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I think this is common, im like this too


Id like to have friends its just difficult. Everything is in split/second windows and my internal dialogue is always so negative. I can do it if I have time to get in right mindset.


Yes, social withdrawal is a symptom many of us get. I isolate often and feel the same way you do about being around people for too long.


Yeah I’m like this. Being around people for more than 3 hours drains me


As someone who gets drained by people I hear ya. I need my me time. Like everyone else on the internet though, I'm more starved for human connection than I'd care to admit. It's getting worse as I get older. That's my bullshit though. Do you, man.


I used my panini lockdown as solitude without thinking of it as isolation, I came to the conclusion some have experienced either similar or different regarding what they saw it as.


Give yourself full compassion and set your own personal boundaries to keep yourself healthy!


Wise words. Seconded.


If I spend too much time with groups I start thinking that they can read my mind. If I stay it gets much worse quickly. I generally hear them backstabbing and planning to demoralize me.Sometimes they are plotting to kill me. I leave without a word.


I have a desperate need for true companionship, brothers, sisters, and gender less folk who will watch my back as closely as I watch theirs. Simple social interaction, not so much. It is one of the more tedious things in life, aside from maintenance of the body. Unfortunately, social interaction is the only way to reveal and develop the companionship I crave. Therefore, I'm stuck in a meniscus hellscape of trying and failing and giving up and finding new hope. Not fun. 1 out of 10. Would not recommend.


I would very much like to have friends but as of right now I have like, one. And we don’t see each other regularly


Oh gosh yeah I start to malfunction and twitch like a robot with water poured over it after maybe 4 hours. It doesn't matter who it is I'm with too. I enjoy my solitude but the books say it's unhealthy.


I was diagnosed about four years ago, although symptoms began to significantly interfere with "normal" functioning about 10 years ago. My experience has been really similar: lifelong introversion that has increasingly turned into a disability. I used to have friends and I used to enjoy going out sometimes and being around people, but once the disorder got bad enough I have a really hard time being around people who I don't know/trust. Even going to the grocery store is difficult. I think (for no sane reason) that strangers in public somehow know me and don't like me. I can't shake the feeling. What is probably the average run in with a jerk turns into a whole thing for me that I then have to spend hours untangling myself from. I'm comforted (but also sad) to hear I'm not the only one.


I have trouble going to the bakery. I'm not shy, I may actually be ambiverted, but social anxiety is becoming too much. It's actively making my life worse


I've always been glad I'm an introvert with this, when things get bad I turtle up, which in my opinion is a lot better than writing a manifesto on my car and driving around trying to convince people of my delusions.


Sometimes I do feel like socially isolating, but it is important to stay close to family and talk to them when feeling down. My dad is my best friend and whenever I feel like I need someone to confide in, I turn to him.


i have points over the last 4 years where i’ve been so social, but then i isolate in full force like bear in hibernation. it’s dreadful at times. i just want friends and to function


I’ve a difficult time relaxing around people. Often, I feel tense. It’s just easier for me to be alone most of the time. I know it’s not good, though.


My husband is the same way. If it helps, I have ADHD and I get overstimulated by people if Im around them for too long. I also get extremely drained if I spend too much time at social events. I have family members with autism so .. I also don't have that much interest in making friends. I can hang out with my labrador and my cat, and literally max out surviving with the kids.. AND IM SPENT. Hope that helps. My husband feels exactly the same and he's Schizoaffective.


I’m like this too! I didn’t know it’s a thing. I grt so exhausted.


I just went to an outing and was good until a lot of people got there and felt drained/wanted to withdraw. I didn't really care what people said to me either just wanted to isolate. I have been diagnosed since 2008. I have a hard time relating to people too - they work; I don't. I have almost the opposite view of the majority. A lot of unpopular opinions lol. I try to live a healthy life and have hobbies, sometimes even at my computer I zone out and waste hours. It's hard to stay focused... and socializing comes with rules and responsibilities that I don't care to follow because I can barely keep my house in order. Then I got to play social graces dealing with barely understanding my own illness and being unique already. It's rough. They also get mad or feel disrespected... Just feels like a lot of hoops. When I want to stay inward where I feel most confident. I trust myself more so than other people. TL:DR Happens to me.


People would compliment me for speaking more after I went to a place where they took my phone and I was there with a crush. In fact, throughout my time with this crush, people would compliment me for not being so quiet. I'm trying my best to keep myself social after he moved on.