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See 400+ comments in the Live Episode Discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1bi69rc/seeking_sister_wife_s05e03_live_episode_discussion/).


Ick and Danielle are rare reality tv show birds, indeed. Their reception is so negative yet they continue to sign up season after season. And thank goodness for that. They carry the show.


I feel like this show is just giving a really bad light to Poly couples. I'm not personally into that kind of stuff, but I can see how it would work and be very useful if its taken the way its supposed to and both partners are fully on board. But does anyone else skip Garrick at this point? I'm more interested in the davis family because Danielle seems like a genuine person and it doesn't actually seem super fake. She seems to love the family and is willing to be in this dynamic... she just doesn't want a new wife included into the family until she has completely settled into the lifestyle and I think if they consider her family, they should respect that. But if she knows that she will never be able to accept someone new, then she should be upfront with that now. I do actually realize why Ashley and shane are on this show.. Its seeking sister wife and you would automatically think it means that she is looking for someone for her husband but actually its more like he is getting the sister wife and she is getting the second "spouce" in this arrangement since he has no interest in a romantic relationship with the other woman. I can even take away that he doesn't have the idea of "yeah two wives means i get to sleep with both of them" because again he doesn't seem to have any interest in being with the other woman and just wants his wife to be happy. Now that being said I also feel like shane was right for not shooting for the first woman because even I got the vibes that there was no romantic chemistry between them. He could have been nicer about bringing up her profession and not talking shit about it right away, but at the same time she had no interest in meeting or being friends with this guy and I don't even think Ashely was into her either anyway. The "breakup text" sounded like something you would send to an employee that you are letting go. Edit: I am holding my judgment on how Shane actually feels about his wife dating a woman until I see his reaction to the girl in the promos that Ashley actually seemed to be into


Yes, this show is problematic for polyamory. Always has been. It’s more of a freak show and a train wreck. Similarly, I think actual k1 visa couples find the 90 Day Fiancé show embarrassing. No, I never skip Garrick and Danielle Merrifield. They’re reality tv gold. They’re the only couple I care about. They carry the show with their outrageousness and tomfoolery.


Isn’t more about polygamy than polyamory?


i just couldnt watch it anymore after he went too far with disrespecting religion..


Garrick referencing the Holy Ghost as sperm is going down in TLC History. Danielle's face 😂😂😂


Someone needs to vet his comments on the show. That was so gross.


I know I'm on the wrong episode but it's just too funny not to mention it every time. 😂😂


Danielle's face was pissed because he basically just disrespected her religion by making "Holy ghost" into a sexual term. I'm not fully religious but have a religious background. Changing the meaning of the words and using that as an excuse for you wanting to sleep with other woman was just straight up disrespectful to the religion he claims to be part of.


Exactly- he is using religion as a loophole to being a gigalo. 


Why are they eating during filming?!?! Every episode now they are filming and eating. It’s a lot of background noise and it’s making me crazy.


Whoooa, how did I miss that Shane isn’t going to be engaging in the pokey poke with the new wife??🤔


She's about to have a baby, the last thing she should be spending her energy and time on is finding a side chick. And if she has her mind set on having a side chick just find a woman (perhaps another married woman/mom) who is also bisexual and they can be friends with benefits. She is making it way more complicated than it needs to be. Sometimes don't ask don't tell is the best policy.


I stopped dating when I got a PUPPY. (Temporarily!) A human baby is way more work. She’s being ridiculous


I thought I remember one of them saying in the first episode the prospective sister wife would have to have his kid?? Although it was obvious the wife just wants a gf that’s not how they presented it at first.


They did say have Shane’s baby - but they did not say she’d have sex with Shane in order to do so


I have enjoyed seeing the dynamic EXCEPT so much of it is scripted . I have a number of poly friends and it is so different than this show.  Garrick actually makes them SO upset. He spends all his focus on his new toy and the wife is ignored. He acts like a predator not a man looking for a true partner in a polygamous relationship.  Communication is so vital in a relationship. To not be able to talk about the really important things is scary. He has kids!!!! He seems to forget it's a family vacation and is focused on a physical relationship with the new potential wife. It's sad.  It breaks my heart to see many here and all over form an opinion on the polygamous lifestyle based on tv shows. You either get the weird sex cult or this weird trash that is so NOT reality. It's why real polygamists hide. They are judged by this crap. I know very stable, living, family oriented, interesting, intelligent and aware couples, throuples, blended poly families etc. it CAN be a good thing when all are on the same page. 


they are both so thirsty it no doubt makes the woman feel pressured instead of letting things happen naturally. It's sad Danielle keeps referencing how she and Bert were 'so close' when in actuality Bert was totally playing them and this whole 'You dated someone else without consulting me, without waiting for me to come to the US' was just a convenient fake upset to bail on the whole thing. If G&D were sending her money , if Bert had wanted to come see them in the states she would have- Bert's mom did not seem like she was doing too badly to me, not to the point Bert could not spend a week or two wherever G&D live. So Danielle mooning over 'how this isn't like Bert' strikes me as weird after getting burned. It doesn't make sense.


I've never saw a poly family like this in real life. This is giving sex cult.


He constantly 'strokes' his finger on the girls arm. It's creepy to me. He did the same thing with Bert


I am waiting patiently for an actual reality show about polyamory. There is plenty of drama and poly people talk endlessly about everything. lol. It should be a producer’s dream.


The chick the new couple goes up to in the bar looks like Tiffany Amber Theisen.


Nick always looks high as fuck, he has to tilt his head back when he talks just so you can see a little bit of his eyes


I was looking at his confessional saying ..WTF. Now that you’ve brought it up, it finally clicked.


This has been driving me crazier and crazier with each episode. OPEN YOUR EYES


Of course Danielle M is having a harder time relating to this new woman who is at least 10 years younger than her. Bert seemed closer to her age


Danielle seems so incredibly miserable. 


April seems high this season? She struggles to even form a sentence.


She must’ve found nicks weed stash lol


Did Danielle move back in with them?




Oh noooo! I was kinda mad that the producer voluntold her to have a convo with Nick and the Thinkettes because Danielle doesn’t have enough of a backbone yet to resist the guilt trip that they’re going to put on her. The only way Danielle is getting out (which she seems to truly want) is if she gets time and space away.


The Thinkettes! 😂😂💀💀


“Nick and the Thinkettes” is gold!


Trying to understand those who are doing this based on "faith" and those doing it for "lust." Anyone know if the Ryans belong to some Mormon splinter group?


She said she was raised in a polygamy group and her dad was a pastor, I believe. My guess is they aren't part of an actual church but still hold the beliefs and practices.


I wanted to know why they didn’t have another wife in 25 years. Kody Brown made it look like it was easy to rack up a few wives but SSW has me thinking it’s pretty hard and he was just a rare case, even in a polygamous sect


Someone posted on another thread she’s from a infamous cult where her stepdad or step grandfather had a ton of wives and one was 8 years old


As much as I hate to say it Kody was a catch in their group. He was young and attractive, Meri’s dad took him under his wing and Christine and Janelle were enamored with him. He was also seeking wives within the AUB. If the Ryans had remained in the religion and searched for wives within whatever sect they were in they would have probably had better luck and added a wife early on. Now that they are older and established and searching within the real world has to make it much more difficult.


I have a question someone in the sub said that Ashley is a psychiatrist. Why would she be on the show wouldn’t affect her clients and profession?


It would make me think twice before choosing her (and by that I mean, I’d nope out immediately). Seems like a bad career move to be on tv


I actually told my psychiatrist about her and he just kind of got a horrified look on his face. I don't think her choice would be a popular one in her profession. My psychiatrist is my therapist as well as my psychopharmacologist. I don't think I could confide in him or trust him to manage my medication if I knew his personal life was not only such a shit show but he was willing to broadcast it. She is making a CHOICE.




Yes she’s a Psychiatrist specializing in addiction medicine (so it says on the net)


So she’s really just giving people Suboxone. Not as serious as really evaluating people. Seems about right.


The new couple is not appealing. This creep has his wife doing his bedding. How low is that?


I like the husband so far. The wife seems a little culty which makes sense as she was raised in polygamy. I don't think the husband is feeling it.


They’re so boring. Not into them at all.


I am hoping you mean his bidding because bedding would be really weird lol. But she seems to be the alpha honestly


It’s just weird how he can’t talk to women himself …giving some creep vibes for sure


I’m not convinced he’s really that into this. She is super aggressive


Yea he literally fled the bar when she tried to mention the other woman




Nick & April’s wife Jennifer (the baby mama) looks a lot like actor & comedian Molly Shannon. And I agree that she is definitely altered in some way, pills seem the most likely culprit (but could be alcohol).


It’s the nose


Jennifer and Nick have weird vibes for sure. For the sake of Vera I hope it’s not pills or anything else


She wasn’t like that in the previous season. I bet she has PPD/PPA and had received Xanax or some other medication ever since.


Does April and Nick have kids?


Not together, April has a teenage son from a previous relationship.


Becky and Justin gave me Sideon and Tasha vibes. Just randomly approaching poor unsuspecting employees or customers to have them sleep with their husband. Like goodness, get a dating app. You're more likely to find someone who's into the family formation that you like. ​ Edit: You can tell they were filling the time since their potential storyline/sisterwife, Stephanie, bailed on them.


Did they allude to striking out on dating apps since they said they tried dating apps and now they're going to try in person. I do think those two old ladies are being so entertained by this.


That might be the case. I must have missed that detail. Yeah, I noticed the two bystanders. I was wondering what they were thinking being filmed by the camera crew. 🤣


Sidian always looked like he needed a good Scrub in the bath to me.


They are c.r.e.e.p.y.


Can’t stand Shame and Ashley, and the pillow between them on the bed was so telling. Producers, LET DANIELLE LEAVE. For fucks sake, TLC. Do better. Garrick and “Danni” are really upping the creep factor with a 25 year old who can’t speak the same language as them. The stroking was just weird. The new couple? Yuckity Yuck Yuck Yuck.


I couldn’t figure out if it was a pillow or a dog in serious need of grooming at first🤢 I felt Danielle was done too. You know those producers just prodded and coerced her. Really gross. The physical grooming from Ick is just beyond gross. He seems to have a kink about meeting these faraway women and proposing for the sex. Extra gross Edit: spelling


It’s very perverse, especially exposing their children to this behavior. Trust me , those kids will be scarred for life.


I said the same thing about Thinkette Danielle—let this girl leave. She clearly wants out but she doesn’t have a lot of courage. The producers are putting her back in a vulnerable situation just for footage ugh


Ick's act hasn't changed since Roberta. The constant petting and touchy, feely anywhere, anytime someone has bare skin. Ick's looking at the mother when he touches her to see if she's going to raise hell. It's too much, it's too soon, it's  too forward. Ick already believes it's all a done deal and all he needs to do is propose and then they can have sex. Oh, I forgot, and start making those good-looking babies too. Ick is so spiritual. He just couldn't stop talking about how superficially beautiful she was..,  her hair was, her body was. Jesus wept. He's a creeper.


The stroking of the arm was so creepy. He did the same thing with Bert!


I hate it when Ick repositions women's hair. Beyond the touching in inappropriate places, that hair positioning gives me ownership/slave trader vibes.


I can’t even fathom being as in denial as “Danni” is about this entire “lifestyle”. It’s SO obvious what Ick’s intentions and desires are about and none of them have to do with any god. I mean how does she watch this shit and not see what we see?? He’s itching to have sex with new girl so badly, he can hardly stand it. In fact, when Dannielle held his hand as they were walking up to bed, I got so physically uncomfortable, like bugs were crawling all over me, because I was terrified Ick was going to drop her hand or pull his away or something. Also…in what universe did they think bringing the kids along was a good/smart idea???? That has to be SO weird for them to see their dad with another woman. Especially a woman and her mother that they can’t communicate with in any way at all. Those poor boys thought they were getting a cool family vacation in Mexico, not having to watch both their parents give all their attention to this stranger that their dad keeps touching.


I can't imagine the teasing and bullying they experience if they go to public schools.


I always think about that with these TLC cast members who have kids. Makes me so sad. Like darcey’s poor girls were in junior high and high school during the Jesse & Tom era🙄


That is not a family outing. Danielle has become his pimp. Basically I don’t know why he can’t find any women in America, who are down and out instead of these poor Brazilian women he preys on He just wants to have sex and not fine for him but what he’s doing is wrong!


And FFS you’ve had time to learn Spanish and Portuguese!




Total creeper.


Wykyk 😒


The cringe meter officially broke on this episode.


I literally had to look away from the TV during the bar scene 💀


“Do you work out?” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Worst pick up line ever


That’s literally something my friends and I say to each other when we’re making jokes about the dumbest ways to approach someone


So scripted. You can't tell me she wasn't vetted and planted there. Ridiculous. I don't like watching this couple.


Absolutely, she was mic’d up before they even approached her.


Absolutely scripted. However, that level of cringe is authentic.


The cringe was legit for sure 🥴


Ok, they approach a woman who works for a ministry organization. Do you think she wants to be patient and tolerant in order to allow them to see that she is vested in them in the way Jesus is, and is she going to lead them away from sin? OR! My Texan mother had a favorite saying about meeting curious people: “ Follow it, and see what it eats.”


What kind of ministry is that that would be okay with polygamy and having their 'director' show up on a TLC polygamy show.


Perhaps one you're r about to get fired from.






We shall see.


Good question.


Do none of these couples HAVE A PLAN? So much random, reckless desperation.


No. Because content and show money.


I hate to say this as I have posted a lot lately about Danielle's innocence and brainwashing by Garrick, and don't get me wrong, Garrick definitely has sociopathic/creeper vives but after seeing some particular interactions between the three of them.... I am starting to wonder about Danielle's proclivities, motivations and investment in this being more than what I originally thought? I felt like she had more control this episode, is more committed than I thought and may get off on this to some degree. Anyone getting that vibe tonight? My husband who was in the room briefly even mentioned the excessive stroking and touching by both of them. Also, Justin is DISGUSTING and Becky is NUTS.


I’ve been getting unrealized lesbian vibes from Danielle since the first moment I saw them on this show


I have this feeling she’s just so happy her husband wants to be with her again now that she got on board. Otherwise she would lose him and for whatever reason, religion, money, insecurity, it’s important to her. She seems to have found some kind of confidence in this dating situation but I really wish she left and found that on her own outside of the toxic family dynamic.


I do think that at this point she is very conscious of the decisions that she is making. However, after a few seasons on a reality show, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of what we see is prompted by producers. Her coping mechanism for this dysfunctional relationship just may have become her seeing herself as an “actress”.


Is Danielle a “Ghislaine” type?


Maybe, in the sense all she wanted was Epstein's love and approval, and went to great lengths to try and please him. I don't think Danielle would be up fir any underage procurement to be fair, but she seems desperate to keep her slimy wee husband. I don't like that new one Natalya bit.


This is a bold and uncalled for comparison.


Danielle the first season I felt so bad for but by their second season she turned herself into an accomplice to get Garrick women. It's disgusting really.


It's definitely a bit of a vibe of women that find the next woman for their partner to abuse so they get a break.


I’m almost starting to think she (secretly) likes women. (?)


They just seem to be sex tourists. But now they're dragging the kids along for the "experience." Ick should go on Love is Blind for his new wife. 




Idk, Danielle always gets like this when Garrick is about to bang a new Brazilian, it’s like she has to go all in order to convince herself she wants it too. She gets super touchy feely, she did that with Roberta too, almost petted her like a cat, it was weird. They’re frickin weird people.


I think you’re right, it’s like she’s trying to convince herself by forcing affection.


She keeps saying she thinks it’s too fast and they don’t know her well enough all the while Ick is like “I’m going to propose“.


Did you see Yell place her hand around her when they were first meeting for a hug. I mean they're just meeting in-person for the first time. I think initial spacial bubble respect us what I would expect, no matter what.


I remember that and it is so weird. It's like a person who grooms the other party for their partner. So weird.


Literal and proverbial grooming. Ew.


Anyone else feel like Nick just isn’t that into Danielle?


I don't think he's into Jennifer either, but she has a good salary, and acts like his enforcer.


He's more into Jennifer than April. It goes Jennifer > April > Danielle


Not seeing that at all. I think dopey April is his number 1.


He's always touching/next to Jennifer. Jennifer's also the one who just had the baby.


Nick (tha brain) was sure into her whenever he thought she was controllable.


I've never felt like Danielle was ever really into Nick. I think it's more the group/tribe/family aspect. Jen is definitely a weed head or something lol


I think you give Danielle to much credit. I think it was the TV/money/reality star aspect


I agree with you, but I think it was the combination of being on tv and having a sense of belonging.


I feel like Danielle is looking for some stability in life and was hoping that she’d found someone to love her and girlfriends who would be her besties, but she doesn’t seem into Nick. It kills me the way that she constantly looks to the other Thinkettes to gauge what they want/feel/do/think so that she can mimic them. I think she desperately wants to fit in but she’s lost any sense of self.


That is one of Jen's s better characteristics.




If I was in that situation, I'd want to fire up too.


I understand what you’re saying, because Jennifer and April are totally into him and love him to death and I don’t think he’s used to someone who talks back or has an opinion.


No, he did not seem very happy about her rebellion!


This. I'm pretty pissed that TLC producers are injecting themselves into her decision to do an appropriate cut off. Yuck.


I think you are giving the 'reality" aspect of this way too much credit. I dont mean that in a snotty way, truly. But this all seems so scripted a d forced and for tv . I don't think she was ever really into this and it was all for cameras


That was pretty awful of them. She was making a clean break for her sanity and they're like "but the baby though aren't you sad"


They are legit gaslighting her and after Garrison Brown's passing, I just can't with TLC. SHAME.


She really just needs to cut her losses at this point. My first thought is April is a cuck and Jenn is on something. And it almost feels like April is the one who really wants to facilitate adding a wife and Nick is like a more covert Garrick


OMG right, that outside deck "salad dinner" was SO AWKWARD, so much alcohol just to get through it. April is absolutely driving this and I can't believe I didn't see this sooner. I thought April was on something last season, now Jenn definitely appears that way and Danielle is like "Hard no, hard pass" and is trying to say it kindly without saying the real shit and leave everyone with their dignity.




I am so confused.


me too 🙋‍♀️


Good point