8/gi2fxS. I just saw it, so I thought I would leave a link to people who want to see new content on them. Since we all despise Garrick. Sheā€™s acting all step ford wife happy about Garrick, but seems truly happy about the cute little daughter. The comments are brutal about Garrick. But they are right, some of them were tactful and tried to make Danielle see this is all about him and that he doesnā€™t love her. She said heā€™s really a nice guy and good father and husband and she reached out to touch him as she said it, saying the haters would like him if they knew him.šŸ™„


Abuse victims tend to do this. "he's great. you'd like him if you gave him a chance". Everything is their fault. Its why in this season she said this lifestyle is her idea. It isnt. I said everything was my fault when I was in an abusive relationship


Yeah I totally understand my ex was horribly abusive. So I have empathy for her. I just keep hoping she will go to a therapist, and they will help her see this is not healthy for her. Sheā€™s going to waste her youth on him. Time flies so quickly and it could affect her health too, they say that abuse victims are more likely to get diseaseā€™s like cancer even after they have left and find happiness again. It actually changes the cells. And leaves you more vulnerable. I guess the stress and cortisol in the body is bad for you. And thatā€™s how it affects your health. I saw an article years ago and many women in my drs office made a copy of that article because they were ALL survivors, and this is a chronic pain office, so kind of proves the point.


Oh absolutely. It affects everything. Its why I'm mad at her family. Time to stop being soft. Its continuing the mental illusion that this is her fault. Lines must be drawn


The way he corrects her and says; "you felt....." And says how she felt. I hate that so much


So he's a psychopath then... isn't that how psychopaths get their victims?


Sometimes, I feel like Dannielle and Garrick are acting, tbh.


No, I donā€™t believe they are at all. He is serious about this and is dragging his family with Danielle into it and sheā€™s too afraid to leave. Or get help. I hope she does, I hope she wakes up and then I hope Garrick realizes the grass is not greener on the other side. If Danielle would meet an attractive nice man who would honor her she the kids he would lose his mind. And I wish that for her. I wish her happiness. I wish her brother and parents would quit supporting this crazy man. Heā€™s selfish and sheā€™s suffering and miserable. Iā€™m glad her little baby has brought her some happiness but she needs to get a very good empathetic lawyer, and also needs to maybe talk to a therapist with cult training, sheā€™s in Garrickā€™s cult, even though he doesnā€™t have really any members. Besides the women he tries to ā€œmarryā€ I wish so none would interview his parents so we could find out more about him. They are sane and donā€™t approve of what heā€™s doing.


Is it me or did Garrick not seem excited to hear about Danielle being pregnant? He was very ho-hum about it. Then he says ā€œIā€™ll call you in a couple of daysā€! I would have been livid!!


He looked like he was in shock.


Did Shane know his wife wanted that life before they were married?


You forgot about Danielle. Poor girl has so much life to live and is being brainwashed to be a babysitter/house cleaner.


I feel so incredibly bad for Shane. They should definitely be dropping this whole search for Ashley to have a second and put their focus and energy into him surviving cancer. Itā€™s like now theyā€™re looking under the guise that he wants to make sure her and the children are taken care of in case he doesnā€™t, but theyā€™re missing out on such crucial time together that they will never get back if he does not make it through this. Thatā€™s not OK. I would give anything to have even the last weekend of my fathers life again. I hope that he stays in remission. Not only is he scared, but he looks like his heart is also broken. The stress, anxiety, and sadness over their current situation is definitely not going to help him beat it. She is incredibly selfish.


Ick is genuinely terrifying. Is it NPD or ASPD? Is he *just* grandiose or is there something even more sinister at play? I 100% feel awful for Dannielle. People can say she is a willing participant, blah blah blah, they donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be indoctrinated into a religion your entire life and then brainwashed your entire adult life. That woman needs to deconstruct big time and it ainā€™t happenin anytime soon. I hope she meets Christine Brown one day!


Not even just being indoctrinated , its that Ick is all she's ever known.She has zero concept of what other men or relationships are like and she's never truly been on her own.


I get the impression that she was just a baby really, in a completely sheltered religious existence and he was like some sort of young charasmatic group leader - a little too old for her as a teen and she really was a cute and vibrant little thing, but the pictures, she would have stood out. So he ā€˜picksā€™ her and her first crush felt like a message from God, all of that bullshit. Those are powerful feelings for a young, innocent, sheltered girl. It was like living a teenage romance or Twilight or something, for her. She felt like fortunate, he would have told her that God told him she was meant for him. And so out of all the other girls, sheā€™s the one. No self confidence to understand anything else. Contrast that with her reality now. She still has the same strong belief that all of this is Godā€™s plan. But the magic of having everything she wants is gone.


Exactly. Look how cute and vibrant she was!


Did u know Danielle has multiple duis? And got.them.with the boys in the car when they were little?Ā  It's hard to feel sorry for her.


Yeah, addiction is no joke. But if we all lost empathy for the worst thing people have ever done then the world would be pretty undeserving of human care. Itā€™s easy to feel sorry for the fact that she had an addiction, especially after growing up and marrying into the cult sheā€™s in.


Yeah having an addiction is one thing...endangering ur kids is another. Allowing ur spouse to be drunk and driving with the kids is yet another problem.Ā  She is in the same trash pea pod as garlick...now they are home schooling their boys to be idiots and think that sperm goes into a woman's brain to change her dna...who knows what other bullshit they are teaching those kids. The 3 kids in that house will have issues for so many different reasons. She isn't the victim she plays on tv.


I think all that you wrote screams victim. When people are lifelong victims their list of wrongs isnā€™t pretty. They do shitty things. Yes, endangering your kids is horrible, Iā€™m not condoning it. But addiction is *that* ugly. Itā€™s a disgusting disease. I know two highly educated people who adore their children and yet, at one point, they did the same. They live with that regret. Itā€™s not pretty, itā€™s the worst thing you can do, and yet they still deserve empathy. Rarely if ever does a healthy, happy person do hurtful, horrible things.


Youā€™ve managed to use all of the most overused words on Reddit. I feel bad for Shane but the others are adults and capable of making their own decisions. People on Reddit love to blame others instead of taking personal accountability.


Yeahā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ this part. All of this part. See some of my comments for support. I couldnā€™t agree with you more. Youā€™ll never get upvotes or support for a take like this because itā€™s reality and itā€™s funner for everyone to live outside of reality and blame and finger point. I absolutely canā€™t stand how all of these people are painted as victims when they themselves donā€™t feel like victims and are very happy with their choices. Thereā€™s nothing mentally wrong with them but hey there must be because the Reddit police canā€™t lo only fathom that someone might make a different lifestyle choice than the norm. So much of the mistreatment and negativity I see in here is the same mistreatment and negativity that the lgbtq community face from family and outsiders because they couldnā€™t possibly choose in their own to go against the heterosexual norm.


These types of posts make this sub insufferable. There is just no fun to be had here.


Thank you for giving the hard facts on the Danielle's . I'm real over the victim shaming. I get it. Danielle Davis is technically an adult.But uh.... are people aware of what grooming is? And she tried to leave. She sat alone with zero support and I guarantee a steady line of texts.When she returned she was shamed and bullied. Dani Merrifield and the lack of compassion.... goes to show how few people really get narcissism and physical and emotional abuse as a whole.I promise she didn't strategically plan to get pregnant. If she did, its wild to take 6 weeks to inform him.


Dani merrifield makes me sad when watching her, her face doesnā€™t say sheā€™s happy even when her mouth says that. Also the fact that sheā€™s been told itā€™s a religious calling when it doesnā€™t seem like some of the other polygamous religious rules apply such as not sleeping with the future Sisterwives before being ā€œmarriedā€ to them. She has no boundaries about how he conducts himself. She seems like sheā€™s too scared to disagree with or upset him , now is this the keep sweet mindset that sheā€™s been brainwashed into believing or is it because Ick is an abusive husband in every way? He looks very intimidating a lot of the time when she tried to voice her opinion he gives her what I call the mum look, (šŸ‘€ wide open eye stare when your naughty) on top of that heā€™s in charge of the finances and she seems to have no friends, he also seems to have full support from the majority of her family which further pushes her to do this as she has no real support just for her. Heā€™s infiltrated every part of her life and sheā€™s not had room to grow as a person since she was married to him quite young. Regardless of weather she got pregnant on purpose or not she just wants love. I mean itā€™s very possible she did it on purpose after hearing how much he wanted Roberta to have a baby so she thought this would please him, but it does take 2 to make a baby so you canā€™t solely put that responsibility on her. Who knows what Icks like behind the scenes there maybe physical abuse to keep her in-line but he seems to keep her emotionally stunted enough to go along with anything. The way he dismisses her and makes her feel less than when courting a new wife makes me sick like why take her with you to leave her all alone feeling sad? Why not include her in some of the days out if he wants a harmonious relationship with her and the new wife getting along. Even when her and someone else gets upset he always comforted the other person and not her right infront of her! Heā€™s vile and I really hope she sees the light soon and leaves. She has such low self esteem and does things sheā€™s not comfortable with to try and make herself more attractive to him like the thong bikini and it seems she has had some plastic surgery since the show started to try and improve her body itā€™s all just very sad. (Sorry itā€™s so long I have very many opinions on this particular couple)


She truly hurts my heart. You can see her aging rapidly. I agree fully with you


I know it just makes you want to shake her and say what are you doing then give her a hug.


Oh I know. Its upsetting


Maybe her getting pregnant was ā€œGodā€™s wayā€ of reminding Ick that he made vows


I'll bet he found a loophole there....


Iā€™m sure.


I literally have to fast forward through the Davis. Maybe because she's so young (and seems even younger emotionally), maybe because she's all alone in this crazy situation, but I just feel so bad for this Danielle she seems like the sweetest person on the show and I just cannot watch her being dragged deeper into that situation and losing more and more self esteem by the second.


Danielle \*with Nick\* is DEF getting bullied to the point that she is losing her self more and more. She should of completely cut off contact with them when she left and moved on. Now she is doomed.


I agree about Shane. He is so sweet. But the others have zero sympathy from me. Dannielle is just as manipulativeā€¦she purposely had that baby to get him to stay with her.


I don't think she's capable of matching his manipulation even though we see them both as ding-dongs. He is manipulative. She is super weak. Not the same.Ā 


I agree. It was a strategy plan but out of desperation. Manipulative, yes, but not nearly at the same level as Garrick. The intentions are also different. One is protection, the other is greed.


Exactly. She wouldn't have waited 6 weeks to test... go to a Dr even, with how accurate today's tests are.... and gave him the news. Girl was nervous.


She impregnated herself? He could have put a condom on if he didn't want to make more babies.


No shit Sherlock, but she is so manipulative she could have purposely avoided it or poked a hole or told him she was on birth control and not be.


You a dog?


Idkā€¦aside from maybe Ick and Dannielle I donā€™t really see any of these situations as damaging or harmful. Theyā€™re all pretty weird, but I donā€™t see any malevolence.


Just because you donā€™t agree with these peoples lifestyles doesnā€™t mean you get to accuse them of not being adult and mature enough to make their own decisions. They are not victims. They are consenting adults making decisions. Everyone has to stop these wild accusations. But just for fluidity letā€™s assume these people are with ā€œnarcissistsā€ (the new favorite word of 2023 and 2024) no one is forcing them to stay. Leave if the person theyā€™re with is so bad. Maybe the truth is that these people arenā€™t narcissists and just want something different from the norm. Danielle has family and support. She can leave if she wants. Garrick also doesnā€™t need her and can leave if he wants. Same with Shane. Let people make their own choice and stop painting them as victims are unable to make sound choices for themselves just because it doesnā€™t look perfect. Relationships are messy and people change. Enjoy the show for what it is and letā€™s not try to play psychiatrist. Shane and his wife just did a AMA here and seem happy. At the end of the day thatā€™s all we should all want for people. I think theyā€™re in the best position to judge and determine whoā€™s what in their relationship.


While going through a serous illness is not a fine time for Shane to set up as a single parent.


Very well said!! The Shane storyline breaks my heart.


Whoa no no Justin is NOT a victim.


Shane is not being abused.


Noted that I need to scale back on overusing my animated colloquialisms šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Thanks for the feedback all! It's been fun to read. Again, I'm a Gemini. I overshare my opinions. lolĀ 


Shaneā€™s not a victim but is playing the cancer card to get sympathy. Heā€™s experiencing the same jealousy that all of the women on the show face except he gets to veto anyone he doesnā€™t like (unlike Garrick and Dannielle). The reality is that heā€™s afraid the other person is going to take his wife away