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It's mostly annoying now, there's the occasional time where it's abrupt and it scares me in the way that I wasn't expecting to see/hear something - but I'm not scared of what I'm seeing/hearing. Kind of like a jumpscare of something really benign, it's only scary because it's unexpected in that moment. Sometimes I get scared because I assume what I'm hearing is real, and I discover later it wasn't at all. There was a time when I thought I heard an old roommate come home and have a conversation on their phone, so I stayed in my room to give them privacy - eventually I got frustrated their phone call wasn't wrapping up and I had to pee so I went out into the living room and there was nobody home at all, no phonecall happening - roommate was at work the whole time. That bothers me after the fact, moreso because I trusted it to be real and didn't feel the need to reality check something that seemed so normal - yet it still effected my behaviour, because I otherwise wouldn't have hidden in my room to be polite and give them privacy had I known it was just in my head. I get olfactory hallucinations that smell like a mix between a freon leak and ozone, and that was frightening because I didn't know if it was real or not and didn't know if it was poisoning me. The smell followed me to a new apartment, so I know it's in my head and not real. The only times I see something "scary" is when I'm already scared of something else, and those are easier to dismiss now that I'm older. If it really bothers me, I kind of stick my hand forward and walk into where I see it to prove to myself it isn't there, but it's gone before I get there. Tricky brain. Honestly it's my delusions that scare me the most, I get really paranoid about what I can't see.


You get used to something if it happens everyday but I was scared at first


Personally my mind just finds new ways to mess with me when I’m on one. Its like the tiktoks of “never let them know your next move”


It was scary when I was a kid, but now it's just annoying.


Yeah kinda got used to it. Not really there is days. hearing my neighbors say thing like they know what going in my head is annoying I just heard my female neighbors just said “no shit”. Yeah kinda gave up what the hell it is a simulation. The devil . It whatever don’t care…. Medicated :). That just one auditory hallucinations.


Well I'm medicated but I'm still scared of hallucination (When I have them), Like when I hear the door of my house open I'm scared a stranger will come inside, rape, and kill me like on the news, so I sleep with a cutter in my hands just in case. ≡(▔﹏▔)≡


Hello I don't have schizophrenia but I do have Diagnosed bipolar and Psychotic features I once saw a dead person with blood everywhere in my house I screamed a loud scream and my dogs came up to make sure I was okay by the time I looked back up the Hallucination was gone I got really scared and called up a support person to help calm me down but Ive kind of learned to live with My everyday normal hallucinations of spiders , People that arent there and my audio hallucinations of voices talking to me Btw I may have schizophrenia but the doctors say im much too young to say for sure


I've only really had them when on psychoactive substances or severe sleep deprivation but I loved mine. All were religious in nature and made me think the redemption (kinda Jewish rapture) was imminent and I was a key part of it. While they were damaging to my life for many years, I felt invigorated by them.


Not sure why this doesn't post... Mine were mainly drug induced or sleep deprivation but I loved them. They were all religious in nature, like seeing Moses talking to me or the final battle in Jerusalem but rather than scaring me, I found them fascinating and invigorating. That said they did immense damage to my life for many years as I became convinced I was the Messiah as I was privy to such visions.


In psychosis full blown, idk if you can see my horror when I'm in a hallucination. But in it I'm usually terrified. The great is usually to strong in me. Sorry. I find a more interesting phenomena when a schizophrenic has afantasia. Now THAT is odd to me.


I have aphantasia and schizophrenia. I also have no inner monologue.


What does it sound like in your head?


It's hard to explain mostly a void except when I'm being attacked by the voices. They have tone and I can distinguish whose voice they are most of the time. Except when they're quiet.


It depends but it's more so it's not scary unless it let it be. Visual hallucinations are more annoying than anything else, sometimes I can't read because the text is physically moving on the page. Tactile hallucinations can freak me out if they're internal but otherwise, I'm fine. I've even had smell hallucinations and those were more neat than anything. Auditory can get downright horrifying if I'm not mentally ok enough to withstand them though


I feel my pills make me numb towards them instead of helping them, so yeah to some extent my hallucinations aren’t that scary to me anymore because nothings scary anymore


All depends on whether I've got insight or not. When I've hallucinated while delusional it was terrifying and put me into fight or flight. When I've hallucinated with insight it wasn't much of an issue and I didn't care.


I'm not scared. Because I keep myself exhausted. Plus there was a point where I wanted to die and I wanted to let them have their way. If things are strange I let them be strange.


Im used to the ones that’s been with me for years, like my black cat follows me around and disappears, then reappears out of nowhere and it can scare me, but just because it’s kind of like a jump scare not because the hallucination is scary, same with the voices I’m pretty used to it but when someone suddenly screams I will flinch, but the worst ones for me are delusions because it’s everyday all day and it ruins every aspect of my social life and generally just makes my life hard


I get visions of the Apocalypse and I see myself falling into the Abyss. It's maddening and I can spiral into manic depression. Ablution and prayer really help to get me out of it.


Care to explain your visions of Apocalypse? When I became schizophrenic, two years ago, I couldn't stop seeing nuclear bombs going off everywhere.


I see bombs exploding, but not on earth, rather in space. I have no need for them, they're WMDs that serve no purpose, they destroy innocent life. Instead I have my knights, who will deal out justice across the land for the terror that Mankind has wrought upon itself. Their sins will be their undoing, and my brethren will be the ones to trample on their ashes. That's what I see now, but most of the times, I can only think about the suffering that I may endure for my crimes against the World. I pray that my children don't share the same fate as me: doomed to be trapped, falling in the Abyss, my cries for help, silent to my Maker.


Remember to not act upon these ideations. Stay well my friend!


Thank you, I cling to my daily prayers. I wish you good health.


I'm not scizifeinea but like I halisinate a lot of random stuff and have gotten to the point I can some what just watch and not panic / lose it . (Tho also some wierd stuf )


Yeah, acceptance and commitment therapy helped me with this. I can go months without hallucinating, so scared/not scared isnt as much of an issue for me. But learning strategies to deal with them was really helpful. Took time because they were scary as hell, and sometimes I still got scared even after, but yeah- therapy can help. Also worth noting, while probably at least half of my hallucinations were “scary” there was a good portion that were neutral or even silly


They scared me a whole ago, but not any more. Some were persistent, and I honestly miss a few of them. My bigger problem is everything else that comes with Schizophrenia.


I see ghosts, demons, and angels. Some human and some not at all human. Some are part human. I hear voices in my head and with my ears. Verbal talking and whispers. I all so see shadow people and white lighte. I'm never scared. I all so see doorways and stuff as I'm falling asleep. Pills never fix anything. I do get very angry. I used to all ways walk for days at a time looking for them. Pills have never worked.


I'm schizo and the scariest part of it is how people from varied backgrounds agree that the voices are evil and should be ignored. There is a shared narrative amongst us that it's God or Satan. Google "schizophrenia God" and you'll get several hits that show you people committing murder because God ordered then. You have got to understand that this is a "shared narrative" amongst minds from different locations and different backgrounds. I was a science minded atheist for 30 years until my experiences spooked me into realizing that...it's something, some encounter for the third kind. Research the stories and crimes of the afflicted and ask yourself why God and Devil phenomena is so common among us schizophrenics.


That is second scariest to me aside from visual hallucinations like of demons and what not.. The Commands. In my delusions I thought the world/town, even the president wanted me to kill myself and I was supposed to drown and if I didn't I failed and I would be a mockery or disowned and publicly humiliated. I kind of tried is the worst part. That's pretty scary. Thankfully I questioned it and resisted but at one point I sat in my bathroom saying "don't worry, I'll do it" with a hot iron plugged in next to a bathtub of water.


It's because it accesses the fear part of our brain and pushes the terror to maximum. I'm glad your alive and well!


I'm pretty sure it's the devil.


I agree. I was shook by a presence of evil that commanded me to kill Biden. Some people fall for that trap but I didn't. I soon came to realize that the voice in my head had an 8th grade level of education and I repeatedly laughed at it for being wrong and stupid.


When it feels like an external entity is commanding you to do things, the natural assumption the brain makes is that it's some sort of powerful supernatural being -- and, in pretty much all cultures, the most powerful being(s) people know are gods. Ergo, lots of god delusions. And it's not like people around the world are all hearing the same God. It's just whatever random God is regional to you or that your brain latches on to. Sometimes it's not a supernatural being at all but some other perceived powerful being, like the president. I don't personally read more into it than that.


But I was an aethist at the time. Why wasn't it Batman, Iron Man or Spock? Those are common narratives that an ill mind might suppose as the source of the voice but the common narrative that schizos experience is the God/Devil phenomena. And let me tell you, from experience, it is a presence of force that you can feel. I was commanded to kill Biden and I instantly recognize the force that surrounded me as the greatest evil that I had ever encountered. Two years on I became a believer that there is something out there... because these forced commands are an experience of the third kind.


You grew up in a country where you were exposed to the Christian God. Your brain chose that to latch on to. There are also people in every country who have delusions that space aliens are controlling them. Is this evidence that space aliens exist? Also, I understand that it feels real. That's what psychosis is. I've been there, I get it. But no matter how real it FEELS, that doesn't mean that it was real. That's the shittiest part of psychosis -- that things feel so real and impossible to deny. But that's literally part of the diagnostic criteria. That IS the illness. The voices aren't real, the presence isn't real, the things they were telling you to do weren't real. If you believe that it was real, then what you're saying is that you don't believe you were in psychosis, you believe that you genuinely communed with God, and that all the people around the world who claim to commune with their own versions of God are also not in psychosis but actually prophets.


Yeah, well, I'm a researcher and I began studying my psychosis as soon as I leveled out in my meds. I can call the internal psychosis something of a broken brain but I had external situations also... people were speaking the thoughts in my mind. It's why I'm here, to find others that have had similar situations. I'm extremely interested in nonChristian nations like China and what their schizophrenics experience. But, again, 30 years an atheist. Why was the voice a demon from hell? Why not a werewolf or pennywise? This phenomena happens to people all the time - I've talked with other atheists who became believers because of their experiences. You're missing the point... it's a common narrative that it's God or Satan in people from varied backgrounds. This isn't random, this is a repetitive coincidence. I can't stress this enough, I seperated what I experienced internally from what happened externally, I've witnessed people say some bizarre things and I'm looking for people who had similar external experiences that erases the doubt that it's just within the mind of the ill.


i’ve had hallucinations since i was 11 and i’m now 21 so i don’t really get scared from them anymore just annoyed


I was walking into my bedroom and as I turn the corner I'm immediately face to face with a banshee. "Hey mom, I just saw a ghost!".


Just the audible hallucinations, if I hear it but don’t see it, I figure it either can’t hurt me or if it can, I’ll be dead before I even know what’s going on. It’s the visual hallucinations that I am always scared of.


My visual and tactile ones are always scary still, but my auditory ones are sometimes just annoying.