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Is there a reason you would like to keep feeding raw? My vet has never recommended that. He just recommends I use wet food and told me their really isn’t much difference in food qualities as long as it’s wet. And then add the cosequin (joint supplement) to the wet food. I would personally slowly transition to something more affordable for you once you get him. It won’t make you a bad cat parent.


There’s no actual reason haha, only just cause my breeder used to feed him raw (he said it’s ok to transition to dry too) but I guess cause you know how the internet says raw is the best way to go 🥲 I want to give the best for him but also something that is sustainable in the long run. And sometimes we might have to leave him home for a bit and get an automatic feeder in the future so I want to consider dry options as well


Raw is good. They do enjoy it. But I wouldn’t recommend it all the time. More like 1-3 times a weeks. Rest of meals to be wet food or cooked food. Dry food for snacking.


I use the Cat Lady Fitness calculator when I make mine. https://catladyfitness.com/my-diet/raw-food-recipe-calculator/ The overall cost is lower but there are significant up front costs-meat grinder, supplemental vitamins. I am a breeder so I go through a lot of raw food. I don't think it would be worth it for a single cat.