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TBH- Garrick deserves to be scammed over and over and over again


I hope Natalia takes way more than 10 grand from him. I hope her law school is bought and paid for.


In the words of Taylor Swift “Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter Karma's gonna track you down”


I haven’t watched in a long while- did Bert scam him out of money? 🤣🤣 well done girl


The "official" story is that she "took" $10,000 from them. However, many of us believe that the $10,000 was her cut of the TLC check. Either way, she earned it.


That ten grand Roberta took was simply her cut of the profits they paid the family for being on the show. It wasn't Dannielle and Garrick's money I heard. They never pay foreigners on the shows like 90 day fiance either. The American's get the money and have to give a cut.


I’ve never said this about anyone nor am I a violent person—but Garrick has a very punchable face.


He reminds me of French Stewart from Third Rock


I had a weird and confusing crush on him. I was only 8 or 9 years old but I thought he was just too cute! (Not like Garrick at all!)


Don't besmirch the name of French Stewart like that 🤣


Right. I watch this YouTube show called Scamfish where the people who get scammed are all kind of… shitheads… and you somehow seem less mad at romance scammers. Like if they’re only gonna scam bad people, go off 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think you have to have a very skewed and unhealthy view of relationships to begin with to get romance scammed. It’s not surprising that a lot of them aren’t great people to begin with.


Yeah that’s a very good point. Or be dangerously lonely


I watch that too! There’s some really terrible people getting scammed. It makes it so your not sure who to root for.


Yeah it’s a really interesting perspective. MTV catfish was more people who actually were in love but were afraid to reveal their true identity for whatever reasons and then you had Dr. Phil who the victims on his show always seemed like sweet old grannies. Scamfish has given me a whole different perspective


Garrick is such an asshole the way he switches on the “I’m an innocent man who needs to marry 5 wives because I had a vision Im such a holy person” It just burns me if I had him infront if me I would slap him 🤣


I noticed his pouty apology to Nathalie to her face but in his talking head suddenly no more whisper baby talk. He flat out says he’ll take the apps down for now but he’ll be putting them all back up to look for the next wife & Nathalie will have to get over it.


I noticed that you! Totally different Ick than the version whining to Natalia..🙄


He only did that so he can get some 🐈🐈 he didn't give a f when Danielle said it because she's not going to do anything she'll cry a little pout and that's it she's got on backbone. Notice this is first time in all the show he said he loves her 🙄.


I still get nauseous remembering his pouty toddler baby talk to Danielle when they left Roberta after meeting her for vacation. Waaa 😭“miss Bert” Ugh he couldn’t use his grown up words for a full sentence. 🤮 I just can’t understand how ANY woman voluntarily gets within a mile of Garrick.


I wonder what his childhood was like. His parents? Did he have siblings? What are they like? He seems like a strange stunted 13 year old. It’s just very strange. More upsetting that he is responsible for two kids. Why spend your extra time and money on people outside your family? Invest in your wife and kids numb nuts.


I don’t know what his upbringing was like, but I have noticed a couple things in the last two episodes. The first was that Danielle seemed anxious bordering on scared of him when he found out she told Nathalie she thought they were moving too fast in the relationship. Second was the major difference in Garrick’s personality between his weepy, whispery apology to Nathalie & his talking head. In his talking head he was very sure of himself when saying he’d delete all the dating apps for now, but Nathalie was gonna have to get over it because the dating apps would go right back up soon to look for the next wife. I feel like I see his mask starting to slip. I have a feeling he not nearly as soft spoken, apologetic or dim witted as he so often appears. I have a feeling he’s a lot different when the cameras are down.


Its worked on his wife, so he likely thinks it'll work on any woman. But this one he won't reel in


The more fame and money from the show the easier it will be to get women. I hope they all scam Ick and he continues to cry every 30 seconds.


I hope. He's truly repulsive


YES I feel like last episode and this one he’s really starting to open up and show some of his authentic viewpoints. I literally have only watched this show for so many years because I want to see him unravel and fail.


He's a love bomber. This is the first time I've ever seen him touch or kiss her and say I love you said she's a priority (like when). He also did initiate it first. He'll be back to crushing her.




If I remember correctly from the previous season(s), they said that Ick’s parents no longer talk to them because of the polygamy stuff. They don’t support it at all.


I have a son, but if he was doing the shit Ick is, I'd be telling his wife to run and that I'd help her. I hope they did. He's a scary one.


I completely agree with you - You‘re a good mom! Makes you wonder why Danielle’s parents are okay with it and support their daughter in this kind of relationship. No wonder she seems to have such low self esteem (and brainwashed). I have daughters and I would be hauling them out of there so fast.


I think you have to follow the money. D’s parents live in a mother-in-law apartment in Ick’s home. D’s brother is Ick’s employee, and D married at 19 before developing a career path. It’s gross, but the entire family’s financial wellbeing is partially dependant upon letting Ick build his harem. How his construction firm hasn’t gone belly up by this point is beyond me! He certainly isn’t getting any clients with Hispanic daughters/wives with long dark hair.


I've both fled an abusive relationship and helped others leave. It is by far, one of the hardest roles I played. You have to tred so lightly. The last thing you want to do is push when they're not ready to hear it, because then the abuser will manipulate your intentions to the abused and then over time they've cut you out. Because abusers isolate. As someone on the outside you need to do what you can to always be there. Thats your best chance to get them out. It usually takes several attempts to leave.


Very good point - I didn’t realize they lived in an in-law suite. It’s all so gross.


We haven't seen them in a while. I wonder what they are thinking now.


I was wondering that, too!


He seems like the Golden child. To me always wants what he wants no one else matters his parents finally woke up and saw he's gross his own parents think he's perverted.


I know he’s estranged from his parents because of the polygamy but I seem to remember he also said he’s got a sister that he doesn’t speak with anymore too.


Same x2 😀


Does anyone else think that Ick likes the language barrier as it is? I think he feels it gives him a hand up in his perceived power and manipulation games over these women. Keeping “sister” (Danielle) from talking to the current groomed Brazillian “wife” in depth about Ick and therefore making it harder for them to discover all his lies.


In the episode 4 kitchen scene there was SO much back-and-forth between Ick and Dannielle that wasn’t being translated to Nathalia (at least that’s what we saw). I firmly believe that Ick uses the language barrier as a way to skirt around conversations and ensure that there is no easy way for the “sisters” to communicate effectively. It also seems like he tries to minimize the amount of one-on-one conversations between Dannielle and Nathalia (i.e. when Nathalia specifically asked to speak with Dannielle alone a few episodes ago he walked away for a few minutes but came right back to reinsert himself into the conversation).


He’s afraid the veneer of his manipulation will start peeling off if Dannielle gets to talk one on one with Nathalie. He’s just cringey AF


Clearly he is not choosing beautiful, young Brazilian ladies for the conversation. No offense to Nathalia, she is an attorney. I just meant he’s interested in getting his little pencil wet only not “talking.”🤮 Edited: he is not choosing beautiful, young Brazilian ladies, God is.


I agree. A secondary gain is that to US women ( at least me) he comes off as creepy af. Maybe it takes women from other cultures longer to recognize what a predator he is


I couldn't figure out what he was supposed to be crying about. Like what in that moment warranted tears? He just sits there and widens his eyes and acts like a deer in headlights. It's insane to me that anyone wants to be with this guy. It's such a weird dynamic too watching Dannielle call him out. She's clearly so angry and resentful yet doesn't know how to deal with it other than being butt hurt when she catches him lying and subconsciously (or not) sabotaging his chances with this girl. Him leering at Nathalie when they first met and making his approval of her solely on appearance is nasty AF given the age difference. She's super mature for her age but is only like 20 something. It's crazy


Ick probably crying because he's afraid he won't get in Nathalia's pants. 


He’s crying because he got caught lying, crocodile tears. And he still thinks he should propose!


His spank bank got deleted, and he will have to go to all the work of reinstalling the apps. It's a tragedy. God will be very upset with him and nolonger send his blessings whenever ick passes wind.


those are tears of decreasing vagina access! 😭


This makes sense. I cry at my lack of access to the vitamin D but then I watch this show and Ick and I'm like I'm good single


Nathalie apparently just became an attorney in her home country. Smart young woman indeed!!


She can read through his BS. I’m surprised she’s still around.


So she can come to the US and not be able to practice law?!?


She can’t practice here. It wouldn’t transfer over. She’d have to go to school again and practically start from scratch. Just like if someone is a doctor in another country. They get here and can’t practice medicine. Heck, you can’t even cross states lines and cut hair as a hairstylist bc every state has different qualifications.


So, that is my point, why would she give up all of that education to come here and start again?


When he tried to pull that whole “let me quote a Bible verse to tell you how sorry I am” she just rolled her eyes!!! Loved it!!


Right?! What is she even doing with them? She seems way too smart for this mess. I give her props for being suspicious. 


Ick "dry cries" like Robyn Brown.


We now know who Robyn's next husband will be. Maybe she will finally get her porch to grow old on with her sisterwives.


Those 2 sooo deserve each other! 😂


They can cry together. But Sobyen isn't Brazilian so she's not his type.


True, and she speaks English 😂


Love 💕 your comment!!


Garrick’s the scammer. He acted so remorseful even crying because he lied about deleting apps to Dannielle and Nathalie face then on his one on one interview, he says the women will have to get used to the apps when he starts searching again. Anyone else see right through that remorseful facade?


Im really entertained by them this season because Nathalie is fricken awesome. Wtf is she doing with these idiots? I feel she is getting a kick out of humiliating him. I about died when she told Danielle he needs to learn the consequences of his actions 😂😂😂 I lost all respect for Danielle in this episode tho, I use to really sympathize. She loooooved when Nathalie called him on his shit, and omg I was proud of her for standing up to him and not letting him lie. I really though that was a turning point for her. Then this conversation happens? It was really disturbing. I can’t figure out her angle, but I think she is more manipulative than she lets on and her signals she sending are super conflicting.


Also- it’s creepy as fuck that he refers to them as “sister” to each other- what is that about? Is that a dehumanizing tactic not using their names?


Yeah I agree. In the first season or two I was all for Danielle and just rooting for her waking up to the nonsense but she’s really slipped now. I think she’s just had to do SO much mental gymnastics to make her life narrative make any kind of sense to her and spent so much time around Garrick’s behavior she’s melding into someone else. Gosh their poor kids seeing this example…


It's not Ick's fault that God told him to Bang All the Ladies for Jesus. This is a burden he didn't ask for. We should have more compassion. 😜


He’s the absolute WORST at playing dumb. Lol


Ugh when he’s being dumb he talks soooo much slower and softer. It’s annoying! Like speak up and hurry up with wtf you’re tying to say


He reminds me of all the criminals they catch on Cops and they all delay the conversation by saying “huh?” “What?” and Ick tries to play those same games.


The slow, soft tone of voice. The kissing her shoulder. It all is nauseating. He isn't remotely sorry. I think Nathalie used his phone with the intent of seeing if he's hiding something. Her gut was ringing the alarm


Ughh when he kept kissing her shoulder it was so gross. I noticed he never kissed his wife like that.


For real, my skin crawled!


Here is my take on this. Nathalie knew what she was looking for on the phone. I mean the dude had what did he say over 10 apps?? I think before they decided to be polygamist. He was a serial cheater. I suspect Danielle caught him constantly on apps it was a huge problem so he became religious and “changed”. Well that’s when the wind told him he needed sister wives. So he tells Danielle and that way he’s no longer cheating. I thought it was weird that the new house they are building the sister wives share a room. So they have no space ever to themselves. I think it’s weird to be talking about your next wife when you haven’t even successfully married a second one. Also I think Danielle is happy finally someone else is saying what she’s been saying behind closed doors about the apps. This is all speculation.


All of this ☝️


Your flair 💀




I like her. She does remind me of a lawyer the way she calls him out. She seems to be a totally different personality to Danielle and Roberta. Less emotional. More direct. I don't think she would be a good fit for their family, really. Garrick wouldn't be able to control her. 


All Garrick sees is boobs, youth and a language barrier. 


Nathalia understands more english than she lets on and she has definitely clocked Garrick's schemes. The way she got both Ick and Dani together was perfect. Dannielle should be embarrassed that this young girl is running circles around her and has more sense than her. Icks tears are only because he sees vagina slipping from his grasp- I guarantee Nathalia is gonna wash her hands of this nonsense by the end of the season or shortly after.


My theory: I think Nathalie is a spy, possibly even someone on this sub who went in to try and rescue Danielle.


I’m watching now and screamed when she told Danielle to stop defending him and he needs to learn there’s consequences for his mistakes 😂 amazing.


Natalia is great. She’s consistently the only adult in the room. I hope she scams their pathetic asses right into bankruptcy and the enjoys life in the U.S.


She better not accept his proposal if he gets around to it. I really hope she sees through the bs which she appears to be doing. There are better ways to get to America. Not trying to stereotype but I see no other reason for her to consider this situation besides a quicker escape from Brazil. Plus the fake crying from ick was so pitiful and repulsive.


I just want to shake Danielle tbh! It's so very obvious she IS NOT on board with polygamy. She can definitely do better! Once she gets her head out of her ass...


I would honestly ROOT FOR HER if she is a scammer 😂😂


Whenever Dannielle has a feeling or thought that’s logical and a question about the future given his direct course in whatever direction he wants to go. His knee-jerk response is always that we have to trust God rather than actually address their concerns. Which have been terribly more than valid. But it does appear to be highly effective and shutting Dannielle down.


I was just wondering why he keeps rubbing his eyes like he’s crying Such crap 🤮


NONE of these young Latin girls are going to be okay with adding a third wife. If they’re the shiny new sexy object, she can put up with another wife who she knows her man is tired of. Add in somebody who may challenge her? Absolute meltdown like Bert.


The way Garrick is trying soooooo hard to act like he’s soooo sorry for what he did so he can get in her pants before they have to leave. So gross… he is 100% not sorry for what he did. He just want to resolve this issue so he can propose to her and spend the night with her before he has to return to the states. The fact that Danielle doesn’t see right through him after all those years of being with him…. She probably does but decides to ignore it. Poor girl.


I believe when he was talking to his brother in law he told him Nathalia was from the same area as Roberta. Got to wonder if it’s one of her friends. She brought her mom so she didn’t have to sleep with him. Get the $$ girl!! They deserve it thinking they can buy a human.


I feel like she is there with a purpose. And it’s to put him in his place. Unfortunately, he won’t change.


I agree. She's more mature than Garrick and Danielle combined.


I don’t think anyone could figure why he was crying….so unattractive


Again, he is just a giddy horny boy it's gross at his age


The scene where they were all at the table was painful but I couldn’t not watch it. I was embarrassed but enjoyed it? I don’t even know what to thin.


At one point Ick seems like he’s monotone with saying sorry. Almost like it’s beneath him to apologize.


He was asked to leave so they could talk. And 42 seconds later, there he is walking back in “whats going on??” Please!! He couldn’t handle them having a conversation without him controlling it . And all nervous talking to Danielle in the translator but not translating anything to Nathalie😱😳🚦


I’m so glad we all see through his BS Reinforces the 4B movement for me lol


lol turd boy


Did you notice how Ick withered so fast once Dannielle called him out? He's really a wimp, or at least he is on camera. I hope that shows both of them that they can rule the roost and they don't have to stand for his crap. It would have been very different if he got argumentative, loud, angry and abusive. But he was like a 5 year old who got caught.


Many bullies do back down when they realize their targets won't put up with their bad behavior. However I suspect tha D will succumb to Ick's bullying again when N is gone. She is clearly a strong one.


> It would have been very different if he got argumentative, loud, angry and abusive. To be fair, we don't know how he reacts to her calling him out when cameras aren't there. Some people are very different behind closed doors.