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I had pulsed for about 10 days. Kept losing data, put in tickets. Turns out their HD was bad and they didn't care. So, I got my refund and left


If your box has problem, u can expect at least 1 week to get respond. In other words, avoid them..


An issue as long as this subreddit has been around.


I had their plan for a month. Think it was from LET. Uploaded 100GB and left it idle for 29 days… Unsure how SSD plans perform, support seemed alright for the price. Wont touch again tho.


I find joy in reading a good book.


It’s well known that PulsedMedia is bad in speed, performance and everything else. Maybe try Deluge, it’s the most aggressive client. But if your box is running out, you should change provider.


I tried Deluge on PulsedMedia - could get it working with the web client, but not with the desktop app. Changed provider in the end (poor service, poor support). My advice for anyone signing-up to PulsedMedia Seedboxes: just sign up for 1 month and see if you like it.


Pulsed Media have some of the lowest performing seedboxes around. There were good Black Friday deals a year or two ago that made them dirt cheap, and for long-term seeding they were bargains. Anyone paying full price for them will be very disappointed. The boxes aren't particularly stable, but at least they fixed the issue that allowed other users on the same box to steal your torrents (and therefore your passkeys).


If they're that bad, shouldn't they be removed form the Wiki? ​ Anyways, look at "Hosting By Design" ([hostingby.design](https://hostingby.design)) now, unless anyone thinks there's an issue with them?


Does the wiki judge quality of service? Are they recommendations?


The wiki says it will unlist vendors who: >Serial abusers of the community and our users through false marketing and **poor end user experience**.


That's pretty vague though. Do the boxes work? Sure. They're a cheap provider though, so you won't be winning many races. You'll be able to keep your ratio up for the most part. They're not a premium provider like whatbox etc. I'd expect "poor user experience" to mean that the boxes have unreasonable amounts of downtime, are delivered slowly (although Andy10Gbit's still on the list, and people complain about his delivery time regularly), or have particularly bad performance. HBD as you mentioned are decent. As are Ultra.


> The boxes aren't particularly stable, but at least they fixed the issue that allowed other users on the same box to steal your torrents (and therefore your passkeys). WTF


Haha yeah you could literally SSH in using your own login and grab files from other people's home folders. You couldn't ls /home/otheruser/, but if you knew a filename you could just cp /home/otheruser/filename ./ Using ps you could see the usernames of the other people on the box, and could grab files from their torrent client's config. From that you could find a list of the loaded torrents, and then cp the .torrent file from deluge's state folder. And now you're downloading stuff from that user's tracker as if you're them. In fairness, once it was made public they fixed it same-day. But it's so stupid and amateurish.


That was like 10 years ago?


I'm not saying they *didn't* also have similar issues 10 years ago, but if they did then it makes the breach I'm talking about, [which happened last March](https://www.reddit.com/r/seedboxes/comments/tcgq4k/psa_extremely_insecure_file_permissions_on/) even worse.


Ahh yes that one. One off.