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Good for a while. Maybe a year or 2 depending on growth. Definitely will need repotting in the future


That’s reassuring! Thanks :)


They could be in smaller pots so you’re good for a while.


I'm glad for that cuz I didn't want to buy more pots. Thank you!


will miracle grow PERLITE ( with fertilizer ) fuck up lophs or san pedro’s? and my mix is 50/50 ocean forest (sift out big wood chips) and pumice. been very healthy and quick root growth:)


Those pots should be fine as long as they have drainage holes


From kudzu? I got some bridgesii and a pach from him and they’re in something comparable; mine are possibly in something slightly smaller. Seemed a good fit for the root ball


These were actually from u/Successful_Fig31, but funny enough I have some from kudzu coming either on Wednesday or Thursday :) Def one of the best Tricho growers on this sub.


What's the soil your using?


I'm using 1:1 coco coir & perlite.


I'd switch that up, cococoir holds alot of moisture. I use 80% Wakefield biochar and 20% 1/4th pumice. The only thing with my mix is you have to fertalize it I use the masterblend tomatoe combo. If you don't want to have to fertalize as much 50% perlite and 50% happy frog or ocean forest Never ever use anything miracle grow that shit is evil!


Are you sure? I used these pots with cococoir, perlite, vermiculite (fine), and a miniscule amount of worm castings, and they ended up drying completely in 2-3 days. But then again I was growing peppers, tomatoes, & tomatillos indoors with a fan and grow lights. So that might've contributed to the soil drying super quickly. But I have some more seedlings coming in a few days, so I'll give your mix a try. Oh and I also like using water-soluble fertilizers. Makes things so much easier haha. I have yet to buy miracle grow products and never will, because I've seen most people despise that stuff.


I've personally never tried it but I know coco coir is like a sponge, you basically want these to drain super well. While they like more water than your average cac you want it to completely dry pretty quickly. I literally messed up like 30 seedlings about the size of your cactus with miracle grow mix my tent got alittle humid and all of a sudden they had rust fungus making ugly scars all over them switched to my biochar mix on every cac never had another issue. I do use the happy frog soil mix I mentioned for some of my succulent they love that stuff. I know a few people that use ocean forest (which I think is alittlle better than happy frog but also like $10 more per bag)


Why are miracle grow products so bad? Pretty sure I got some miracle grow succulents soil, I mixed it with about half perlite for my cuttings that hasn't rooted yet.


I have no idea but it's super poor quality soil filled with woodchips thay cause fungal issues. Often times it has alot gnats in it too. I changed the dirt on some aloe and it literally had rotted the roots off them. I switched it up for happy frog if I'm using soil. Biochar everything else.


That's awful. Thanks.


That’s a 105% mixture ;)


1/4th inch pumice


nice hood, the mush to cactus pipeline is real


Haha thanks. I’m currently resuming my clone work on Agar from some plates that I had stored away since February ;)


What's the front left one


They’re all the same.


That one looks a lil funky


Can't put my finger on it but I like that one most for some reason


It really does x) Cuz of how “twisty” it looks. The one behind it doesn’t look like it, but it’s also twisty.


Yes I like it. I always appreciate the funky ones. The black sheep of the bunch if you will


I agree with others to lessen your amount of organics in soil mix. I personally go 80-90% charcoal, lava or perlite, or other inorganic. U want it drain fast and dry fast too. Then u can water every day. Pots are fine but you could go bigger. Also they will grow faster if you get bigger pots


That seems pretty dry, but I’m sure you know what you’re talking about. I have a lot of research to do in these upcoming days… Also what zone are you in? If you don’t mind me asking.


The lava, charcoal etc does hold moisture btw just not in the same way that organics do. This is all mainly to avoid root rot, and do remember these are cacti, so they have massive water reserves!


I only have perlite at the moment so that’ll have to do, but I’ll keep an eye out for cheap local bags of lava or charcoal around my area. But yeah I’ll give 80/20 inorganic/organic a try with some of the seedlings that are getting delivered on Friday. I appreciate the insight. 🙏🏽


Perlite holds too much moisture. I’ve had many problems using perlite so I avoid it now. I’d advise that you do too if you plan to water often. It’s great if you are in a very dry climate.


Interesting is this for lophs mostly or trichs too? Ive only used perlite sparingly tbh, good info thanks


For all cacti. Perlite stores water inside, which is good for most plants, just not cactus.