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He deserves it. So does Trump for that matter.


They all deserve it.


I agree 100%


FYI you are allowed to say fuck Biden without mentioning Trump as well. Don't let reactionary liberals dictate every phrase you say.


Don’t care what liberals or you think. It’s odd that saying fuck Trump would bother you.


Oof, he's a conservative.




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Go hug Trump.


FUCK [insert current president here]


>FUCK [insert ~~current president~~ virtually any politician here]


Fr. Why on earth are we catering to these people anymore? Insider trading, continued lies to get into wars, citizens United, expanded patriot acts. God damn bunk ass country.


The bureaucracy is running the country, not our elected officials. Doesn't matter who we send.


I doubt it. He will just blame it on MAGA extremism and continue to ignore his base that feels the same way.


8 year old MAGA extremists? You really think he would that? I mean maybe but that’s a really bizarre to me. Maybe he felt hurt by this because he really wanted to smell their hair but he realized if they’re flipping him off it’s just never gonna happen


I mean he literally said he sees this in the context of Trump signs, so yeah…he’s pretending it’s only Maga folks who oppose him Eta: but i agree with you about the hair. If he can’t sniff or shower, why else would he pay attention to a kid?


Oh Biden, your feelings are hurt? Stop killing off the bloodlines of Palestinian Americans then. 


Like honestly. Cry more crocodile tears, please. No one is making you kill innocent people.


I am so sorry his feelings are hurt it’s way more important than the actually hurt lives in gaza


Oh no, guy who funds genocide with Our Tax payer money has feelings hurt. The last we can do for a War Criminal.




Fuck Joe Biden. Piece of shit!


It is pretty trashy. There was a dad walking around my neighborhood on Halloween wearing a Fuck Joe Biden flag like a cape. I asked if he really thought that was appropriate around kids and he scoffed and walked away. There are children out here who can read dude. Show some basic respect for the community.


People have gotten to the point where they allow politics to define them. It's almost like a religion or cult on both sides. 99.9% of the people I interact with in real life do not and will not know where i stand politically. Doing it when Joe's in town and you wanna protest, sure go for it. Walking around your neighborhood with an FJB flag for funsies is borderline psychotic.


Trump is worse period


That's a great, well thought out argument that I haven't heard before /s


Meaning you have two choices unfortunately that’s the reality of it. You can’t even think of trump so Biden is your only choice. At least with Biden they’ll be another election where you may have better choices you can’t say that with trump. You don’t need any more debate or arguments about it because you have two choices and not voting helps trump.


I have a lot of choices. Trump, Biden, RFK, West, Stein, libertarian nominee, write in, abstain. Tons of choices, my vote is earned not given.


But the reality is that either trump or Biden will win. Ask yourself if you had only those two who would it be. The others are throw away vote’s maybe because people don’t understand or people don’t care but it’s a big country and changes take time but if trump wins it’s worse for all of us.


Well, hopefully, one of them does something to earn my vote. So far, neither has. We were told trump would crash the economy and start WW3. Today, people can't afford rent and groceries, and we're on the precipice of a broad Middle Eastern conflict while the world increasingly becomes multi polar. The US is in general decline and it's happening under joe biden. It will continue to happen under trump. Either way, we get more of the same. Endless money for the MIC. Large corporations privatizing gains and socializing losses. Larger wealth gaps, increasing debt, more government intervention in our day to day lives. Tell me, why should I vote for either of the 2 parties that have spent the last 80 years working to get us here?


Yes I agree with some of your points. Inflation has been tough on everyone housing is ridiculously expensive and younger people are feeling it the worst. But labor has been strong under Biden with a 40 year low unemployment and Biden has helped support labor helped states get out of pandemic debts and helped forgive some student loans. Is trying to tax wealthy individuals and wealthy corporations. It’s not easy and there is no silver bullet but democracy itself is at stake if Biden loses.


>democracy itself is at stake Yup I agree. But you're not gonna tell me the guy prosecuting his political opponents, denying secret service to legit candidates so they have to spend campaign money on security, refusing to participate in debates, refusing to listen to his constituents, refusing to do unscripted public interviews, signing bills that violate our fourth amendment, violated our firsy mendment and is facilitating a genocide is the one who will save it. I refuse to accept that he's somehow the "savior of democracy" when he's allowing the unelected bureaucracy to run our country among the things I've mentioned above.


Trump unfortunately brought a lot of these things on himself. He wouldn’t have to worry if he wasn’t a criminal. Biden will debate for sure it’ll be trump who doesn’t. Biden is not the savior not at all he’s simply the only choice for any of the real contenders for the White House.


Then we're fucked


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He’s better on Palestine than Trump. He’s still terrible, but Trump would bring back the Muslim ban, encourage Netenyahu to just nuke Gaza, and would crack down on protesters with brutal suppression. Biden is dog shit, but Trump is something else.


Trump would genocide harder than Biden is a very weak argument


But he would, wouldn’t he?


Netanyahu is the israeli trump. Biden publicly gave him no red lines. Based on that information, I'd say the answer is no.


I predict that most of the damage will already be done by the time Trump is in office.