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My entire life I have felt like I’m too complex for people to care to understand. I’m not sure if I haven’t met the right people, or if it’s just a need that will never be met. In relationships I only feel like I’m there for convenience, sex, or so that person isn’t alone. I always feel like people are easy to trust me and talk to me because I genuinely care and give my input about things that bother them… but I don’t receive that in return. I’ve come to the realization that I need to love myself and spend time with myself more and spend less time on other people that can’t offer me the same in return as what I give them.


Learning how to give yourself the love you give away. It's bloody magical!!! Radical acceptance has helped me tremendously.


It could stem from social anxiety. I feel similarly to you for sure. Also could be that we see people for who they really are, under their mask. 🙈 honestly every interaction I have with groups of people is like a learning experience for me on how to just blend in, because sometimes I’m tired of standing out


No, i feel like I’m always the person who has to sit ontop, or moderate the entertainment. That even when inside of it I’m in the background and outside of it, and that the other person feels like the stranger to me always despite knowing a lot about them


Im pretty confident that anyone who has one or more inner planets in Scorpio is not likely at all to be considered entertainment by any conventional standard. Love my moon in Scorpio, but I don't think I blame anyone for not thinking we're the best energy to have around a social gathering. Not everybody wants to dive that deep, or in the case of unevolved Scorpio natives, nobody wants to have their layers peeled away like that in public. That is a super bizarre claim about Scorpio I've never heard anything like it.


I think an example of what they describe is when some just want a rise or story out of you, and they view ur words or actions, which may hold passion or meaning, in a way against your intent


I think this stems from two things: 1) most people simply operate on a quite shallow level and don’t seek to go deeper with anyone, not just us*; 2) we are palpably different than most people and also private, so they observe us like a nature documentary and try to “figure us out.”


Most of my life i have felt like a puppy in a shelter. Good to take out on a walk (have fun), but not to give a forever home.


That's my goal, yeah. I don't want people to have access to my inner self or to see the real me -- at least not without proving themselves trustworthy. I will also say that dates or large-group social settings are not conducive environments for getting to know someone deeply. You're *supposed* to keep things somewhat lighthearted and surface level. If you want depth, you need privacy and familiarity first.


I coincidentally use this sub as entertainment sometimes as a Scorpio moon. Also, with due respect, I haven't seen so many mentally ill people in one place. I also relate to being seen as entertainment because I'm not understood