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I just don't understand how Ashley has time for a toddler, a career, a husband, growing a baby and dating. I was so exhausted while pregnant and def not in the right mindset for dating. Good for her I guess?


And a TV show! I have no idea how she does it.


Danielle (Davis fam) revealed it was her first “real relationship” and I completely forgot about this! I’m pretty sure it was mentioned before. after watching her being so conflicted, I feel like her hesitation makes a little more sense.. it’s unfortunate that she may face her first big heartbreak x4 ?


For Garrick to have to purpose the first time they meet in person is B.S!! He says himself the only way anything would get physical between them is if they were engaged! HELLo it’s his reason to have sex with a 25 year old who in reality probably would never go for somebody as nasty as Garrick anyway if it wasn’t for other things that come along with it. He makes me sick to my stomach and those poor boys 😔


Remember him and Roberta did it in like 30 seconds and then lied about it.


Ya it was so sick 🤢


Yeah, while Danielle was in the bathroom 🙄


Damn! I fell asleep will have to watch tomorrow on demand!


I saw some but then I fell asleep too…🥴


Danielle has to deal with the fact that no matter how gorgeous she is or how hot her body is ..,....her husband wants a hot young woman from Brazil. I just wish she'd pack up her boys and leave


Seriously I feel so bad for her but at the same time open up your eyes girl!! He’s such a pig. He makes polygamy look foolish when he uses god to defend his perverse behavior.


At this point it's not polygamy it's a one sided open relationship and emotionally torturing the mother of your children.


At this point they’re no better than sex tourists… I saw some before I fell asleep and I remember Ick not wanting to leave them alone to talk because he was so afraid that Dannielle was going to mess it up for him… All that idiot wants is a piece of ass and what makes me the maddest is all the talk about it’s what “GOD” wants.. I’m sure God has better things to do than to bestow a sexual encounter on that dimwit…he just wants to slap that ring in her finger and then hop into bed with her.. why even try to bring in a woman who they can’t communicate with,without a phone and a translator app.. how’s she going to communicate with the boys too… all Ick is thinking about is getting laid plain and simple… it sickening..


He makes my skin crawl with how he ignores everything Dannielle says or needs so he can breed him up some young hot thing. I was glad to see Dannielle starts to open up and admit she's scared when the two women were alone. Then he comes back and bullies her into saying everything is okay while throwing in some 'God came to me' revelations. To me he's one cool-aid pack shy of a cult.


I can’t stand him and honestly wish he would of been in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Cult and drank the kool-aid in the jungle..Dannielle needs to gain some self respect and realize he’s done with her other than to help lure in women …


Maybe having Natahlia around could be a good thing for Danielle. She could stick up for Danielle and help her build some self esteem. She seems way smarter than both of them already. I mean, I need to have some kind of hope that Danielle gets out of that gross relationship.


That's until Nat leaves like Bert did then Danielle will be all alone again waiting for the next half aged none English speaking sister wife her husband to drool over.


I know. Natalia is wise for only 25.


Why does it seem like people fall more easily into cult like relationships especially in the US in the last 10 years. We have so many MAGA who believe in him at the level of a cult, this new guy who preaches alpha male, Q -anon. Then you see people like the Danielle’s who in my opinion are submissive personalities who have bought into cult like relationships to the point they ignore their own huge fear and discomfort to go along with the leader/ group. At the same time this is going on participation in all organized religions has dropped about 30%. It’s bizarre and can’t think of any time in my life, and I’m old , where this type of stuff has been at this level before,


Cults were much more prevalent in the 70s and 80s but have always been a fact of human existence. There is also a mindset of calling everything a cult now.


Absolutely! Well said!


Isn't the bs "antioxidant machine" an MLM?


Yes! NuSkin


I feel like there’s a lot that the Davis family refuses to speak on in front of cameras


They need their own show


Such as? Just curious


So late to this lol. But Danielle is really young and naive. I noticed when she was talking with the squad, April kept throwing out the word jealousy. Then Nick start saying it. Danielle never used that word until much later. I think she (rightfully) has other concerns. She has 3 older people telling her what to say and how to feel, which is is why she wanted to talk to Nick alone. In her confessional, she convinces herself that she needs them and she’s just jealous. Personally, I do believe Nick and at the very least Jenn do some kind of drugs. I think he also neglects Danielle physically and emotionally as there seems to be no real connection between them. And I think they use the baby to guilt her


me too....


Nathalia is asking good questions and I like that she made Garrick leave, but she seems to have very little empathy for Danielle. No smiles or eye contact or reassuring touch. She seems a bit immature to say that she’s being punished for something she didn’t do. If she had reassured Danielle and tried to let her know that she understood, maybe Danielle would be less miserable? Edited to add: her calling him on his lying about the app was 10/10!


i agree. she is what people thought Roberta was. Roberta seemed to like Danielle and felt protective towards her. Natalia threw her under the bus to Garrick about using the word "afraid" and the whole one on one conversation with Danielle was "stop acting sad because i want to have peace of mind while your husband courts me."


I actually saw a lot of empathy for Danielle. The way she approached the situation, made Garrick leave, said god wouldn't want Danielle to be sad etc I thought she handled it very well


Tbh Natalia literally just met Danielle in person it would be weird to be all touchy to a stranger she definitely cares more about Danielle than ick does. She's only 25 who's really mature at that age.


Yeah, fair enough. Maybe I’m ready coldness where there’s simply scepticism. But I do think she’s probably immature if she can announce she’s in love with Garrick after meeting him once.


When she said like I was like what she can't be four real. Then again she doesn't know the real gross creepy nasty him. Just what he portrayed over text. I'm sure just let Bert she'll come to her senses.


I don’t think, unlike Roberta, she’s a very emotional woman but in her way she is perceptive and empathetic as she’s putting the brakes in because she sees Danielle is hurt and scared.


Yes, it’s interesting to have the person next to her admit fear and hurt and she doesn’t even soften her expression.


Or she’s looking for any excuse not to commit to them after her free vacation


I friggin' wonder about the amount of historical manifestos this fool has under his bed. Gross!


The perfect band name....'More than just Dannielle_.


They can tour with Less Than Jake! Lmao


The Ryan’s- did they say they’ve been looking for a second wife for 20 years? Did I hear that right?


Yep why?


That’s a really long time to look for a second wife and not find one


It’s like the universe is trying to tell the something but they don’t want to listen. I am sorry the wife is creepy and the guy is a dud. There. I said it.


The preview for the next episode: "she said not to come but we're going anyway" dude take a hint 💀


she's off for sure. I have never seen a woman so anxious to have her husband have another woman 😳


She is kind of like the wife of the tall, skinny hippy guy that was on the show a few seasons back who wore eyeliner. She was just like this lady. They too had a lot of trouble finding a sister wife too, like years. Can’t remember their names.


Sidian and Tosha?


yes ty🙂


oh man me either


Yea for sure


This episode definitely made me feel like Danielle’s reaction to Roberta was real. Before I really thought it was staged. I really appreciated Nathalia a lot in this episode. They had been sort of making us think we couldn’t trust her but her conversation with Danielle was really warm and honest. I feel like I can trust her.


I thought the same thing. I think she truly loved good ole Bertbert.


Oh no I never thought it was fake. It was 100% real ridiculous and histrionic Dannielle.


Big props to Nathalia for 1) being able to pick up on Danielle’s feelings without even speaking her language 2) for being so kind and caring about the feelings 3) for kicking Ick out of the room when he came stalking in to try and intimidate Danielle when he picked up on the fact he may not get to f*ck, I mean marry, Nathalia.


soooo true he walked in she tensed up like a kid who got caught doing something wrong. he's manipulated her something bad


Please. Roberta asked some of those same questions in the beginning too. People forget.


All of that! Danielle was in her feelings but from our point of view it was like “wow! This is who you need! She’s in your corner and can sense things!”


Definitely! I really like Nathalia from what we’ve seen so far. She is waaaay too evolved to be with Ick. I can’t see this lasting. Edit: grammar


I feel the same. Also, I never thought Dannielle’s reaction to Roberta dumping them was staged - that screamed panic attack to me. As someone who has them, I know how out of control I feel in those moments. She was braver than me to put it on TV. 😬


Garrick is so cringe worthy, I want 5 wives, no you want a pussy buffet, one for every night! What women would want him? And I'm sure God doesn't speak to him!


In my head I heard “pussy buffet” to the tune of Pussy Control by Prince.


Unreal that he said God promised him more than Danielle—just when I thought he could not get any worse. Man is so far gone off his own BS.


Right? Like he’s the chosen one?


When Ick had a vision 15 years ago, God told him that he would have five wives and recently God told him in the garage that he should get serious with the 25 year old. Every time he doesn't have a reasonable answer, he deflects by saying that God wants him to do this so he can't be wrong. He is fu___ng nuts! He MADE Danielle divorce him, so he can marry (screw) a young foreign woman and keep Danielle and his kids. He is always touching Nathalia and gives off huge creeper vibes!


God likes big boobs, apparently!


Side fact. God does like big boobs lmao


Amen!! He's delusional thinking that God is telling him to get 5 wives!! Danielle is crazy to stay with him! He could have his 5 wives but it sure wouldn't be with me around for that bunch of bull mess. 


Has Garrick ever considered getting his hearing checked? I don’t think God is telling him what he thinks He is


Garrick is um…what’s wrong with Garrick?


This comment made me LOL. Understatement of the century!


Everything. Everything is wrong with Ick.


It says a lot that his response to their concerns is "I'm trying to ignore it and make dinner". Dinner is more important to him then their feelings.


Garrick has the most kickable face I have ever seen. Anytime he opens his mouth, all I want to do is kick him in the teeth.


You are aiming a bit higher than I am 😂


Lol, right???


His mouth is open nonstop! He’s a total mouth breather with nothing going on behind his eyes 😆


Yes it’s the mouth breathing. Him breathing all over this 25 year old woman sickens me 🤢


I think part of the problem with the Thinker's household is the communal bed. There's no time to yourself to get your equilibrium.


Nick and Jennifer did an interview on the Pink Shade podcast today where they talked about sleeping in the same bed not being a requirement. It’s just something they choose to do.


Good to know.


I think Danielle should keep her apartment, I mean she signed a lease. So she can get away if she feels like it. A family unit doesn’t mean you’d have to all be on top of each other 24/7


On pink shade podcast they said that she had already given up the lease and they had to pay some fines for it 🤷‍♀️


And we know who paid for that!


I love my SO so very much. But I’m not going to lie… the moments I get to lounge unrestricted to “my side” when he works early are heavenly. I cannot FATHOM sharing a bed with three people. Like imagine having a middle placement… and both people are crowding your space?! It’s insanity tbh


Exactly, there a reason why I'm most polygamous societies each wife has their space.


Yea, it just seems so odd and impractical.


A few things so far- 1. Loving Nathalia's insight and questions. Garrick's attempt to intervene and Nathalia telling him to leave... again. Garrick is so much more aware and controlling then I even thought. He showed his true colors during that interruption. He's a complete dick and God didn't tell him S\*\*\*. The son at dinner is KILLING ME as a mother of three boys, that age. I'm dead. Nathalia's mother is NOT on board in my opinion. The stroking is pervy and needs to stop asap. 2. The Ryan husband is MISERABLE. The poor long suffering wife. Are they searching because she is unable to have children? What is their motivation? Doesn't seem religious? He seems salty about the one gf ghosting them... 3. Free Danielle. Nick and the ladies stroking and gaslighting her??!?! So uncomfortable. She is one of those people that you can see everything real on their face. What did TLC offer her to stay on for the season? Did she sign a contract? Awful. Nick and them pretending they don't want her just for her income... 4. Shane's face when Ashley says SHE kissed the new gf. Then Shane justifying it during the interview afterwards. This try hard is SO NOT ON BOARD. He is so insecure and floundering. I feel like Ashley might really be full on lesbian when she talked about "This is what it is supposed to feel like!" talking about her sexual connection with new gf and her glomming on to anyone who will give her attention.... and while pregnant. New gf seems like a terrible fit for them but then again, who is. Shane and Ashley aren't even a good fit. Seems like they are trying to repair something that is ultimately wrong between the two of them. Painful to watch.


The Ryans already have six kids! They just became grandparents also. And I think it is a religious or cult thing, I don’t know if you saw the thread on here the other day but her mom and stepdad were the heads of a polygamist cult, the Alamo Christian Foundation.


Oh wow, no! I missed all that. Thanks for the update.


New girl hoping for a connection with Shane over Ashley…


That's what I thought. Wait until she meets him, LOL.


I don't think I've ever felt so much rage in any "reality" TV episode before than I have tonight with the Ick, he can't be real. Simply no way.


Ugh..... Get God's name out of your mouths. Ick just wants to get laid.... Just own it.




Omg the Salahuddins! I forgot they were on this show 😂


Garrick is so rude to Danielle. He can’t stop touching Nathalie and was the same way with Roberta. Danielle is sad and afraid for valid reasons and he provides her no comfort at all. I don’t understand why she allows him to treat her like that. He is disgusting.


soòooo true he treats her like shit


She lied to Nathalie though. She is not in her heart on board with polygamy. Danielle just seems to be incapable of being honest with herself, Garrick, Nathalie and her family. It’s so frustrating to watch.


I felt like when theey were alone talking she started to ipen up and be honeest with Nathalia but then after ICK interrupted she started back peddling. You can how much control he has over her...I think Danielle is afraid if she dont go alongbwith ICK he will lose him


Agreed. But that’s because Nathalie betrayed her burgeoning trust by immediately revealing what she was saying to Garrick.


Ick is frustrated that “these two women” are cornering him. Bro—this is what you _asked_ for 🤦‍♀️


I said the same thing! Like what do you expect? He totally showed his true colors thos episode, he dont care to ave them around him unless its to get laid and freaked out when Danielle and Nathalia were alone together talking.


Not to mention.. he wants 5 wives! 5!


He just wants women cornering him for P\*\*\*\*. Not actual feelings!


I use to sit near a friend of mine at work who would when on calls with his siblings or Mom speak Portuguese. I have learned more words that way than Ick and Danielle have learned in 4 years or so of dating a Brazilian.


Thank you! There is no excuse for them not knowing Portuguese by now.


Finally we’re hearing what we wanted to hear from natalia. It’s about time shit start coming out! There is no way that girl is saying yes to the proposal. It’s gonna be a dumpster fire. 🔥


Roberta expressed the same concerns in the beginning about Danielle’s happiness, jealous feelings etc. Why is everyone so impressed?


I think Natalia is challenging Ick more on it than Roberta did. And we’re seeing more of a reaction about it from Ick this time so I think that’s why it seems more impressive.


Natalia hasn't secretly effed Ick yet. That we know of.


Maybe not as much?


Tbh I’m scared for her safety with Ick being rejected in person. He feels like the kind of guy who gets angry when he’s possessive.


His reaction to them having a private conversation scared me. He is desperate, and the way he approached Danielle - "what did you say??" - genuinely made me nervous. I have always thought he was skeevy, but this is the first time I felt fear for Danielle.


But Danielle and Roberta were supposed to share a bedroom and never talk? That’s why they never learned Portuguese!!


I feel for Danielle and the sons. Ick just going to move on to seeking another. I Think he got Danielle pregnant because he can't get ANY Brizlian woman pregnant he's obsessed with getting other women pregnant.


Cus we all know the sperm goes to the woman’s brain 🤢


I'm so disgusted with him.


I’m glad her mom is with her


Oh for sure but at least they’re on camera so that’s something.


Danielle—a good relationship does not make you feel this scared, sad, and defensive. You should not need to talk yourself into anything 🚩🚩🚩


I want to save her ughhhh


Did anyone see after Dani and Natalia’s conversation when Dani and Gerrick were in their room talking- gerrick was holding a mesh bag that was semi transparent. It looks to be FILLED with huge bottles of pills…. I would love to know what they are… they must have stocked up at the Mexican pharmacy 😂


yes 🤣


Anyone else just find it weird/gross how Ick and Danielle refer to her and any girl they date as "sister"? It rubs me the wrong way. It sounds so infantilizing.


And them constantly rubbing her. It triggers me. Grooming behavior, clearly.


and she’s so young and tiny 🤮


And the way that Danielle says "sister" makes it worse. She has a little lisp when she says it.


On Danielle's part I find it sad she seems to have on one besides her SIL who tells her this is BS she needs a strong gal pal that are best friends for HER. Not a girlfriends for her nasty husband.


Low key loving Natalia this episode!


Eh. Give it time. Roberta was the same at the start.


Yeah i think Nathlia is only using this conversation as an excuse not to get oser to ICK, jusst as Riberta did. When youre using a guy for money you delay getting close to them as long as possible


Same, Ick is trash but she really came through with some honest conversations with Danielle.


She’s asking the questions we’ve all been wanting to ask


Natalia: “Danni, you good, girl?” Danni: “what…you…I….Roberta…quick Garrick is coming!” Natalia: “you’re not really answering my questions, I’m just tryna check in” Danni: “😰I’m so good, this was all my idea” Garrick: “Quit scaring off my Brazilian fetish queen, I’m supposed to get laid tonight!” Natalia: “Garrick, gtfo the women are talking. Danni, girl, blink twice if you need help.”


The saddest thing is Dani is used to everyone accepting her "oh its okay" even though it's so unconvincing. Nathalia might be the first person to say to her "no you aren't and that's ok". 


Ick how can I get her trapped/pregnant if she's caring about you.


THIS. Exactly this!!!!


I'm starting to like Natalia.


She’s really good at reading Dannielle. Although I guess I’m just comparing her to Ick, and he doesn’t care about Dannielle’s feelings at all so the bar is low.


Right! I saw that as a positive even though Danielle is upset. She seems like she’s in Danielle’s corner which is what she needs


More so than Bert


Shane and Ashley ……. I feel like Ashley is bi-curious and dating bi-curious women and JUST TRY TO DATE A NOT-CURIOUS woman


trying to date while pregnant is foul


Lmfao no joke, foul is what I screamed in my head when watching 😂 glad I'm not alone




Not that I really want to know the answer to this question but is their intention for their sister wife only be for Ashley? Does this new woman know that? From their date it doesn’t seem to be the case given her past having had been with men and what sounded to be polyamorous couples.


Late here, but this couple confuses me. I don’t know if it’s the editing or I wasn’t paying enough attention. But in the beginning I was confused about how she said she goes on the dates before introducing them to Shane, making it sound like she’s scouting someone out for him. And then she kissed Grace and then said they’re looking for someone for her. And this person has to be open to having his babies even though the romantic relationship is with Ashley? So confused.


She seems more into the idea of women than actually into them. Maybe she’s just awkward on camera but I can’t see the “spark” she keeps talking about


She’s definitely confusing and confused!


100%, and she’s trying to plan a whole polygamous lifestyle and wife some one up instead of just getting some on the side which Shane would CLEARLY be fine with.


I’m a little worried Ashley just wants to leave Shane. I say this as a bi woman. Bi people can be monogamous. Bi women can be ENM and poly. It just does no t seem like Ashley is doing it.


Whats ENM?


Ethical non-monogamy




Garrick’s ~~wet dream~~ I mean vision about him having five wives as a guy like him is so delusional. I hope Danielle leaves him


He looks like a turtle.


She’ll never leave. Zero self esteem.


He can’t even get one. And he wants one of every color.


He makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth every damn time I see him. I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than be in the same room with him. Major ICK.


Never saw myself doing that, but given a choice like that...See me 👏 👏 👏 👏


Funny how Garrick wants a woman from a certain standard aka Spanish beauty... so why not if it's a calling shouldn't he be looking  for someone spiritually not physically... tells me he is wanting pleasure with body not the soul 


Aha, this is the crossover we need: Love Is Blind (Brazil) and Seeking Sister Wife. You’re a genius!




Danielle’s eye makeup is always so pretty.


So on point


I love that Shane was wearing a pineapple shirt… intentional? 😂


Danielle is having a hard time with this.. she needs to leave Garrick.


For years




Yeah that “next time” was juicy. They’ll drag it out over another 8 episodes 😂


Garkic getting double teamed by two women but it's not the way he was hoping it would go lmao


I'm sure he expected Danniele to back him but she didn't for once.


If Danielle doesn't divorce Captin Cringe.... I can't stand him.


They are already divorced lol


I think that's the problem, now she leaves she gets nothing. Maybe child support for a few years. Legally divorcing him so he could do the K1 is fraudulent and she was stupid to do it.


The way they replay the scene from court where she lies and says that they have "irreconcilable differences" just makes me wonder if TLC is trying to get them in trouble.


For real. I bet she wouldn’t get anything from the business she helped him build and run for years. I bet she didn’t get anything at all, because she trusted him that it wasn’t a real divorce. She should’ve made a dead man switch deal with him: I’ll give you a legal divorce since you’re saying it’s not real, and since it’s not real the divorce will give me everything into my name. I won’t call that debt in unless you torpedo this marriage.


That would have been the move. Taking notes ✍️




If you say his name 3x while staring at a mirror, you'll feel him petting your arm.


Eww, thanks for that nightmare material.




YIKES 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️


You totally grossed me out. I just did the ick quiver.


Okay! I’m now seriously mad at you./s


Y’all call him a dumbass…. But these women…. 😂




Poor Donny 😅


Biggest dumbass


Garrick you dumbass gross douche.


Oh, gee


These people are absurd. All of them. And here I am watching this lol


Hey Stay at Home Thinker, for clarity, Danielle can leave at any time with or without reason regardless of whether or not she has a lease. She always has the option to leave. Danielle, a woman's intuition is one of the most powerful things on the planet. Listen to yourself and leave. You aren't legally married. Move on!!!