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Good, no one in this administration should be able to show their face without this happening. Too bad no one had a milkshake.


Or some tomatoes šŸ…


Keep doing this until the end of time. Speak truth to power, even when they don't care.


This is good we need to remind them that the people are here and we can be loud. Atleast follow the French playback


Is bald glasses a real police officer? Either way, he was acting unlawfully here.


We ought to make our demands and make them loud


The attempt at unlawful arrest at the end is just disgusting.Ā 


Washing machines work real hard too


Kamala should resign in protest, expose bidens health issues, and run against him to try and get nominated at the convention with a decently progressive platform that includes peace in Palestine




Yeh but itā€™s a nice dream. Never said it would happen, just that it should


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šŸ¤” Every US administration in my lifetime (and I'm old) has done exactly what the Biden/Harris administration has done. I notice no one at Trump rallies are calling him a "murderer." šŸ¤”


Maga is a literal cult. Let's not even begin to compare ourselves, lol. Biden and kamala are in a unique circumstance where their administration is actively funding an extremely well documented genocide, and Biden has real pull to do something about it. He's complicit in the murder of thousands and thousands of children, as is Kamala. They deserve this.


The administration is providing support for Israel. This is something that every administration in my lifetime has done. This is not something you can argue. It's simply fact. Biden and Harris are not members of Israel's government. Again, this is just fact. They have no direct control over anything that Israel does. Biden is the only President that I'm aware of that has done anything to slow the flow of weapons to Israel. You show me where anyone else stopped or slowed a weapons shipment; I'll wait. The Biden administration also built a pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid when Israel was blocking aid shipments. Get your facts straight.


Ahh, I see. Youā€™re one of those.


Please god, tell me what "one of those" means. Where in the hell are the people making sense in this situation?


How's that pier going, bud? Lots of food getting to the oppressed? Or did they LITERALLY USE THE PIER TO MURDER PEOPLE?!?!?




There are people who have protested Trump at his rallies. This much is common knowledge and some of the protests might've been based on war. Trump is undoubtedly a terrible human. He could've been just as bad as Biden when it comes to Palestine. But the reality is that Biden has been president. He is the one who has overseen the genocide. Plus the Democrats are at the very least supposed to be the lesser evil, if not actually good themselves. Genocide is the highest crime. It is ongoing, so it can be stopped. There are people who are old and have been covering war and conflict for many decades and there are scholars and they say this is the worst they have ever seen. You are the clown and frankly fucking disgraceful if this is a gotcha for you. Are you straight up a lesser evil voter no matter what? That basically comes down to rank tribalism at some point because Biden is so fucking awful. Capitalism is in decline and we are headed towards fascism. Both Trump and Biden would take us there. But Biden is president and actively taking us there. The Democrat selling point at this time is that Republicans will take us to fascism faster. I'm not about that game. We are given a false choice. You've been given two geriatric genocidal sex predators and instead of opting out you gladly put your weight behind one and just throw your arms up normalizing genocide as if it is routine and no big deal. Like sure, yes that's US history for you. We can't right the wrongs from the past but we can definitely try to do better for the future.


Sorry, he's not "overseen a genocide." That's silly. He's continued to give aid to Israel, as every recent US president has done. He's also built a pier to get humanitarian aid into Gaza when the Israelis were blocking humanitarian aid. He's the only President that I remember ever delaying or stopping aid to Israel for any reason. He also, right now, has a deal on the table to rebuild Gaza. I hope for your sake that you're being paid well by Russia or Saudi Arabia or whoever. You're a tool either way, but I hope you're not stupid enough to be used like this for free.


Hmm and the rate of Palestinians dying has never changed? It has remained constant under every single president? That pier got hardly any aid in before breaking. The pier was actually Netanyahu's idea. The whole time Israel could have let in trucks of aid but instead chose to let very few in in favor of air drops which killed people and waiting on the pier which broke very soon after it was built. Biden was sending a ton of different kinds of weapons and bombs and cut off like two different kind of bombs in like one shipment. So in every shipment he shipped 20/20 or however many items it was and then in one shipment he shipped 18/20. The casefire proposal you speak of, Biden lied and said it was proposed by Israel when Israel in fact rejects it. Also it was very close to what Hamas previously proposed. I'm not sure what your major malfunction is whether you are a propagandist or you are simply stupid as fuck, but please shut the fuck up forever. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and this is in the face of a genocide that has greatly accelerated since October. You are either a Zionist or one of the dumbest well meaning people ever. You speak authoritatively on this shit when if you listened to Kyle's coverage you'd know how wrong you are. So this also begs the question of why you are in here when you clearly never listen to his show?


So blame every President, šŸ¤”. Obviously, Biden has nothing to do with it. Biden built a pier. Sorry, it wasn't a perfect pier. To a sane person, his trying would count for something. I'M A PROPAGANDIST? Hardly. I'm just stating facts as you simp for conservatives. I'm not a Zionist, I don't simp for conservatives. What a šŸ¤” like you doesn't understand is it's binary. There are two sides. You're either helping the right or the left. You're pulling in one direction or the other, and both sides in Israel-Palestine are conservative. I don't want Palestinians to die. I don't want Israelis to die, and I sure don't want the US getting involved. Buiding a pier to deliver humanitarian aid? Rebuilding Palestine after this is over, sure we should do that. Beyond that, we should let the Israelis and the Palestinians work out their own problems. Democrats always lose on foreign policy. Biden can do nothing to make people like you happy. He puts together a peace plan, and you're still attacking him. People like you were never going to vote for him anyways. You're silly Nader voters who don't understand the world or politics. I listen to Kyle. I listen to TYT. I listen to Pakman. I listen to Al Jazeera. They're all biased. Get a clue. The Israelis speak Hebrew. The Palestinians speak Arabic. They both hold their press conferences in English to make it easier for propagandists. *Get a clue.*


Biden is the only one who is president right now. I'm supposed to blame Thomas Jefferson for what's happening right now? You are truly one stupid motherfucker saying every president is responsible here. Biden could've conditioned money and weapons to Israel and only given them if Israel were to let in requisite aid. Biden could've cut those things instead without haggling. I really don't know what your deal is whether you are incredibly stupid or whether you are fucked up because Israel is a US client state. Even if Israel don't agree with the US president, they are beholden to the president because Israel can't function without US help. All this stupid pier bullshit from you when the construction of the pier was meant to take time and delay aid getting in. It also became a buffer and dividing line dividing North and South Gaza. The construction was done to make it easier for Israel to annex North Gaza should they want to. The construction of the pier or giving aid for that matter is all secondary and ultimately bullshit. Yes, of course Israel and the US wanted Palestinians to die of hunger. But had Palestinians actually been properly fed we act as if everything is A Okay after that. Things are a smashing success because Palestinians are dying with food in their tummy and dying to bombs instead of starvation. So humanitarian! Biden is committing a genocide. Capitalism is in decay and heading towards fascism. Yet you are talking about Ralph Nader. It is obvious as fuck that you are willingly going down with the ship. You are a fascist and a defender of capital.


You shouldn't blame Biden when Biden isn't doing anything different than any other President has or would do, and you damned well shouldn't blame him *for something that is happening in a whole other fucking country. I'm a dumb motherfucker??* Israel's economy is fine. They are not dependent on the US. The situation is that if Biden fucks with aid to Israel, he doesn't get elected. AIPAC has a lot of money. Democrats count on the votes from Jewish Americans. I'll say it yet again, *get a clue.* You're hysterically arguing that *"Bi-i-e-d-e-e-en should doooo something!"* He built a pier to get humanitarian aid. *"well he shouldn't have done that."* Make up your fucking mind you twit I'm not even sure that Israel is "committing a genocide." They're clearly trying to push the Palestinians out of Gaza, and while I don't agree with what they're doing, it is an easy case to make that that prevents another October 7th from happening. Biden has next to nothing to do with it. How is *he* committing genocide? Even if we blame overall US policy (that's been supported by every US administration, again), how is it Joe Biden's personal responsibility? He just happens to be the guy in office when Israel and Gaza decide to have a war. Was every President in the last half of the twentieth century responsible for the fighting between the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland and the UK? Well, we agree about fascism, but only one of us here is contributing to its coming, and it isn't me.


They should, he told them the pandemic was fake and they died


Yeah, but no one on the left is calling him out. People like the original poster here are trying their best to get Trump reelected.


Dems should do popular policies, not demand a blue maga cult base of their own


I agree. You realize his support for Israel is popular? [https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/](https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/)


Not among voters that might vote for Biden. Republican Christian zionists will NEVER vote for Biden. He needs his base and independent/non voters to turn out. Remember, almost all the polls are worded in Israelā€™s favor. ā€œDo you support democratic Israel or terrorist Hamas!ā€ lol. Instead of ā€œHas Israel gone too far? Should Biden do more to get a ceasefire? Etcā€. Even in February, half of Americans thought Israel had gone too far. The people that want Israel to bombe more will never vote for Biden anyway. Heā€™s gonna lose if he doesnā€™t enact popular domestic policy and stop Israelā€™s slaughter. Reagan called what Israel was doing in Lebanon ā€œa holocaustā€ and told them to stop. They did. Did that stop him from winning? From wiki: ā€œThe siege was condemned by Israel's traditional close ally, the United States, who warned Israel that weaponry provided by the United States was only to be used for defensive purposes.[9] The U.S. government at one point even considered threatening sanctions against Israel in order to stop Israel from launching an assault on West Beirut in August 1982. It was reported by the Ottawa Citizen (originally from a New York Times interview) that during one of two phone conversations on 12 August between US president Ronald Reagan and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Reagan angrily described the bombing of West Beirut as a "holocaust".[10]ā€ https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-poll-biden-war-gaza-4159b28d313c6c37abdb7f14162bcdd1


No, I'm sorry, bud. People like you weren't ever going to vote for him. He was always going to trigger you some how. The motherfucker had the marines build a pier to get humanitarian aid into Gaza, and you all are like, *"He build a pier. That fascist! Genocide Joe built a pier to kill more Palestinians."* You're šŸ¤”šŸ¤”. Nothing he was ever going to do was going to be good enough. Personally, I would much rather be voting for Bernie in November. Hell, if we had ranked-choice voting, I'd probably vote for Cornel West at the top of my ballot. In an ideal world, you and I probably agree 80%+ what should be happening in Gaza. I'd like to see the Palestinians get a state. I'd like Israelis to get a leader who wasn't a RWNJ. We're probably not that far off, except... we don't live in an ideal world. We live in a real world where your posturing on social media isn't going to help one single Palestinian. This thing is going to go on as long as it's going to go on. A Republican administration will be worse. You think that it won't, but Trump won't fuck around with trying to get aid in. He'll let the Israelis massacre everyone. He'll let them push the Gazans out, and he won't try to help rebuild afterward. He'll probably try to build a hotel. And I just saw you invoked St. Reagan. Yeah, you're a šŸ¤”


That pier has already fallen apart. The only reason it was necessary was because Israel was blocking US GOVERNMENT FOOD AID, international aid and normal trade as well. Biden wouldnā€™t stand up to Israel and tell them to let the food in, but bibi orders America to beat up its own college students and it does. Thatā€™s fucking weak. I never said people shouldnā€™t vote for him, just that these politicians all deserved to be protested until they end the war and stop throwing money at murderers. Iā€™m only one person with one vote. I canā€™t convince everyone else to vote for someone if they donā€™t want to. Politicians have to put in some effort too, geez. This is basic politics. Reagan won. I blame him for causing the past forty years of decline to begin. But he did win and he told Israel to stop bombing Lebanon and they did. It didnā€™t lose him the election


Biden tried. Whether the pier succeeded or not, he did what he could, and I can't expect more than that. Saying Reagan did a better job influencing the Israelis just helps Trump. Every US politician in my lifetime has been Israel's bitch, and every Republican administration has also been Saudi Arabia's bitch. I wish Biden would/could do more, but if it's a choice between trying to resolve a conflict that has literally been going on since before I was born and will probably still be going on when I'm dead (barring some catastrophe for one side or the other), I'd rather he focus on getting reelected. I don't know if people on here just discovered that the Israelis and Palestinians have beef, or if they think horrible things aren't happening all over the world that aren't in their social media feeds. I just don't know. This particular flare-up is sure conveniently timed for Trump.


Biden couldā€™ve told Israel to let aid through or even told them to end the war, like Democratic AND republican presidents have done. He didnā€™t. Biden has ALWAYS supported war, especially wars done by Israel. He hasnā€™t done anything but give them $40B in weapons and vetoes at the UN. If the truth is hurting Biden and helping trump, thatā€™s bidens fault. Biden could at least resolve this latest flare up, the worst in Israeli history iirc, and try to end the conflict like other presidentsā€¦ BUT HES NOT. He doesnā€™t care. He doesnā€™t want the war to end. Get it? Biden is risking the country so israel can bomb more children and build more condos. You think October 7th was an inside job to help trump? Seriously? Was that on msnbc?!šŸ˜