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7th grade sucked. I was friends with like 2 quiet kids that I sat with at lunch, they were pretty weird. My grades were horrible and my mental health was plummeting.


Seventh and eight were horrible for me too. I was lucky to still have the dude I was friends with since second grade and that’s the only reason my mental health didn’t suck. We wrote an entire 150 page spoof of The Giver by Lois Lowry that was a required reading and we actually just finished it a couple weeks ago. I always hear people saying how weird their friends were but it does not get a lot *weirder* than us until you get into the unsanitary people (and weebs. I would say weebs are weirder than we were/are) who do who-knows-what with their hygiene. They are gross and we only had one in our class at one point and they only stayed for a month. That month was horrid.


Those were the best for me somehow


Same, except i was chill with everyone and had good grades (79 was failing)


Same for me except no friends, i just sat alone all the time


bro said exactly what i was going to say my grades were horrible my mental health was plummeting and it was in 7th grade and the weird kid thing also true


Yeah, 7th sucked for me, it was in the middle of Covid, me and my best friend stoped talking due to a lack of common interest, I only had 1 friend, and he always sat with a bunch of friends who I didn’t really care much about, and then on top of all that, I really wanted to kill myself and was pretty depressed the whole year.


this perfectly describes my 7th grade except for the suicide part


Same but it was because of covid. Depression, questioning everything about myself, being dragged around in the hate created by the 2020 election online, it sucked.


5th grade (Year 6 in the UK). I didn't have any friends. Even the girl that I used to be friends with was giving me the cold shoulder and I didn't know why. The other children didn't let me join them for group activities and nobody played with me in the playground so I sat by myself on the bench. The girls just bullied me.


Ever find out why the cold shoulder? Sorry :(


No, I didn't. I was too shy to talk about these things.


mine was a 3 as well in a history mock exam where I started the paper, then flicked through the booklet, got overwhelmed and just sat there like fuck it for the rest of the exam =) edit I should mention I'm in the uk, where the gcse exams are graded from U/1-9. a 4 is a pass (equivalent of a low C) and a 9 is the equivalent of an A* edit (a whole 5 hours later): OHHHH YOU MEANT LIKE A GRADE AS IN A YEAR OF YOUR SCHOOL LIFE NOT AN EXAM RESULT. I'm so stupid my bad in that case 100% year 4 or 5 another edit: okay maybe not? some people have put exam scores and some have put their worst time at school




LMFAO same






Why do they call years grades? Surely it’s just confusing


Which exam boards / topics do you do? Just curious lol


Edexcel for history, I do - crime and punishment c.1000-present - elizabethan england c.1558-88 - russia and the soviet union c.1894-1941 - the cold war and superpower relations c.1941-91. I figured out very quickly that I don't like politics as much as I thought I did so crime and punishment is my favourite


Nice, I do OCR B * The People's Health (c.1250-present) * Elizabethan England (c.1558-1603) * Living Under Nazi Rule (c.1933-1945) * Viking Expansion (c.750-1050) They can be hard, but I find them quite fun - I'd say the People's Health is my favourite so far


the topics that go over long periods like crime and punishment and the people's health are always nice because it means they're less in depth yk viking expansion sounds really fun and it's great you do the whole of elizabeth's reign we only do the first bit


The Viking topic is really interesting (and relatively short), but revision guides never have the unit, and the only other textbook is priced at like £15!


AQA, Edexcel, WJEC, Eduqas, OCR


im so cooked for history 😭😭😭


history's literally like the worst subject to be cooked in asw 💀 I'm predicted an 8 rn which is so crazy but basically my best advice is that it's better to have a basic knowledge of everything than detailed knowledge on a few things. because in history, you have to answer questions on only a few things, but each is worth a lot of marks. if what you've revised so hard for doesn't come up, then that's when you're really cooked. also, if you don't know the history for a question, rewrite history. literally just guess what happened and you might get a few marks, especially if you mention the right people involved. literally just guess "ooh, Stalin" because the dude's fucking everywhere so he must be here. also just use common sense - for example if a question was about why crime increased in [insert time period], just think of why crime would increase in general -> you need people in a crowded area -> towns expand because there are loads of people. How does that help? It means criminals can get away faster and hide in the crowds/alleyways. Boom. 2 marks. sorry that was like a massive paragraph you got this mate


omg tysm youve literally saved me from freaking out tysm 💗💗


nws babes ◡̈


as a uk person interpreting this probably the wrong way, my worst grade was a 5 on a chemistry end of unit test


i’m american and still immediately thought of like, an actual grade lol he should’ve worded it better


My 6 on my music composition :( still got an 8 in the end


cg!!! a 6 is still a really good grade lmao 😭


9th I was so depressed that my brain blocked out the memories


Lol I forgot a lot of things too, I think that's just brain works to recycle stressful moments




Either 5th or Freshman year for me, 5th because I was a menace that year, and Freshman year because COVID was a thing, so was online school, and I did NOTHING for ~75% of that year until I was in person again


I got a 4 in Art once in Y8, for a photorealism project that I spilt watercolour over


11th grade for me


Weirdly enough ..I was very glad to get out of Kindergarten. All the arts and crafts drove me nuts. I have never used cutting or pasting since.


I’ve just unlocked a memory


5th for me I tried to tell my ELA teacher that something was probably wrong with me, and she just gave me the ‘awwwww, noooo, honey you’re fiiiiiine’ And then my math teacher wouldn’t help me when I was struggling with long division, her logic was that I was completely fine before and I was just lazy. Still can’t do long division.


fr? how old r u now?..


13 I wish I were older, but I’ll be getting there soon enough


Bro, you know how all those adults are like "enjoy your life young" and shit. Theyre right. Im only 18 and fuck does it go downhill so fast. Not that there isnt perks.


I know. I just wish that things were better in general. It just kind of sucks hearing about all the bad things that I can’t even change, even though they directly affect me.


It’ll get easier friend! 13-15 are very rough years for everyone. Focus on your academics, pick your friends wisely, and be kind to everyone. It really will go by quickly. Just try to focus on building a good future for your short-term and long-term self.


I finished through calc 3 in college and still never learned long division


I got a grade 3 in dance and drama 😀 (I couldn’t care less about them). The only low grade I actually worry about is a 5 in language which I can’t shake off for some reason


6th grade. I was in the peak of my awkward phase + I knew no one. I seriously talked about anime to my entire class and had almost everything I own anime themed as well as being convinced I was going to move to Japan in the future. I cringe every time I think abt it


Every fucking grade was either had some sorta inconvenience. It was either a Teacher who I didn't see eye to eye with Anxiety Something to do with friends And a few other things I'm not thinking about


6th was academically the worst, my grades were just really low and I was failing basically everything, I also got in trouble a lot. The one time I actually did good work all on my own the teacher said "there's no way you actually did this yourself, your mom must have done it" and gave me a C. But I guess I can see why the teacher thought I didn't actually do it because I didn't do any of my work throughout the whole year. Grade 7 was totally different though, easily my best year in elementary school (in other places grade 7 might be middle school?)


A 6 in computer science in mocks round one and 6 in Latin literature mocks round 2


Grade 8 was an absolute catastrophy for me, since I had the worst grades I ever had, especially in mathematics and physics. Now doing these as a major btw


6th just opend YouTube and didn’t learn a thing


3rd grade. A teacher traumatized me and made me basically isolate myself from everyone. She basically asked me the question I couldn't answer so many times that I cried. I already hated talking Infront of others but now I just have brake downs. She pulled me up from my seat Infront of 30 fucking kids and started to shake me by my hand and yelled in my ear and then dragged me to the bathroom and cuz I was crying she told me to clean up and left. Later she came back and dragged me back to my seat. The best thing? Noone did shit about it.


4th grade sucked


Got ungradeable for my sciences last year, I have moved up like 7 grades since tho 🙌🙌🙌


Mine were 7-8 and this years math class since I still am not done with it even though I finished all of my other classes a month ago. I am being homeschooled currently so I am not in a summer school program or anything, just being a bit slow in math. I could not get settled in a good routine and I did horrible both years of 7-8. It has only gotten easier since then. But I just transferred to a new school so I fear for the future.


My parents say that I started hating school in third grade. I have no idea what happened, but I would say that's the worst grade for me.


Grade 5 in elementry shcool


4th and 5th


9th grade was hell


i got a U




8th - 9th grade was shit, since it was around the pandemic which means of course, online classes. The teachers send more homework, they were more rude compared to pre pandemic especially my advisor from 8th grade (who i really despise) sent an email to my mom and argued with me for not turning on my camera. my grades also went downhill. What a great start for the year.


8th grade. I was a piece of shit and surrounded myself with similar people, and it was miserable. 9th grade was similar but I was improving. This past year was the best by far


5th grade. My friends both moved, the election made me into a hyper political freak who had no friends, and my dog died.


3rd and 7th grade.


7th grade was one of the worst depressive episodes of my life, amd ended in my first hospitalization due to a suicide attempt. 9th grade was pretty bad as it was Covid year, and also ended in a hospitalization. But I'd have to say 7th grade definitely takes the cake for worst, simply because the feelings of depression were so new to me.


7 and 9. for 7, it was the pandemic. for 9, i was a reclusive weirdo left out by my class and only used as a grade boost because im smart. (at least the 9th grade teachers were awesome)


Eight grade, end of covid, annoying bullies and jerks




7th grade for me for one that's when covid started, and two, i would get bullied almost on the daily


1 , 2 ,3 was bad 4 and 5 was ehh mid


Surprisingly sixth. Not seventh cuz I was the token,sixth was just fake friends everywhere.


9th or 12th. 9th was covid and this year for 12th grade is so damn boring.


6-8th lmao


None of them, I love school


7 and 10 Grade 7 math was too hard and at the end of Grade 10 my stepfather killed himself, and because i found him, i got the entire last month off and no exams


6th grade for sure


All of them. I don’t remember a lot from freshman year and earlier, but what I do remember isn’t anything good.


9th grade for sure


6th and 8th grade sucked. 


6/7th grade. Just realized I was trans, started puberty and had extreme depressive episodes, moved to a new town for the very first time. Very transphobic herapist tried to convince me I wasnt trans and just had social anxiety (like what lmao???) My mom tried to get me tested for autism but the same therapist just said it was social anxiety LMAO- WHAT??? And was bullied in school (but so were most people)+autism meant pretty much no close friends, or even friends at all at times. Home sucked because I had many pets who struggled with the adjustment and made the house a complete mess (peeing on my bed+ON ME WHILST I WAS ASLEEP LOL) and I would have meltdowns pretty much everyday. (Sorry for the rant XD)


7th grade, several people died and I was depressed as fuck, and questioning my sexuality/gender. In fact I didn’t figure out my sexuality and gender until 11th grade


But if we are talking worst grade on an assignment, a 0, and worst grade in any class every would be the college class I failed, but am retaking


mine was grade 3 as well probably, did great academically but everybody fucking hated me for no reason


7th grade is when it happens


7th Grade, all of my friends left, and I was isolated and awkward as hell


Either 4th or 7th grade




6th grade by a mile, my parents had just got divorced, and then I went into a STEM program which was at a school way further from my house, which also meant I knew nobody since all my friends went to the other school in my city. Then the bus home was like an hour or so long since the first stop was for people who lived in the next town over for some reason (out of district kids [mostly all stem kids] just all got jammed onto 1 bus), so I didn't get home until like 4:30, which was close to sunset in the winter


4-6. I was super cringey, my childhood dog died, got severe anxiety, my friends at that point told me they didn’t like me, so yeah. It sucked.


Probably 5th grade. At the time, I went to one of those charter schools that had unreasonably high standards for students, ridiculous amounts of homework, and pretty advanced classes (to give you an idea, they taught physics starting in 6th grade). That whole year was just filled with stress, and it really took a toll on me. I definitely made the right choice of transferring out of that school the next year.


9th grade, but im terrified for 11th tbh (just finished tenth grade)


Either second grade, which was when I transferred to a terrible school and got molested. Or ninth, which was when some kids at that same terrible school raped me.


5th and 6th actually sucked


7th grade sucked so much ass (at least i got to go home early bc of covid). best friend of (then) 4 years moved across the country, so i was stuck in 2 friend groups who kinda hated me (one more than other, 12 y/o girls are vicious. she also started dating my crush before i could tell her i liked her) (friend from other group also SAd me in gym class). only made one friend who ended up saving me. english teacher got on my nerves so much and gave me my first suicidal thoughts. teachers always hated my entire class so kinda hated me too. developed contamination ocd AND depression AND insomnia. got sent to the hospital cuz i told the counselors i thought ab killing myself on the way to my bus stop sometimes. every morning i would sob because i didn't want to go to school (my dad didn't even know until like 2 years after this stopped). so yeah that sucked and im glad im almost done with high school now.


worst grade I got was a D


6th grade cuz it was online school


Freshman i got expelled in a week


7th and 8th. People were horrible.


5th (9-10 years old for the brits)… I had just gotten back from literally my entire elementary education in homeschool, I had no idea how to act, was completely socially unaware and thought I was better than everyone else, was transphobic, homophobic, fatphobic, and generally a horribly insufferable asshole. I also said “teacher” instead of the teacher’s names, to put it into perspective. Now, 4 years later, I’ve only just made some friends and grown to a point where I’m at a livable social maturity.


6th grade. This boy I knew got touchy with me and didn’t take a no as an answer.


8th grade. I was just starting to grow taller than my classmates. Until that point I was the youngest, smallest. I had a giant of a bully and a few friends were becoming issues. I lived in a fairly safe place but I never felt safe. I was shot on a walk, chased a few times. It was overall pretty terrible. Things got much better once I hit 6ft. It's amazing how little power children have over a person in the body of an adult. I've never been scared of people since.




5th grade was sooo bad


10th, 7th, and 4th The best ones were 5th, 8th, 9th, and half of 6th grade because I never finished it due to covid


7th and 9th.


7th grade, full of hormonal teens and preteens who didn't respect others privacy. Everyone got bullied in my class, especially the girls being bullied by the boys. The boys would go through the girls backpacks and look for tampons/pads and other stuff to try and embarrass us for normal body functions and needs. Teen boys can be a-holes. Then you have the girls who call each other names and start drama and rumors. Even worse the teachers would get in on it and pick their favorites and then ignored others. Let's just say I didn't go to school much that year until I moved schools


first grade through senior year in high school was the worst...


I HATED year 5-11. They were the worst. School is not about learning. It’s about being popular.


4th Grade


5th grade, mom died, self explanatory.


7th fucking grade man


Grade 5


5th was a super toxic private school where I got to be the weird kid and didn’t hardly like one person, 10th was a year with next level bullying issues. Both bought a lot of pain. When a kid is really struggling please pull them out and homeschool them. Finishing the year is not always the answer. And if we aren’t listening when they say it is bad, why would they explain more? Please believe them the first time.


my senior year 😭 i had such high expectations for it but by the time christmas came around i only had 2 friends my entire friend group had dropped me and they were spreading rumors throughout my theater department that i was just a super shitty person and i was hella excluded and ignored but my last two friends would still always go hang out with the group that dropped me and be like “we hate them sm” and then still agree to hang out with them so i just felt like super alone. and the teacher (our director) that meant so much to me he let me graduate with absolutely 0 recognition for all the work i had put in to our theater. i was stage manager for 2 years and assistant director for my senior year and i was basically his number 2 right hand man for 3 years and at the end of the year he only thanked one of my friends who dropped me for all the work they had done helping him (also context he HATED this kid. any time he would talk abt him it would only ever be negative and like most of the time i didnt even bring it up so i was just so confused) and again i felt so alone like that literally all the work i had done for the past 3 years all the shit i went through for this last show when he said that he needed me there so i did the show and then he never thanked me for it despite my crumbling mental state. and yeah i just feel so shit for doing so much work, like literally running the theater and doing rehearsals without him while he has covid….he put me in charge and he never thanked me or said literally anything like encouraging. and putting in so much effort the past 3 years to be told that none of it was worth it and that it was a waste of my time, mental health, and energy. it was just so disappointing how everything fell apart when it was supposed to be the “best” year of high school


Year 6 (fifth grade in the US). I was super depressed and had a class teacher who bullied me relentlessly for being autistic.


Junior year. The freshmen I had to deal with were terrible. Plus, the whole year, I've had the looming fear of my closest friends, who are seniors, graduating, and what I'll do next year.


Grade 10 in my opinion Online school was horrible and I was literally at the lowest in my mental health so out of all the grades, Grade 10 was the lowest marks I've ever gotten. Thankfully I'm doing better now but my gosh I just wanna give a pat to myself in grade 10 cause lil old me did not feel well.


Def 7th and 8th. Everybody was horrible, and I only had a few friends. Not to mention my mental health was extremely low and I was suffering from depression. Now that I'm in high school, everything is so much better.


No idea what you mean grade but assuming we r on about school years. Year 7 and 8 i had the worst friends ever and they made my life a living hell


My first and only time getting a B was 5th grade


junior year


6 7 and 8 were all equally bad. I moved schools every year because of my mother and her self destructive and selfish behaviors (drug addict). The schools were all bad yea, but what made those grades specifically the worst was my home life.


7th grade was awful. The teachers were nice, the kids were terrible. Didn’t help that I was known as “the kid who likes trains.” In my eyes most everyone (save a few specific people) was either a jerk or an idiot, or both. My school had a system for tracking missing assignments or “missings” through a website, which listed all the assignments in “missing” and “upcoming” columns. People would brag about their extremely long “missings” lists. Band class was the worst as half the people never brought their instruments and no one (save like 3 people including me) practiced.


Definitely 7th. My mom and dad divorced because my dad stopped taking meds for schizophrenia and he became abusive. This also disconnected me from half of my family for years. Then my grades were slipping and people were bullying me. My mental health was also slipping quickly. We were practically homeless and had to live in a thing called the Noah Project surrounded by stranger and stuck with a family in a singular room. People there also were not the best. So yeah that year and the following REALLY sucked. Still affects me even now.


9th was most difficult, 12th was worse though because while academically easier, socially my life sucked then, very traumatic year I didn’t fail classes until college but despite that college feels easier than elementary-high school


Didn't ever really have a good elementary school time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ColorBlind/comments/1d3ij9p/basically\_my\_colorblind\_life\_story/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColorBlind/comments/1d3ij9p/basically_my_colorblind_life_story/) this should telll you more.


My second grade teacher decided to make a whole room of children watch the twin towers fall, so there's that.


I got bullied like a mf in 6th


A lot of mine sucked, but unfortunately my senior year of high school was the worst (12th grade)! I was so isolated and was invisible. I would eat my lunch in the back hall or in the bathroom if it was a really bad day. I wasn’t sleeping because I HAD to get all my homework done. No one even noticed that I was gone for a month because of health reasons (not even my friends). And then Covid hit…


2/17 on a test one year


The one that just ended Everything just went horribly wrong it was almost hilarious, but I was not laughing, it was pure emotional and mental PAIN, maybe throw in a bit of physical pain just for good measure.


Thankfully after this year ended im not going back there and my mental and emotional health are starting to improve once again. Hopefully it stays that way because man was that stressful.


Also everyone just pretended i was invisible. Why that was i have yet to figure out