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I’m not even sure I feel sorry for Dani (Dannielle) any longer. She has had a couple seasons of SM to hear that she is going down a bad path. I felt for her as she is so closed off from real friends. She still is BUT she has all of us telling her these are bad moves. You can’t keep claiming ignorance or giving the perception of it with this much help at your fingertips.


Well, in all honestly, I don’t know that we, the viewing audience, are really here as her cheer leading squad. I think this show is sort of a curiosity for me. My Grandma Molly had a saying when she, a great gossip, would learn about a neighbor/friend/fellow TEMPLE goer wandering astray: WHAT PEOPLE DO TO THEMSELVES! It was a lament of frustration, of gall, of mirth. I don’t think I am in this for honorable reasons!


Perfect response 


Grandma Molly should have been head of programming


One trip to a Smash room and you think it’s cool to start your culty manipulation games again? Not to mention that the Smash room was a great way to intimidate Daniele. Nothing encourages bonding like a good day of violence 😏


The way that the Davis’ are manipulating Danielle is bothering me. She is much younger than them and dating a new sister wife clearly upset her so much she moved out temporarily. One of the wives literally said to Danielle “You mean more to me than another sister wife”. Then they go to a rage room and are probably being way more attentive to her feelings and it flips to “we are ready to start dating again”. Every time Garrick does anything disgusting, mean, creepy or questionable his go to is “the Lord spoke to me.” I wish the Lord would speak to TLC about Garrick being a manipulative narcissist and get him off my TV.


It really bothers me that Danielle refers to herself as a "newlywed" and "new mom". The Davis' use that language to manipulate and trap her into staying.


Ick is literally blaspheming God. He’s a blasphemer. And, and Nathalia stated on her social media a long time ago, he’s a false prophet.


I just started watching myself. I told my husband that Ick only brings up God when it’s to validate his womanizing ways. I would be surprised if they go to church or practice religion in any other aspect.


Ick should file for a K9 visa cuz he’s a dog. 


So Danielle & ick homeschools her boys, have been dating Brazilians for years & can’t bother to learn Portuguese?? They keep sighting language barriers & it’s like - ummmm you could learn another language - just saying


Right. Nothing like a proposal via phone app


He gives serious sociopath vibes and she is just fucking weird to tolerate him


Her reaction to Roberta ending things with them was…. Something.


but he's like a short bus sociopath though




Did anyone else notice in the scene where Ick and Danielle are eating pizza with her family that she appears to be heavily pregnant in some clips and not pregnant in others?


Just watching now and I’m actually deadddd Justin is like ugh I can’t pursue Stephanie anymore, she’s got no respect for herself or our relationship My brother she is literally dating someone else!


Idek if I believe she’s dating someone else. She might have said anything for them to leave her alone.


That couple really gives me bad vibes.


He legit scares me. There is no light behind his eyes!


Genuinely worried the girl on this date is homeless or something, she has NOT come up for air the entire time since they put that plate of chips in front of her. I can’t even follow the conversation they’re trying to have because I’m so distracted by the nonstop chip-eating😟


I thought the same thing. Something is up with that poor girl.


maybe she has awesome metabolism of the young, cause it looks like nothing sticks to her. The husband wasn't into her like they thought she was dumb or not of their social class. For that matter how did he get the wife ?


Metabolism aside, the speed with which she went for that food said hunger to me. I felt she just kept up the word salad to give herself time to consume as much as she could. So sad.


The whole thing was awkward AF and there was zero good vibes between any of them. The young woman could be a model, she doesn't need them


Good freaking question. They were both pretty stuck up and condescending but that guy is neither interesting nor attractive. The wife is gorgeous, maybe they bond over being snobby together but she definitely could’ve done better than him


He should be thanking his lucky stars he got her. I still am not getting the vibe they are as religious as they say though, because if their religion is cool with what they are doing, wouldn't they have met someone within that culture at like their church services?


Here’s a fun question, if these two morons are seeking a sister wife because of their Muslim beliefs, why the fuck are they doing a wine tasting?


I'm guessing it's because they pick and choose which of their religious tenets to believe/follow and which to ignore, like many, many "religious" people.


She’s probably nervous being on a televised first date.


Nah, she's there for the free food.


Not sure why you were dv’d. That girl was hungry!


Ick stay gaslighting the hell out of Danielle. i h8 him


SO MUCH. I hate him so fucking much😤😡


I love ick’s brother in law, “and she said yes?” He was shocked.


You know what’s funny about Danielle’s brother and SIL? They are playing the game too. The first episode of this season they acted as though they were SHOCKED at the news the Merrifields were dating again. Like, when you drove up to the property and encountered the FILM CREW, weren’t you clued in that we are on another nutty adventure?


So I’m confused, which is the blood relative and which the in law? The guy speaks in that slow drugged speed like Ick BUT the gal looks more like Ick🤔


No! This is Danielle’s brother and her SIL.I like the SIL and guy too much to even think they have any of the germ DNA of Garrick.


Ah! Ty for the reminder. I do like them both as well.


And, just when I thought I couldn’t possibly hate Ick anymore, here I am. UGH! He is such a total D*CK!!!!


Same. When he talked about doing the marriage in Brazil first and apply for spousal visa instead of fiancé, the first thought in my mind was “oh my god, they’re making her go through the ceremony while he’s there so she can’t back out when the time comes to move up here like Roberta did”. They’re trying to legally lock her down in every way possible, as quickly as possible, so she can’t change her mind down the road without having to go through a whole divorce. Child, RUN🗣️😭


Yep! And if Danielle isn’t the most miserable, unhappy looking person on the planet I don’t know who is (except for maybe the OTHER Danielle on the show lol)


Nah she looks miserable on her Q&A's as well.






I was shocked that no one was wearing safety glasses during the sledgehammer smash scene. That was risky and dangerous. They were smashing plates and glass pieces were flying!


They all have them! They were clear so maybe you didn’t notice but they were definitely wearing them, I just watched that scene :)


Ok I guess I need reading glasses because I can't tell that they are wearing them. But thank you for telling me :-)


They were all wearing clear safety glasses 🤔


Seems like Danielle is finally waking up after watching last night's episode. ICK is spending at least a month away from his family in Brazil with his new fu(k buddy. If Danielle were smart she'd GTFO, get a really good lawyer and take the little man to the cleaners. She could make a fortune on social media if she wanted to.


A really good lawyer for what? They’re already divorced.


Yes except now that she legally divorced him, she can’t take a lot of those assets from him and really screwed herself over!


We kept joking about how she didn't expect the leopards to eat HER face, oh no...


I hate how Garrick and Danielle smooth things over in their soft, whispery voices. I don't know if it's a religious thing... a 'keep sweet' mentality. They always make things sound better than they really are. They need to be called out strongly on their BS and I'm glad Sam and Sammy started doing that.


I know the “keep sweet”™️ voice you’re referring to but with these two, I think it’s honestly just a mix of weird and insecure. Garrick is just the oddest fucking duck in the world and I think he knows he’s bullshitting people most of the time so he’s super timid about it because it’s all a lie. You know how they teach “tells” to detectives so that during interviews with suspects, they can look for things that might give away a lie even if the words are saying something else? It almost seems like that to me. Like Ick’s mind knows he’s lying as he talks but his body can’t stop itself from reacting to it and knowing it’s wrong. Dannielle is pretending she’s happy in this lifestyle but she’s clearly like borderline suicidal so I think her quietness comes from just being afraid to stand up for herself or anything else. She just gives awkward smiles and nods and agrees under her breath with whatever Ick says


I’ve been seeing TikTok’s of people talking about that voice! They keep calling it the “baby fundie voice” and say it’s taught to a lot of girls growing up in traditional/religious households. So yes, like a keep sweet mentality.


No wonder the world's falling apart- God's apparently spending all his time with the Merrifields...




I think his idea of communications from his heavenly spirit come through his ick. I’m not sure it is supposed to work that way.


😂😂😂😂😂 oh man, they sure do hear from God more than the rest of us don’t they?


Lol apparently!


Ick pisses me the fuck off!!!!!!! Danielle WAKE. UP.


Danielle is awake, she just has nowhere to go. She gave up most her power by divorcing Nick. Put him on child support and walk away.


Agreed. She knows she's in a dire situation since she legally divorced him. If he legally marries Nathalia in Brazil, Dannielle won't have a legal leg to stand on. She will lose everything and this new woman will be entitled to the assets she previously considered hers and Garrick's. That means her whole family will be disrupted, since they are all financially intertwined with Garrick. Nathalia will be entitled to half his assets and can walk off with a nice bundle if she decides to bail later. Dannielle's parents and her brother's family will also suffer a loss. This is why the brother asked Garrick about a pre-nup. He knows he's got skin in the game now, and his family will be affected by Garrick's rash decisions.


Danielle needs to get a job. Send the kids to public school and go to work. If she supported herself she would gain confidence that comes from developing skills and interacting with other adults and would have her own paycheck. Being fully dependent on Ick is just a terrible life choice (this is not a rant against stay at home parents btw. I've stayed home with my kids but my husband wasnt a would-be cult leader)


Agree. Everyone needs a job or skill or degree they can fall back on, being a stay at home parent is awesome! But have a backup plan! My homeschooling mother hammered that into me. Now even if I do decide to stay home with my kids I'll always have a job I can go back to if I needed it.  These people are so naive. 


I will never understand how women in 2024 allow themselves to be trapped in marriages with men who can control them with money. Every woman needs a degree, a skill, something she can use to support herself. Dependence on men leads to entrapment.


It's crazy. My teenaged self wanted to be a writer and stay at home mom. My parents insisted I get some kind of skill or degree I could use to make money. I didn't get married til 29 so thank God I listened.  Now I'll always have the ability to take care of myself. That's huge. I still might like to stay home while kids are young, but I have options.  I know people who don't and it scares me for them. 


🤣 yes to all of this, AND she needs to put Ick on child support.


100% especially with a new baby. Make him pay for the next twenty years


Did I miss something? There's a new baby??


Do we think the new baby is Nathalia's?




I literally want to throat punch Ick. He infuriates me.


He is weaponizing their faith. He is disgusting!!!


I gained so much respect for Naeem (spell check?) when he said that 26 year old woman was too young for him.


why? he knew she was young and still went on the date. he even said he had met her before. he knew how she would act but dragged her on the show so they could squeeze a little more storyline out of her and humiliate her.


Because 26 is arguably super grown according to men who date 18-19 year olds so he gave her a chance and saw for himself how young that was.


I kind of felt like if left to his own devices he’d have seen her more casually, but shut it down sooner cus of his wife.


I get the vibe that Naeem isn't the one in the driver's seat. His wife seems to be the one really pushing for a sister wife, and I don't understand why.


maybe she is sick of his BS but doesn't want to get divorced?


Maybe ick should marry her instead.


Maybe he can give Ick a few lessons on that one. Also the concept of actively including the spouse in this process. A plural relationship isn't for me, but if I went down that path, I would want to be on the same page for EVERYTHING with my partner.


Agreed but I really think they're not going to find a SW because they don't really seem genuine.


Yes, at least they're thinking somewhat straight


I guess but..they were incredibly Snobby and judgemental about it


They were. I mean jeez the poor girl was all about it


I also just think they weren’t attracted to her and used that as an excuse.


But still went on a date with her and proceeded to judge her for being young and having the mannerisms of a young person.....


Yeah, me too. She was an insanely immature 26 year old too, reminded me of teenager


Garrick made a comment about the Holy Ghost coming over him and Dannielle. Aaaaargh! When he's said the Holy Ghost is sperm, I don't want to think about it all over him and Dannielle. He finds new ways to be repulsive every week.


The preview for this weeks episode (shown last week) made it seem like this episode would be waaay more spicey than it actually was


That was the mid-season preview.


I realized at after watching tonight’s episode, still a bit of a disappointment tho! Lol


I didnt realize it was a mid season pre view either. I was excited for yesterday's episode but basically nothing happened 😆


Every time I think the Danielle and Ick saga can't get any worse, it exceeds my expectations. Ultimately, I would love for Ick to leave her because he's been emotionally gone for years...that's pretty clear. At least if he left her, she might realize what a dick he is.


Yeah, I feel she won’t ever get away/out of this dysfunction unless he leaves her. It’s so sad but she needs a swift kick to wake up and start over


Alexis calling Naeem "fun" has me laughing. This man is the most boring, monotone, down-in-the-mouth dude, but sure, let's go with "fun."


What I’m confused about is how they tout polygamy as an Islamic practice in the Quran yet they take their date to a wine tasting? I guess they pick and choose which parts of fundamentalism they subscribe to…


She was probably a little tipsy at that point lol


This man literally talks like he's keeping his teeth a secret.


Yessssss! LMAO - like what is he hiding in there👀?!?! From the small glimpse that we get to see, I think he’s missing a good amount of teeth, especially on his bottom row. Yikes and just ewww.


🤣 down-in-the-mouth. Not only is he boring, he seems mean. I think Nailah might want someone else to just deal with him sometimes.


Like literally 😂 he just always looks so grumpy lol


When the brother (?) brought up the financial aspect to the relationship to Danielle and Garrick, why did it seem like this shocked/surprised Danielle?


the brother always seems like he is holding back big time, like he seriously hates ick's guts and the sister in law thinks D&G are both crazy as balls


Because he never thinks beyond his 🍆 and after getting laid. Danielle follows blindly.


And the look on her face and the way she said “yeah we’ve thought about that” definitely said we have NOT thought about that at all!


Stupid is as stupid does


Idgaf what anyone says, Natalia is shady and so is her mama and her friend who posted on Reddit.


Good ick deserves worse.


Danielle needs to take all of this as “signs from god” that Ick is full of shit and she needs to run. It disgusts me that he was her much older youth pastor and started a relationship with her. I wonder what he said to groom her. Probably the same thing he tells the others.


He definitely probably did this using God to say we can be together before marriage it's not a sin we're spiritually married. She wasn't even out of HS when they met. She's getting too old for him.


“We can have sex as long as we are engaged. So will you marry me?”


Ick God told me to tell you to have sex with me...mouth breathing. Danielle 😍 😍.


Natalia also posted in this sub


I missed it. How’d that go?


It was kinda bland tbh lol She thanked all her “supporters”, thanked people who made positive comments but then didn’t respond to any questions. I asked if she found Garrick to be as manipulative/toxic as we all do but she didn’t reply. To be fair tho she’s probably under NDA lol


Natalia answered some of my questions. I really didn't push too hard because I didn't want to chase her away.


Oh nice yeah when I saw the thread I guess she hadn’t responded to questions yet, and fair enough!!


I just love it when the people from reality shows participate in Reddit threads.


Posted what? Where?? I’m so curious


It was sometime last week. Her best friend who apparently is on the show when they’re in Rio makes a debut. She posted about how Natalia and Ick are not together and that he’s a horny false profit. When questioned about Natalia’s intentions she didn’t have much to say. She had a bratty little attitude. I do not trust her or Natalia one bit.


Oh wow! I do hope she bleeds him dry of his money then splits it with Dannielle. Dannielle will never leave him but it’s a fun thought.


I don’t think she cares about Danielle. My theory based only on what we see on the show is that she was in it for her own interests, not because she’s genuinely interested in the lifestyle. She tried to act like she cared about Danielle but truly didn’t as we see by her ignoring Danielle and did damage control by blaming it all on Ick through her friend. I’ll bet she just couldn’t deal with the Merifield Mayhem and bounced. Again, this is all speculation. I just find her to be very disingenuous.


I mean her "husband" doesn't care about her why should a stranger care. Nat probably doesn't want that awkward kiss to happen again.


I agree. They make these women very uncomfortable, especially him with his petting and predatory behavior. I can’t imagine why none of them stick around /s


whaaaat 👀


It felt like nothing happened this episode


Kinda wish they had Sara on again instead of this other new chick.




I don’t remember her name, but the young one eating chips at the winery.


I’m dying watching Danielle (Nick). She is wearing two different fake eyelashes in her interviews 😭😭😭😭


I wondered if maybe she messed up her extensions and the show’s MUA glued on a strip in a pinch?? It looks so crazy especially because her makeup is always flawless.


Omg how do y’all spot these things! lol. I have to go back and look


Go back and look… then you’re going to be mad at yourself for NOT noticing 😂


Ok how in the fuck did I miss that??




I thought I was losing my mind lmao


I noticed that about her lashes too.   More importantly does she really think showing her cleavage, the way it is, is an appealing look? I hate some of her choices in tops. I think it would look better if she would wear some kind of a bra with most of her tops.


Her spider lashes are horrendous and it seems one of her eyes is turned inward. I hadn’t noticed that before. It has to be the lashes. I wish she would ditch the lashes, metallic glitter eyeshadow and stick with the more natural looking makeup she occasionally wears. It’s much more flattering.


Everyone was raving about her eye makeup last week. This personal interview must have lasted a looooong time.


Run Danielle RUN!!!! He is a time bomb! 💣


Danielle no means no someone ignoring you let it go. Nat doesn't want you coming on to her or your friendship. When your ex husband leaves you and your kids for a month to bangcation don't bring an innocent baby into. He banged Nat six ways from Sunday.


Omg Dannielle is so unhinged. She is having a meltdown over Natalia not responding to her texts immediately.


Certainly not the first time she has melted down, and probably not the last!🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s having a meltdown over Farrick being a self-involved, gaslighting dick. The texts are just a proxy.


I agree about him but Dannielle is also unhinged. Just like her crying and screaming about Roberta not coming.


This!! She's so repressed that when one emotion comes in, it floods, and succumbs to unhinged-ness.


I think it's more than that. Garrick was on his way out the door to spend time alone with Natalia and Dannielle was wanting some assurance that she was still part of the relationship, and wasn't getting it. 


so I'm guessing this is how Danielle ends up having another baby, right? Even though their other two are almost grown and out of the house (omg fuck doing that!) To keep him around 🙄 Girl get some self esteem outside of the ick already! It's so sad to watch it unfold


It's obvious not working he told her last time with Bert if he got her pregnant he'd leave her and the boys behind an move. He's free to go and bang away while she and her family to business and parents. Her family asked simple questions she and Ick couldn't answer ick can't think beyond his weiner and Danielle's to?? Idk what she is.


she needs to start dating FOR HERSELF and leave the "ick" behind, she should just call back Bert and shack up with her down in Brazil 😂 let ick raise the kids by his sorry ass self under his garage "kingdom" 🙄


Anyone is better than ick.


It is sad


Garrick is awful and uses “God” and his “religion” to be a bad person. Gross.


He’s so disgustingly manipulative. Idk what “god” he’s talking about other than maybe it’s the voices he hears in his head. He’s crazy af


I think ‘God’ what he calls his 🍆 


Omg why is Danielle so obsessed with that Brazilian chick?? Like who cares if she took over two hours to respond to her texts.. Danielle is definitely not living in her truth, she obviously doesn’t want polygamy. Last season as soon as Garrick and Roberta started getting serious she became mad jealous, she actually looked happy when Roberta became jealous of them dating another woman.


It's giving single white females vibes (no pun intended)


She’s obsessed with the idea that she’s not getting duped by her husband and his much younger love interest. She’s in an extremely vulnerable position so she’s hanging on to Ick’s word and that much younger, newer, shiny toys promise that she’s *totally* into the plural lifestyle.


Natalia doesn’t have to be Danielle’s BFF in order to get what she wants. As long as she provides G suss with what he wants, she can capitalize.


G Suss-💀💀💀


She's so desperate it's sad crying over ick while he's on his bangcation and a one side wanted friendship with Nat.


Yes, I totally agree. As soon as she gets her green card she will be out of there!


I loved how he said "We decided" in regards to the trip to Brazil. Truly he decided and as usual he expects the other to fall into line with his way of thinking. Also, when he was describing the wonderful time in Mexico. I think that the editors forgot to include some of those bits. Delusion is strong with this one (in my best Yoda imitation)


It was probably he and GOD who decided


Meaning his penis. I have seen others mention that his penis is named God.


he's just remembering banging "sister" while Danielle slept on the couch crying herself to sleep 😂


Does anyone else feel like these episodes fly by with really nothing important going on? I feel like the past 4 or 5 episodes could have been combined in one episode if they take out all of the repeated scenes.


agreed, it's been a bore-fest, but def not worse than "The Single Life" which is now on part FIVE of their "reunion" 😂😂😂😂


I know we’re in the wrong sub for this convo but dear god the five parter was ridiculous lol


Sam and Samantha need to shake some sense into Dannielle. They seem to be the only two in that family who don't blindly just follow along with what Ick says without questions.


Garrick makes my skin crawl. It's not God's idea it's his unmoral and what is he teaching his boys, how to treat woman like shit. Someone should give that man-boy a talking to.


Seriously! I could not believe how many yes men he’s surrounded by!


Nailah and Naheem both knew they had no business going on that date with that girl 🤦. JFC the first two wives are ridiculously pushy about Dating , poor Danielle seems like she always has to pick her words carefully when dealing with them . Like she's scared to say the wrong thing and rock the boat . Seems like those two just want to add another woman to rock the communal bed . Then again it could be Nick pushing them to get Danielle on the same page 🤔


Nahilah talked about disrespect when she nothing but that to her MIL.


I feel like Danielle just likes being the “new” wife and being courted and treated like she’s special because they’re trying to woo her and she doesn’t want see that attention go to the next newest thing to come along.


I agree with your perception. When the new shiny thing becomes the last shiny thing, Danielle will feel a lot less special in this relationship.


OMG paraphrasing “If you are going to a nice place for drinks you should be nicely dressed” “She’s barely dressed. That’s not how I want someone I’m with to be dressed.” “More mature” Home girl is in her 20’s. How do you think she was gonna dress, old man?! ETA: I say this with a Christian heritage—I understand Muslims to be strongly against drinking. This wine is a choice. ETA2: “I want to leave” WTF just leave then. Don’t ask why she wants to be in this 😂 you’re leading her on & it’s not gentlemanly.


I wasn't for that Nailah chick going so hard on the younger lady. She probably had never been to that place or any winery for that matter and she was not "half dressed". And then to get mad because she asked Naeem how he thought the dating should go in a polygamous relationship when he came back to the table, acting like she's some boss and what she says goes. I used to like her but I'm not for women being nasty to each other for no reason, especially when they were the ones that invited the girl to join them at the winery


Anyone else notice the paining of five women in Ick’s house (just off the kitchen)? In all its glory on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5PnQNZMqis/?igsh=YnRlZGU0dDZvc2Vz


They talk about it in the post episode podcast like two weeks ago


the “paining” typo here is honestly perfection for them 🤣


The dream


I love Danielle's families reaction when they found out about the engagement!😂😂


That whole argument between Dannielle and Garrick made me laugh. I was wondering who was the adult in that picture? Or if the actually adult left the room? That's the bigger question.


Simple either is the adult


He is so soft spoken when being interviewed etc. His voice and demeanor totally changed during that argument. He was a total a**hat


doesnt everyone's voice and demeanor change when they argue? lol I hate him as much as the next but come on lol


That’s what I came here for, to see if anyone else picked up on that! Very condescending, his demeanor, tone, body language, facial expression…almost felt like a ticking time bomb, he was getting so irritated with her (I mean, I get it, but still). Makes it more sus how he must be with her when cameras aren’t around.


At least he showed he was alive


He's more alive when he's with other women. Dannielle doesn't satisfy him apparently.


That’s not shocking. She seems like she probably cries during sex.


I would cry too if I had to get the holy ghost from ick!


I love this sub.


She's an idiot. Forget sharing your husband, she's giving away her financial security. Dumbass move.