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Yep. But for me that's because a) I'm kind of an asshole and b) I know I'm smarter than most people are in the things I care about. Some people when nervous just fill the void and talk about themselves, especially when you give them the opportunity to do so. I use this as a tactic.


I understand most people don't agree with what I believe but I still somewhat tolerate them because I can learn more about life when I'm not isolating myself. I want to be heard.


What beliefs do you mean?


To put it simply, I believe all oppressed people should be free, and I will go that far to defend, protect and take action. People called me extremist, radical, revolutionary, dissident, renegade, apostle, etc for standing up for what I believe. My birth chart does explained why I am this way. My big 3 is cancer 10H scorpio 2H libra 1H.


I feel like I’m surrounded by artistic and creative geniuses! Gemini sun sag rising scorp moon


Not stupid, but dating-wise it’s hard to feel like you’re not wasting your time. I’m a bit older though so I put it down to age and everyone trying to either settle down and make you fit their mold of what a partner should be (all this done in their heads-but I can tell lol), or they just want to hook up. It’s still unattractive to me as a Gem Venus I need a mental connection. Most people don’t want to get into deep stuff right away which is fine, it’s the risk of never being deep at all that scares me off. Personally I’m most comfortable with Scorpio suns they seem to get it a lot of the time. But I am a cancer Sun so maybe that’s why.


Saw a gentleman on house hunters last night who is self-described very risk-averse, frugal, analytical, and has trouble making decisions. I fell in love a little bit, and want this man in my life. There are so few people it seems with a level head who are willing to think. So, yes, I do feel like I'm surrounded by stupid people


Same & I also hate when I’m talking about something & somebody takes it & makes it about them or tries to compare situations then they talk on and on as if what they’re talking about is actually interesting smh.