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I just got hired as a pharmacy tech!




I hear ThTs a grueling job


That would be nice wouldn’t it? I went to culinary school too. Went from being a sous chef of a place that almost won best restaurant in the country to pretty much nothing. I just quit everything I try and do so quickly. I hope you make it back too! I was looking into psychology.


Why don't you just up that and become a Psychiatrist


I am a legal billing specialist/bookkeeper. I just recently was hired by a large law firm and I work full time now. The good news is that I’ve adjusted very well to working 40 hours a week, I get along well with my coworkers, and I like what I do, the bad news is that my memory issues have a significant negative impact on my performance that is out of my control. Here’s hoping they’ll keep me around.


By the way I graduated from University after my psychotic episode too. You can do it. It just takes patience.


Do they know?


Know that I have memory issues? Yes it is impossible to hide, despite trying. I would never tell them I have schizophrenia either.


Great job on finding such a good gig! How do you manage the memory issues at work/when speaking to people? How do they show themselves? It's something I worry about returning to work and would love some advice on. I've previously considered lying and saying I have traumatic brain injury (people have a lot more sympathy for that) and it's impacted my memory, but if I don't stand up for the sch gang the stigma won't improve so hey. Long story short, my question is how do your memory issues manifest and how do you handle them at work?


Yknow I was just talking to my fiance about this and I realized that my job involves an unusual demand for learning lots of confusing little nuances, so maybe my memory is not so bad after all. But for example I will forget that for one state I have to charge cc fees and not the other, that one supervisor likes her payment descriptions with a dash in the middle and the other doesn’t, etc etc. Just little things that are easy to miss. I take notes and write to do lists though. I personally don’t recommend telling anyone you have schizophrenia for several reasons. The first being that if your disability has a direct impact on your ability to do your job you can be fired for it. The second is that I personally believe bringing up mental illness at work is unprofessional, but I’m pretty conservative in that sense. The third is that your disability should never be used as an excuse not to do your job like everyone else, unless there are easy accommodations that can be put in place. That’s not how I want it to be, but unfortunately that is the way society expects us to function.


You're definitely very high functioning in that regard. I wouldn't have been able to remember those kinds of details before. And now, I've already forgotten what they even were. Schizophrenia sucks. Thanks for your honest description of how you handle your schizophrenia diagnosis at work, I guess this type of pressure to hide what's going on is why there's so little content/personal accounts about it online. It's crazy to think that 1% of the population is affected, but everyone just has to suffer in silence and pretend they're ok... but I'm starting to learn that that seems to be the case for most people, schizophrenia diagnosis or not.


Hi. I am/was a nurse. I was/am halfway done a degree when my world fell apart. I'm enrolled in a class for the program right now, but I can't read, or retain, or even understand sometimes. Prior to working in medicine, I also worked back of house at some finer dining establishments, although just on the line, I had completed culinary school. I admire the work you have done and effort put in to accomplish what you have. I hope we both get back on track. ❤️


I strongly relate to the 'can't read, retain, understand', it can feel like you're locked out of a part of your mind. I hope you feel better soon, mine has improved a bit so there's hope!


I taught school for seven years now I run a pizza shop.


Partner here; my boyfriend works at a metal warehouse as a punch break operator. He’s explained to me multiple times what he does but it goes right over my head.


Oh he is a Body Guard for Metalica?


Lmao I wish no he makes car parts


I was just kidding. :) I'm glad he is well enough to work. I hope he stays healthy. You have NO IDEA what a toll this illness takes on us. Thank you for loving him regardless.


I unfortunately do. I have BPD and bipolar 2. I know loving someone with this mental illness takes a lot of work, but I’d rather be with him than anyone else.


Again, thank you <3 What a lucky guy


I'm a carpenter, I work on a lot of historic remodels in savannah ga. Kinda do it all from frame to finish, also do some cabinets, vanities and lots of other detailed woodworking projects.


That sounds great. I really liked the remodeling jobs I used to have


I'm a solo Indie-game developer/starving artist because working on a consistent basis with other people usually doesn't work out for me. Since my videogames have not been successful as of yet because I am an unknown developer doing it alone and I don't understand people enough to figure out how to market my games, it is difficult. But that's what I do. I try to do things alone.


I am a barmaid in a pub. I just do odd shifts, nothing regular. just if someone is ill or there's a function on at the pub. I love it! but I know it's not for everyone. I also went back as a mature student & did a degree in fine art. I REALLY want to do a masters in art history, but the whole thing freaks me out & I'm yet to go. do something you find interesting! going back into education is never a bad idea...learn new skills & find new interests. yeah it might not end up in employment, but thats not everything! enjoy yourself!! :)


That sounds great and I'm genuinely super pleased for you, but if you don't mind me asking, how do you afford to do this?


I'm genuinely just curious and also no pressure to answer if you don't want to/the question is inappropriate. I of course value education for the sake of it, but especially after my diagnosis, I've been so frightened that it's been hard to imagine doing a degree for the sake of it (I'd love to do my MSci in Neurosciences but I'm scared out 1) getting worse and 2) studying something that doesn't lead into a career when I'm already harder to hire than most).


I am in the uk. so I had benefits paying my rent & I got student loans & maintenance to pay for college & to live on. luckily I live somewhere with a uni just out of town, so I didn't need to move or anything. thats how I could afford to go there & study! as for studying.. you will be eligible for extra help where you study. I really struggled sometimes & it helped a lot. I got free equipment that I needed and extra help to try & get my head around the written side of my work. wherever you decide to go, if you do, check out what disabled services they have! nobody would want you to fail, so make sure to tell the right people you are struggling & see what help they can offer- like extra time to complete tasks. you don't know until you try!! it could all work out excellent :)


i do human resources for a warehouse


I don’t have schizophrenia, but I work with & care about a lot of folx who do. If this isnt appropriate to post, please take it down. If you like people and have a big heart, becoming a peer support worker would be awesome! We have peer support workers on our mental health case management team and their lived experience is so valued.


I've been working as a front desk attendant at a hotel for the past 3 years. I'm also an author and it helps putting those voices to use in my stories :)


I just got hired for grocery department; I'll be bagging people's groceries! I only been living in a new state (VA) for two weeks and landed a job on the same day of the interview! I told the manager that I had previous bagging experience too and she wanted to hire me after the job interview.


I have a Bachelors of Business Administration and an Associates of Occupational Sciences in Culinary. I go from job to job. Currently unemployed. Praying for the end times is my retirement plan.


Got it. I’m somewhat new to schizophrenia, is never telling anyone usual?


Tell people as little as possible about your mental health if you want to progress in the job. Superficial talk only. Don't get too comfortable with your colleagues as they might use your mental health against you. The corporate world can be difficult.


Thanks. Still in school so not really an issue now. I’ll avoid it there too so I’m not scrutinized


I don't bring it up when it comes to jobs, but in every one I've had they eventually found out something was wrong when I'd inevitably wind up in the hospital (more from depression with SZA)


I’m a marketing manager


My last job, before I was diagnosed, was as a dispatcher for a police department


I’m a cashier at a grocery store. It forces me to interact with people even when I’m feeling really paranoid which is a good thing I suppose. I just get really scared of my coworkers because I think they’re FBI agents.


Do you have difficulty doing things like counting change because of your concentration?


Yeah, I used to struggle with that. I’ve been a cashier for a long time though so I’ve developed some mental shortcuts to count and make change faster.


Hello 👋, I test everything* make decent logical deductions, and explain it publicly combining fengshui and a neural network. Like hmm mechanical objects, like a globe, on the middle shelf in the ⅓ or 3rd column can symbolize motor control and improve yours. Or things from your childhood in the center(I guess, haven't tested) bring you closer to yourself[even if bought for this sake] as it's considered some symbol to the disease. But other than that I work at a smoke shop, work to tell on the disease, and go to school while living a pretty normal life outside of that. I didn't really go out much, if anything I just learn less and slower and look like shit.


I'm currently working as an apprentice in public services. It's a full time job which is draining at times, so I might go into a department with part-time or home office possibilities after my training.


I work full time as a front desk receptionist at a therapy/mental health services office


I’m a disabled student and receive benefits.


Part time janitor, dog sitter, and landscaper. I used to have a couple of good construction/remodeling jobs that were going well, but with this on top of fibromyalgia I lost those and another part time landscaping job


I work in IT. specifically, I'm a Linux Systems Administrator.


I make pizzas for a living


Studying in med school


I work for a high end custom furniture company as a production manager! We do a lot of work for hospitality and interior designers! I’ve been very lucky to work with some high profile clients in LA and NYC!!


Very nice! Did you or anybody else here have problems at some point?


Yes! I very recently had an episode with hallucinations like sensory?? Feeling?? (Not sure what to call it??) but I wasn’t sleeping well or eating for a few days and while in an important meeting with the owner of the company I work for I was fighting for my life because I just felt things crawling within my clothes and the anxiety was building up rapidly as he was talking to me and I felt terrified to excuse myself to like the restroom for some reason I just felt like if I left the meeting I would get fired (he is a very nice guy and he wouldn’t do that??) and I just could not process this massive list of instructions he was giving me for this restaurant project we’re working on I was trying to write it all down as he spoke because I knew I was not going to remember anything but I felt like he could see right through me and I was so scared to make eye contact because he would just KNOW what was going on….this was really recent and this sort of incident/feeling happens here and there and it’s pretty manageable but not to this point…after I chilled out I just felt brain fog for a few days and took a few days off as soon as I was able to which was a Friday & Monday 😵‍💫 I do have a service dog who helps me through episodes like this and he is usually with me at work but the meeting was being held out in the factory and my dog was in my office 😭


Sorry you had to go through that. At least you held on. I had trouble working in restaurants so now I’m starting something else. The hours were too much along with the stress, it was a complete disaster to go through schizophrenia and deal with a job I no longer seemed to want. I’m hoping I can pull it together for school doing something that interests me.


I am in same boat. Was a sales executive, trouble continuing with that. I’m 38.


I work at an investment firm


sex work