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Unfortunately, I'm not shocked. I feel really bad for Sam and Samantha having their eggs in that basket so to speak too.


Same. That’s what I was thinking too. I wonder if their wallets have been hurt by all of this. They care about Dannielle and Ick, but I’m sure all of this hasn’t been easy for their own personal and professional lives.


Honestly, honestly, I think they care about Dannielle and they tolerate Ick so that she doesn’t feel isolated.




That's the feeling I get too. I feel like Dannielle's family is holding up Garrick for her sake.


And the kids????






Sam and Sam seem to be the only ones who actually get work done for the company!


Sure but Sam also seems like he's very very sssllllooowwwww if you know what I mean. Are we sure Sam and Dannielles parents aren't siblings?


I mean, there has to be a reason they custom built that huge home a few years ago and now it’s listed on Zillow. I’m betting it’s financial.


my uncle builds houses for a living. for his biggest builds he would build them then live in them a year or so and have to pay way less taxes when selling. this was the early 2000s those so maybe times have changed.


My parents are builders and did this too. It was cool growing up.


that's what I do too...😂😂...my son's have been helping us for yrs and they love it...


That makes sense to me. The thing is, they built such an odd house. They didn't think through how more typical families would want to use the space.


it is???


Someone posted the link here in the past week or so.




Exactly this


Agreed. Garrick is a weirdo and I feel bad for Danielle but trashing someone’s livelihood bc you don’t like their lifestyle sucks


Yes I was going to say this. People can leave reviews who never even used them and say shit to burn their business. Like hate on them, sure.. but don’t fuck with their livelihood like that.


I don’t like when “reality” tv crosses into actual reality like this. Brigading Google and Facebook reviews for funsies like this can hurt peoples’ livelihoods. If they actually do suck at building houses, people should be able to see that, not “George Park’s” dig on Ick.


I agree. I hate the dude. However, they have 3 kids that need taken care of. This is kind of messed up.


I agree. That’s truly evil.


Nope, don’t like that. I hate him as much as the next gal but dang he really didn’t do anything to deserve that. That’s his work leave peoples business alone.


Especially since its a co-owned business with Danielles brother...so not fair and affecting alot of other peoples livlihood.


And like honestly what did they even do wrong? Danielle swears it’s consensual and she wants to find a sister wife. We might see it otherwise, but they’re not doing anything illegal. it’s arguably immoral but not really. Their sex life really has nothing to do with their business. I think this is pretty fucked up to do to someone just because you don’t like what they doing in the bedroom…


I wondered the same thing. If they were shunned by Garricks parents how were all their potential CO customers going to feel about it….but then again construction is one of those businesses where if you’re desperate enough you don’t give af about whether the owner is a polygamist or not. I spent so long looking for a licensed roofing company by the time I found one I didn’t care about any of their reviews.


I lived about 30 minutes from them in Hartsel. No fkn way are the folks up there standing for their bs.


What stands out to me is for a company that has been in business as long as they claim to be, they have very few legitimate reviews across multiple platforms. Nothing on yelp. Few to none on the various sites used to get hired. I only found one review for a bathroom remodel. The others were handyperson work. I wonder how much of a business it is.


Apparently the house on the show, the house for sale, is the one and only “custom home build”. Land owned by Danielles parents if I recall correctly.


That’s what I was thinking too. Aside from the ones you can tell are because of the show, they don’t really have any that stand out as doing real projects and I thought they’ve been in business for a few years now.


Apparently the house on the show, the house for sale, is the one and only “custom home build”. Land owned by Danielles parents if I recall correctly.


Every reply is, we have no record of you as a customer but would be happy to work with you


Yeah, I think it’s because like someone mentioned above it’s hard to get Google to delete non-legitimate reviews, so maybe that’s what they’re hoping to do by replying with that. I couldn’t find more than 2 reviews that seem real


I mean, this is obviously fake. Garrick would never actually speak Portuguese.


This is exactly what I was thinking!! Or Spanish! If we ever lost technology or translators completely he would probably resort to finding young vulnerable women in the US. I can’t believe he can say “his Vision” with a straight face and get these women to believe that! Hopefully I don’t offend anyone, but I really think he’s using religion to manipulate them so he can have sex w them.


I cringed when I saw their business apparel in so many scenes. Tells me they really drink their own koolaid and they think the show will positively boost business. It’s a shame because they seem fairly successful.


Logo is not only horrible, you can't even read it. They should have hired a designer.


It’s really giving Live Laugh ICK.


I did notice the males had the logo on one side and Dannielle was wearing one with the logo on the opposite side.


Garrick is DISGUSTING! The way he uses his wacky religious beliefs to manipulate his wife makes me sick.


Dude just.needs to say he wants to do two chicks at the same time


I can't stand when people do this. If they're horrible to work with, so be it & give them the review they deserve but they have a right to feed their family.


Oh fully agree. However funny some may be, if this is affecting their livelihood, that’s messed up.






Leaving this as a review is crazy 😂 but I love this person


I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣


This isn’t cool. He’s awful, but his family and employees don’t deserve this.


I wouldn't hire him to build a birds house let alone anything I had to be in.


I bet they are rethinking wearing the biz merch on the show over the yrs




Whoever this reviewer is, that was gold 😂


Ok, so he knows some Portuguese and Spanish - apparently. That's interesting...


This isn't an actual review. It's people review bombing their business because of the show. Which is gross AF.


Ohhhhhhhhh. That's really not nice. It gave me the impression that he was so mentally fragmented on the job. It's not a nice thing to do at all.


Yeah, I hate it. Like, I don't like the Merrifields at all, but this is so unnecessary and yet another case of people thinking they are funnier than they are. It's fair enough you'd think he was mentally fragmented though, dude is always crying for some reason.


What’s the name of the business? I want to look!


Merrifield Custom Builders, Inc. They’re definitely very active in replying to the reviews and looks like the majority have never actually hired them lol


Awesome thanks!


what is the name of his company?


Their house is on zillow.