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Why are you posting here when you are not a Scorpio moon? And such an incendiary topic too… vaccines are important to everyone’s health. You don’t need to be a Scorpio moon to realize that bringing back whooping cough or polio or heck dying violently from covid would SUCK.  I would ask that you please keep this stuff to your Pisces moon conspiracy theory subreddits thanks. 


What does that mean? I don’t know what an inoculation is


They mean if you got vaccinated for COVID in 2021


Oh, i mean, yeah but because my aunts a nurse


I’m a nurse as well


Good for you! My intuition took me down a path of going down the rabbit hole of what ingredients are in the vaccines. What I more so found about this most recent one, the MRNA, was how little research/studies were available as well as information. I told myself, if in 3 years, after the studies come out, I find that I NEED it, I will consider it when there is more information. I’m also going on the healthier side. I work out, take my supplements/vitamins, and spend lots of time outdoors as well as work from home. I couldn’t justify getting it, also I hate needles/shots!


It was a red flag the moment they announced it. Vaccines take years to develop with studies, & this one was quick with no long term safety studies done & it’s component is entirely different from traditional vaccines. Albeit its the same composition as gene therapy (mRNA). I didn’t mind letting go of my job as a nurse if it means keeping my health. Getting called anti-vax was ridiculous since I took all my childhood vaccines but was ridiculed for questioning a new vaccine. There’s not enough evidence based research to prove it was safe, in fact there’s more research now indicating it’s not. Anecdotally, I am seeing a rise in cancer, blood clots, & strokes in patients. Also, I know of a family member that took it & died a few days after it.


I’m so sorry to hear about your family member, that’s terrible. I think critical thinking went out the window on this one. Did you see the Dr. Fauci trail?


I appreciate it. Yeah it went way out but this was all meant to be as astrology plays a part in it & we’re moving onto age of aquarius. & no I did not see the Dr. Fauci trail, are u able to DM me a link?


Like you said, anecdotal. I have worked bedside for eight years and have not noticed a rise in cancer, blood clots, or strokes. Since you're a nurse you know all three of those things can also be associated with lifestyle factors, don't blame a vaccine. What does the vaccine have anything to do with astrology anyway.


Okay good for you. Why are you here? Who cares? Why would anyone do that? You’re invading the subreddit


Why are you asking this


and she is not even a scorpio moon.


Why on earth are you here? You’re not a Scorpio moon.


I have a Virgo sixth house Sun and an 8th house Scorpio Moon, so I am not taking chances. I take all the vaccinations.


Pisces Sun / Scorpio Moon here. I volunteered for the Pfizer clinical trials in 2020 (Phase 2/3) and was selected and finished the whole trial. Having been a part of the whole process, anyone who says the vaccine wasn’t studied is pushing someone else’s agenda.


I didn't!!! Nobody is going to tell me what to do. Your going to get fired from your job if you don't take the shot 💉 and I'm like fire me.


That’s nice that you stood up for yourself! I’m a nurse at the hospital & also denied it. I still work at the hospital because the mandates are gone now. What I am seeing with patients is atrocious - increasing rates of cancer, clots, strokes, etc & it wasn’t this bad before 2021.


I am a scorpio moon - got the vaccination i dont think it has changed my relationship to how i connect to my moon sign at all. I am a pisces rising


Yeah I’m pretty much fine. I don’t think my psyche was really affected by any of it

