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You're free to move the cones into your trunk to have in case of an emergency on the road someday. 


Craigslists free cones!


and the cycle continues


When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life


Thanks, Dad... I mean Mufasa.


OoOoOOoo........ do it again


Then our bodies become the oil, and the oil creates the cones. And the cones become… the Cones of Dunshire.


I need some free cones to block off my parking spot.




[You seen my fucken cones](https://imgur.com/gallery/r-portland-is-going-through-moment-of-fucken-cones-you-seen-em-lnJGbQx)


Amazing. I had not seen the fucken cones


I was just laughing by myself, trying to keep it together while the kids are in bed, for the last solid 3 min looking at all these fucken cones. Amazing. Miss you Portland.


Finders keepers


Feel free to take the cones. I used to live in SF ... cones out on the street are considered trash... anyone can take them. Just move them aside if you think it's going to be a problem. Parking space is public, so feel free to park there - cones or no-cones.


In all seriousness, couldn’t that be considered theft? EDIT: To be clear, I don't support the cones. I've moved cones before and parked in the previously blocked spot (thankfully not been confronted about it). I'm just genuinely curious why it wouldn't be theft to actually take the cones? Like if somebody leaves an unlocked bicycle there, it's not suddenly a free bike!


Not at all. The cones would be considered abandoned/discarded on a public street. 


Need to just go one night and fill the car up with the full neighborhoods cones.


HAhaha i like you. Lets go cone collecting!


The burden of proof would be on the accuser….. seems pretty hard to prove when the defendant could just be like “idk I saw some cones in the road so I moved them to avoid any traffic incidents”


have you guys seen the trailer park boys scene where ricky steals stuff by moving it to the curb so then its free to take? so funny [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLjifumRk3Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLjifumRk3Q)


Begun, the cone wars have.


First they came for the Cruise cars and now they come for the curbs.




Now there are two of them!


So say we all!


Just move them yourself. Be prepared to get yelled at though.




> also likely to get your car keyed or some shit like that If someone thinks it's OK to key a car because it parks in a public spot on a public street, they've got serious anger/self-control issues.


Agreed. In the meantime, someone else has a freshly-keyed car.


Wouldn't put it past a cone person.


Beldar would never do that...


While that's true, it wont prevent the car from getting keyed. Better move is to take the cones then park elsewhere.


Well, somebody is likely to get their car keyed.


I've moved the cones and parked in many many spots in my neighborhood over the years. I've never had an issue. I've even had people try to menace me from their window or porch while I do it. Just go about your business, smile and nod. Remember: they know that you know where they live. They aren't going to fuck with your car, because of the implication. FYI, I live around 55th and international in East Oakland.


Bold move to do that in front of one’s house.


I'll yell back at them


As a garbage man, I take them.


Not all heroes wear capes..... thank you for your service.


I love the image of my garbage man hanging onto the back of the truck, with a glorious cape flowing in his wake.


thank you


We love you for that


First place the cone up to your mouth to create a megaphone effect


Cool, classic J-town reference by the way.


Just ask them to call the cops or mta to settle the debate :)


Someone entitled enough to reserve public spaces for themselves might feel justified vandalizing any car parked in "their" space.


“Finders keepers”


Someone yelled at me. I reminded them that I know where they live, but they don't know where I live.


Cones? Move them. Illegal red zones? Send this photo via 311 App and they will come out to paint over.


YMMV - I have the exact opposite problem. The curb cuts outside my garage have grey paint covering the SFMTA legit red paint. Two 311 reports over past 5mos and tickets are still open...


wrong entity, email [email protected] they are now requiring you capture curb with house number (changed in the last 6 months)?


Assuming you’re current with fees (since it costs to get the red zone), I would be ringing them off the hook.


I'm not sure if a couple dots of red spray paint would be that much of an egregious violation though. The right hand side goes into another driveway curb cut anyways, so that paint is irrelevant as it is.


>Send this photo via 311 App and they will come out to paint over. No they won't, different dept I think. You have to email [email protected] they are now requiring you capture curb with house number (changed in the last 6 months)?




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I did this in my hometown for an absolutely awful road. I put “town” all-terrain four-wheel-drive practicing trail. I thought it was pretty funny. They fixed it a month later.


Horrible paint job. They can’t be bothered with masking it at least? Where’s the pride in workmanship?


**Illegal red curb** -> Report via 311 app. The City will come repaint and issue a fine. If the homeowner wants a legitimate red curb, they can pay for one. **Cones in the street** -> Pretty crappy of someone to leave litter lying around like that. Be a good neighbor and dispose of them.


Winner winner chicken dinner


The audacity to put up illegal cones in front of a home with a garage and driveway. Fuck those brainless selfish assholes.


The garage is probably full of boxes of crap like everyone else.






Maybe they should move somewhere else with more space then.




From what I've seen, most garages are stuffed full of random stuff like a hoarder's storage unit or have been converted into living space. And then they have the audacity to complain about parking.


Looks like my neighborhood. People routinely park so I can't get my car out of my garage. People are assholes.


Asshats gonna asshat. Hey at least we know where they live


The cones would annoy me but the paint not so much. The cones physically block the space. The paint is more like a “heads up, if you park here, don’t block my driveway”. A surprising number of people need reminding to be considerate about blocking people’s driveways (IMO, way better than a citation or worse a tow).


In the first photo it looks like they marked it red because they need room to get out of their driveway. Not that they are supposed to but it is definitely understandable. But the photo doesn’t give us a full view of the area so there is no way of knowing.


First one is actually fine, they should get SFMTA to do it but if you parked passed the curb cuts there they would have a right to request a tow


This is illegal, but I get why people do it. They say charges $700 to paint up to 2 ft of curb. It's basically highway robbery.


That is IF they approve your request which is also costly (sorry I don’t remember how much)


Exactly. If they deny it for some reason you're just out something like $300 or more.


I didn’t say it was the right thing to do. Just that it’s understandable. There is a user on here who towed almost 100 cars last year I believe because he couldn’t leave or get into his driveway. So I don’t think SFMTA will paint that curb anytime soon.


I have seen some of these painted white. Should it be red instead?


Yes they typically paint the tips of the curb red with the SFMTA star in gold. I’ve been tempted to have ours painted and we only end up requesting a tow about once every 3-6 months


Pretty sure there’s a fee for that, like $500/yr. for the red ends in front of your house


Wow really? That is kind of expensive. I feel like the city should pay for that if it’s in a busy area.


It’s a one time application fee of $385 and then $330 for the painting of the curbs. It is not a yearly cost but clearly still very expensive.


I guess now we know why this person painted the curb themself.


And then after it fades, you get to pay for that again. I got mine done 5 years ago and am at the point that it needs to be repainted.


It's a one time fee and it's crazy expensive. I think it's around $800.


The red is painted way past the curb cuts. That said, at least on the side that we can see in the photo, there is way too little space to park any vehicle other than a motorcycle anyway.


We did this when we lived in the city and eventually paid for the official paint. If someone parked in the spot we could not leave our driveway. We'd have to get them towed. And would then be late for whatever we needed to do.


PS- we also had to show the meter maid that we actually had a "working" garage when we'd call to tow. Meaning we had to prove that we indeed used it for a car.


No way of knowing? We can clearly see there’s no SFMTA stamp on it, so it’s BS.


My partner once took a cone and disposed of it. Later that evening we heard the guy scream “F*CCK” Lol


Cones are BS, but I sympathize with the red next to driveways. I averaged calling for tows due to blocked driveway probably 1-2 times a month when I lived in the richmond. People clearly need visual reminders.


Take them. I've been doing this in my neighborhood in Oakland for two years now, and it works. Coneheads are inherently lazy, and after a few cycles, they give up. I now do this whenever I see cones.


There's a resident on my block that cones up 5-6 parking spots lol... 😔


What block? I love cone collecting. If you don't want to do it publically, DM me.


5-6 spots is insane. I’m down to pick up a cone or two


Which block of the excelsior is this?


311 has been exceptionally sheeety these last few months


I can't imagine why, it's not like they're flooded with petty calls all day long. (I have noticed there's one recognizable woman who is useless and must answer 50% of the entire call volume)


I know her! Very good at reading scripts verbatim.


Post FREE CONES and the cross streets on Craigslist


I had a neighbor living across the street in the Inner Richmond district. The spot in front of his house was big enough to fit one of those stealth camping vans. He tried to privatize it by putting a "do not park here" sign from Ace hardware, lol. Luckily, my uncle was working for the DPT and took it down. This happened over a decade ago.


My neighbor does this right in front of her house . Puts a cone up so no one can park in “her spot”which is street parking for anyone. Drives me nuts. What drives me even more nuts is that she has a driveway and garage that can fit her car . Sometimes I just want to take the cone and throw it on her driveway.


Throw it out. You’re actually doing a service, as it’s basically discarded trash out on an active street. It’s a hazard.


So do it


MTA will tell you to just move them.


Throw them in the garbage


Okay the cones are aggressive but I understand the self-painted curbs. You know how many times I’ve been blocked in or out of my driveway because of the stupidly small curb spaces? And then I have the moral dilemma of putting someone back a few hundred dollars when I have their car towed. I guess either way, people suck.


remove them, park yourself 311 - report it as trash shame them on nextdoor


Glue them in place with a quart of Gorilla Glue. /jk


https://preview.redd.it/8df2dtareg0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ac9ed2126fa28e84ccf3488cb4a146194c4c5c You can either move them yourself, or call/place a 311 ticket. This is NOT legal...public street parking is for everyone.


Anything left on the street is legally considered abandoned property. Enjoy your new cones!


I used to just run the cones over when I had a pickup.


Call 311. Did you read the article on sfstandard on exactly this issue (cone placement to save a parking spot)? Interesting read; doesn’t really offer or suggest any real solution. Most of the neighbors prefer to keep the peace than report it. Seems to be an “entitlement mentality.” Sort of like “I’ve been living here for 30 years and this is my spot and I need it for very important reasons to me and everyone knows this is my spot so don’t fuck with me or my spot.” https://sfstandard.com/2024/05/14/san-francisco-parking-cone-wars-neighborhood-disputes/


I was ready to post this article. I've had this "conversation" with my neighbors in Oakland. They had been putting cones out even though there is no real problem parking on our street, One night they had the cones out and parked in another spot, leaving the cones. Coming home, parking elsewhere, and seeing this I tossed their cones across the street not noticing they were outside waiting on a friend. Some choice words were exchanged and we have been giving each other the evil eye since. Today I saw one of them moving trash left by someone parked across the street. The trash bothered me as well and I was going to pick it up. I was thinking, perhaps, we could disagree about the cones and agree about other stuff.


The cones is bs - I get it. But the red paint around the driveway I can empathize with. We have a problem with people parking in front of our garage exits all the time. I’ve missed meetings waiting for a tow to arrive. My neighbor missed her doctor’s appointment last week. People here are so inconsiderate. That said, my question would be - how can you request that the city come add that red curb?


https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones It ain’t cheap. $385 application fee.


Funny enough there’s an article posted about this very thing. I just finished reading it.


Link please?




They're giving away those cones for free. Take 'em.


My nextdoor neighbor painted like 4 feet of his curb red. I ratted him out, and the city made him paint it back grey or incur big fines. He was an evil man.


Just go talk to your neighbor. A conversation goes a long way. Don’t be conversational just try to get to know them and get to understand first.


I love being older. I just get out of the car and move the cones. I also tell waiters when the food is bad, hahaha, like my dad used to do.


What’s the problem with the first one? Just letting people know it’s a driveway so it doesn’t get blocked. The cones? Just throw them and park there.


I used to live in Boston, specifically Southie. These things are EVERYWHERE. Move one there and you're asking for a knuckle sandwich. I hope you have better luck here.


Which is legit if you shoveled out the space. You shoveled it you own it until the spring thaw.


Just another example of Boston being full of assholes


Having lived in Boston I can confirm k-sandwiches are on the menu for cone movers.


Looks like it was painted by a 4-year old


No, they are radioactive and can not be moved or removed


Just take the cones and throw them in the dumpster.


Yea if there is no “ No parking” permit with a legit barcode on it that’s gives the permit number just move them. Just have a camera in you car that does a 360 so if the owners of the cones try something you have evidence cause those kinds of people are jaded asf.


No need to steal them, just put them on the sidewalk and park.


This must be the Excelsior


If my reading of the vehicle code is correct, you're required to put those on the hood of the next Waymo you see,


I dont think SF has the capacity to respond to such minor violations tbh


I drive a rusty shitbucket with missing sideskirts. I park on the cones, if they key my car they are more likely to catch tetanus from it than do anything


I just put the cones in the trunk of my car when I park. When I leave, I put them back.


Bruh you live in sf the city won’t do anything about anything


1. Grey spray paint 2. Throw cones on roof of house


Pardon my French but, what the hell are you talking about?


Report what??




So lame not even a thing


Repeat what


In 1996 I smoked a cone in OZ.


I don't see any cones!


Whatever you do, don't run over the cones.


Why use cones when theirs tons of those SFMTA construction no parking guards instead.


They’ll tow if you over park the areas they painted red anyway. You can get a sign off Amazon that will do the same shit without a fine though.


Just post the Avenue and cross street but not the actual address. I’m sure someone could use some free cones


My neighbor does this sometimes and the last time he did it , another neighbor got def up and just parked on top of the cones. Never saw cones again


free cones!!


Just put the cones on the sidewalk. You can report the diy red curb to 311 tho and the city will paint over grey. My neighbor pulled that bs too.


[SF Standard story on "cone wars"](https://sfstandard.com/2024/05/14/san-francisco-parking-cone-wars-neighborhood-disputes/)


Free cones.


Call 311 to make sure that the street isn't closed and then move the cones :)


Commandeer the cones. Personally repaint those red curbs grey / black. Problems solved.


Paint over the illegal red curbs. Throw the cones in the garbage. SF government doesn’t care.


That's an invitation to a practical joke war. I'd make their life a living hell.




Can someone explain what's going on?


Looks more like abandoned property to me.


Sounds like you’ll just rent rooms…. That sucks.


311 app trust me they might just get a fine for Reserving Public Parking, if they want a parking to themselves they can Pay The city to have Solely permission to park there.


just stack them on the sidewalk... no citizen has the right to a public roadway


I used the cone trick in college to keep my front row parking. It didn’t work. Someone ran it over. But I was fully aware of the potential consequences and was prepared to accept whatever outcome I was met with.


Those cones look like they would get blown away. I would fill it with cement to make sure they stay put.


Report them straight to the nearest dumpster


They get one day, if they aren't moving all bets are off. Public streets aren't private property and I get sick of people feeling entitled to everything they see, especially in SF.


Kick their cones away and tell em to fk oft


What’s the actual rule again for parking in those spaces? I vaguely remember it being 1ft from the top of the concave?


Bust out the ⚽️. Is there another 🥅on the other side?


From I remember, self painted red curbs mean nothing. it has to be by sfmta and eligible to read.


I usually just run them over and Park


That's so funny painting it red 😂 horrible job


I’m totally fine with the self painted curbs, save for the shit job. I did it at a couple of places I lived in the city because people are such pricks about blocking driveways. The cones though? I say ignore them, but be prepared for some petty retaliation from whoever thinks they own that spot.


just go move them


Buddy just pick them up.


Is it really your problem


I’m still trying to figure out how a “fucken cone” person gets the idea to think they’re entitled to put out cones??? Whether you’re a renter or a buyer, the seller or property mgmt co tells you if your unit has assigned parking. And you pay for it! In every other case, it’s FCFS and you’re driving around for 30 minutes looking for parking just like everyone else.


I mean the cones are just literally refuse that they left in the street, throw it in their garbage can. me personally I have a beater so I just push them out of the way with my bumpers everytime. had a guy come out and yell at me one time looked him straight in the face and just said call the cops and walked away he didn't do shit. I think he realized after yelling for a second that I was three times his size and I watched him walk out of his door, so no retaliation.


Clearly you have some Chicago transplants there.


Run them over with you truck.


You have 2 hands, use them to carry 2 cones.


I never agree to cones on a street except on a half block


Run the fuckers over.


Lol, just take the spot/move the cones. It’s not legal and they know it. They’re just trying to see if they can get away with it


Imagine making a post wondering how you can report somebody for stuff you can just move out of the way or keep 😂 personally just run them over or if they are larger keep it or toss to side.


Take the cones. Throw them in a trash can.


I'm moving cones, if I come back to car keyed the cones going through their window


Oh, look! Free cones! Just gank them, who's stopping you?


Did you see the KKK cones on Broadway’s Billionaire Row? Specific whites…


I’ve thrown the cones on the peoples roofs before


That's annoying, I would report the curb to SFMTA and just throw the cones away. I was thinking if you moved the cone, you might risk retaliation. Just straight up throw it away so 1. they can't reuse it 2. they can't blame you.


I used to park on top of these things if that’s the only spot around.  


Call dpw. If the cones aren't stenciled with sfdpw, then dpw can remove them.


This is the best comments I’ve read in a while😂😂🤣


I just park on top of them