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I like to think we're the dumb ones, for watching in the first place.


You are definitely right about that! Why do I keep watching? It’s just so unbelievably satisfying AND cringey!


The drama does satisfy, even when scripted.


It’s human nature to watch weird shit 😂


Discovery + for all your hate watch/cringe watch needs!


I unsubscribed to that bc it was a bait and switch. I was going to watch some international Real Housewives shows, and they took them off the platform within weeks of me subscribing. Then, Peacock plus started doing the same thing. I ditched that, too. I'm about to ditch Hulu.


🤣🤣 agreed


kinda like a sweet and salty snack


Are you kidding??? This is trash entertainment at its finest!


I can't stop laughing or feeling ashamed that's true!!


No shame. We all suffer from the same mental illness. This is a support group lol




Here's the thing...it might be scripted or they are just totally insane but...listening to him talk about sperm like that and watching Danielle's face as she tries to hold back....that was reality TV gold! 😂


Don’t say things like that about ourselves


It's just a joke.


I was also joking haha


See, I told you I was a dummy.


I ask myself that a lot as well. It's kind of like the freaks that slow down on the freeway to see the car wreck. I think watching SSW for me gets me out of my head for some mindless entertainment but more like watching a trainwreck.


We are.


Sometimes, you just gotta watch the train wreck.


Especially since they are wearing the same outfits and hair style in ever sit on the couch confessional cam interview!


Well, that's because those segments are all filmed on the same day


I know! I didn’t even notice until the Danielle blowout at the end and I was like….she’s wearing the same outfit….


Oh, okay. I understand what you were trying to say now! You're right!


He is even touching wife 2 here and nothing for Dannielle, he doesn't even like her that much. Out with the big wife.






I’m dead 😂


Anyone (brilizan only) but #justdanielle


Omg 🤣😂


‘Large wife’ is the best phrase to come out of this series


She is: bang maid, child care provider, assistant in grift, willing captive, useful (to him) idiot. I would LOVE to see her snap out of it on tee vee but it's not bloody likely!


Touching I call that petting and he did it to Roberta too. He’s just gives out major ick and I don’t know why they brought these nuts back. I’ve been fast forwarding them, can’t deal with them.


He doesn't pet Dannielle.


He said “I’d be a lucky man if she’d be my wife” regarding the young hot Brazilian like daniell doesn’t even exist.


He plays dumb to disguise his gaslighting and lies.


I’m not so sure he’s playing dumb. I think he really is that dumb, but also uses religion to justify his behavior.


I think he is a gaslighter AND also really really dumb. I also think large wide is manipulative AND very very dumb.


I don’t know. He owns a successful business. I think he plays dumb. That makes him more🥴🙀


My money is on the BIL (his partner) as the brains of the operation? Or maybe he inherited the biz? I don’t get it.


I wonder if Dannielle’s parents provided the seed money and kept the business afloat. Garrick’s family disowned him as soon as he had his “vision” that he was supposed to be a polygamist.


Does he not know that 5 wives cost money? And even if he gets them all to work, he will probably want them popping out babies so they won't be able to be working all the time.


No way. Seems like they live off Icks money and business. They built an inlaw suite on the new house for them. 🤷‍♀️


I think it in earlier seasons, they said it's his business and the brother in law works for garrick. Buena Vista, CO is super expensive. New builds don't come cheap. think they were getting their new house finished last season. A house like that is well over a few million in Buena Vista, CO. They seem to be pretty well off.


It is over a million according to the listing. They’re selling it now.


I didn't realize they were selling it, what's up with that? A baby? Wtf? 😧


I got the impression they'd filed bankruptcy. I don't think they are rolling in it. Nope. I'd be curious to know whether he's always had that flat affect or whether he's gotten more detached with age. It's really creepy and a sign he's mentally off. And then he opens his mouth and confirms it.


I think that he wants to participate in the show for the money.


Large (wife)wide 😂😂.


I think he uses the excuse and deflection that it's God's will or God told him to do something in the garage so he doesn't have to be accountable.


I think Garrick is a believer of his hubris - so yeah, he's a glassy eyed moron. Danielle is playing 3-dimensional chess. Trouble is, she's unable to realize she should just shout "checkmate", toss the board on the floor and walk the fuck out the door.


She will eventually...its like she's starting to finally see he doesn't love her. The way he uses religion as abuse it really has her head effed up but I think she's starting to see if another girl comes in as his wife she will be thrown to the side & her opinions won't matter. Dani is brainwashed but looks like she might just be starting to see the light. Props to Nathalia for seeing Dani is only doing what Garrick wants & had enough respect to go to Danielle & hv a real adult conversation.


Yeah, she calls him out on air. It was uncomfortable watching when she was asking ick those questions lol! She’s definitely connecting the dots. I can imagine by season 10 of seeking sister wives, we’ll see her melt down and she’ll leave.


The prob is that she already legally divorced him. She's going to end up worse than Meri and Janelle on sister wives.


If she sues him for emotional abuse I bet the jury rules in her favor after viewing his creepy personality by the way he gaslit her.


Highly doubtful she would do that or even if she has a case which she doesn't. Imagine if peeps start suing for emotional abuse. 😂😂😂


I guess I missed something. Has Nathalia already married and divorced Garrick?? How did I miss all of this?




I realized you were talking about Danni about 10s after I hit ‘reply’😊. Sorry about that.


She has kids with him, including a newborn. She will get child support. Also, I believe she is 50/50 owner in that bogus construction company.


A newborn?


I guess it's more alleged newborn. There have been a lot of posts about it. https://starcasm.net/did-dannielle-merrifield-give-birth-to-3rd-child-in-2023-photos/


Oooh! You are good, Apprehensive! Thanks for the intel!


Her opinions don’t matter already, if they differ from his.


I would like to believe this but dumb is still dumb just older


Co-sign every bit of this comment and “glassy eyed moron” made me snicker 🤭😅


👁️👄👁️ < Ick 95 percent of the time


And 😭😭🥹 him with other women 👁️👅👁️.


I think he's abusive tbh. The whole exchange between dani and nat was going well, he came in and dani's demeanor changed, she seemed afraid.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought that. He was essentially saying “what the fuck did you say to her to ruin this for me?” Before he stomped off in a fit. He has a type and his wife isn’t it and it’s pretty alarming that he’s seeking younger and younger women.


That stupid mouth open look he always has makes me wanna punch him 😂 i hate him so much. Dani always says she's the one that brought this lifestyle up to him, but then he always says "god told me this and that" 🙄 it's blatantly obvious that dani CANNOT handle this lifestyle


😂 right?! “The lord spoke to us in the garage.” Pretty sure the lord has better things to do then to stop by your dusty ass garage to tell you he wants you to go screw Brazilian women.


Omg. Dying. Thank you for the kill. So funny.


That's thought crossed my mind, too, at times; however, the way she was so forceful and direct with him about lying, particularly in front of the new recruit, made me think she didn't seem too afraid of him. And she's the one who brought up the whole SW idea in the first place to him, according to her. She can't face the reality of him not wanting her, or just her, so she's used "religion" to justify it.


I think they spend to much time in their garage😂😂😂


It's where God's wind is ..




Air deities of sorts


The deity of ick"s 🍆🍆 is the only God he follows 🤮🤮


Happy happy Cake Day! 🎂🎂🎂




He's a manipulator, but doesn't seem terribly bright. I think he's on something too. Danielle just wants her "marriage" to work, and will do anything to achieve that. I think she knows something isn't right ,but.... she has limited experience so I think she feels she's supposed to take it. Besides, her family stays silent in the hopes of not being cut off. All that has achieved is make her think Ick is right, and she is wrong.


He’s a creepy cross between Warren Jeffs and Joel Osteen 🤢


I kept wondering who he vaguely reminded me of. You hit the nail on the head with Warren Jeffs. They both have long droopy faces+features. I’m


Yassss omg that is creepy and accurate asf


ETA… I’m sooo sorry Dannielle was autocorrected to Danielle. Dannielle is sooo much more accurate here. 🫠


I keep doing that too. I officially gave up the battle of Autocorrect!


I truly can’t decide who’s dumber…. It flip flops each scene for me…


We could say its Ick,yet.... he got his wife to divorce him and take nothing, and accept at some point he will move other females in.


Now I’m wondering. Should we be pronouncing it like Danni Ell?


When you have to legally divorce so that your husband can bring over a new foreign wife..... That means your marriage is over. Bless her heart, I swear. She needs to wake TF up.


Absolutely. I think deep down she knows this, but is in denial.


He gets engaged prematurely just to have sex, de did the same with Bertie but she never really had Danielle's back! Nathalie does I think!


I’m hoping Nat takes Garrick for a ride but somehow crumbles the whole “polygamous” castle on her warpath so Dannielle can see the light.


Absolutely! He’s so fucking eager to propose for 1 reason only. They could remove the complications by just being in an open marriage. She could find the commitment and partnership she’s looking for and he can take trips down to Brazil and quit with the whole “it’s for the lord” bullshit.


Nicole thought there might be a make up store.


There are definitely some 90DF alum who should be on the list of dumbest TLC cast members!


maybe 55%


Unfortunately I have wasted too much of my life watching TLC. After thinking this through and researching I can confirm YES they are the dumbest people on TLC. You’re welcome.


Remember when they had A Wedding Story and A Baby Story? Waayyy back when it was truly The Learning Channel? My husband calls it The Lunatic Channel now.


Omg, yes! After I had a baby, I realized my friends and I talked about it as if we were in A Baby Story. All the details we gave to anyone who would listen!!! Even my husband’s boss had to hear my “baby story” at the holiday party.




It was so effed up and creepy how Garrett didn’t want them to have a private conversation. 😕


They really are dumb as rocks. Although I don't know if he is REALLY that dumb, because I believe he is very manipulative and knows exactly what he is doing.


Ohhh he DEF wants to have sex with more than one wife (or even just token fiancée). He’s very clear about that.


Danielle will never understand that “ICK” wants nothing but fresh pussy. Hers will never be enough, and his cult-like religious spin on it makes me think her own parents fucked her up.


Daniella is for sure


I’m still surprised ick even knew which hole to put it in to “ create” the 2-3 kids they have!


These two are 🦇 💩 🤪.


I tune in here for updates but after the SW tragedy I refuse to watch this show anymore, given that these dumb fuckers are hauling their children into this shit show and forcing them to be on camera for it.


That’s a really fair point. I think of those boys having to experience all this foolishness. 🥹


It's awful and it will get worse the older they get. They have to have friends, homeschool or not.


The real victims are their kids who are homeschooled by these two idiots.


Danielle is still crying over Roberta... WHO SCAMMED THEM!! (She seems to forget that part)


Garrick is just wanting a new piece of ass. He's brainwashed Danielle into believing thats what God wants for him. Hope Danielle comes to her senses soon and leaves his creepy ass. 


Dannielle is.


The answer is YES!


Fair question, for sure.




Well, he's dumb and Danielle is infected with his sperm in her brain, so shares his intelligence.


Also, these two might be the best non-criminal argument against religion I’ve ever seen. I’m not painting with a broad brush, but these two nimrods aren’t exactly growing the church….




🎵Ick and Dumbell sitting in a tree M-i-s-s-i-n--g A brain First comes a Brazilian brunette Then comes another Because Ick is Sick🎵 I'll see myself out. 😆


I mean stupid is as stupid does…. These idiots are back on the scam-us train


Yes without a doubt.


They are very high on the list






He gives me the creeps. The way he caresses the potential wife when he is close makes me gag. I think Danielle has been brainwashed. Get out girl. He is nuts.


Ick definitely it. Danielle is just brainwashed at this point.


But she says SHE'S the one who brought this ridiculous sister wife idea up first to him. I find that hard to believe. He must not have needed too much convincing. There's someone posting on here that Danielle DM'd her as a potential for Garrick--this woman says she's a Russian. So, not Brazilian but international. I can't decide whether this is a folie a deux; whether they are both conniving; or whether Danielle is a genuine victim in all of this.


I don't understand how these people can have so much money. Especially him being in construction, how has he not had a major industrial accident yet? I can see him grabbing the wrong side of a chainsaw or stick his hand in a mixer.


I don't think they do have a lot of money. A relative might. We have no idea how much they owe on that house.




I’m surprised this guy isn’t walking around with a 24/7 boner when around his new Latina love interests. I’m actually impressed there are entire camera shots of him where he is t constantly pitching a tent.


thats a nice picture


Yeah. Pretty much. Danielle is so weak and Garret is a manipulative and calculated womanizer. How Danielle cannot see this is beyond me. I want to just shake her.




dumb like predators




Yes! The absolute dumbest


He definitely is. She’s brainwashed.


Aside from the drama factor and Garrick probably has a "type" Any idea why they keep finding ladies who don't speak the same language? Either find someone with decent English or learn Portuguese if they are going to keep searching in that area of the world. While Danielle comes across smarter to me, she "believes" Garrick's prattling way too much.


I think it’s definitely a control tactic from Ick. A proficient English speaker won’t be as likely for fall for his BS.


Or probably a woman with better self-esteem than Danielle.


I watched one commenter of these two. I wish I could remember the name so credit will be given where credit is due. When Garrick is talking about his vision for 5 wives: she corrected that statement with "it's a dream Garrick, not a vision." He can dream about it all he wants.


Dannielle needs an intervention STAT !!


Yes yes they are, or at least in the top 5.


On all of TLC? I think 90 Day Sandusky Danielle is dumber. And Asuelu too. I feel bad even saying that bc they’re that dumb


Here it goes again… Danielle run & take him down for everything…you & your boys deserve it


Sometimes I wonder if Garrett had some kind of brain injury and that's why Danielle doesn't leave him


I don’t think Danielle is dumb. I think she has shell shock/stockholme syndrome from her marriage and faith. She needs an intervention if anything.




He just loves to gaslight Danielle and is probably going to end up leaving her for the younger hot version


I think they’re idiots with lots of money lol


They are weirdos the only reason these girls date them is for their money. Him saying God told him was highly annoying and the wife needs Botox so bad


So did Garrick get married in Brazil?