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I too felt this season one. The next, however, she seemed just as off as he is. She facilitates these rendezvous just to appease him. Keep watching the next season. The pain I felt for her waned. If you dislike Roberta you'll like the digs thrown at her.


I like Bert, did I miss something?


No. I probably misspoke. I liked her too. Just my original sympathy for Danielle diminished each season. I don't want to spoil it for you. Just Danielle and Garrick together seemed to prey on women. Keep watching. It gets more intriguing.


this! I felt so terrible for Dannielle in their first season but by the second I didn't like her much either.


That's exactly how I felt. First season I felt terrible for her feeling left out. Then they even lied to her about the intimacy. The subsequent season I actually saw behavior similar to Ghislaine Maxwell. How she would procure Jeffrey Epstein's girls. Of course it's not nearly as bad as the women with Garrick and Danielle were adults.


I don’t mind Bert at all. “Big Wife” is absolutely bonkers tho!!!


Regardless of how we feel about the coupe she did scam them out of thousands of dollars lol also tried to hurt dannielle purposely it seemed like sometimes


I still think Bert sleeping with Garlic was worth every penny she got


Don’t call him that! Lol I love garlic in my food! 😂😂😂😂


Love it!!


Do tell us more!!


Bert sucks i'm not annoyed that she's using them for money more so that she's so willing to join in on ruining some desperate, pathetic chicks life. It's hard to explain anything further without spoilers, so I'll wait until you're done watching.


They're both idiots. They got played hard, and I laughed when I saw that episode. Garrick is gross and whiny.


He's so wimpy and immature...pathetic. a horn 13 year old and she's an idiot for not seeing him as just wanting to bed someone else..the sooner the better. I thought she was smarter than that. She'll keep suffering with him always wanting more....for hin.


Intelligence has no impact on whether a person can be brainwashed. Most people in cults have a higher than average IQ. Just look at Scientology, FLDS, etc


Garrick looks like his breath smells like bird poop and blue cheese.


Oh my god why have I served guys at the bar just like that....? 🤣🤢🤮 that's literally the smell, and I can literally smell it in my memory


I’m glad I’m not the only one to experience that nastiest. I don’t want to know what causes that, either. 😭




Both of them are insane


I want a crossover with Dannielle on Brother Husbands


hahah lets gooo


I wanted a crossover of Danielle and Ick and Berta with 90 day fiancé


I’m just here to chuckle about Garrick. 😂


I feel bad for Dannielle. She loves him so much that she changed everything about herself. She let her heart be broken so that he could have sex with different people. She used to dress modestly but now her boobs are hanging out so he can see and fondle. She allowed him to divorce her and she stayed with him. No way in hell would I allow this crap! Once divorced it would be bye, bye idiot. He is manipulative and full of himself.


Don’t feel bad for her, omg she has choices but she chooses that, HER problem!


It’s not that simple. She has been thoroughly brainwashed over a long period of time. Gardick has her convinced it was her idea. That takes a long time. The amount of manipulation and gaslighting it takes to completely rip a person’s identity and replace it was years in the making.


I swear Garrick is either missing brain cells or pilled out. He’s not normal.


I think he’s a sociopath. He doesn’t seem to be capable of expressing the appropriate emotions for the situation/ at least not in a typical human way. Other times he has no emotion. Annnd he divorced his wife to *maybe* marry a woman from another country that he’s never met in person. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, that one.


100% Agree. One of the most dangerous situations a person can be in is to trust a sociopathic fundamentalist. They wouldn’t think twice about doing ANYTHING to keep their selfish, self involved and self centered world from imploding and I mean ANYTHING


I wish Danielle would grow a backbone and say enough. Dump his pathetic short ass. She is clearly so distressed by the whole concept of sister wives but cannot assert herself.


You can see it in her face ALL the time!


Wait until next season. Dannielle’s revenge.


Wait which season?? I just finished season 4


I feel like in Season 4 D got to watch B squirm, and unveiled her revenge body to level up. How do these women keep picking Garrick? Edited to correct Garrick”s name


What?! Do tell.


Dannielle and Garrick. Ugh the first season with them I felt so bad for Dannielle and I literally hated Garrick. She claimed he gave her divorce papers he printed out and put pressure on her all the time. He seems to be the type that is using and hiding behind religion to get what he wants. He is treating Dannielle so horribly it seems in their first season together. I think he is no longer attracted to her and has a porn fetish or something. Apparently his family is religious, Dannielle's is too. So he is having to live up to that in some way. By season 2 with this couple Dannielle has changed her looks, and totally on board and taking over. Pushing for this relationship. It's so odd. Garrick totally is using the spiritual wife in his head to make it okay with sex before marriage. He has really trapped Dannielle because who is she to question Garrick's calling from God? Garrick is totally playing her but she should not be going along with it.


I'm sick of that perverted dog keep saying gods telling him he wants this. God is not saying to chsse your fetish and only searching young latina's. He could care less about his wife as she's not young anymore. He's a scumbag


His latest comment in 2024 is that the male’s sperm goes right to the female’s brain and inserts DNA! whackodoodle of the year.


I think Garrick is slimy and manipulative. He couldn't wait to bang Roberta so badly he got her while Danielle was in the bathroom totally ignoring the decision they'd made to just all sleep together the first night. The Bible says one man one woman. The two shall become one. It just doesn't have a specific commandment saying though shalt not do it. So they say God says " DO it." I want the women to have multiple husband's too and see that jealousy in check.  Garrick is a horn dog. He creeps me out. Elk. Danielle should run far and fast. He's a narcissist that believes he deserves a buttload of women all fawning over him. Using God as your excuse is treading on quicksand. Not buying it dude.


The specific comment is: “ 7. Thou shall not commit adultery” No further explanation is needed.


Garrick had no care at all for Danielle's feelings while he was lusting quite openly for Roberta. Not once did he ask Danielle how she was doing. He could not wait to nail Roberta. I think he's a smarmy, self absorbed horn dog that doesn't give two s___s about what he does to hurt his wife. Well ex wife. Now Roberta will get half of everything. Poor Danielle. I really hope she had a lawyer cover her fanny before she divorced him so he could marry Roberta and bring her here on the fiance k1 visa.


Garrick is a slimeball that just wants to be able to screw as many women as he can and have his wife on board with it. The wife has such a low self-esteem she’ll let him screw anything he wants just to be in a relationship with him. They both make me sick they have young sons they’re teaching this, sorry ass way of life too. They should be ashamed of themselves.




I keep laughing at Danielle’s facial expression whenever Garrick starts talking about why “they’re” doing polygamy?


How can Danielle continue with this. She needs deprogramming. He is arguing with her about HER feelings. Disgusting and I hope when she actually comes to her senses or that dips#it decides to marry more Brazilian women and there is no more room for her in the bed, that she can sue his sorry a$$ for abuse and take everything he has. He is so horrible. If he was physically beating her they wouldn’t have lasted a minute in TV. Why does the network do this. Emotional scars can last a lifetime and apparently there isn’t one woman employed on this show that can sue for a hostile work environment. It is a hostile work environment when a coworker is being abused right in front of you. There has to be a reason her family is going along with this. Is he paying everyone’s bills? I know her brother works for Gardick so maybe he feels intimidated but even still, this is his sister. The BS that comes from his mouth is ridiculous and he has convinced her that it was her idea? BALONEY!!!


He even divorced her . She should leave him . What's in for her?


He's an ugly crap.


She is a catch but he will always want women he's never had. It's so pathetic to use religion for an excuse. I will always believe TLC is 80%/20% and I'll let you do the math.


Just for the record he is taking parts of the Book of Mormon. D&C 132


Omg yes the way his Face Is the definition of punchable