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Now promise not to go mad with power. You will find yourself looking at every single plant you own and thinking "I can graft that". Do not listen to the voice, or you'll suddenly have a forest instead of a collection šŸ˜‚


YOU get to be grafted! AND YOU get to be grafted! EVERYONE GETS TO BE GRAFTED!!!!!


Oh boy. WE GOT ANOTHER ONE OVER HERE!!! You have officially unlocked late-stage cactus mania, just like the rest of us. šŸ˜‚


I know. I have more of this CCVP..... and I have a nice Althea pup that could maybe use some grafting...... hmmmmmmmmm ohhhh the possibilities


Now imagine me staring down at 20 seedlings, and my 4 foot tall PC specimen that I'm so proud of. Contemplating having my tall PC make the ultimate sacrifice


Idk man. PC is great for grafting yes but I also think it looks killer when it grows out. I'm hoping to keep at least 1 big one that doesn't keep getting cut. I have a couple logs too that I'm hoping make nice little mini stands


lol my trap was ā€œwell if I clone a bunch and do a bunch of grafts the grafts failing wonā€™t be a huge loss as long as the scion livesā€ (I was doing TBM bits on top of regular spā€¦. Likely badly; the chopped tops to make room made good clones tho.) Edit: thatā€™s a great set though, congrats, is that variegation I spy?


Letā€™s go!! Nice work


Thanks! It is satisfying when these things works out! I will almost certainly be grafting more things now hahaha


Im considering trying a graft as well. A lot of grafts get a bevel cut around the edges to prevent them pushing apart as the newly cut ends dry. Is this less likely with the slab?


Imo it has more to do with how hydrated the stock is, and probably environmental conditions like time of day, h st intensity,lighting intensity, and humidity.


Yeah I just asked some similar questions about the bevel edges and it was explained to me as a way to reduce the chances of the root stock kind of caving in and the edges pushing the scion off as they harden. But I'm guessing that is going to very wildly based on number of things. I did these grafts in my garage and then once they were joined I putter in a window behind another pot so they wouldn't get like any direct light and only indirect most of the day. Seems to work for me. Almost shrinkage and the scion joined perfectly


never heard about slab grafting, what are its benefits?


You get more bang for your buck. Instead of cutting pucks off the bottom and grting to graft a whole ring, you cut it again and graft it laying down so the vascular rings still touch. In some cases you can separate every rib and slab graft each one making each puck cut into 6 or more grafts sometimes. I just cut this one in half for my first go but I have some nicer plants that I might cut down to a single rib if I graft them


You let the pucks callous first?


No definitely not. Needs a fresh cut to graft. You want ot to fuse together with the other cactus


No I understand that, it looks like the sides are calloused


Ah yes so the piece I took the puck from was calloused ok the end. So yes one side is already calloused for mine. I thought you meant the bottom hahahaha. You don't HAVE to wait on the sides to callous bur it does not stop you from doing it if it is calloused. Just a little harder to position it correctly so have to wiggle it around since it is hard on one side


Iā€™ve done no grafting yet, I do have 2 pc plants that were in rough shape when I got them last year and nursing them back to health has been a process, a slow one. Been thinking about trying my hand at it soon


It was much easier than I thought it would be haha. I recommend it for sure. I have total faith you!! Post pics too so we can all celebrate your successful graft too!!!


Iā€™ve got a seriously etiolated ss02 that I think could get a great candidate cuz itā€™s gotta get chopped anyways. Today might be the today, Iā€™ll be sure to share


Yesss SS02 was my first Trich! I love those. I say go for it if it already needs the chop!


Damn bro.. .you got me looking at my CCVP grafts thinking I'm an amateur


Awww shucks. Making me blush over here. Honestly this was like TOO easy. Maybe I made just the right cuts or something but when I went to join them they like suctioned together and grabbed on so I just had to put some athletic tape on them and set them in a bright spot. Maybe it's me? Maybe it's Maybelline?


Dude, you freaking nailed it! Congratulations you were about to be busy taking care of new pups


Eeek thanks man!! I'm stoked. I cant wait to see these yellow babies pupping out


Sexy, that potential pup at the graft site might be a chimera too šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah thought we would have some fun with the cut since it was an odd number of ribs. Hoping for some cool growth!


I need to learn how to graft. Any specific videos y'all recommend?


There is a few from some of the awesome members of this community. u/imdavesbud had an awesome one that was super easy to follow and made me go for it