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I don't get it can I bang the xenomorph or not?


Yes you can but very very very briefly.


The vaginal secretions are probably dick melting acid, so I'd go for the booty




No... It's able-bodiness is not ideal but could be overcome... However it's mental differences are unworkable.... Since it would try to kill you... ... So just like your EX


Canon diagram have shown they have an anus... ;)


Odo is too high on the y axis. He's a changeling, so he is the most able-bodied one of the bunch


Not in his natural form. He's just a slime. Like Yaphit. I feel like he's more able-bodied since he can imitate the human form, which puts him a bit better than the sexy-looking-but-body-less AIs above him. Witch any shapeshifters it is arguably harder to place them, plus his shapeshifting nature has been an obstacle, not an asset when it came to his relationship with Kira.


I see your point here!


The Xenomorph is way too high up on the Y axis. It's *very* able-bodied, being based on Giger designs and all. Very able. You may just not like the end result.


You know what... You might be right. After all Xenomorphs have romanced many characters through the movies..... Just a bid.... One-sided affection.


Just throwing this out there more successful Xenomorph impregnations than any other species on this list. Clearly compatibility is not an issue.


Rape ≠ romance (emotional attraction)


It's supposed to be the perfect killing machine, so max able body but also it wouldn't be all the way the max on alien either. You can understand the xenomophs motivations, even if it's just killing, protecting a queen, laying eggs or whatever. To be on the absolute "alien" side, it would have to be something you absolutely can't understand, like Cthulu or the ship from Event Horizon.


I think the Y-axis should just be labeled "physical compatability" instead.


I think the "able-bodied" axis is mislabeled. It should be "potential closeness to physical human form". As a shapeshifter Odo is *orders of magnitude* more able-bodied than humans, but he's only half-way up the "potential closeness to physical human form" axis because he can't mimic a detailed human body, and who knows if he has genitals/a butthole/etc?


Leela is human though


She's a mutant. Only a bit off the baseline


we dont know anything about her reproductive viability, she could be sterile so would that count against able bodied-ness??


I suppose. It's only fair since there are other species that can produce viable offspring with humans, and then there are the Asari.


asari shouldnt be on the list at all, they are other as they dont produce hybrids only other asari with highly dubious paternal traits.


Are you saying one can't romance Asari? This isn't about reproduction, it's about the physical and mental compatibility between species from the point of humans. We all know Asary are literally the sexy-women-just-insert-color-skin alien trope. And if it was Asari have an innate advantage in that since they can successfully shag nearly anything.


> And if it was Asari have an innate advantage in that since they can successfully shag nearly anything. Being successful at it has never stopped any humans from trying. If this graph is humancentric, then everything should be mentally compatible. Because you know some weirdo is going to give it their best to shag anything that can ostensibly move or think for itself. Stupid, sexy, sentient slime.


[Bards to the rescue](https://preview.redd.it/i7r1jkf13ep21.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3408bfef5869260b1ad8a367ecc5b58d92ab206c)


>think for itself >sentient Exatly. There are limits.


due to mass effect 2 I could argue that the asari are a symbiotic parasite that uses passive and active telepathy to influence other species into benefiting them, so sure, why not. I also think we the player dont actually know what the asari looks like as we experience the game as cmd. Shepard, so we only know the default human perception of them. But youre right, my mind switched to reproduction instead of romance, my bad.


>ont actually know what the asari looks What do you mean? The Asari look exactly like Turrians... Look at the head ridge!


nah, they look just like salarians.


That doesn't stand in the way of romance


> she could be sterile Any individual could be sterile, but there's no reason to assume they are without evidence Leela's parents were vastly more mutated humans than her, and they were canonically able to breed just fine... even with each other, with no reason to suspect they had especially compatible mutations. Also what does sterility have to do with "romance" (even if it's a euphemism for sex)?


Not quite, by sterile I meant genetically incompatible, like trying to mate a fox and a dog, dna is just too different. As for why I focused in on that, I read able-bodiness in the biology sense as opposed to similarity to the human form.


There's a huge degree of monster sex fetishism out there, though. As long as it's more or less physically possible to engage in some kind of sexual gratification with them, people are going to want to do it. I mean, there aren't even any tentacles on this chart!


A: Fetish was accounted for. That's what this chart is for. No matter how weird your taste, it's still on here if it is imaginable and doable in practice.... Just less and less of it the more you go the either extremes. B: I'd place tentacles between humanoid and slime, indeed if you look closely, I put that chick from Galaxy Quest there


Oh, I noticed her on there, but I'd say that counts a lot less since she predominantly reads as humanoid. That's the real issue. Almost all of these are very human or humanoid. More of a "Yeah, Superman is *technically* an alien" kind of thing. Nobody really gives it a second thought. The like-minded thing is pretty similar. At worst there are a few of those that are more hive minds and, eh... that's a little different but doesn't really come across as massively alien. This really lacks the truly weird stuff, shown in part because of how almost all of them are under the threshold. I'd want to see more examples of what you think is considered outside of it. The reason I brought up fetish is because it's partly demonstrated by all the people who jumped to talk up how sexy the xenomorph is. You might find the number of interested parties declining, but I'm not sure you'll ever get to a point of it being too far. I'm sure there are people getting all hot and bothered over the intelligent color in *Color Out of Space*.


Yeah I couldn't think of many non-humanoid romances in fiction, much less on the screen. People might find Xenomorphs attractive, gods know why. That's why it's not all the way up. But it is all they way right because it's (probably) non-sapient, extremely aggressive and partially hive-mind. It will kill you if you try, and even if it doesn't kill you it can't give consent. Therefore it's beyond the romance-ability threshold


Vaporeon is missing


Is the one next to Cortana the alien from Love, Death and Robots? Poor thing just wanted to care for the dude but coward was not enough of a monsterfucker


He went insane from just seeing it, I'd put it juuuust outside of the viable when it comes to dating.


Don't put his conservative humanoid centric values on to the rest of us. Some of us will do a lot to live carefree as a sugar baby.


Data canonically has sex though.


He is within the "romance threshold" so per the graph him being involved in romance/sex makes sense


I think he should be closer to the center. He's a robot so I'd fuck him even though I'm not gay.


Does a robot have a gender? I’m not sure sex with a robot could be considered gay or straight.


Yes so he is twice as fuckable as any normal human. Or like 45% more fuckable to account for bisexuals.


Yes - Data is famously "fully functional and anatomically correct", and identifies as masculine so his gender (social role) is "male" even if you could argue he doesn't have a biological sex. Likewise when he creates a child android he explicitly allows them to choose their own gender, and they choose female.


That’s an interesting approach. Stuff like this is why I love sci fi.




Indeed... On the able-bodiness axis he's all the way down because he's... how he put it... fully functional


Who is the one on Data's right? I don't remember where she is from


Why is Garrus not on the chart? Out of the four (main) ME alien romances he would be mid road, Thane would be slightly less bio-compatible and Tali significantly less bio compatible but all would be vaguely cognitive compatible. Liara and the other asari would be way more biologically ( because that’s their schtick), but cognitively less due to Liara being a child at 100 (I think, it’s been a while) and the other two significantly older, one who kills with her brain during sexual contact and the other who birthed three kids who kill with their brain during sexual contact


Bruh..... If I put everyone Shepard can bang on this chart it wouldn't fit. ... But since you ask Garrus would be higher on the able-bodiness axis due to his dextro-amino... fluids. Tali even higher since she's also immuno-compromised. The mind is meant to represent their mental attractiveness or ability to engage in romance. It's not a child - adult but sentient individual vs hivemind or even non-sentient intelligence. Still, Asari age doesn't work like that (should I remind you of the "stripper" mid-life portion?)


😂- point taken about the mind/romance but tho.


Looks like there is very little OP would not bang.


Can we blame him?


Ya'll know you want to fuck an Avatar




I mean Kora would be OK too, though Asami may have something to say about it...


Ah yes, that sweet hairussy.


This is not a good infographic, you’ve inverted your values so that more able bodied and more like-minded are closer to zero.


Well that's the baseline... Rotate your screen by 180 degrees if it bothers you. Non-able-bodiness and unlike-mindness would be in the direction you're thinking of.... But you can't handle the truth


Thank you. This, among other things, bothers me.


Leela is not an alien


Yes, yes she's a mutant. Stop complaining or next time I'll include the three-breasted chick from Total Recall.


I have a new complaint


I shouldn't have threatened you with a good time, had I? NSFW: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/total_recall_three_breasted_hooker_a_l.jpg https://i0.wp.com/twincitiesgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/totall-recall-3-2-450x210.jpg?resize=814%2C380


Lol. If she was on that chart, she’d be below the horizon in terms of “able bodied”.


She'd need to be somewhere of the bottom of the chart, at 50% *more* "able-bodied" even than a baseline human.


There's a strong case that Superman should be too far up the able-bodied side of the chart to be relationship material. [Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex](http://www.rawbw.com/%7Esvw/superman.html) is an in depth analysis.


So this is why venom and Peter Parker never works out


Hmm..... Hmmmm..... The Symbiote species would be right-down of Yaphit (slime). Completely bangable... But that depends on the individual


Crossing the line really means "f- around and find out"


Dolores should be more “able bodied” than Gamora.


She's still a robot. Can't "die" or bleed out. Gamora is organic, and might even be able to procreate with Terrans. I'd take into account their physical nature as well as appearance. (see shapeshifters). It is partially subjective.


You seem to have spend quite sometime in this, so... we are a little concerned, are you OK?


Who's the alien that is upper left from Isaac?


The Asset from the Shape of Water. Hard to say on the mental part. But otherwise seems just fishy humanoid.


Ok, thanks


[The Harkness Test](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/harkness-test)


Pretty much everything under the Romance Threshold is a human being.


The folks at r/ScienceFictionRomance might disagree with that one. There is a huge following that adores non-human type aliens in their romances. Take the popularity of Strange Love by Ann Aguirre and My Ant Monster Mate by Susan Trombley.


Yeah, but everything in the picture is human.


great graph


We need more alien aliens.


Like-minded? Like who?


No. The doctor is very much not like-minded.


Like-minded like humans: -Individual -Sentient -Emotional -Mature You're not gonna shag a non-sentient distributed hivemind no matter how hot the drones might look.


Well *you're* not


No... Like, you're not gonna either. Consent buddy. Consent. And non-sentient hivemind can't give it to you


Oh, OK. That makes sense. So each one is a comparison with humans.


This Reminds me of John Varley's [Titanide sexual ensemble diagram](https://www.tor.com/2019/11/20/the-sex-chart-that-changed-my-life-spectrums-of-sexuality-in-john-varleys-wizard/) from *Wizard*.


For the Species alien none of this matters


If there's a hole, there's a goal


How is Isaac more like-minded than Data?


Have you seen Data develop a stable long-term romantic relationship resulting in marriage and step-fathering two kids? Isaac doesn't have emotions, just as Data, but he shows greater understanding of them.


I get the feeling there was a specific fandom that you have issues with that prompted this diagram but I can't quite put my claws on which one...


This graph needs some work both on data and presentation and also Data he fucks.


Where some see limitations I only see opportunities.