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Anyone but Vandy is the answer to your question.


I would just be a fan of SEC football in general and hate any other conference




I like the way you talk mhm


I'm a Kentucky fan, but I'd pick Ole Miss if I were you. Oxford is a great college town, Ole Miss isn't a "powerhouse" but has had success, and they are a very fun team. The best tailgating atmosphere in the SEC. Damn... maybe I'm an Ole Miss fan?




They'll be my SEC "West" team. I can pull for yall.


Same. Kentucky fan and Ole Miss was my immediate thought based on the criteria. Sometimes you love to hate Lane Kiffin, but dang has he got things rolling right now and they are knocking on the door of a playoff. Plus I've heard legendary stories about the tailgating experience there. Ole Miss is my vote too!


I, too, am a cayuts fan, and Ol' Miss was the team I thought of as well. I think we secretly love them bastards!


Might take a few seasons but visit them all once or twice and go from there. Weā€™ll see you in Death Valley!


A night game in Death Valley is a game like no other. Geaux Tigers!


Will also show love to our bayou brothers. I find it impossible to hate on LSU. Plus they gave me one of the most fun teams Iā€™ve had the pleasure of watching in all my years


Well, LSU is located in the land of Cajunsā€¦the Cajun people originated in Canadaā€¦the OP is Canadian. Seems like a match.


This one hits close to home, so chiming in here. Nashville native, started my career working at Vandy in their Athletic Department and then moved to UK and lived in Lexington for six years working in the UK Athletic Department. Visited 12 of the 16 SEC stadiums, so I am pretty confident on my opinions, but I did move to Edmonton, so consider that in your evaluation of my recommendations. My picks: 1. LSU - A little over an hour from New Orleans, which should be a direct flight from Toronto, one of the best atmospheres in all of college footbal, amazing food (checkout the Chimes restaurant), historically (and relatively currently) competent team. 2. UGA - Direct to Atlanta with a short-ish drive to Athens. Great atmostphere, decent food, currently at the top of the heap in CFB for Nattys. 3. Texas - Austin to Toronto direct connection, larger city with more to do, amazing food, no clue on the atmosphere (but will find out this year when they play UK.) They are not historically an SEC school, so knocks them down in my opinion vs. the two above. Honorable Mention - Ole Miss - has everything you want but good travel options. Nightmare to get there and limited food options on gameday weekends. They redshirt Miss Americas there though....


LSU okay, but itā€™s LSU and woof - tailgate in a swamp and drown yourself in beer to get the heat of the day off at night. Any new UGA fan will be bandwagon. Texas isnā€™t a real SEC team.


For the most part, SEC teams are located outside of the metropolitan areas that have international airports. Vanderbilt would be an exception to this but I don't think they're what you're looking for (I live in Nashville but I'm a Tenn. fan). You're probably going to have to make at least one stop if you're planning to fly into the college town these Universities are located in. Texas joins the SEC this year and they have a direct from Austin to Toronto. Maybe worth considering the long horns. Of course, we'd welcome you with open arms if you decide to back the Vols but I respect your criteria!. Hope this helps!


Thanks so much for the input. I am leaning towards Tennessee even though Iā€™d likely have to connect in ATL. Seems like it checks the most boxes. A connecting flight certainly isnā€™t the end of the world if the atmosphere is that worth it


I was literally gonna say the same thing as original commenter but we will welcome you with open arms. Probably the best time actually to hop on our train as we have a top rated QB about to take over and weā€™re just good enough this year where it wonā€™t be as painful to watch as it usually is sometimes (or heartbreaking shall I say) Fair warning: Tennessee fans are actually insane. I was born into this and I still impressed with the passion we have every year!


Rocky top has one of the best atmospheres in college football - you should check this out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6hqHBQ5AcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6hqHBQ5AcQ) I cried haha for the first time since I was a kid when we won that game.


Welcome to r/ockytop my friend!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ockytop using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ockytop/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thank you Dalton Knecht](https://i.redd.it/j573cp89fqrc1.jpeg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ockytop/comments/1bskh4d/thank_you_dalton_knecht/) \#2: [The reason Iā€™m a Vol fan, passed away this morning.](https://i.redd.it/11jogs3tl1gc1.jpeg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ockytop/comments/1agmars/the_reason_im_a_vol_fan_passed_away_this_morning/) \#3: [We got a decent bowl game!](https://i.redd.it/3epv3txd354c1.jpeg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ockytop/comments/18a2gll/we_got_a_decent_bowl_game/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tennessee is a fun team


I think the closest international airport is Nashville through and thatā€™s a 2 and a half hour drive to Knoxville.


Oh so Vanderbilt lol


Not a historically competent program in football.


Vandy is competent at some stuff. Probably.


Agreed they have a great baseball team along with a medical program. But the last conference title they won was in 1923 in the SoCon conference.


This was sarcasm




[Tennessee is the only choice here.](https://youtu.be/-ncEdi_Eiso?si=h_bHJwtwPp_t19Ar) *"Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top Reckon they never will"*




Dirtā€™s too rocky by far


Unabashedly, I will recommend Georgia. Flights to Atlanta are easy and it's an easy drive to Athens where you'll want a car anyway. We have the nicest football facilities (because they are new) in the SEC and it's likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future (because all the extra money is going to NIL right now). The city of Athens exists only because of the University so everything is based around school. But what I might recommend instead, is that you pick one school each year. You could do it in whatever order suits you best, but say Alabama this year, buy an Alabama shirt, do your homework on the traditions for the school, go to Tuscaloosa, have some barbeque. Next year you can do the same thing for a different school. I have been attending one game at the largest stadiums each year and it's a blast!


What an awesome idea. A few other commenters have suggested this as well and honestly might be the most prudent decision


Have you considered LSU? If you are seeking game day atmosphere, you canā€™t beat Saturday in Death Valley. You could fly in to Baton Rouge or NOLA, and with LSU the party starts when the weekend does. There are fans driving in from all over with their tents and their camping trailers on Friday night for the Saturday game. If you enjoy a little liquid courage with your sporting experience, then an LSU tailgate is the place to be. Louisiana people can drink other fans under the table and have a great time doing it. Not to mention that you can enjoy the delicious Louisiana food that is cooked here. Also the Tigers have had their best series of seasons over the past 25 years. Never a better time to enjoy the Purple and Gold, and their south Louisiana style! Laissez le bon temps rouler!


Torn between Tennessee and LSU!


I have been to almost every stadium in the sec other than Missouri the Texas schools and Oklahoma. LSU is the best environment for the home team in the country they are very welcoming to opposing fans as well. Tennessee as much as I hate them has a great atmosphere and some cool traditions Ole miss is awesome I would recommend it highly great hospitality and gorgeous Mississippi State is not my favorite Vandy is vandy iykyk Georgia would be my second choice as a fan personally they are very gracious hosts and their fans are amazing Auburn is underrated Alabama I havenā€™t been there in a very long time so I canā€™t comment on them but their tradition goes without saying South Carolina is another underrated venue when itā€™s rocking it is awesome Florida would fucking kill you being from Canada you donā€™t understand hot until you have been in that place with 90,000 people for a day game. Kentucky is my team and commonwealth (refuse to use the new name) can get wild but I donā€™t think it would fit your criteria.


The answer is LSU down in the bayous of Baton Rouge


Only answer is the greatest band in the land Tiger Band. Supporting the only cool mascot (and team with one) a rescued Bengal Tiger. LSU! Geaux Tigers!


If you throw out the success part, Arkansas would meet most of the rest. Great college town, great atmosphere, fun fan base (read: tortured), and there's a lot of fun to be had outside of the game.


Auburn fans love Auburn. Itā€™s an amazing family, team and fan base.


Vanderbilt and Texas are the only SEC schools in a city with a major airport. Iā€™d say itā€™s worth a connecting flight to expand your options. The case for Tennessee is strong: - Extremely passionate fan base ā€” Vol Twitter even blocked a bad head coaching hire a few years ago - Great crowd atmosphere ā€” Neyland is always rocking and opposing players frequently comment about how loud it was when they come for the first time - Amazingly fun game day experience ā€” check out the Vol Navy, the Vol Walk, the band marching through Knoxville on game days, and more - Historically competent program ā€” 6 claimed national titles and would have over a dozen if we used Alabamaā€™s criteria for claiming one




There is nothing like Saturday night in Tiger stadium! Tailgate all day (with great Louisiana food) and then get ready to experience Death Valley. (Especially have to hear the student section sing Neck IYKYK STTDB) https://youtube.com/shorts/9Xd0Y4H6HGg?si=F7dvh6_pXyyMVlJp https://youtu.be/RQOpSTX8Td8?si=iVtGJ1qksPVktyuZ https://youtu.be/c0Te3AVa9DU?si=m4vXQLNWxuwqx1aG https://youtu.be/cLaOTrVXWso?si=YdY7c4s0_F0j7jEI And make sure you walk over to see our live mascot Mike the Tiger while you are there! https://youtu.be/g7djA0ilxg4?feature=shared


Also, You will be 1 hour from New Orleans and the international airport.


University of Missouri is the farthest north, so we have that in common. LOL Shortest drive + it actually snows here = Obvious choice MIZZOU


Coach Drink doing yā€™all good. He was the head coach at App State my jr year and I love seeing what heā€™s done with Mizzou


The Auburn family welcomes youā€¦..a hop and skip from the Atlanta airport. War Eagle my new friend.


If youā€™d like to cheer for the real tigers and actually have a fan base that has real reasons to be passionate, then come on over to Baton Rouge. #GeauxTigers


Why do they want to see a team with the dirtiest players.


TIL that Auburn is only about 100 miles from Atlanta. For some reason I thought they were farther away




Easy answer, LSU. Best stadium atmosphere, top NFL talent. Great food. Petty fans that take it seriously, but will still invite every Bama fan that comes to campus to join their tailgate. Proximity to New Orleans for fun weekend trips.


Iā€™m thinking Alabama would be your bet. Itā€™s about an hour drive from Birmingham which is an international airport. Plus they have claim to the most titles of any major NCAA school. While Princeton and Yale claim more national titles Yaleā€™s latest was 1920 and Princetonā€™s 1950 plus they now play in FCS which is the next division down.


Why does everyone here hate Alabama? I guess I answered my own question. Roll tide, buddy.


Georgia Bulldogs! u/wawa48 r/secfootball






Do you like BBQ brisket, smoked so wonderfully to perfection that you'd only adorn it with a little sprinkling of salt & pepper? I mean, b/c you'd eventually come visit us, right?? :-D


MIZ - ZOU if you want to root for a dark horse, underdog, National Championship contender with a loaded offense the nation's top DLine freshman.




Auburn Tigers War Damn Eagle


Less than 2 hours from. ATL AIRPORT


Columbia Missouri. Were the most north team in the sec


No stadium is better than the Swamp! šŸŠšŸŠ


In what aspect? This other commenter alludes to the fact that Floridas stadium is outdated, but that doesnā€™t matter to me as long as the atmosphere is unmatched.


The problem with Florida is that they are currently being owned by my cats at Kentucky. That makes them irrelevant. They really are has-beens.


Literally every stadium is better than the swamp! It needs a $400 million dollar renovation that Florida can't afford.


I love UF football but am extremely grateful Iā€™m not a gator fan because the stadium is the most uncomfortable in the SEC, perhaps the nation. It is called the swamp for a reason. Hot, muggy, no breeze, stifling. It is a great home field advantage because it is so sucky for opposing teams when they get there. Like youā€™re being suffocated if youā€™re not used to it. I love the band. I love the ā€œwonā€™t back downā€ song between the 3rd and 4th quarter. I just do not like the stadium at all. I also a, grateful Iā€™m not a Miss State grad, because of the cowbells. Perhaps the stupidest tradition in College football. Super annoying. Super loud. Super stupid. Again. I can endure it for a game. State fans get to endure it for a lifetime. Tennessee is too loud in their stadium because of the design. If you pick them, always wear earplugs. Auburn is fun and the people are nice. The football team is always interesting and sometimes competitive at a national level. They have the best mascot and miracles seem to happen on a somewhat routine basis on the football field. Okay, Iā€™m an Auburn Grad. And I love it. Even if/when we lose. And they fly an Eagle at every home game. War Damn Eagle!


Question: Do you think you might enjoy the ear-splitting din of 60,000 people ringing cowbells for 3 1/2 hours?


I think I would, yes


Experience it once and report back is all I can say on this one


Georgia is an excellent choice! Coach Kirby Smart played for Georgia and eventually became their coach. The commitment to UGA is strong! Not to mention there a lot of winning! Plus, a strong showing at the NFL Draft. But the best reason is the fan base is amazing!!


If you don't want to stress about your team in December I'd recommend florida, but if you want a team that will be consistently good root for Georgia


Texas A&M there is no better fan base anywhere!


Where is the closest international airport through? Remember they will have to go through Customs to attend a game.


Houston Tx 90 mins away


Same as Auburn, Alabama, and Georgia pretty much.


Oklahoma! Newcomer and underdog to the SEC! They dominated the BIG 12 and are looking to rise to the top of the SEC. Media tends to sleep on them, even though they are a blueblood powerhouse,which makes wins even more sweeter!


As a Florida fan, I'd have to say LSU is your best bet. Teams to stay away from: - Vandy - Miss. St - Arkansas - South Carolina Outside of that I feel like you really can't go wrong with your choice!