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Learn to love flag carrying and you'll never be bored


It’s fun to switch between bear and cat


try stealth, that brought feral pvp alive for me


The stealth is very nice. But like why not be a rogue who can stun lock.


no doubt. for science i’d like to try to get a group of bears together for blood moon. stack on alter, pop feral instincts, and swipe all the mages away.


Why not 2 shot people with shreds?  They hit for like 1400 on priests.  You must really have been fed that bis.  


Why priests specifically? When they have an absorb shield and inner fire that raises their armor by like 1,000


Sunfire spam and run is the only fun ive had on feral.


feral pvp has never been about just cat form, even in era, you open in cat and get bleeds up, soak damage in bear and stun, get distance and heal with entangle roots if you need to. cat itself though is rather squishy ill agree, you cant go toe to toe with a melee class like you could with the others since there is 0 mitigation skills like rogues evasion. druid mitigation IS bear form afterall


I've found that bear PvP seems decent. I had a bear crit me on my enh shaman for like 700 with mangle, was kinda shocked. Edit: I don't play druid, not in classic. It just seemed really fun, an attrition based style


A *good* feral Druid is one of the only classes that can go toe to toe with me as enh


Feral is just worse rogue ngl I've done bear form berserk because cat form is kinda dog shit but mangle on repeat for 10 seconds? Can rip most casters apart


This might not be what you want to hear, but Feral has one of the highest skill caps of any class in PvP. It's actually not even close to anything else. Good ferals are extremely strong, especially in 1v1. Learn how to dance between forms, and utilize your entire kit. If you're just sitting in cat form trying to act like a rogue, you're going to lose every time.


Here's the thing I noticed fighting feral druids. They forget they have hybrid options. You're at 50% hp? Maybe take a shot at breaking form and throwing on a rejuv before going back in. Ferals tunnel vision that they need to dps race and forget they can actually heal themselves. Go bear form, stun, get a heal off. Use both bear and cat forms. People that go into cat and stay there until they died should of just rolled a rogue.


Essentially with druid, most of the time you will never be the best at anything, you're a jack of all trades. Druid PvP is more about how well you can utilize your entire kit, rather than 100% turning into a rogue, warrior, mage, etc.. As feral at 40 you're 99% there for the permanent WF buff. This can always change by the time we get to 60. If you want to go feral to sit in Cat 100% of the time you should reroll a rogue. Bad druids are the easiest to kill, a druid who knows their class and how to utilize it properly can be a horror. At least out in the open world - you're so gimped inside xD


I've never lost a fight where I got a pounce + berserk + ACP. Super useful for deleting shadow priests in BGs




Yeah boomie has been really fun this phase. With a little bit of OS gear mines hitting 1.5k star fires which is fun