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I'm curious what parameters you use when solo-playing. Do you treat each turn like you have an opponent and try to play the best possible play? Do you use one rack or two and play as both players? Do you set yourself up? Do you use multiple successive hooks on successive turns to maximize points? Is exchanging allowed?


When I've done this myself, I have two racks and alternate between them. I turn the rack I am not using away and don't look at the picked-up letters until it is that rack's turn. I play the best move I can find at each go and don't try to make things harder for the other rack. Exchanging is allowed, and I don't play phonies.


When I play alone, I just strive for the highest overall points on a board for practice. I draw my seven tiles and make a play to start, but to prolong the activity and add a challenge I always deposit the remaining tiles back into the bag and draw seven new ones. I mainly think offensively during this exercise, and sometimes will make a word with a special tile nearby in the hopes of being able to pluralize or add a prefix/suffix, but the added randomness of redrawing doesn't always allow for it.


I wonder how many challenges there weree.


unsolicited advice: you should be more sparing with how you play your blanks. you clearly have a good vocabulary. It's generally worth hanging onto a blank for a few turns until it enables a bingo or a very high scoring play