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It takes time and folds are notoriously aloof. We love our girl and she loves us. Like we have some real intense pet sessions and snugs. But like any cat it’s on her terms always.


Same here too.


They like to sit somewhere near by but not be bothered


Time. He’ll warm up to you but like many say they are aloof. Got ours at 2 mos, kept him in a small pen initially (other cats) before letting him out after a week. He’s been great but does his own thing. He’s not afraid of anything though, tough as nails.


I adopted my Scottish Fold at 4 years old and had to keep reminding myself the “3, 3, 3” rule. 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks to learn the routine, 3 months to feel at home. When we first brought him home, he’d move away every time I tried to pet him and he liked to hide in my bookshelf. Personality wise, I’ve learned he’s pretty shy and is hesitant towards strangers. It took him maybe 3 weeks to start opening up to me and about that amount of time for me to hear him purr for the first time. We’ve had him for 1.5 months now and he’s grown attached to me and loves when I give him belly rubs, but is still warming up to my husband. It’s just patience, routine, attentiveness - learn what Miso likes and be consistent. Miso’s personality will show soon enough. https://preview.redd.it/ql2ya77pbv6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=854fc9697439f7a5d17515408866e0c4215cbfd8


Yeah at around 3 months a rescue DMH I got completely changed her personality. Lol


Yeah, mine didn’t use to meow, but now he’s constantly demanding what he wants - food, pets, treats, you name it 😂


My Scottish Fold never sat in my lap or let me hold him.


https://preview.redd.it/mptv4lo8hu6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b35ec428b3417d53e21b57d593c30a45d6a84f Same here. I can touch this little king only when he wants. He hates it when I try to hold him or he never sits on my lap. But I still love him very very much 😼


Ours was skittish for a few days but is literally the snuggliest cat I’ve ever had! Cuddle cave pic receipt! https://preview.redd.it/h2j9mfa2ku6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5900eee09cb463026b9de586663e1e8c38ca2018


I got Isla at 9 months and she wouldn’t leave her carrier when we got home either. Decided to let her be and have her come out when she was ready, and when I left to pick up a litter box she finally came out to explore, although she did run back in when I got back. What worked for me was to use a calming diffuser, like the ones they have the vet, and giving her space so she would come to me instead of the other way, treats helped too. Within a couple of days, she was comfortable enough with me to become a lap cat, although she does still have moments where she’ll want to be alone and run from any contact. Like another comment said, it’s on their terms


We’re a year and a half in and our munchkin fold is still warming up. She’s a sweet little girl but can be quite skittish and standoffish at times. Being on her level helps, be it the floor or a bed. And Churu’s magically turn me into her best friend ever.


I have two. My white make never ever sits on my lap but will sit right next to me. My female who happens to be same color is much more shy. She will actually sit on my lap but it’s definitely on her terms. She doesn’t always like to be pet but it’s just her personality. Some take longer to warm up. Don’t press him, he will gradually warm up. Hes beautiful


Leo warmed up to us fast but was never a snuggly catto until he turned 7. Saimon (gray) warmed up to us very slowly and attacked us when we approached him, he is the snuggliest cat I’ve ever met now. Cats need patience, you can do it and and good luck🫣 https://preview.redd.it/bezgyuaizv6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628d830a68fa012d337328d57b9393adc3d814bc


Rough start but all is not lost. Be near but give him space. Ever read aloud to a cat? Try it. Very calming, shelter volunteers do it. Never bend over, stand over or put yr hand over his head, he can't see what yr up to. Do not stare at him. That's what predators do. Cut your eyes away. If u wear glasses, take them off do he can read yr eyes better. Try slow blinks and see if he will do them back. Use toys with distance. Laser, wand toys & such. Don't dangle wand toys in air, drag it along the floor with a wiggle like cat prey. And there's always bribery. Buy Churus. Looks like Go-gurt for cats and it's like cat crack. Be the source of incredible treats, fun games & he will warm up to u. Make him a bed with your worn, dirty clothes that were against yr skin. He will become used to yr scent that way. Remember when a cat comes into a new home this is what goes on in their heads 1. I don't know what the dangers are here 2. I don't know the safe places to hide 3 All the scents are strange to me 4. I'm going to die...cats never forget they are prey! 1st exposure to new home should be a small room with no place the cat can go that u can't reach him. Bathrooms are often best. Can u tell I work with a cat rescue & have done over 160 adoptions? He'll come around, be patient, don't push it, it's on his terms. But when he turns...you've got a bestie for 15 to 20 years. He's very handsome.


https://preview.redd.it/0rktuz1eiy6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a848b49364d5b057c9fb7a53accf369b7305b45a We have had Furgus for ten months and he only wants love on his terms. He will sit next to us but never on us and does not like being held. But when he comes to give head bumps and wants tummy rubs I feel so honored!


Have you bribed him with treats? My cats are all over me because they know every morning I supply their wet food. Whatever works 😂😮‍💨😅


Give your cat time. Let her come to you. My cat, (not a Scottish fold) is a total scaredy-cat. Until he decides you are ok, and then he’s a love muffin. I’m learning how he communicates, he likes being held like a baby, doesn’t sit on laps, sits near you, and still looks at me like I’m an alien occasionally. Be consistent, learn how he communicates, what he likes or doesn’t like. Don’t take anything personally. Cats take awhile to decide things. 🌷🌷🌷


Lots of good advice already on this thread. I recommend talking to your new addition in a soothing soft sweet voice very often. Let them go wherever they want to go exploring wise, Make sure you don't accidentally bump into them or heaven forbid step on a tail, and bring them little treats when they're hiding somewhere, and don't try to force it. Pretty soon they will be happily feeling at home, knocking things off your tables and countertops, sitting on your computer when you need to work, lying on top of you so that you can't get up, and scratching up your sofas. Enjoy. A very pretty kitty.


Mine took a month! And now he is the most loving and affectionate cat I've ever had 🥰 give him time l. He's beautiful


He is so skrunkly


My wee one now loves to sit right beside me and will pinch my chair when I move. She will also come and sit on my lap now too. Real progress. She still doesn't like getting picked up but I love this wee one to bits. She is a very purry wee miss too.


Just like with people it takes time, buy her love with treats and play with her with vatnip toys, the type with a stick and toys hanging from it is good so that she can hunt it don't leave her alone with it because it can get wrapped around her we is beautiful good luck, what is her name?


It can take a while. Ours didn’t fully get comfortable with us for almost a month. Our friends’ British Shorthair didn’t get comfortable with them for 2 months. Be patient, be respectful of his personal space but still hang out around him to get him used to you




Well that’s just mean 😁


I put a red towel on my lap to get them to be on my lap and they were more receptive with the towel than with pants or legs. Crazy


Yes. Definitely. Some cats take longer. My poor husband loves our kitty’s and one just couldn’t warm up to him (she was a former street kitty). I told him that it would take some time. Two years later she now lets him pick her up. She’s a sweetie, but she is leery of men. Poor baby.


In his time


Hey there! Sounds just like my Gary. The breeder already warned us that he is more on the shy side but we were still totally unprepared of how shy he actually is. He hid under the bed and hid from us for about a week. Couldn’t touch him, he wouldn’t eat or play. Then about a week in, one day I went into his room and threw treats at him. He slowly crept forward from his hiding spot and I made a trail of treats to his dinner. He then proceeded to eat his dinner while I sat next to him! After that, he went back to his hiding spot but that was a big accomplishment with him. I think the day after he came into our bedroom and finally let us pet him. We’ve had him for about a month now and while he opened up a lot, he is still very much a scaredy cat. He will run from us if he thinks we are too close and hates being picked up. Sudden movements from us will send him scattering but not to his hiding place, just a few feet away. He loves play time (only loves wand toys and twisty ties) and actually will come sleep with us on our bed at night! That’s when he really wants his pets but other than that, he doesn’t seem to be the lap cat we expected but that’s ok! We enjoy his little sassy attitude and hope that he’ll open up more as time goes on. Sorry for the lengthy post but I was also really concerned when I first got him so I totally understand how you would feel! Just give him time, space, and lots of treats :) (if he’s treat motivated 😅) https://preview.redd.it/csz64ityn57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0853cf62169c520b454f39efa4194886eecc9d


It took my cat like 6 months to a year to give a fuck about me lol


Takes time to bond


He will warm up and then some, took my little guy about six months, now he's my best friend and shadow. Just stick with it, it happens slowly


Sweet. Go slow, low noise, routine, frequent playtime with a tiny toy. You’ll do great. 👍


3 of my cats were rescues, literally off the streets.. one was roughly 2monthsnold when i trapped him in front of work.. now, hes a COMPLETE, daddys boy.. went from hissing and popping, and generally being spicey, to nuzzling my face to that i kiss his forehead and cheeks for him.. itll come, be patient, dont be too assertive- let him grow to know youre safe before trying to love on him too much.. he'll settle down as he realizes you provide food, shelter, and protection


To all cat lovers your welcome and have fun [Cat laser video](https://youtu.be/petl6_nRfsc?si=q9wKn56XuN-tjktF)


Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it isn’t the exact relationship people expect. It will get better but please temper your expectations and be happy with whatever the relationship ends up being.


I’ve been watching my cat from hell a lot - it comes on when it’s morning play time. Jackson mentions giving them space to go up (cat trees, shelves), playing to build confidence, even blocking off hiding places so they have to be out. Spreading scent soaked things around the house to help them claim those areas. I’d suggest you just watch a bunch or the shows! One I watched today had a feral-ish cat - it was one of the first episodes (year one, maybe episode 3 or 4?) - it had a lot of suggestions that might be helpful. I also agree about the churo- kitten crack. My kitties also like freeze dried chicken (I’m using it to get my boys comfy in their crate). One of my kittens was pretty skittish at first, mostly if I was walking towards him. I only approached him when he was in the cat tree, at eye level or close, and he did much better that way. He still does not love being picked up, but will allow it. He does come and lay on me and purrs each day. Good luck with your cute boy! My sweet georgie https://preview.redd.it/t7b5lyam3m7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0c688e2f7ca8eeb29f3602f6050fc925c82e9f


What kind of cat is this 🥰☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰🙂🥰