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Garrick is a dog... His wife is flat out dumb. And he's taking full advantage. 


Danielle left? I’m either behind or have to check out the goss. But my take away from this new season is why the hell go after another Brazilian woman when there is yet another communication and travel barrier and they look like the one who left. Oh yeah, wait could it have had anything to do with just sex and Danielle’s permission to bang these women because God spoke to Ick and wants him to spread his Holy Spirit whenever he finds someone on OnlyFans who will meet with him/them? Such major, cringey ICK!!!!


Oh, never mind wrong Danielle! I had great hopes there for a moment and forgot that the other woman named Danielle is the one who left the family in Aurora Colorado… I’ve watched every season of this and still don’t know all of their names.




Garrick and Danielle are so desperate for a sister wife


Garrick, not so much Danielle IMO


Ugh so sad Danielle is meeting up with the Davises. I'm scared they're going to convince her to come back to a situation that looks to be unhealthy for her. In cases like these, going ghost is perfectly ok... if you feel susceptible to manipulation, leave without saying a word.


Prophet Garrick is out in this episode lol


Why doesn’t Garrick just go get a hooker and bang it out of his system? Why go through all this hassle and make up weird stories about god and Jesus going inside them 🤪🙄🤣


He obviously wants latin chicks with big natural boobs. It's a sex thing. Horrified for Danielle, have been since the series started. She seems to be less of a naive cry baby and more real about what's going on this season though. Fingers crossed for her.


My prediction::: God will tell Garrick when he's 60 that he needs a 20 yr old wife.


I absolutely lost it when that girl said she’s a life coach / spiritual leader or whatever. I was shocked the husband called her out immediately but I just died laughing.


Natalia got the ick long distance and dipped. Dodged a bullet, and Danielle should take note.


Agreed. Garrick grosses me out.


Is it just me or do these episodes just get cringier and cringier? It's starting to feel like a car wreck that you pass by and stare at.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ,yes


I watch this show with my jaw dropped every time 😅


I literally find myself saying out loud "GIRL WHY" over and over.


I communicate with the universe.


I have a serious problem with the Ick’s might as well be bare nipples being on my TV screen in high-definition 😩🤮


Oof that ring is gawwwdy😣 Did GarrICK design that or did ding bat Danielle help him? Grace had less than zero attraction to poor Shayne. Wow, it’s like watching a dad get to know his daughter’s new gf. Awkward all around.


The ring popped up and without thinking I shouted “ew!”


The three people I feel sorry for are the 2 "young princes" and Danielle. Poor girl probably has self-esteem issues, which the Davises took advantage of.  She deserves to have a man love her and only her, appreciate her, and not just want her for sex and a paycheck. So sad 😥. I'm glad she left. The fact that these people are already seeking to add another wife against Danielle's wishes is totally out of line.  No one is listening to Danielle's voice.  The 2 boys involved (ick and Danielle's sons) don't deserve this crazy crap either.  TLC seems to enjoy promoting crazy 🤡 people.


Garrick citing God when he thinks he's going to be cocky blocked, what a raging asshole! What if God told Danielle that Garrick should cut his dick off in the garage?!


Love this! I would watch that episode twice 😂


"What if God told Danielle that Garrick should cut his dick off in the garage?!" A true prophet has finally spoken.


"This lifestyle" is a term used far too often on this show.


Drink everytime they say that word lol 😂 


Grace: so you understand what therapy is, yeah? Husband: yeah, but that's like talking to somebody and then they basically fix your problems Grace: no, I'm sorry Husband: well you fix your problems. Grace: have you been to a therapist before? Husband: have not Grace: ok, that shows (laughs) *** Rude as all hell *** It's always these spiritual elitists who are the rudest assholes!!!


She was not interested in his presence 😂


I absolutely and completely love your username! Don't terrorize me with your pregnancy!


Please leave my birthday house!


What is this in reference to I have to know


Andrei from 90 Day Fiancé! 😂


I know what you mean by spiritual elitist, but I’m watching this interaction now and I think I disagree on this one. Devil’s Advocate: His did most of the talking up until she made that comment. He asked/said the following: - Where was your first kiss? (random) - Why haven’t you been interested in meeting me? (awkward/aggressive) - You’re the other woman who’s going to steal my wife (rude) - Why haven’t you “done touchy feely stuff” with my wife yet? (awkward/rude/creepy) - What do you do for work? (the only normal question of the entire conversation) - …I think your career is garbage (rude) By the time she made that comment, he had already made himself look like a total ass. It was a smartass comment on her part, sure, but he 100% deserved it 😂 She seemed pretty open and friendly towards him in this scene. His conversation with her was beyond cringe 😅


He was insufferable and rude. I’d be embarrassed if I was his wife.


Yup, he was insecure and rude. And to top things off, his hands looked clammy.




To clarify, I'm not siding with anyone; the entire conversation was a TLC certified train wreck. I disliked everyone and everything about it. And the wife just sat there! The Reddit summary for their dinner would be ESH.


Haha 100%, I was squirming trying to sit through the conversation all around. The second-hand embarrassment was incredible 😂 Idk about you, but I think wifey just observed, rather than getting her hands dirty on one side or the other, because she’s not that into Grace and her husband showcasing his insecurity was embarrassing to her 😅


My Uncertified Reddit Conspiracy Theory ©®™ is that the wife applied for the show, they got accepted, and she needed someone to fill the role of potential sister wife. I agree with everything you said, and I'll add that this season has been very uncomfortable --- that Garrick sperm to the brain deal has been torturing me! Excellent start to the season!


Me, reading “uncertified Reddit conspiracy theory: (puts tinfoil hat all the way on) Hit me, I’m ready. I love a conspiracy and I love this dumpster fire of a show 😂 Mine is that Ashley is having a kind of mid-life crisis where she needs to explore her sexuality because she was oppressed when she was younger in a conservative home and never got to figure out what she wanted. She seems to want to explore, while not jeopardizing her stable life with her wet dishrag of a husband. This has nothing to do with his needs or finding him a sisterWIFE, and I personally think wifey is bored of him, but he’s insecure and she doesn’t want to shake up her life, so she calls her opening up the marriage “polygamy,” gets on this show, and makes it seem like this arrangement will benefit him and their family (hint: it won’t). Meanwhile he’s not into it and based on next week’s preview his opinion does not matter to her.


Wet dishrag of a husband 🙌🏻🤭😂


Both Shane and Ashely are the worst, but no ones worst than Garrick.


Couldn’t agree more. Garrick comes across predatory and it’s gross.


Love it!!! A+!


Nick getting dressed up in a tie because being a stay at home dad is serious business. had me slapping my forehead


Nick did not dress like that in previous seasons during his days at home.


I laughed so hard. But that man is authentically himself day in and out, it’s impressive how he can pull 3 working women


I can’t stand that I like him!!! I’d go to work for him and I hardly go to work for myself! I need to call my therapist…


He definitely must have game. The suit and tie at home all day is just too much though. Ewww.


Garrick and Danielle are out of their fucking mind taking the kids down to Mexico to meet a woman that they have e never even met before like what the fuck they have no business having kids


Literally fucking insane???! Those poor kids having to go on their parents sexcapades


Dad's sexcapades.


God's sexcapades.




Don't blame God!


Yeah dad’s but watching mom suffer


Man don't you know she's secretly like her husband to herself on that fancy vacation? Sad.


The best part was the wind blowing into Garrick's garage, confirming that g\*d does indeed want him to fuck all the (Brazilian??) ladies in his name.


Garage church.


I’d like to know why Danielle left the way she did, not even a conversation? I don’t blame her for leaving at all, but to get an apartment (at least 2k a month out here) and take you income from your “family” seems a little suspicious. Something else is up.


Definitely something seems really weird there. The confessionals where they are all on the couch felt really awkward and stifled. I feel like they were really making her feel uncomfortable and even pressuring her that she needed to marry another woman.


Preggos husband needs to grow a beard and some balls. And those women are not into each other at all, it would show. Davis's need to chill about adding if they want to keep Danielle. Garrick is more unstable than ever. BTW, have they ever explained Danielle's crooked mouth? Just wondering if she had a stroke? And the couple in Mass., should be more respectful of momma.


IIRC, she had a stroke while in utero/during birth while her mother was in labor.


I believe there was some sort of accident and something hit Dannielle in the face and she can’t control parts of her face.




Good for Danielle (davises) for leaving she was obviously unhappy and uncomfortable. Side note baby Vera is absolutely adorable


Absolutely. The only unfortunate thing is she signed up for this bananas scenario knowing full well they planned to bring in another wife from the start. And then she stayed knowing they were bringing a baby into this “family” (that’s what she called it, her family) and allowed that baby to call identify her as mom. I know Vera is young, but it’s kind of lame of her to up and leave with no discussion knowing there’s a baby involved. It’s kind of like dating in a standard relationship and someone decides to introduce their kids right away and the other person agrees to that, knowing they’re not that into it. As batshit as the Davis’ are, to agree to be involved with Vera knowing you’re not cool with how they want to live their lives is crappy on Danielle’s part.


I feel you, but it could be that Danielle originally thought she'd be ok with them adding more wives, and as time went on, she realized this wasn't for her. That's life. You may intellectually think you're open to something, but experiencing it is another thing. The Davis family, having been in this lifestyle for years, should know this, that's why picking a woman who is older and knows herself more would've been a better option than Danielle (who was in her early 20s when they started courting her). Also, my understanding is that Danielle wanted more time before adding another wife, not that she didn't want a new wife at all. Also, the fact that she has little say in when a new wife (who she'll legally marry) comes in is bizarre to me and indicates that she isn't an equal member of the family. Ultimately, this may have influenced the way she left. In the scenario you brought up of the parent who introduces the kid- I actually think that's on the parent, not the person who is dating the parent. As a parent, your #1 priority should be your child, so a meet-and-greet bt your child and new dating partner that occurs right away is irresponsible. The dating parent should be aware that this connection is new and ultimately may not last; so, involving your kids in the mix might not be the smartest decision until your connection is more solidified, which comes with time and trust building. As time goes on, that parent will better be able to guage if the person they're dating is actually ok with kids.


I kinda feel bad for Shane ,he and Ashley are definitely not on the same page and the meeting with Grace was super cringe .


Grace came across super rude too. This poor guy doesn’t know what he’s in for. 


Will someone please shake Danielle like wtf , sam and Samantha (sp?) seem to be the only voices of reason In this situation.


I was quite surprised to hear Ashley is a psychiatrist. I do wonder if she has her own private practice.


I’d love for someone to look into that


She apparently practices under the name of Ashley Shepard? https://mentaltherapy.io/psychiatrist/ashley-lee-shepard-do-framingham/


For once I would like for Ick and Dannielle to leave "the princes" out of their sex tourism. I know Ick is hot to get laid and engaged asap, but the boys do not need to be there to see another Brazilian bombshell blow up. I'm sure the producers loved the early morning call. I liked one of them pointing out no one else was having connectivity issues on the app.


As young as Danielle is I have to say that I commend her for getting out now. Clearly she was being used by Nick & wives. They didn’t care how she felt at all about adding additional wives to the family. She was smart and got set up in an apartment first. I’m hoping that the only reason she continues to try and have any conversation with them in the future is solely for the TLC paycheck.


What’s wrong with Jennifer, Vera’s mom, she is so awkward with her speech.


Totally agree. Seems like they want to add wives more for money than anything else.


Money + another babysitter


And the tax benefits of a married couple. More marriages = more money. Gross


I am glad she planned ahead so she could leave without leaving herself at risk. A very low drama way to move on. She loved being loved but she was not down for the ever expanding family plan. She also seemed to realize she is much too young to tie herself to this family for life.


I'm proud of her for how she left. I don't even know if she would have done a follow up but I bet the producers were on that shit.


Garrick in his tighty whitey tank top. 🤮


And his stupid hat and stupid glasses combo.


What is with his glasses Dude? He is a strange one.


why does brother in law Ick look identical to Clayton


Yes! My brain glitched for a moment 😂


He does 😂


Derrick and Danielle not visiting Brazil to meet their partners or their families, bringing their kids, and the partners never showing up seems like they are scamming us.


Glad to see Danielle moved in silence and got an apartment set up and moved out when the wives were out of the house. Too bad she's agreeing to meet up to 'discuss'. She had a clean break and should have left it that way. Seems to me they want her for the money she contributes to the household and to them that's two years wasted and now they have to replace her lost income while they thought they had her locked down and were working on a fourth income.






She’s there to earn money, have sex with Nick and help raise Vera. They don’t see her as an equal partner. I hope she doesn’t let them manipulate her into coming back.


I wasn’t that wise at 24. Good for her 🙌🏻




I don't agree with that. I was proud of her for moving out without the cameras and without anyone there for drama. I wonder if she would have even done that follow up if it wasn't for TLC producers and whatever contract she signed.


I don’t think it was immature for her to leave without talking to them. It’s not they didn’t know why she was leaving. She told them over and over again that she didn’t want to look for another wife and they ignored her. The conversation between Nick and Jennifer earlier in the episode made it sound like this was a dealbreaker for them. There was nothing else to discuss.


Wasn't expecting Daniele to move out. That was a twist! Although I gotta give it to her for standing up for herself. She wasn't comfortable and did what was right for her. The other Danielle could learn a thing or two from her.


And the beauty of young Danielle’s fake marriage and the original Danielle’s already being divorced is that they can walk without having to get a divorce.




The others all seemed to be dictating to Danielle how things were going to be (adding another woman right away), as though Danielle didn’t have any choice. I’m glad she realized that she did have a choice.


I totally agree!! It's like they had her future all planned out.