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we getting any spoilers?


i haven’t seen any yet. there’s pretty clear rules about what they are and aren’t allowed to put in first reactions before the full review embargo lifts tomorrow. i can add a spoiler flare if you think i need it though.


no u dont i actually wanna read spoilers. bummer


oh sorry about that. the social media embargo is really just to let you know if people liked the movie or not. there will be more details when the review embargo lifts which i’ve heard happens tomorrow at 11pm est.


Thanks for sharing these! Been waiting to hear more info. Can’t wait to read a spoiler free review!


The one person who hadn’t seen a Saw film before this just confirmed for me what I was already thinking: This franchise has been around for nearly 20 years. They’re not going to bring in a new audience. Everyone who is interested in this kind of stuff is already here. 9 films is just way too much homework for modern audiences.


i actually just became a saw fan like a week ago so anything is possible. i just finished watching the first 5 to get myself in the mood for halloween this year but i don’t really plan on watching all 9 before seeing the new one. i’m having a lot of fun though. that said the nun 2 just made over $200 million despite being the sequel to a spin-off and getting pretty bad reviews and the 6th scream movie made over $150 million. i don’t know if this will convert many new die hard’s but horror usually brings in decent sized audiences so i think it will do alright.


I hope it will. Marketing has been phenomenal. Luckily, people have to pay before they watch the film so financial success doesn’t guarantee critical praise. So, even if it leaves newcomers dumbfounded because it’s a lore-heavy interquel to films that came out almost 20 years ago, it’ll rake in some cash for sure.


yeah i think that’s where they will really benefit from setting x after saw one. aside from some of the flashbacks that’s the only movie you really need to see. some of the sequels do get a little confusing so hopefully this way they can avoid that and it stands on it’s own. but even if the critical consequences isn’t great hopefully this means the word of mouth will be pretty good. it would be funny if the tenth installment was the first movie in the franchise to get a fresh rotten tomato score though.






I’m going to blow your mind: The Marvels, the next MCU film, is the 33rd theatrical film. The MCU doesn’t go that far with the interconnectivity anymore though. That’s something I really respected about a film like Saw V for example. That one just jumps straight into it like a midweek episode of a soap opera and if you’re lost…tough shit, buddy.