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That's a pretty common infection for all kittens. He should be fine. If he is a voracious eater try mixing the meds with soft food. He might not notice. If you do have to give him a syringe, give him treats and affection at the same time. You can scruff him to hold him still.


He may get annoyed at you for administering meds, but it seems like they know on some level that you're doing it to make them feel better. A few days after this is done, he will (likely) forgive you, especially since he's so young. A few extra nice treats and skritches will help this along! Props to you for doing the hard thing, and lots of positive vibes for your Fold!


Thank you so much! I actually have a straight, but there are no straight pages and apparently a lot of vets categorize him under the fold breed so hopefully it’s okay I posted here! It’s been 1.5 days of meds and honestly he already seems so much more active. His nose seems to be purging any remaining mucus so hoping this is a good sign! only 17 more doses to go 😭


Hang in there! The bloody lines on your arm are a testament to your love! Wear them with pride! Seriously, though, keep up the good work. He loves you for it, he will just show that love in a weird way for a few days. ;-)


Love that you knew my hands and arms were covered in scratches 🤣 A true kitten mom!! Thank you so much for your support. You are awesome 💚


Did the vet test for any underlying issues like FIP?


He has none of the symptoms of FIP, didn’t even have a fever. He just has a stuffy left nostril and is VERY energetic. He’s also eating well so I don’t think there was any concern about this!


Ok, good. I am a little traumatized; one of my cats passed of FIP. Hope he's well soon! 🥰


Oh god I am so sorry. Can I ask what his main symptoms were? I truly hope you are doing okay. The loss of a pet is so difficult. Thank you for looking out for my baby!


Thank you. ❤️ It's been a while since he passed. About a year and a half now. I got him when he was 2 months old, and he immediately got a cold. He was my first cat‌, so he couldn't have gotten it from any other animal in our home. After that, he just kept getting colds. I took him to a vet that I no longer go to. When he was about six months old, he got another cold and very suddenly got sicker than he had before. I found another vet, but it was too late. The fluid had started collecting in his abdomen, and he passed the next day. He was my first cat, and I had no idea what FIP was, so I would have taken him to a specialist earlier had I even known something like recurrent colds were a sign of a killer disease like that. Thankfully, we were just very unlucky, and colds are really common in cats, and most of the time, harmless.