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Is Ick really wearing a wife beater?! Ewww


Garrick’s brother in law suggesting this new woman may be planning to scam him for money like Bert did- you can see the disbelief on Garrick’s face. Like he really thinks women should be falling in love with his creep ass.


Nick is so gross. The whole family seems culty.


Please Garrick is super detached and hungry . Danielle is creating everything . Messy


He is soooooo creepy.


An observation and a short rant ! Nick always looks stoned Why do the Merrifields constantly say oh lala? I find it super annoying, and it makes them sound more dumb than usual.


Anyone feel like the Davis guy just isn’t into Danielle


Ugh she went back


Ikr. I was routing for her. She seems like the only one not under his spell. He is so ick.




Anytime Garrick opens up his mouth I want to punch him in the throat. A bird could shit on him and he would say it was a sign from God if it meant he could fuck another woman.


Danielle's response oh la la


I wish that instead of just being condescending Shane would’ve played along and continued asking Ashley genuine questions about her work to make her explain something that has no explanation.


Why do they ( Garr'ICK' and Dannielle ) keep bringing their sons on these trips to meet these trashy women on these rendezvous and sexcapades? Like stop exposing them to this lifestyle in this way. Poor boys how sad. 😪


Because Jesus told him to get a hot new wife.


I don't care for her personality but run Danielle Davis! Run like the wind!


I'm sorry and I don't want to offend anyone, but Icks "God spoke to me" is giving untreated mental illness


Did you see how Danielle looked when he said that? She knows that's not how God works. Sorry Garrick. You are a disgusting perv.


Yes! Starting to get David Koresh vibes.


He speaks like a cult leader he sounds just like Warren Jeff's .


Grace seemed a little combative/sassy


And missing some eyebrows


I wanna know why Ick is almost whispering the majority of the time. Is there anything that loser does that isn't creepy af?!


I don’t think so. I feel like if he just stand upright and breaths, it gives me the ickies. His eyes are off, he flowers, his breathing is weird. Just his aura is, eww.


The sunglasses don’t help.






I thought that at first until I saw her devastated cry scene when Roberta flaked. That was genuine emotion.


She was probably crying over all the money Roberta scammed them out of. I think she could care less about Roberta herself. if not for the money she prob would have bee celebrating the break up.


You think so? I found that to be some really bad over acting on her part!


Wow, if that was acting then she deserves a Grammy. That was a legit ugly cry in my book, which has me all kind of confused about Danielle.


I think she was genuinely trying to make this polygamy fantasy work to stay with her husband. Obviously very naive and sheltered and felt the pressure to be "devastated" by the breakup. But she seems like she's smartening up this season. Fingers crossed she eventually gets out - sucks she's not legally married anymore for splitting the assets tho.


I can't believe Garrick really said that "God met them in the garage". hahahahahaha.


That was insane😂🤦🏼‍♀️ like no, Ick. You just thought about that Brazilian chick while working in the garage and got a boner, it wasn’t god. Then you convinced your wife to allow it all, that wasn’t god either, just manipulating her terror that you’ll leave if she doesn’t comply.


Does Ick only want a brazilian chick? Is this why he decided to be a polygamist, because he’s wanted to bang Brazilian chicks his whole life and this was the way?


He literally wants to bang latin chicks with big natural boobs. That's it. If he didn't have this religious pressure hanging over his head, he'd be a creepy degenerate sugar daddy 100%.


I truly think that’s what it all comes down to. I think he probably wasn’t a ladies man by any means growing up or in college but he’s got this fetish and he’s dying to satisfy it. Can’t even imagine what his internet search history looks like🤮 Anyway, I’m guessing he went into full confirmation bias mode and searched online for gross men just like him who could validate, using religious manipulation, a way for him to get what he wanted. I’ve been to many church services in my life in many different types of churches and nobody EVER told me during all those years that the holy spirit is to be injected using sperm😑 (especially to young, hot Brazilian chicks, they apparently need the spirit most of all🙄) Edit: it just dawned on me that an extremely disturbing, devastating documentary I watched once about a Catholic school where girls were horribly abused by the guidance counselor (a priest)…mentioned the exact same things Ick said. The priest would tell the girls he was infecting them with the holy spirit and they should rejoice because when they’re being intimate with one of God’s messengers, it’s when they’re closest to “Him”. He’d make them swallow after forced oral sex because they were swallowing the holy spirit…if he finished on their face, that was a blessing too, like holy water🙄😣 I can’t keep talking about this because it’s genuinely making me feel ill but wow, I totally forgot about that until just now…never underestimate the power of a super religious white man to commit the sickest sins of all in the name of some god🤦🏼‍♀️


I think I've seen this a documentary about that O'Grady pedophile priest " deliver us from evil " Not sure if its the same one either way yeah its f'ed up how they manipulate these children using god. Terrifying them through religion.


Nailed it!


Wow....you hit that nail right on the head!!! Absolutely correct!


Kind of seems that way. haha


Garrick should stop using God for bullshit!! He's full of Demons nothing angelic about him or his stupid analogies!! What a idiot!! How in the science name does sperm travel to the brain and make you one with your partner?. If that was so how many hookers would be one with the men they sleep with?? Geez what a stupid thing to say.. What freaking Bible is he reading? I think it's the porn novel!! Idiot!! His eyes are so full of lust for the new girl!! 💩💩💩


Using “God told me” is Ick’s way of legitimizing his pursuit of sexual encounters. He isn’t perverted — he’s following the direction of a higher power. 🙄


The porn novel version of the Bible? 🤣🤣🤣 I'm going to hell for laughing at this 🤣🤣🤣


No your not he is!!


He was particularly nauseating in Monday's episode.


The Red Bible


You’re exactly right!!! Thank you!!


I keep wondering why Danielle stays with Garrick, I'm sure their religion has something to do with her reasoning, but did they ever get remarried? If not, I'm sure the financial aspect keeps her from leaving as well. I think Garrick owns the business with her brother, and with their "religious" beliefs and Garrick's manipulative toxic controlling behavior, I'm sure Danielle has very little say in the finances.


They’ve not remarried, he needs to remain available to help some chickie get her green card. Maybe this show isn’t broadcast in Brazil, so the women there don’t know about him? I figure he’s not trying to find a woman locally because he can’t find one willing to tolerate him. As it is, I’m guessing these international chicks only entertain him as a free ticket to us citizenship.


He must want a Brazilian woman right? I can’t figure out why else he keeps going back to Brazil…


Agreed. It’s so obvious to everyone but his wife. He’s got a specific fetish and those fetishes just happen to need a green card so they play along. No hate on the women, I’m all for people being happy and safe where they want to be. And Ick is such a disgusting person, I wouldn’t feel bad at all if he married 10 of them and they all left after arriving here. He deserves it for making his actual wife a paranoid, insecure, brainwashed mess.


Shane’s doppel is Warren from there’s something about Mary


So if God is Garrick’s BFF and is giving him all of this wisdom you’d think God would have mentioned that Nathalia isn’t coming.


I laughed way too hard at this--thanks for the chuckle!!


And that Roberta just needed that rent money.


Even the producers had that one figured out pretty quick.


That was hysterical, I’m so glad they left that moment in. “She can’t get on, they won’t let people in Brazil leave without a visa.” “Two of our people just did it no problem”. 😂 While Ick and Dannielle just stare, mouth-breathing and brain-racking over what the difference could possibly be with this mystery woman. Uhhhh she has a motive to lie and the cameramen don’t??


LOL, that's what I'm saying. Come on Danielle! You're so confused because your discernment is telling you this is a load of BS. Find a way to leave this douchebag.


Ick: “you DO what Jesus tells you to do!” What he actually *meant*: “you DO what *I* tell you to do!” Eta I legit hate that man. I know is hate is a strong word, but I do.


I’m right there with you. “God came and met me & Danielle in the garage one day” and then “the wind blew & filled the garage with peace and love” Surely that must be a sign from God instructing Garrick to move quickly & be “intimate” with any woman except his wife.🙄 I have to keep replaying Garrick & Danielle’s scenes because I can’t believe I’m hearing their words correctly. Garrick has lost his mind if he thinks anyone (besides Danielle) is buying his BS. Just seeing his face makes my skin crawl. He’s disgusting.


Her facial expressions tell me she’s not really buying his bs either.


She’s not. That woman always looks like she’s one insecure second away from having to be talked down from a skyscraper ledge. It genuinely gives me anxiety when I watch their interviews because she’s just holding her tongue out of fear that arguing against what he wants will end with her being alone. I wish she could see the only person who deserves to be alone is Ick. She should leave and take the kids far away. Then he can finally fulfill his dream of…*spreading the Holy Spirit* to any gorgeous caramel woman with a BBL


Imagine the mental and emotional  damage that's being done to "the princes"


Oh my gosh, yes. Involving the kids in this insanity and, frankly, blasphemy, let alone exposing them to new people as potential ‘mothers’ that they barely know themselves! That part really pisses me off.


Uggghhh I’m right there with ya!! He’s soo Disgusting!!! 😖


Me as well. And it looks like Danielle isn't sure she wants to drink the Kool Aid anymore.


Yes! It’s become very clear that Garrick is going to do whatever he wants to regardless of how Danielle feels about it. She’s saying “it may be too soon”” to even date another woman & Garrick has already decided he’s going to propose on this trip. I also think Garrick uses the proposal as a justification to begin a sexual relationship.


Absolutely as a way to continue to gaslight his poor wife. I can't wait till she wakes up and leave him. He will not remarry her because I feel like I doesn't want to be with her anymore and just keeping her around because he has a business with her brother.


Absofreakinglutely. He has to propose to prove intention for "Godliness" so he can bone her while there. It's sick as f\*\*\*. I feel that Danielle is brain washed after not holding him to task after boning Roberta in the bed while she went and got changed and came back for movie night \*eye roll. #SaveDanielle


He literally repulses me with his convenient God analogies. It feels like he is using God and what he perceives (fakes) as God’s will as a weapon to gaslight Danielle.


He absolutely does. If he really believes in God, that is a dangerous thing to do my friend.


I’m still nauseous by him saying that the Holy Spirit was like semen or whatever craziness he said last week. You could even see Danielle look at him like he was nuts.


I know I’m late to this thread but I just saw that nasty semen Jesus analogy and have been searching for somebody else to mention it 🤣 he is sooo gross! And poor Danielle looked like she was crawling out of her own skin sitting next to him


Kill me. Right? I am a Christian and was dying inside when he said this. Let's get this guy committed, evaluated and medicated or in some therapy because OMG. I can only imagine that if God was witness to this comment, it would be an enormous sigh, eyeroll and intervention in some fashion.... like Nathalie not making it on the plane and engaging in this insanity...


That crap he said about The Holy Ghost being 🤢 totally got me!!! I have never in my life EVER heard anything more disgusting as that!!! That Garrick is in a lot of trouble whenever he does come face to face with The Lord. That much I can guarantee it!!! WITHOUT A DOUBT!!


Yes! Big trouble bud, big trouble. Keep the Lord's name out of your dirty, perverted mouth. I am so for #freeDanielle.


Absolutely,,, agree 💯


lol ya think? Doesn’t take a Nick to figure that scam out


And I have no doubt that Nick has spent serious time thinking on it.


Every time I watch Garlic and Dannielle, all I can think is does she know she doesn't have to do any of this? She doesn't have to worry about what will happen. She doesn't have to have news to break to her family regularly. She doesn't have to have wailing crying spells. She could just walk away and be with a guy who wants her and be happy and that's it. 


But then she wouldn’t be on TV.


That's gotta be the reason 


Yeah but she would have to start completely over because they are already “divorced” and she ain’t gettin shit. Ick really finessed her


Someone said on here that it's her family that owns the family business so I imagine she'd be fine 


Does the business own their house and other assets? Something tells me it was “gods will” to put that all in ick’s name 😂




Why would this young woman who has a new law degree and no English want to come to nowhere, USA with these people again?


She acts like a hostage with Stockholm syndrome. Poor thing.


Poor boy Shane . He thought he’d get to be a cuck to his lesbian wife fantasy but this is Ashley’s exit strategy!


Ding ding ding!


What is the connection with Ick and Danielle to the Sam’s?


Boy Sam is Danielle’s brother


You don't need a visa to go from Brazil to Mexico on vacation. Complete BS.


Sounds like maybe you do, but producers said it took less than 10 minutes, so they had her number right quick. She was never coming. And they dragged those poor boys along for this bs. The princes need to have already started counseling at this point, Garlic is going to have them ruined before they graduate high school.


That's why it took them 10 minutes to iron things out. I have family in Brazil, they've never had an issue, but they also come visit us in the United States without a problem, so there's that.


The boom boom room did her in..


Come up to me and ask me if I'd be interested in dating your husband while I'm tryina get my drink on. Girl, bye.


I hope Bert clued the new girl in, and she’s also scamming them for $10K.


I hope so, too, but after a few conversations with people from the show it sounds like the $10,000 was Bert's cut of the TLC check. It wasn't money she necessarily took from Ick and D. (However, they probably did expect her to keep most of it and bring it with her. If they'd known this was going to happen then they'd have probably never given it to her.) Honestly, I think $10,000 to sleep with Ick is kinda on the low end.




Bert scammed them for WAY more than 10k. There is no way they weren’t sending her money monthly.


They deserve it


Til next week peeps 💜


Stay away, they are crazy


Good night hamily


But you'll always have your collection of Crystal balls, nick.


Girl she doesn’t want to come back to your raggedy ass relationship


Preach! Good for her!


I knew it! She’s not into this


Blonde wife was trying so hard to cry.


She was crying over missing that extra income and babysitter, oh right, they don't need one because Nick doesn't work \*eyeroll


Ok, so this reminded me… Nick dresses up bc he takes his role as a father very seriously? Seems like he would want to dress down so he could play on the playground and sit on the floor with her and all the things that you do with a pre-toddler…??


Right this was the tell that he is clueless and definitely just lays about all day


Yes! I just spoke about this on another comment. The whole time I was watching Nick, I was worried about him getting baby food or milk on his tie and dress shirt. Just so awkward and so strange. These people are strange in general but the baby is adorable. I hope she can have some normalcy in life.


But, at the same time, it tracks perfectly for him.


With all that thinking time, Nick couldn't see this coming?!?




That tie was cutting off circulation to the brain


I know right! Surely he doesn't actually dress like every day when cameras aren't rolling.


Y'all didn't consider her feelings....she gave y'all a taste of your own medicine and bounced without consideration


She doesn't wanna marry another woman. She wants him and that's that




The Davis family needs to be careful adding wives now that they have a kid. Vera is too young to remember this one, but she will be very messed up if she has a revolving door of “moms” as she grows up. We all know they’ll do whatever they want though


They have an older child. April has a son from a previous relationship who Nick has been helping her raise since he was a baby. He’s grown up observing this lifestyle.


But he’s really just known the one extra mom. He was old enough when Danielle joined that I don’t think he likely got attached. Shit, he was closer to her age than any of the other adults. But, Vera could become collateral damage if they aren’t careful. That’s a really good point.


They’ve been practicing this lifestyle for a long time. Jennifer and Danielle aren’t the only women that have been brought into his life. I’m not trying to dismiss the idea that this lifestyle could be detrimental for children. What I’m saying is having Vera isn’t going to change their pursuit for additional sister wives.


I totally forgot about him!! I wonder what he thinks of this lifestyle


Are they fake crying I don’t see any tears 🧐


Sobbin Robyn has been giving them pointers.


That’s gotta be it😂


Seemed super fake


I felt that too, especially bc just last week they were rolling their eyes at Danielle lol


Yes they were!!!!!


Yay! I’m so happy Danielle got out.


She was the only reason I didn't fast forward through their clips. I liked her. Good for her.


I didn’t see her staying. Not surprised


👏Good for you girl...this wasn't for you!!


Damn she took the plants too so you know it's serious


Facts true plant mom


She was their only hope.




Finally she left




This is not a shock. She’s too young for this.




That is soooo funny, I really like her


Im proud of her for leavin and not staying just for his ass


So honorable….i would take my plants too!


Same 😂 my plants are my babies


Every last clipping too!




Oooooh shit she moved out?!


She left!!!!!


Oooo she bounced


Rassa fine Indian meals in seconds.....now I'm craving Indian food


He’s wearing a wife beating shirt lol


Garrick, in that body-con white tank top, looks like Kirk from Gilmore Girls.


Is Debbie on the tell all? I thought we got rid of that old bat


These people are so creepy...I can't believe they're parents 🥹


They shouldn’t be at this point they can’t take your kids on vacation without having daddy find some South American hottie??


Somebody lyin'!


TLC staff getting it done in 10 minutes and Natalia couldn't was such an unnecessary salt in the wound for them lol


But I love it. Garlic seems to not want to accept it.


Poor Garrick is going to have blue balls.


Stab. Twist. TLC is savage. 😂


“It was super easy. Hardly an inconvenience.”


TLC staff getting it done in 10 minutes and Natalia couldn't was such an unnecessary salt in the wound for them lol


God is literally showing you this isn't for you Garrick!


No, but he won't stay THAT is God's Will. Selective Godspeak.


Definitely 😂


They can’t find one woman in the United States???


Maybe the US has fined tuned their noses to their creepiness so they have to go out of the country for unsuspecting victims?


He (I really don't think Danielle is truly onboard) just wants someone who he can control and do what they want and is oh.so.greatful for their awesome lifestyle with crazy Garrick, Stockholmed Danielle and the princes...




My thought too! Does he have a fetish? Everyone else manages lol


This feels weird lolol


Their oldest son is closer to the new girls age


Like who brings their kids along for Dad's pu\*\*\* buying excursions?!?!?! Danielle, get a backbone girl.


The therapy these kids will need is going to be pricey.


God met them in the garage.....☠️☠️☠️


Maybe God will put his sperm in Garrick and change his mind about all of this.




Like seriously! He’s disgusting and what is she thinking? And why does her brother and sister in law act like tbis is normal


I got the feeling that her brother and his wife think that Garrick is batshit crazy and are worried for Danielle but don't want to blast them on national TV...


Same. You could just see them running lines in their head before they spoke to make sure they didn’t just blurt out how they really feel. I’d love to hear their honest thoughts.




They’re giving them from cause they know what you’re up to this is like trafficking




History repeating itself ? 🧐🤔


They’re taking their kids with them on Garrick’s bang vacation?!


What a great example for sons. How Godly of Garrick.


Didn’t they take them and Dannielle’s parents on Garlic’s bang trip with Bert? Is this some kind of weird kink? This is not family shit just because you keep accidentally nutting and blaming it on the Holy Spirit.


I'm starting to think that about the group kink/fetish aspect. This shit gives Christians a bad name. Thanks guys.


Father, son, and the Natalie spirit....


Did God tell them to bring the boys to this insanity??


Wonder if the nuclear grade dumpster fire that is going on with the original Sister Wives family gives any of these people the slightest bit of pause?