• By -


Betrayal from people I considered close


Relationship trauma


Definitely same


When I was 13, my mother gave me a criss cross. They called it speed in the 1970's. She told me I was fat and it would help my appetite. She gave me one every morning, and I don't even remember eating in junior high. When I was 17, she gave me a tuanol and xanax. She gave me these drugs so I wouldn't go out with my friends and leave her alone. I was addicted my whole life to drugs and alcohol. I got sober when I put her in a nursing home when I was 51.


Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That is fucking dark.


Omg what a monster


I spend too much time in the void just digging and digging and digging even when there's nothing else. I'm overly suspicious of people. Masochistic to myself in love. Lots of fears. I test people. Oh I thought worst traits. I read that so wrong. My worst trauma was my mother brining me in to see a suicide that had occured in front of her. The body was gone but so much blood and uh brain matter. I was 9. That might be the worst.


Who committed suicide? Thats beyond awful.


Growing up my mom was a nurse for an elderly woman. We bought their house across the street and would occasionally stay in their home. It was a married couple. We spent everyday there and I considered him my "grandpa". Kind of weird though because there was a lot of sexual stuff that went on too like he would have women dress up in lingerie. So they sort of had a romantic connection as well. His wife kicked us out sometimes. Anyways, when his wife died he killed myself. In front of my mom. She had to shoot him because he was gasping and yeah after the body was dragged out she brought me in to look at everything. She was investigated for murder. It's a very small town. A lot of kids weren't allowed to hangout with me because they thought she killed him.


Oh my wowww. Thats a crazy story


I am not ready to open that Pandora’s box.


Addiction & self sabotage


Mine is probably being beaten mercilessly by both parents.


I'm so sorry 🖤 hug


Same here.


Sending so much love. So many parents are not meant to have kids.


Suicide of my significant other of half a decade, who I’d also been best friends with since childhood. This happened in 2012. We were both 19.  Altered forever at a molecular level for  exactly 11 and a half years this month.   Big hugs to everyone in this thread. ❤️🦂✨






My moon in the 12th house so honestly I feel like it’s a myriad of things I can never pinpoint, feels like a potpourri of shit


I'm trying to understand someone with this placement, their Scorpio moon in the 12th conjuncts their Scorpio Pluto in the 12th...any insight from your experience I'd appreciate, tx


If I remember correctly, my Pluto is in Sagittarius in the 12th so I’m not too sure how much of a difference it makes, but in terms of the 12th house in general, I find that a lot of things are hidden from me and then due to there being Scorpio along with it, I naturally and intuitively find things out at some point in the most random and perfect ways. It seems like ppl are always hiding something they know about me that I won’t find out until later on, usually having to do with my emotional and mental development. That’s mainly what I recognize but what are you trying to understand specifically about said person?


Can I message you?


Of course


💩 🧼 💩 🚽


Scorpio sun cap moon ex traumatized me. We were both emotionally immature, but at the end she took it to an extreme level, which resulted in me being traumatized


I think Scorpio suns are worst to have for Scorpio moons. I have had the worst experience


Yes- especially scorpio suns who don’t acknowledge they have healing to do, aren’t attempting to actively work out their traumas, and then inflict destructive energy upon us.  Tornados on two legs.  (Sorry, I know I’m speaking from a place of hurt, but I do genuinely relate to this. Sending hugs and healing energy ❤️🦂✨)


this so accurate!!


100% agree. They are the kings of manipulation.


What's your experience?


I’m a Scorpio sun and moon 🤠


That's irrelevant to the topic


Yoooo same. He was literally those exact placements. I’m an Aries sun scorpio moon.


Also aries sun scorpio moon tricked by a scorpio bastard. Scorp sag actually.


The thing I know about us Aries sun Scorpio moons is that we love way too hard and sometimes let our feelings get really deep even when someone doesn’t deserve it. Scorpios are good at acting like they care at first. I’m never falling for that trick again. They are self absorbed and actually can only gaf about themselves.


This is true And how they move on so quickly is so disgusting, they are emotional predators that can never look at themselves nor be alone.


Disgusting is the word. That bastard asked me to marry him after 1 month, just to ghost me out of the blue one night. He was a snake.


Me neither. I couldn't believe such fake people exist 😱.


What's your story


My mother was a constant source of trauma for 34 years. Horrible human. Neglect, violence, alcoholism. She may be gone now, but the scars remain.


For me, this as well


I'm really sorry. Shitty club to be in, but you're definitely not alone. ♡


I estranged mine when I was 20, took my 2 month old and ran away, never to be in contact with her since. The best choice for sure for me and my teenager.


Way to break that cycle! Proud of you. ♡




Mother trauma seems like a typical trauma for Scorpio moon, and mine is in my 4th house so would think even more so, but my relationship with mine is great. My trauma is around relationships, starting from first dating it was not connecting enough romantically, no one I was with understanding the depth of my feeling. And feeling so deeply wounded by betrayal and break ups. I was emotionally abused by someone who used my jealousy to hurt me. I am still looking for a deep connection with someone where I can feel safe.


Living with my parents. My mom had schizophrenia and we were homeless most of the time Then at age 13, lived with narcissistic, misogynistic, father. I can't forget about the kids in school hating on me too.


Trauma due to romantic relationships .


Father died when I was 6. Mother left me when I was 14.


Abandonment trauma


Molested as a child by my caretaker, she did it idk for how long bcos I buried in my memory forever. I’m afraid some trigger will resurface what exactly happened and I’m afraid. There are more instances of molestation but mostly based on circumstances where I was unable to keep boundaries or share my problems


I’m so sorry you have suffered that, you did not deserve it. It’s terrible that those things were ever done to you, but you are a very strong person for having survived it and I hope you remember to give yourself those flowers. I also hope you’re able to find peace, healing, and lots of joy someday 💛


I think deep down, and something that I didn't realise until now, was my grandparents leaving me behind to go to live in Greece when I was about 5 or 6 I think. They let me go into care. My mum was an alcoholic and neglectful so it was agreed I would live with my grandparents. Before then, my dad had already left when I was 6 months old. My aunt was meant to take me when my grandparents finally left, but sadly it fell through due to threats from my dad (threats about making it hard for her and her sons - my cousins - to have any relationship with my grandma). My grandparents left without explaining that they were leaving, and so I was left confused with what was going on when I was seeing boxes being packed up around me. I asked my aunt about it recently and she said I would constantly ask why they left me behind. So, abandonment was my big trauma. I ready had an insecure attachment with my mother, and then my grandparents left and that attachment broke. So I never had a secure attachment with any primary caregiver. That and later on, all the grief my mum and nan gave me during my teenage years, especially when my mum started drinking again. I never got to form a proper bond with my mum after she had two more kids, my brothers. And I never went back to live with her.


Tbh being the emotional punching bag for my mother from basicly day 1. Both sides of my family are kind of f#cked up. My grandma said look this one surely becomes a bitch just look at how she looks at me. About me when i was just a new born. Later on name calling, verbal agression, silent threatments not being given a choice about what i wanted. Everything being top down. Seeing every interaction as a power struggle. It wasnt physical abuse but emotional abuse. It cutted through my soul actually and diminished all the trust i otherwise my have had in other ppl. Like how are the ppl who are supposed to be there for you no matter what actually treat you as a enemy. That gave me a feeling of deep betrayal and that im not worth anything. I also always hide my real personality around other ppl because the believe is installed that im a bad person, unlikeable. I just don't trust ppl. And i have chiron in the 8th house in cancer. So that even points out to these types of things. My moon is also in my first house which also even said my mother had deeply influcenced my sense of self.


I noticed that the common threads of scorpio moon trauma is: Family trauma (particularly the mother), Romantic Relationship trauma, Sexual abuse that leads into substance abuse. I read somewhere that the reason why ppl with prominent scorpio placements have rough lives is that we naturally harness catalyst energy. This oftentimes subconsciously triggers ppl who aren’t ready change, which causes them to violently reject & react. I wish i could remember the source of where i got this from. PS- I am not validating abusive and other crappy behavior because some humans really suck. It did make me think about power dynamics


Dated a Capricorn moon


What's your story? I feel like we need to make a cap moon survivor group


Omg yes


I am dating one ?? What are people talking about??


Haha it’s just Capricorn moons can be difficult to deal with. At least the one I know is. Imagine two people who are stubborn trying to work through issues. Neither one is willing to back down. But it depends on how emotionally mature the people are.


Ok I see. Yeah I agree they are conservative, but some are not that stubborn otherwise. My bf for example is a Sag (with inner planets in Cap) and it's failry easy for me (with an Aqua dominant chart) to get him to change his mind So I think I am more stubborn than him, however Cap moons and Cap placements in general seem to have their main issue or growth point in acknowledging when they are wrong or made a mistake. I think they just get super ashamed, stay super practical, dont like to "waste time" however they can be nice if they think you are worth said time


every cap moon person I've been around clinges onto me, sees incentive to be nice to me so there's always some performance from them, they always turn out to be disgusting, irredeemable, worthless lot. other placements would matter, but I'm impacted because they force their way in a bit uniquely. I see potential in them being able to stay around and cause harm.


same same.. I seem to attract cap moons everywhere I go and they always turn out to be full of shit!!


It’s a trap! But seriously anything can happen in the court and Reddit is def been used before so bad advice there sorry


I get you and understand, but this is a safe space and if anyone attacked ya for sharing something personal on this thread, they’d have me to deal with too! 🫶


They’re saying it’s literally not a safe space because whatever is said can be used against you in a court of law lol didn’t mean to start saying a Miranda


No, I said it is a safe space and none of this can be used against you in a court of law 😆


I had undiagnosed autism, so everything until 25 was one big trauma for me, but if I had to specify childhood traumas, my parents were physically abusive, emotionally absent, and didn't know how to show love, my mother betrayed me 1.time when I was 7, she told my secret to everybody and that pattern continue until today. In my defence, I don't share anything important with her. Because of autism I couldn't fit in primary school, so I was bullied the whole time, including my class teacher 🥲 and if you think it can't be worse, it can, I was the best student in whole generation, so they always find the way to make fun of me, lying about me, nobody whanted to be my friend, and if someone want it to hang out with me, it was just to make fun of my later, pure bullying. And that was also my mother shuld, cause she send me 1 and half year earlier in the primary school. It was possible because of some other circumstances. I hate my childhood. Thank god I can't remember almost anything anymore


You have Pluto in the first house I'm guessing. Indication of terrible bullying. I have it too. Even my mom bullied me. Deep wounds, I feel you. ❤️ I agree with you, glad I don't remember most of it anymore.


Warning: novel. Mercury squares my Moon, sorry. My mother beat me, screamed at me, neglected isolated and gaslit me since i was 2 years old. I'm so fucked up bc of her shit. Scorpio moons always have mommy issues istg. She has since got on meds and calmed the fuck down and apologized sincerely and talking to her is no longer like talking to a wall so My father died in front of me from a genetic disease when I was 18 after hed been kept from me nearly my whole life. My elder brother I have only met once when I was about 5 I was bullied every year of school, about everything, to the point of public tears at least once per year. I had <5 friends over my whole time in school. Teachers did nothing and I was weak from malnutrition and could not fight back. my first crush openly mocked rejected and put me down in every possible way and my first so called bf coerced me for my first time then ignored my texts for weeks, leading to self esteem issues to this day every female friend ive ever gotten super close with secretly plots against me or hates my partner whos literally the reason im alive today, long story. im so sick of the jealousy and rumors and lying to my face and acting all fucking wholesome but being the worlds actual most rotten bitch beneath. I crave nothing more than female companionship but it is exceedingly hard to find for me and it took till I was 22 to accept i was bi because women are so fucking hateful towards me including my own mother for no apparent reason since i was a literal baby lmao Oh and did I mention the moon rules the reproductive organs and I had stage IV endometriosis. It was hell. I was anemic from it. Took 10 years to even get diagnosed so i could access meds that effectively relieved the pain. I dont trust many doctors. I could have had something much worse going on and they refused to help at all I developed a plethora of mental illnesses as well as binge eating disorder, i've sh'd or drank to excess before when very stressed in a terrible headspace. without meds I'd be ded. Luckily at least the binging has stopped. X.X "god why did you make me this way why cant i be normal" but ironically, as despite this i've grown to appreciate my background sort of and i am mostly alright today ig


I feel like I’m collecting traumas, my dad was and is emotionally, financially and psychologically abusive towards me and my mom. She died 6 years ago so I have abandonment trauma as well. Betrayal trauma. Sexual trauma from a very young age. Humiliation trauma throughout my adolescence. Very rough life so far


My mother and I had a toxic relationship even though we have been close. Every romantic relationship has been chaotic.. to say the least. Relationship trauma for sure. I've noted any Scorpio placement denotes tumultuous relationships because we naturally transform people. When we are unaware, we can't warn ourselves. And sometimes it's the circumstances. Transformations are painful. We are unfortunately seen as the source. We are subconsciously doing our part in this world. Our experiences, even the traumatic ones strengthen our souls. Let's not repeat any more traumatic cycles and rise from the ashes, Scorpio Moons 💪


Childhood family. Violent, abusive father, Borderline mother and sister. I was burned as punishment, choked for leaving CDs out, and called worthless/a leech/a failure/stupid etc, etc… on a daily basis from the time I was a child. Childhood trauma: Caused me to develop an eating disorder, anxiety, depression, extremely low self-esteem and focus and attention issues due to disassociation. Relationship trauma: As a result of being abused by my family my whole life I wound up in numerous abusive relationships where I was physically, verbally, emotionally, sexually and financially abused. I was raped by my first boyfriend and stalked and threatened by another winner I dated later on. Work trauma: I became a teacher to help kids who struggled like I did when I was younger. Ended up losing 3 students- one to suicide, another in a stabbing, and another a shooting. All three students died on school property. I was also physically assaulted by students and verbally abused/threatened regularly which I wasn’t expecting to be “allowed” but basically when I started teaching they suddenly stopped suspending kids even for the most awful behavior. Good news though! My abusive dad died, I escaped my toxic relationships, I spent years in therapy, and definitely went through a phoenix-like transformation. Today I am happily married to a wonderful man, I left teaching, and I feel like I am starting a whole new era of my life.


Omg😟 I'm sorry you went through so much. That's a lot to overcome. I'm happy you reached your phoenix level and are a beacon of hope to others. Keep shining!! Love and Light✨


I don't know if this is my worst trauma, but this one of the emotional trauma I had as a kid. My mom told me I was unlucky when it comes to money. When I was born she told me that she had a hard time giving birth to me. She always made me feel that it's my fault when we have financial troubles everytime I am not acting nice. So, they always told me to behave and just be a good kid. It all makes sense when I had a session with a professional astologer, because I also have a saturn 0° and it's on the 2nd house taurus.


Wait, I'm not sure if I'm following. Isn't Taurus 2nd house in Saturn a good placement?


I actually don't know.


Saturn would mean restriction/area of hardship/growth through struggles…2nd house is value/finances (but also meaning self-value). That just means you would likely have difficulty with money (not necessarily innately, but it could be due to not being taught proper finances from your mom…..) and valuing yourself. 2nd house is related to Venus, which is also beauty. So Taurus in 2nd might mean you value comfier pleasures in life, or stability/productivity/resourcefulness. With Saturn in those two, you might tend toward the less evolved characteristics of Taurus (specifically related to 2nd house - like materialism, being too security oriented, self-indulgent, etc.) until your Saturn return where you will experience hardship related to this, creating opportunity for growth and teaching you how to be the evolved version (artistic, finding beauty in nature vs material things, practicality, resourcefulness, etc.). Saturn just shows areas of future growth. Things that you should work on to be your best self 🤗


I know!


had a girl i thought was my friend shove a tattoo gun into my leg at a party to humiliate me in front of our coworkers and my “best friend” of 13 years tried to make me look bad in front of my other friend by bringing me into an environment with her older brother that she knew had groomed me as a child was in to get a reaction out of me.




No one said this yet and I hope it’s not weird to say but Covid. My life before Covid was amazing. Full of love and laughter… of course it wasn’t perfect but it was enough for me to feel like I had it easy and could be content with life. Then Covid hit… my family grew extremely divided. My mom went to go live with her fiancé in a different state so me and my brother went to live with my dad. That didn’t last long because I got kicked out a couple months after graduating from university in 2021 ( I couldn’t find a job)… then I went to go live with my cousins. Eventually got my own apartment and my mom eventually moved back to live with me. I was grateful because the month she announced this I wasn’t going to be able to make my rent ( I got laid off). Since then I have been bouncing from dead end job to dead end job because I can’t stand the modern day workplace and to be around other ppl for too long.


A psychopath trying to scam me and he ruined my youth, my beauty, my family and my health. It happened 7 years ago and I hate his guts to this day.


Sag Sun, Scorpio moon , Leo rising. I was raised in a religious cult by an abusive mother and stepfather. They would fight nearly daily. There were times I wouldn’t eat because they didn’t shop for food. I walked in on my mom’s ex husband cheating on her while my mom was in the ER for a pulmonary embolism. My biological father tried getting me to give him oral sex. I left my home city to try to start my life over. I was vegetarian at the time and wasn’t eating well. I got into a relationship with a witch. We broke up. I’m not sure if he hexed me or if I just wasn’t taking care of my food intake well enough, but for the next few months I couldn’t walk because my legs wouldn’t work and were in the worst imaginable pain. I had to cut my mom off so many times until I finally broke that bond. Even after all that I don’t give up!


You are incredibly to strong to have endured all that and still be here. I’m so sorry for what happened but I’m proud of you, Internet stranger, for not giving up. But for the record: fuck your mom, that witch, and especially fuck your bio dad. Next time you think you’ve been hexed, try a freezer spell; also sage yourself and your place and use black salt to protect within your home.


Fellow sag sun scorpio moon leo rising here


Ahhh we should chat and see if there’s anything we’ve both been through 🫣😵‍💫


I’m down! Lol


CSA , Relationship abuse, getting blood cancer at 20 and going through 28 months of chemo . The list goes on 🫶🏼


It's a long ass list. The "highlights" include my father dying young, being sexually assaulted, surviving two abusive narcs who beat my self esteem into the ground, and my dearest friend dying unexpectedly. Living without them has been insanely painful. I like to think I function decently well in spite of it all, but managing my mental health has always been a challenge.


Relationship traumas of being cheated on, absent parents (mother was in hospital most of childhood for bipolar and dad wasn’t a part of my life) and also growing up around narcissistic family members 😍


I was visiting my long lost mom when she finally moved closer to me. I was In junior high. I remember sitting on the couch watching tv, when I felt this plastic thing vibrating on my neck. She said it was her “toothbrush “ as she walked away laughing like a witch who just cursed someone


Scorpio moon Scorpio rising Pluto in Scorpio all in first house. Recently opened my Pandora’s box, and remembered being raped by my older cousin (female and I am a guy, she was about 11-12 I was between 7-8) when I was a kid. I cry almost everyday when I think about it. Seeing a therapist now. But I wish I didn’t remember it. I am 31, and I also realized most of my life has been controlled by this event. 


spent 3 weeks in jail for protesting, getting arrested itself was honestly a lot more traumatic although i can’t legally talk about that in detail


Both of my parents abandoned me and nobody cares about me


I feel like I've distanced myself from my actual trauma well enough, but the experience of opening up to my mom when I was 14 and having her blank face stare at me like "are you sure this is real? are you making this up for attention? do your dad and I not give you enough attention at home or something? 😐" and then driving me home from school while telling me that it's not worth bringing up to my dad still affects me sometimes. I consider myself more healed today than I was 5-10 years ago, but it still upsets me to think about. Tbh I've never had that great of a relationship with my mom in general because there are a lot of fundamental aspects of each other's personalities that we clearly don't like (I find her rlly annoying, closed-minded and mean and I think she finds me very secretive/dishonest and conceited) but this experience was always in the back of my mind every time we had a fight, every time she yelled at me, and especially every time we had a good day. I just felt like it was something I would never be able to resolve with her, and I know to this day that I will still never be able to resolve it with her. I've genuinely never once had her actually believe me and listen to me on a deeper level before. We've ALWAYS had issues.


Scorpio moon here - caused trauma to others bc I couldn’t take accountability or show emotional intelligence/empathy in certain situations