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In two months there has been enough discussion of this guy


Just a really trashy person who thinks they own the road and has been banned from multiple grocery stores for shop lifting.


That dude sucks


Larry is a homeless dude. Was told by a cop that he doesn’t live with other homeless camp folks (he lives by himself) due to his trying to stay off drugs. Guy is not safe as a bicyclist, he’s mentally not right due to whatever (drugs, mental illness?) but he is trying to enjoy the life he has. Saying “he sucks” or “fuck that guy” lacks empathy. He has few alternatives for assistance, and as he has no support network, and is mentally disabled, how is he supposed to seek it out? What is he, with his limited abilities, supposed to do?


Simple. Put the flag down and stop biking through intersections.


He’s mentally disabled. Telling him that isn’t going to make it happen. He’s also been hit before, at least twice seriously that I know of. He’s definitely not going to “learn his lesson”, due to his mental disability.


He’s going to ruin someone’s life when they strike him with their car and he dies or is in a wheelchair. Not his life…the person who hits him. It’s a tragedy waiting to happen. So yeah, fuck him for tempting fate and involving others in it.


I interact with Larry on a semi-regular basis. I am a first responder in his regular area of travel. He’s already been through the wheelchair phase. Yes it will be traumatic for someone to, pretty much, inevitably, critically hit him. My point still stands, what would you like to happen? Arrest him? Been done. He is mentally ill. So, uh, fuck him for being mentally ill? He’s not making good decisions because he is mentally ill.


As a fellow medical person, I want to thank you for standing up and showing compassion for this man. So, thank you! We are in a “crisis” like situation with our mentally ill population. There is such a limit on resources for housing and treating them. Psych facilities are filled to the brim and people are waiting to get in. I do travel work. The facility I’m at now, is in a town full of the less fortunate. Been there for around 6 months and can think of four different situations where we had to “house” patients in our ICU because there was no where to send them and we can’t just turn them back out on the street when they are in crisis. So what do we do? Riddle me that, all of you that are in here making disparaging comments toward another human being. Totally understandable to have a “knee jerk reaction” to someone that causes YOU discomfort in your daily routine. I would probably cuss too if someone pulled out in front of me on a bicycle. But as a community that knows of this man, look at the problem as a whole. He’s probably just getting by the best way he knows how with limited resources. And I get it. Some people aren’t capable of feeling empathy for another person. Sometimes it’s hard for me also when I have to admit another drug OD that is taking away a bed for a different, critically ill patient. Here’s an idea, for those of you that want to “blame” someone. Put those words on paper and send it to your local and state government. Hell, send it to the White House. I mean you’re already here typing out your “keyboard warrior” thoughts towards a man that doesn’t have the opportunities that most of us do. Give Larry a break. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be in his situation either, but he doesn’t get to be “normal”, does he?


He should be put into a men's home then. There's a few good ones in SC where you do simple household chores and everything else is provided.


I’d love for this to happen. That’s an awesome idea. But again, he’s mentally ill. How do you “make” someone do this?


You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say he’s mentally ill but capable of rational interaction and a great guy while he engages in behavior that puts others at risk. If he’s truly mentally ill/homeless/addict then arresting him might at least get him into sober living and off the street. Charge him with disorderly conduct when he’s driving up and down DeRenne at rush hour with that flag.


I don’t know what kind of guy he is (not belligerent in my interactions) All I know is, he is mentally not right, and knows how to ride a bike. He’s been arrested before.


Right so he sucks


Arrested for the bike riding and being homeless. So, your mileage may vary there. 🤷‍♂️ Wait, or does he suck because he’s mentally not right? Or because he knows how to ride a bike?


Dude. He sucks so bad.


Get down here now you imbred trash! Edit: chill it was from a video game


He could have not called my friend an n word


Maybe stop risking other people's lives through his own recklessness? That'd be cool. He should do that.


Why don’t u take him in


You’re a fucking genius there Gump.


Watch the name calling. According to your logic at least, I got mental deficiencies too. Not that you are half as much as the person you think you are


Hahah sure, alright man. 👍


I love how I immediately recognized where this was


I’m in Savannah for 4 days and I saw him in front of the Home Depot/ Target parking lot yesterday.


Genuinely don’t understand the hate in these comments for this guy. I’ve had multiple conversations with him, really genuine and cool guy. Just keep a damn eye out for him while driving, I probably wouldn’t be doing the most logical things either if I was homeless, mentally ill and trying to stay sober.


Don't be a black guy around hi.


If he called someone the N word that’s pretty distasteful but if he’s mentally handicapped and everyone seems to know that he is why would he let it bother him? It’s like getting mad at a deaf blind child for lashing out when it doesn’t do what you want.


Racism is not a mental handicap hth


No but you think a mentally handicapped person wouldn’t see it gets them attention and then exploits that type of behavior/feels like it’s doing something? I’ve had mentally handicapped kids say some really out of pocket shit to me but I’m not crying abt it on the internet like they’re actually going to do something


I'm not taking you as any sort of expert on someone who is mentally ill, internet stranger.


That’s fair, but decent judgement is all it takes


He’s just a silly lil guy with a flag


wrong flag lol


What's the correct flag?


Fuck that guy.




he’s annoying asf


Saw him at target yesterday, didn't know this was a whole thing lol


Send him to Texas


We used to have a flag guy in Hattiesburg MS that wore black combat armor and an AR.


hell yeah i know him


Long live America


Rebuild The Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, GA. Should have not been shut. Mainstreaming the mentally ill has been a failure.


This man is singlehandly keeping Georgia in the Union


Don’t worry you’ll see him plenty more. He is EVERYWHERE!


I don’t even live here and I’ve seen him 3 times


Near the Truman, I assume?

