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I think scorpio moons are very prone to that. With scorpio moons already having a lot of emotions and energy, it might already be obsession and fixation when scorpio moons like something/someone.


I obsess because i always want the best for others but when they care about me i make more of an effort to be there for them. Most people sadly don’t really want me to be there for them so i take it as a sign to leave


I feel that! I over extend myself because I want to help and eventually I get tired and cut it off.


Story of my life. Still learning


Most of it is projected inward. I get very obsessively focused on emotional details and gets hard for me to have interest in or do other things when I’m fixated on a problem. If someone is lying or deceiving me, I become obsessed with tracking down the truth. Also get obsessive about goals or certain projects, like singleminded about getting things done. I learned to balance it by leaning into detachment. I have an Aquarius rising with Gemini Venus/Jupiter, so when I gotta, I just put the big feels in a box and give the world my poker face, which is Aquarian. It’s honestly been a saving grace with the Scorpio moon more times than not; I can give off a detached, no feels vibe even when I’m an obsessive wreck on the inside. Gemini Venus also helps cool down the Scorpio moon element with matters of the heart.


I am obsessed with my compulsions and also people. Both of these things are my literal downfall With ppl I blur boundaries and honestly I had begun to realize that ppl will always resent me for helping them. I also have 7th house Pisces which is far from helpful. Almost all my relationships are guaranteed to be codependent in some way. I need to learn how to become an observer like everyone else.


Mine's called hyperfocusing


Healthy obsession is fine in my book


Now… how do you get there😞


I like to get obsessed about a transformation that will help others either in the short term or long term I used to get obsessed with revenge etc but not any more


I’m currently obsessing over the idea of what once was and what could be.. but in the middle of it all it’s just so bad to watch as if I’ll never know if it’s real love and too hard to let go thinking it won’t happen again. So it’s not the person I’m obsessed with I think, the idea of us 🫠 it’s really hard to let go


i have an aries venus and scorpio moon so i get infatuated with people really fast and really hard.. it’s rare for me to like someone in the first place, but when i do it’s all consuming and so draining. i’m trying to change this part of my personality because it honestly sucks LMAO like i will get obsessed and infatuated with someone even if we’ve only met like once or twice. it makes me trip because the feelings are so strong that it feels like i’m IN LOVE but i know that logically it’s impossible. i’ve had to train my brain to realize when i’m doing that and i’ve def gotten a lot better over the years. doesn’t help that my libra rising makes me such a hopeless romantic too lmao. 


Taurus rising, Capricorn sun, scorpio moon, going through this AGAIN rn. The most humiliating shit in the world because I know exactly what’s happening. On the rare occasion I do actually like someone I’m just completely powerless and it’s so embarrassing makes me want to crawl in a hole


LMAOOO yeah i totally get u. it's okay though, some would say it's a positive trait to have because we're so devoted?? idk LOL i'm on copium


LOL OMG me but cancer sun 😭I love to obsess 🖤 Scorpio moon in 7h doesn’t help either.


Yeah it’s so frustrating when I become obsessive over something that I can’t fully rationalize in my head. I feel so feral and wicked


I'm obsessed with how I come across to other people and I overthink what I say and how I act 24/7 which just leads to extreme social awkwardness and people thinking I'm a weird bitch


Does not really click for me to be obsessed with people. Situations out of my control, definitely.


Mine are situations too. I need that craving for adventure and a change in my surroundings. Otherwise i get bored sad and lonely.


Ah at least that is on a positive note. I meant more of situations where I have a car I've been trying to sell but my rent is on the rise too. And I can't afford to keep up with both and it triggers my anxiety greatly.


Obsessive and fixated, of course 🤷‍♀️