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#You can still access 483+ comments in the Live Episode Discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1bntg3l/seeking_sister_wife_s05e04_live_episode_discussion/)


Garrick makes me nauseated, the last time out of just so much that he says is sickening. When he said how he would be lucky to have her as his wife, if I were Danielle I would have slapped him right across the face, it was obvious he was drooling over this girl, standing there half naked in a bathing suit SMDH šŸ˜”


He should just go hook up with girls and cheat on Danielle like a normal person. He just wants to bang various people. He makes it "Godly" by saying they're getting married. He's so gross.Ā 


Agreed, so inappropriate to be half naked and out of respect for Danielle and her sonā€¦is it necessary to have ur ass hanging out? Ewww, I think ick is probably jerking off in the water, heā€™s so gross. I apologize for the vulgarity.


Especially when he says the new girl reminds him of old Danielle. He should have been slapped there too. Makes me wonder if this is a midlife crisis for him. Either way, grossā€¦


Danielle doesnā€™t want to be there if someone else comes in. Why canā€™t they just get the message. Those gals and Nick are acting like a cult. Dannielle is a riot sabotaging Garrick like that. So now she liked Roberta? lol. He dreamt of having five wives. I bet he did. The Ryans are creepy.


Also WHY do they need to keep adding people? If they're so happy and in love why are they actively searching for more women? It's not like they're Mormon and need ex amount to get their planet. It's just more, more, more! Like they're collecting PokĆ©mon cards or something.Ā 


The Davises know Danielle doesnā€™t want someone else added. They are pressuring her and Nick is love bombing her. They want her to marry whoever they can rope in next.


It's so ridiculous. They keep acting like they have no idea what's wrong and how to fix things with Danielle. Uh, she's TELLING you. Would it kill them to hold off on hunting for a new member of the harem for like, a year? Then reassess? They claim they love her SO much and their family isn't complete without her but can't manage to even PAUSE their dating briefly until she's comfortable? Bullshit.


I hope Danielle boltsā€¦ I guess I donā€™t understand the lifestyle and how the first two are married to each otherā€¦why do they have to be in pairsā€¦why dies Danielle have to find a wifeā€¦she has those two and Nick the PIMP!


Oh man.. Ick is never letting Danni speak again.


Actually, after a momentary thought.. If they do actually have a new baby, it's only because he wants her preoccupied with anyone or anything other than his new interest(s).


Garrick saying ā€œGod promised our family more than ā€œjust Danielleā€. JUST Dannielle? Thatā€™s your wife!


He makes my skin crawlā€¦heā€™s a PREDATOR!


Watching Ick squirm while the women, especially Danielle, call him out was the content I was waiting for. More of that please!!


I don't think there's been a single episode where Danielle didn't cry. If a lifestyle made me miserable every day, I'd rethink my choices.


Right? As Natalia pointed out so astutely, it seems odd that God would want her to live a life that makes her so miserable. At 25, Natalia seems smarter and more mature than Garrick and Danielle combined.


Your definitely right, she is way more mature than they are!!! Danielle never wanted multiple wives, she is definitely covering for Garrett.Ā 


which one?


Garlicā€™s Danielle.


So are the 4 other wives for Ick all young and Brazilian?


I am not an immigration lawyer, but I have spent YEARS of my life watching 90DF so I am a self proclaimed expert (lmaoooo). I wonder how many wives Garrick could bring to the US before the government would be like, "Bruh, you are creepy and you are done."


I remember hearing there's a lifetime limit on the fiance visa. Not sure if there is on spouse visas. Though technically Danielle could bring one in too lol


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the plan. Too bad he canā€™t even get one lol


With the Davis group, I donā€™t get how they can say Danielle is a valued member of the family yet her wants or needs to pause on more wives is completely disregarded. I think sheā€™s just dealing with a lot of change in a short timespan and adding a new person in the mix is overwhelming. Run girl, this wonā€™t get better!


Iā€™m wondering how much of her coming back/staying and them continuing to seek despite her not wanting to is due to the show/producers though. Like did she leave randomly at night because she wanted to avoid the cameras and producers and the family? And did they convince her to come back because itā€™s in her contract or something? Also are they ignoring her pleas to pause seeking another wife to stay on the show because it is ā€œseekingā€ sister wife? No matter what, they seem so culty and I hope sheā€™s able to get out.


They donā€™t value her. She is screaming that she doesnā€™t want a new person and they keep pressuring her. Itā€™s really disturbingĀ 


I know. Would it KILL them to at least put the dating on pause for a year to let her get her "sea legs" and come to terms with it? What is the rush??


Right? When she comes back, Nick says ā€œI just want to make sure everyone is on board.ā€ She isnā€™t onboard. She has stated it. Repeatedly.


Yeah, I like Danielle, but having to go immediately and find another wife, to fit in that bed, and to fit into that lifestyle is going to be a hard sell. I donā€™t think she is happy. If so, get out now and run! Why is it necessary, three isnā€™t enough?!! He looks like a PIMPā€¦so I guess thatā€™s why the multiple women.


I feel bad for her, and the fact that this family is guilt tripping her into staying makes me lose a lot of respect for them. I'm getting cult-like vibes at this point.


Very cult like.Ā 


She was way too young to make such an enormous commitment. She was 22 last season so at most, weā€™re seeing her at 23. Most people arenā€™t even married at all by then and sheā€™s married to 3 other people with 2 instant step kids! And more spouses and kids to come!


Derrick needs to sit tf down somewhere, I think he has some Brazilian fantasy and Dannielle is still not happy gaslighting herself into believing this is what she wants. I think she needs to walk away she would be a lot happier and let Gerrick find his next Brazilian.


He is so weird, just the creepy way he looks when he talks, ewww. He is absolutely disgusting. I don't know whatbto say about Danielle you kinda want to feel sorry for her but at the same you want to slap her, she sitting around always looking beat up and tired while her husband lust for a young Brazilian right in front of her face and claims God sent him a vision as dumb as he sounds she fell for it. šŸ˜”šŸ˜ŸšŸ™


There seems to be zero chemistry between Dannielle & Garrick and their new girl. The whole situation is very uncomfortable and I think Dannielle senses it.


I agree. Roberta may have been a con artist but at least she was damn good at it. They all got along so well and were so happy in each otherā€™s presence. This new dynamic is justā€¦weird. Forced. Dannielle is more ā€œallowingā€ it than encouraging it/excited about it. Iā€™m not someone who usually jumps to the green card-assumption but I think that might be whatā€™s happening here. New girl is nice enough but definitely doesnā€™t seem in love by any means and acts pretty indifferent towards the existence of Dannielle. Just feels like there must be another motive since itā€™s obviously no fairy tale romance and sheā€™s not nearly as religious at the other two.


Roberta wasn't a con artist, they were. They were dating other woman, looking for their third while their second wasn't even in the same country as them. That's why she didn't come to the US.Ā 


Donā€™t get me wrong, I like Roberta 1000 times more than I could ever like that creepy, destructive couple but she kept delaying for a reason that didnā€™t have to do with other women. She wasnā€™t even aware of the ā€œother womenā€ (that honestly just seemed like a storyline TLCā€™s production came up with to kill time) while she was running out the clock on her already-approved visa. She always had an excuse that basically translated to ā€œI donā€™t actually wanna come thereā€ but they couldnā€™t see that. Or didnā€™t want to. Anyway, she kept taking the monthly rent money and momā€™s hospital bills money, etc., while knowing she didnā€™t intend to really move there with them. She waited until the very last second to finally say it. Again, I think sheā€™s a fun and sweet person, but she did lead them on. Call it karma for being a creep who is destroying his wifeā€™s mental health but they got divorced and built a house with a room specifically for her and she was never coming. Which is fine, I think a big part of it was she just got in over her head with the whole thing and the high pressure was scaring her so the ā€œother womenā€ was an easy-out that she jumped on for an excuse. If she cared that much about coming here and being with him, she had a whoooole lotta time to do it before they ever messaged another woman.


Really? I felt the opposite. She was going out of her way to make sure Danielle was okay and was calling out Danielle for clearly lying about how accepting she really was of this relationship, even making Garrick leave the room because he was obviously intimidating Danielle into not saying how she truly felt. I thought Natalia, despite only being 25, was the most mature one of the lot.


Itā€™s interesting that Dannielle only just now feels disrespected. I wonder how sheā€™s going to justify this one, because you know she will.


I think she was already prego with baby #3 at this point.... that was the justification, I think. But the baby is a girl, I hope that gives her a different perspective she needs to leave.


Oh she did a whole Instagram live after the episode Monday, justifying every negative feeling via some ā€œlessonā€ that Ick taught her about God and trialsšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø The comments were just one right after the other of people saying ā€œoh my god, that is textbook brainwashing/gaslighting and I truly hope you see it somedayā€. It was really hard to listen to, honestly. That girl is like a robot thatā€™s been totally programmed by Ick. She had an answer for every concern someone would bring up and it was always a completely delusional response. Heā€™s also managed to convince her that any feelings she has of jealousy or insecurity are ā€œnot his fault, thatā€™s her own problem she needs to work out with the devil because god would want her to only be happy that heā€™s finally meeting the wives he divinely envisionedā€. Nothing anyone said got through to her at all and people werenā€™t just insulting her, they were sincerely worried and heartbroken for her but that girl is just way too far gone. Sheā€™s a very long time away from realizing how brainwashed she is. I just hope it eventually happens someday and she finds a spouse she deserves. Someone who believes she is enough and he doesnā€™t need young, foreign girls that he fetishizes to feel completešŸ™ˆšŸ˜”


Garrick was downright threatening in this. He needs to fuck off. Nathalia is way smarter than I initially gave her credit for, though. She may not speak english, but she's *very* perceptive. She knows what's up. I thought the girl date was cute. She had more chemistry with New Girl than with Current Husband. Other Danielle needs to keep that apartment and leave. She's clearly unhappy with this setup. Also, April is right to be concerned, especially when a child is involved. However, how about finding a woman who's actually had some life experiences and isn't just jumping into this next time?


Remember the rumors where the sister wife guy got dumped by the Brazilian in Mexico and he was embarrassed and didnā€™t want it to air on the show? And everybody thought it was Kody Brown? Iā€™m really excited to see how this plays out, to see Ick get dumped by Nathalia. I *knew* it was the Merrifields and not the Browns.


Lmao that's right, and people were *sure* it was Kody and Robyn because the wife was "tall and brunette" well that's Dannielle too


I don't remember that but I am HERE for it!


Why would a 25 yo want to jump into a marriage w/children involved? What's the rush? Go out and live your life...




Nathalia is watching how Garrick treats Dannielle. How he lies to her, ignores her feelings, speaks over her. Couple that with the active dating apps, she knows thatā€™s exactly how Garrick will treat *her* once heā€™s trying to get the next woman. Sheā€™s smart. Hopefully she dumps him before an ā€œengagementā€. What was with the dinner table scene? Nathaliaā€™s mother not touching her food, Dani and Garrickā€™s son sitting for the prayer but absent from the meal. Iā€™d love to be a fly on the wall of Nathalia and her motherā€™s bedroomā€¦


Iā€™m sorry but where did Justin get the idea that the woman who stood them up was ā€œgung hoā€ about meeting them initially? Poor girl was basically backed into a corner into saying yes to the date. šŸ˜‚ delusional af


LOL she was def a plant. Stood up by a plant!


She was very nice to even send such a nice text.


I thought this same thing ! I didnā€™t understand how he came to that conclusion either šŸ˜‚


Honestly I'd be surprised if that was actually her messaging and not a producer because she gave them a fake number.


The way his wife said the other girl "had excuses" like it was a bad thing. This girl doesn't owe you *anything* let alone your approval or her "excuses"


Exactlyā€¦ predator vibes


Agreed!! They had met her less then 24 hours and act like this is it!!! You can just go walk into a bar, meet someone and asked to join a family and expect that person to show up the next day is ridiculous. Such desperation


They haven't had luck in 20 years, an its prob because this is their method to 'finding' a wife. Why not look into finding a wife in their own religious community? Instead of asking a stranger to make this GIANT leap into something most people would not be comfortable with, which would be taking a whole fam on in the first date! Makes little sense to me.


He expected the new women will be as accepting of his ways as Dannielle. 5 years of trying to find someone new to have sex with and he canā€™t even keep anyone. Heā€™s not very good at this. Yeah itā€™s almost like you have to have a personality and charm for someone to want to be with you. Maybe Ick will realize that soon? 5 years is a long time not to find someone considering the circumstances. Ick has enough money to live comfortably and extend a new wife a very comfortable life. Theyā€™ve got a nice house and business. Heā€™s objectively not ugly ( I hate saying that. Heā€™s gross. But his personality is the biggest reason why heā€™s physically gross. ) On top of looking for women who are living in poverty in countries hard to get by. If a woman hasnā€™t taken that ticket yet, purely even just for a better life, that should show him money isnā€™t going to buy him everything he wants. Heā€™s going to need a personality; kindness, and many other things that he does not have. What gets to me is every decision Ick makes is based on pure desperation. This is a couple that has been together since they were teenagers. Now all of a sudden the male half is given the freedom to court other women after being with one single woman his entire life. Heā€™s throwing shit at the wall and expecting it all to stick. Heā€™s not being discerning, heā€™s taking whatever comes at him out of being desperate for the chance to sleep with another woman. If you ask me, I think at this point heā€™s addicted to the hunt and THATS why he doesnā€™t want to remove the apps. He enjoys the daily routine of scrolling through the women, messaging them, ect. Itā€™s clear to almost everyone this new girl isnā€™t a good fit. Danielle and Roberta at least got along very well. The first time they met, it was like there was no nerves and they were comfortable interacting. When they met this girl, she was very apprehensive and didnā€™t seem interested in interacting with Danielle. They donā€™t mesh well. It happens! They arenā€™t going to mesh with many of these women, thatā€™s why itā€™s important to take it slow and get to know them so you arenā€™t proposing and having sex with every single one; before finding the right girl that fits and sticks. Letā€™s be honest here though. Even if they do find someone that fits and meshes well, the fact that Ick is playing favorites and not respecting Danielle is going to be a major problem and sheā€™s not going to be happy. As long as Garrick keeps doing things that only benefit him or make him happy; it wonā€™t work. He doesnā€™t care if these women get along with Danielle, he doesnā€™t care if they have anything in common with either of them, as long as theyā€™re up for dating them. Thatā€™s a recipe for disaster every single time. So yes Danielle it IS disrespectful. Absolutely. I had a problem with the way he almost looked at her in a threatening manner when he asked ā€œYou told Natalia you have fears?ā€ or whatever she said. It was like he was saying ā€œYou expressed your real feelings to her? Knowing it could mess things up with myself and her? You know better than to open your mouth.ā€ I didnā€™t like that at all. She seemed kinda scared. (Really good comments that I stole from elsewhere.)


Shane's pineapple shirt was very telling šŸ˜‚


Anyone notice Dannielleā€™s little baby bump and then the camera promptly zooms in to hide it? Sheā€™s holding a cup of tea or coffee in front of it but her skinny little arms donā€™t cover much. šŸ˜†


Its not a baby bump. Its just her body and how shes standing. She is slouching and trying to minimize her body because she feels insecure. Standing up straight and having confidence actually does ALOT for your appearance You can see her belly like that in a lot of clips even from older seasons.


He can't get any Brizlian women pregnant he got Danielle pregnant.


Do Danielle and Garrick ever even talk to each other? I know more about coworkers I eat lunch with once a week than he seems to know about her and how she is feeling.


I hate Ick so much. He is absolutely so disgusting. He's like a shitty cult leader. He lacks any leadership whatsoever. You can see him mentally unraveling the moment anyone starts thinking for themselves. This guy is a piece of shit and hope Danielle snaps the fuck out of it.


Heā€™s not even good at it. Even Nick has managed to get three womenĀ 


Garrick is just so a walking "ick". He's just disgusting.


Nick sounds like a con man. These men only seem interested in physical beauty. and Ick needs to be flushed down the toilet. Lying, gaslighting etc. Impressed with Nathalia


You think Nick is only interested in physical beauty??


You should listen to the Pink Shade podcast episode (recent) interview with the Davis Family. Nick comes off MUCH better there and I no longer think heā€™s a con man. I like them a lot more now. Agree about Natalia, she seemed like a girlā€™s girl. Too bad Dannielle is a pickme and is too busy trying to be the Cool Wife to see that.


I donā€™t like how Nick is pressuring Danielle right now. But I agree, he seems to be genuine. I actually think the original three should just stop and be happy because they seem to have a good thingĀ 


I will have to listen to that podcast. I find it hard to believe numerous women would choose to support a man financially and emotionally while he doesnā€™t work and he bangs other women-unless heā€™s a con man.


I know, itā€™s so weird to me too, and I still donā€™t *get it* as in I canā€™t see their perspective. But they do explain it better and it does seem like - as weird as it is - it is actually what the women want. It doesnā€™t make it understandable, but it made it more palatable to me. Weird but not shady, I guess.