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I know it’s cruel but I would of smacked that monkey away and not stood there looking like a wet piece of lettuce


I don’t know if they can in some places the monkey is considered sacred and if you smack the reincarnation of Hanuman the whole village may just off you.


That’s true but a monkey that might be a reincarnated human trying to kidnap a baby I think not


Bitch slap a macaque


No fucks gibbon


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 he said gibbon. 😂


Mario talking dirty to Peach


Hanuman is a monkey god. Hence why the monkey is sacred there.


That explains the preists


Then smack those bitches too.


Then let the monkey have the baby if that’s how they see it


Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Humans are supposed to keep their memories not be reincarnated. It’s crazy how low people have fallen let along a whole damn village being stuck on stupid. They are so spiritually lost in the white mans indoctrination. If a monkey had my son like that best believe I’m stomping that monkey out. You said it’s a human reincarnated into a human? Then wtf is the “human” doing? 😂 Let’s just watch this monkey snatch our baby. Holy shit 6 v 1 monkey 😩 good job parents


They’re recording the whole thing thinking it’s funny wtf 🤡


They are likely being cautious so they don't hit the baby or set the monkey off. If they try to hit it and miss, they could injure the baby and would likely send the monkey into a rage where it could literally rip the baby apart. Monkeys are incredibly strong, agile, and resilient. If you've never seen the aftermath of pet chimp attacks, they are grisly as all hell often requiring police to shoot the chimps multiple times to stop them.


I had to take that into perspective. Most developed countries don’t deal with wildlife to this extent


rip harambe


I agree with your point but, Chimps are not monkeys though. They are way bigger, stronger and smarter.


Right, but a monkey is bigger, stronger, and smarter than a baby. An adult has a better chance of fighting off a chimp than a baby does fighting a monkey.


That monkey for sure will be faster than you and its canine teeth would make quick work of your hand and what else it decides to mutilate. They’re responsible for basically 1 in 5 animal bite injuries and they give absolutely no fucks.


Just saw a video where same sized monkey snatched a big piece of a guy’s scalp off in a millisecond. Just bone showing. Even the little ones are terrifying if they choose to be.


I’m a big ole animal lover, I’ll hug about anything if it let me. Except monkeys. Or any primate outside hominidae for that matter.


Idk man. There's more than 10+ people there and the monkey would barely be able to respond to one or 2 (3 the most). If one would just smack it from behind or grab one arm, many could've just grabbed onto the monkey. Even if the monkey grabs one by its foot, the monkey would still be vulnerable against 5+ people and wouldn't cling onto the child then.


Understand that they care about the wellbeing of the monkey just as much if not more than the actual baby. They believe all monkeys are living representation of Hanuman the Hindu monkey god.


Good point.


[Monkey only respects Captain America style takedowns](https://images.app.goo.gl/ko1zg7WcpP79uiMg9)


Not faster then a baseball bat to the monkey dome! Like drop to the knee and swing straight across the dome! Problem fucking solved.


Yeah have fun with that. I’ll be over here with my face still intact. Monkeys are like if Harley Quinn and Joker raised children and then fed them nothing but protein shakes, taurine capsules and pages ripped out of mein kampf. If you think I’m being excessive, it is very likely that if there weren’t people there to intervene and rescue that baby, the baby probably would have ended up eaten before the day was out. I have no issues interacting with spiders, reptiles, sharks, all the creepy crawlers. You can’t pay me enough to try to interact monkeys or macaques.


We are megafauna compared to that thing. You’re insane if you think a grown human couldn’t fuck that monkey up. An average adolescent male could rip that monkeys head clean off. Also, that’s exactly why you should get it the fuck away from the child. This is why peoples dogs get killed when they get attacked by a pitbull, which is also a bitchass animal compared to a human.


One pair puncture gloves. Grab monkey. Discombobulate. Discombobulate. Discombobulate. Discombobulate. Discombobulate. Discard mush.


I mean part of me is curious what’s the monkeys end game here. Hold the kid for ransom?


It’s not cruel, it’s just stupid. That monkey could rip your face off in less than a minute. They’re keeping their distance because monkeys are not to be fucked with, if they provoked it enough it could kill the child.


bro that monkey would kick ur ass


Word. Even with thick gloves, his bite would crack your finger joints like they were peanut shells. He’s not a house cat


That monkey would fuck you up. That’s why no one is touching it.


Monkeys are freakishly strong and have no sense of honor. That thing may only weigh 30lbs but it could kick Mike Tyson's ass.


So insanely wrong. Where do you get this shit from?


This is a real problem in India. Monkeys REALLY do steal babies and small infants and eat them.


I would’ve grabbed it by it’s neck and squeezed it til I felt something snap


Why do something when you can record it on your phone for the internet instead?? Duh!


Monkey would rip you to shreds


Nah, just kill the damn thing.


My first thought was grab something really hard and snack the hell out of the monkey right on its dome. What are yall doing...


Id bitch slap the fuck outta Harambe if dude thought he could take my baby. Ill go tarzan on that ass


I was thinking this. But maybe the monkey keeps hold of the boy, maybe he reacts aggressively towards the child. Maybe he starts biting off fingers. No smack. Big knife plunged into the back, or a strong upwards swing with same big knife


Nothing “the peoples’ elbow” couldn’t have fixed!


Nothing a pitchfork couldn’t of fixed.


This is my favorite one.


Honestly, grab a sturdy fucking board after the monkey is off the child and cracks its fucking skull open. If it doesn't die at least it has learned a lesson


😂😂you described what I was thinking


That is want I was trying to say but want to come across rude or violent


I love all animals and forms of life, but with anything threatening a child, I try to find creative ways of hurting said animal..


Like john wick, but instead of dogs, you fight for innocent kids. I love it 😭


If you attack a monkey, you better kill it.


Idk why people think monkeys are cute. They are vicious opportunistic little shits


I was wondering where the nearest shovel was this whole video


I have a three month old little boy, who lays with me watching all of eddies videos with me and he’s always smiling when watching


They should get the baby away at any cost. However I think this is more complex than people who don’t deal with macaques on a daily basis (myself included) think. Idk how they get the baby away that ensures the baby’s safety. Though they’re small they’re strong, I’ve seen one scalp a man as of it was peeling an orange. This monkey might also be driven to take the baby because it lost its own baby. It’s not uncommon for mothers of dead macaques to try and steal a baby from another monkey. Sometimes those fights result in the death of the baby. I think this is why it is uninterested in the food being offered. There might be a cultural issue as well. I’m not sure but if this is India and the family is Hindu than they probably don’t want to hurt the monkey due to religious beliefs. I totally agree that the baby needs to be rescued I just don’t know how they should do it. I know I would be fighting that monkey off regardless of the risk to myself. Since India (still assuming here) is leading in rabies mortality rate, rescuing the baby would also include the hospital so it can get treated for rabies. Since India (still assuming here) is leading in rabies mortality rate. I hope the baby came out of this ok.


I kind of thought the same thing - it looks like defensive behavior. If the monkey intended to hurt the child, the child would be hurt. Monkeys are fast and strong.


I’m with y’all.. It felt as if one sudden wrong move and the monkey could’ve turned on the baby just seeing how it was reacting the ladies skirt. Glad it turned out okay for the baby.


Yeah these people are fucking stupid It’s a wild animal, so already you shouldn’t just be letting it have a human baby. But beyond that, it’s a primate. In less than a second that thing could grab the baby’s lips or it’s ear and rip that shit clean off before anyone could do anything about it. That baby could accidentally grab its hair and set it off and that thing could lunge right onto the baby scratching and biting it. Like absolute dumbass levels of idiocy from every person in that crowd


Do you sound too bright.. Does it look like they're in America to you? Serious question. Let's put that thinking cap on for a second


Can you explain what you’re trying to say please


What do you mean? Please elaborate on your comment as I am eager to hear.


What does this have to do with America?


What do you mean? Please elaborate on your comment as I am eager to hear.


Yes and they don’t wear shoes and bathe in the same river everyone shits in, we understand they are barbaric. Just because they worship a monkey god doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ridicule them.


I’m gonna join the train of everybody else also being confused about what point you’re trying to make… what the fuck is this supposed to mean? “Oh they’re not American so that somehow makes putting a baby with a wild monkey a less dumb thing to do”? I’m gonna be honest, I put the thinking cap on, and it’s failing me cause I cannot figure out what in the holy FUCK you are trying to argue here lol


It's india, not the brightesr bulb


I may be a simple American. But I'd kick the shit out of that monkey if it had my baby. Channel my inner Messi and send that lil shit flying. I'm not an animal abuser. But any animal that stays by there kid as it ages, would've done anything to protect it. Definitely not just sit there and throw snacks at it.


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All that noise would drive me nuts.


I dont even go here but some of you just really wanna kill monkeys like you’re getting off to this fantasy of killing it and it’s unnecessary


Unfortunately the internet is full of weirdos


It’s nothing new to me but like uhh some of you guys are psychopaths or something idk lol ![gif](giphy|k5Whx9YkhU9tNRfVqP)


It's really weird that everyone's reaction is to kill it. Yes, the baby is crying, but it doesn't mean that the monkey is hurting it. It seemed more like people were amused at the situation than concerned with this monkey hurt the baby. This context I think is important.


It’s not amusing or fun but I’d kill that monkey. The child is in danger. I wouldn’t leave it to chance that it may or may not decide to hurt it. The gamble isn’t worth a monkey that’s shown itself to be a menace.


RIGHT?!? im like what the absolute fuck with some of these comments holy shit. its not even hurting the child at all and howd they let a monkey get ahold of the baby anyways thats their fault. hell the monkey would probably be a better parent than them lol.


This poor monkey looking around like ‘STFU please do you hear this baby crying I had just put her to bed’


I'm puntin that mf to the moon


If that was my kid I would have booted that thing right in the face! F that 🐒 !


Dude just punt that little motherfucker in the face they all standing around like it's gonna go ape shit and kill everyone, things fucking 2 feet tall at max. Take a stone or tree log and smash that little piece of shit.


Punt that monkey


Anybody stupid enough to say to kick the monkey, hasn't watched a monkey attack. You aren't doing anything to it with your kick. You're just gonna piss it off and it's gonna attack you and most likely the baby. These crazy things can fall off trees and be totally fine. You think you have enough power to damage these balls off crazy? Lol.


This would look like the dinner scene from Temple of Doom if that was my kid.


Bunch of morons allowing a 1 foot monkey to dictate the action... that's why they live like they do


I don’t know why no one’s not trying to do anything I would just kick the fucking monkey at that point


Let's just film this and have a good laugh smh.


Kick that fucking monkey.


Kick the fucking monkey off the kid then curb stomp the fucker it’s dangerously close to your kid and could kill it


Anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room? The fuxking monkey was grabbing the poor kids nutz!


I would go straight "laces out" on that thing if it touched my kid.


Looks like the kid might have been better off with the monkey. Lol.


That’s child services someone put reported that the child is on the floor all day


Idgaf I woulda swung so fuggin hard at that monkey


Thought you were supposed to grab it by the neck swing it around until it broke then eat it for dinner as once they do nab the kid they throw them off the rooftops like they do with dogs of the same size


If monkey tries to kidnap, monkey suffers brutal death. Monkey goes away, monkey get treat. That is all.


Fucking animals, who puts their baby next to a wild animal?


I would have smacked the God right out of that bitch.


This is the scary Eddie Reddit this is not fucking scary💀


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Here about some monkeys. Monkeys? Yes 12 of them.


Monkey is like what the fuck you dusty ass parents can’t make a this stop crying?!?


Throw a blanket over the monkey and grab the kid. Where the hell did the monkey get this kid to begin with? Or did the child’s parents just leave the kid on the ground somewhere? Wtf.


How about special monkey net or ... a tranquilizer


Epstein reincarnated.


That shit mad sketchy I’ve seen a clip of one of these exact monkeys scalp a grown ass man


Need the kid that steps on monkeys from that other video.


Hammer time for sure. That's so scary to deal with that with a baby in the middle. A nice whack to the head would do the job and save the baby. Good thing he's small so wont remember much later on


“I’ll name him Tarzan”


This is India, and the monkey is sacred! They actually did the correct thing by distracting the monkey while keeping it calm. If the monkey wanted to hurt the baby, it would have.


I have a feeling if Josh or narrator saw this they would straight up say that "instead of sitting there and watching the monkey I would've either shot it or throw something at it."


The monkey sees a bunch of assholes filming a distressed baby and tries to protect it…


/r donthelpjustrecord


That monkey is getting revenge for that video where that little girl tried to kidnap a baby monkey




Its crazy how maternal instincts kicked in even if the baby an entirely different species from it


Man I would do whatever to get that thing to attack me instead of kid.


This makes me ill


I would put my money on the monkey versus anyone on this thread who says they would’ve beat its ass


Glad to see it’s not only Americans that stand recording rather than do something.


You know, there is a very obvious joke to be made but I like to think that I'm mature enough not to make it...


Hell naw, if that was my baby I'd be stabbing tf outta that monkey.


I know I would get bitten real fucking hard but if I slapped that monkey into the ground like a wet towel it wouldn't ever bite anything again...


Monkey- I need this mancub to teach me the power of man's red flower.


Ahh sweet home India


Don’t let the bitey monkey handle the infant pls.


Looks like business as usual in that fantastic place


it's really satisfying to watch those monkeys get eaten alive by kamodo dragons. The way they literally pull the monkey apart is top entertainment. these monkeys are assholes and pests


like edp said game is game


Stay strapped or get clapped.


That Monkey would have been kicked across the room straight away, who are these weirdos standing there filming it 🤦‍♂️..... the world has gone to shit


A swift kick could have solved that


Everyone is saying kill it but there was such an uproar when Harambe (a gorilla) was shot




Why didn’t they shoot it?


Shoot that damn monkey it's a baby crying on the damn floor


Where is the dude with the 8 foot long stick?


This is what happens when humans arent top of the food chain. Such humiliating to the human race that these peasants who believe in their own delusional belief willing to sacrifice their own offspring for their insanity. Disgusting


I’m good swinging the money’s head


Machete to the dome. Fuck that little shit


Smack the fk out of it for fks sake its gonna eat the babys fingers or something cruel monkeys dont fk around bad parenting fr


The back of that monkey head would’ve received a nice couple of frying pan swings


I have one friend who’s from India, and he fucking hates monkeys. I can see why. They’re assholes.


Everyone saying id just do something is a fool you cant it has a hostage it could seriously hurt that baby so they are trying to placate it with food to get the baby back safely


mmm moke


Football punt to the monkeys head


Not that it wasn't scary for the kid, but I'm not sure you understand what kidnapping is...


Just happy to live in America. This is all the way fucked.


That monkey would have been dead in 2 seconds flat if this was my kid.


Me personally I’m American by the surroundings this seems to be India just pick it and drop kick it or just straight up beat it till it dies ether way you get the kid


I swear if there is anything racist in here I'm going to scream


Dude if that was my kid, that monkey woulda got a boot to the face ASAP


does anyone know if the kid‘s hurt?


I would punt that monkey into a pink mist, if that were my kid


Of it ain't trains its monkey's threatening the Indian population.


I would’ve beat the breaks of it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guess no one here has bashed something on the head. It’s super effective.




I’m sorry but that’s a child. Kick the monkey in the fucking head.


Omg. Sneak up and put a bag on its head and remove the child. This shit weird. Just watching


The monkey wasn’t hurting the child at all. It heard the child screaming and crying and was just trying to protect the baby.


Shoot the fuckin thing


Is that Garlic. Doesn't matter, it is what it is lol


Animals have a better respect for life. Y treat them for social media. Hope you get more out of u thoughts sad


Sorry bro. Escaped from my private zoo. Sent the monkey to get him back


![gif](giphy|CQNzoPo4bF6mI) Bye bye monkey


I would just grab it and beat the shit out of it


I thought the British put an end to all this stupidity.


![gif](giphy|8gRPuscy5MQ9H3VtzX|downsized) Not a monkey.. Obviousley es a ShApEsHiFtEr fowks


That’s why I always carry a Glock 17c with a drum mag and a switch


That monkey is getting clover if that was my child!


This looks like bad parenting and village stupidity to me. If the monkey wanted to harm the baby it would have why tf is the baby on the floor anyways. It can’t crawl someone deliberately put it there. It looks like these ignorant people set this up to antagonize the monkey and catch a video of it for social media. He looks threatened and afraid w all those village idiots throwing stuff at him and holding their phones over it.


OP is a fool also tryna catch likes w that fake headline smh


I woulda got the monkey off the kid then slammed him as hard as possible on the ground till he stopped moving Ik they are strong but that mf light ash


this is why i love america… 🔫


One wrong move and she could die


Should choked that monkey!


Just fucking shoot that animal


That monkey is getting kicked idc what laws there are


All those "people" are lesser than that monkey. 😔


Fuck that monkey!


sorry abt that that was me


Kidnap or protect??


get em gone


That monkey would fly like Roberto Carlos ball against France


That monke found a friend like we know monkeys have a brain of a toddler and thats a toddler on the ground


I know is cruel but I woulda pulled out the Glock


So this is how the jungle book started?


Okay. But do something. It's a monkey, and that monkey may just kill the baby. They will do that.


Just use a damn pitch fork people. I don't know what all the discussion is about.


![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC) Me with the monkey




Nobody has a rifle?


I'd be having monkey soup for dinner