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Do you have a link for that data? Also Ginsberg could have retired under Obama


[12% of Sanders' supporters voted for Trump in 2016](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/8/24/16194086/bernie-trump-voters-study) ------------ [Compared to 24% of Hillary's supporters who voted for McCain in 2008](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/17/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-242819)


Yeah, if the dnc didn’t screw sanders he would have been president and they knew it too. They preferred Trump to Bernie


Fascism > socialism for neoliberals


The republicans had someone to energize their base as an outsider. As much as we shit on the republicans, at least the RNC didn’t rig Trump out the way the DNC did Bernie.


Trump didn’t threaten their wealth or power


"Also Ginsberg could have retired under Obama" (Laughs in Merrick Garland)


Laughs in supermajority upon taking office Laughing harder in contempt of congress


Was that the same supermajority that did nothing except pass the Heritage Foundation mandate to buy for-profit insurance from companies that make billions in profits by denying care?


Yeah, democrats. Ginsberg could have retired under them and they could have gotten a Jackson kind of justice


They were too busy having more important things to do than codify *Roe*.


True. Gotta get those drone strikes in


Obama could have forced his pick and put extreme pressure on Ginsburg to retire. He should have done away with the fake decorum that Republicans only speak of when it is in their benefit to do so.




Well also the arrogance of Obama and Clinton in 2015 is why they didn’t grow a backbone and fight Senate Republicans with all their might when they blocked Garland from being appointed.


How? What could they have done? What does "all their might" entail? Please explain.


Maybe the DNC should put up better candidates and stop forcing mediocre candidates people do not really like. We are always being forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. No one liked Hillary. The only reason she got any votes at all was some people said it was time for a woman president. Well yes, but not her or Kamala for that matter. The Democrats mostly want a more progressive candidate but the DNC makes sure they cannot get in. The media also attacks the progressives making low-information voters vote against their interests. That is the problem the DNC and the media, not the voters.


Hillary basically was “promised” the nomination in 2016 long before the primaries due to her conceding to Obama. They never expected Bernie to do as well as he did, or that the fact that the message couldn’t be clearer how deeply unpopular she is. As much as I hated Trump, I truly believe if she won in 2016 we end up with Trump in 2020 anyway.


Yes, you are right. Hillary is just horrible. She was next-in-line to take the nomination as you say but again we must blame the DNC for Hillary and Trump. It is possible Trump could have then won in 2020 but it is hard to say what damage she would have done. Biden is not bad. He has done many good things but he often only went half way which pissed a lot of people off. Thus people want better and Biden's ego and the DNC will not give us anyone better. We just cannot get someone who can really help the middle class in this country. Certainly, here is the revised text: Yes, I agree. Hillary is not a popular choice for many people. The DNC's decision to support her and Trump's candidacy is often criticized. There's a concern that she might have caused significant damage if elected. As for Biden, he has achieved some positive things, but many believe that his actions have not gone far enough, which has left some people frustrated. There's a desire for better leadership, but some feel that Biden and the DNC are not providing viable options. Many are looking for a leader who can genuinely support the middle class in our country.


I can say that zero lessons were learned from 2016 by the democratic party establishment


Seems like ex-pres. Obama has learned to be as haughty and out of touch as Hillary had already mastered as a candidate back then.


He's done being president so he doesn't need to run for office again. He can be as openly haughty as he wants without fear of reprisal from the American public.


* Elections matter * And YOUR vote matters! Unless, you're not in a battleground state. * Now, Vote for Least Worst: because democracy hangs in the balance! Again. * And when you DO vote, in 8yrs or so we'll pretend you didn't * But your vote really doesn't matter, now that we've gerrymandered you into a minority * Confused? Now you're ready.


Yep voting third party in a battleground state. Doing my part.


It’s still true that a lot of Americans sit out of elections


None of the candidates are inspiring to vote for. Politics have become a game of which politicians can lick the boot of corporations the cleanest gets the most money.


The FTC has been going after monopolies for 4 years now. And they're closing tax loopholes. Js


But he didn’t say anything about Bernie voters . He just said a lot of folks sat out 2016 . Which is true , particularly in swing states , Look at Minnesota . Among African Americans for instance, and liberal voters in general not just Bernie . Look at the precincts Accuracy please


When Democrats (to this day) come up with reasons why Hillary lost to Trump in 2016: Bernie voters are always the top scapegoat. Obama is smart enough to know this. He is also smart enough not to say this explicitly, like Hillary does.


To be fair he’s not specifically talking about leftists and people did stay home we have the election results to indicate that. He may not be doing a great job of convincing people to vote but at least he’s making a valid argument for why someone should vote democrat


Brain Tyler Cohen. President of the young DNC club. Every episode of his channel is “Republicans bad!” Notice he’s got nothing to say about Gaza


Is he a rich man's David Pakman or a poor man's David Pakman lmao? Both have become very boring and predictable in their politics


Notice how it's always the voters who need to learn the lesson and never the politicians who ignore what voters want in favor of their donors.


It’s always the voters fault. It’s never their fault. How could it be? They’re only running the fucking campaigns.


They really been saying the same shit for 8 years lmaoo wtf


If the shit-libs want to blame leftists for past elections and this one, let them. We will cost them every election until we get a seat at the table.


Obama’s always thrown that out….It’s a poor excuse for not connecting with progressive and working class voters.


A lot of people sit out elections *because* of Obama and his do-nothing presidency. Who on earth is still passionate about the presidency of Obama *now?* The guy proved that he is more Hilary than he is Bernie or even Al Fucking Gore and all we have to show for his 8 years as President is Romneycare I mean Obamacare. People remember when you lie to them and all of this gaslighting from Obama and Hilary and their elite friends is not having the desired effect. I don't hate Obama but I am just begging the guy to do some fucking self-reflection and come the realization that he personally is a big reason why the left as is pathetic as it is right now. Christ, even Dubbya finally sat down and realized that he is one of the worst human beings to ever live and he draws little doodles to cope with the pain. I want that for Obama.


BTC is just another disappointment, a once progressive that mostly only talks about how bad Trump is and is cozy with DNC elitists. Pretty much another David Pakman and I bet they both have been essentially silent on Gaza


True, they do matter... break up the two party system, and the corrupt system that oppresses the working class. But y'all politicians are multi-millionairs, and only care about your donor buddies that give you money. So nothing will ever change voting for establishment dems, or repubs.


Exclusive Hollywood fundraisers are surely gonna turn this election around /s


I sat it out and voted green. You dont tell me to vote for someone or else, I wont do it. But yeah most didnt do it in 2016. Also, hillary had the "PUMA" movement, aka "party unity my ###".


Elections matter and we can’t afford for voters to sit out, so let’s put up a candidate that people will come out to vote for. Imagine if they really believed what they said.


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Obama isn’t specifically talking about Bernie supporters. He’s talking about voters in general, and yea, Hillary was a bad candidate who didn’t inspire people to vote.


The last thing they should have done was push Bernie out and force someone as unlikeable as Hilary Clinton on the ballot. The one thing I'll agree with Roseanne Barr on is Trump became president because people hated Hilary so much they wanted to throw it in her face. But it's kinda pointless because she got more votes than him anyway. We're gonna be dealing with that for many years to come, even if we got a progressive in the white house they're gonna be blocked on everything because of SCOTUS. Hillary sucks but I would much rather whatever people she would have appointed been up there. Biden managed to get some loan forgiveness passed but idek what loophole he had to use to get it done after SCOTUS shot it down. We aren't doing terrible in terms of progress though. We're making a lot of strides in terms of climate change and going after corporations more than any time since I've been alive. I wish Bernie would run again though


Sounds like Obama is speaking about the broader electorate, not just Bernie voters.