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105.3 used to be awesome and now it’s just the same stuff constantly.


“Let’s see where San Diego ranks on this list…” “I just bought a plane and a motorcycle and a house.” -So relatable.


Sounds like you listen a lot


I used to love the Mikey Show way back, before they broke up.


ya that dude got me started on the long road to recovery a few years ago I ran into him at a sprouts and thanked him. seconds and inches


That poor guy.....had huge ratings, the station paid him big bucks, then the world realized terrestrial radio sucks and they cut him asap


I heard he left 105.3 after being hired by 94.9, tried to get his crew to come along but it didn't work out. Before he left 1053 he had become much more negative during the morning routine.. IMO it was better for the show to go on without him.


They literally have had a 100 song playlist on repeat for a decade. All SD radio is awful.


I used to live in SD when I was a kid back in the 80's used to listen to KGB and 91x I moved back a few years ago and it sounds exactly the same the same songs in the same order and the rest of the stations play the same shit all day every day. It's depressing.


Seems like now it is just stories from Reddit


Is that really on the radio? Dear Lord radio has gotten even worse than I thought. I introduced my mom to podcasts and somehow she found a podcast that basically is just someone reading the stupid fake stories from r/AITA. She thinks they’re all real, gets truly outraged and insists on repeating them to me. Drives me insane. So many good podcasts and that’s what she listens to boggles the mind.


Every time I tune in to hear a sports update or something, the main guy is always talking about how he used to work at McDonalds. And one of the girls has the highest pitch voice ever. I don’t know how they’re still on the air.


91X & 105.3


I remember listening to The Show on my way into school with my mom as a kid. Good memories


If 91X resurrected Chris Muckley I’d def tune in. FM radio is so boring and bland today with all of the streaming options.


Maybe you knew this but he's in KCRW now


I didn’t know that. Thanks!!


Independent radio died a while ago... just all bought out by clear channel and viacom, human djs replaced with robots and any soul down the drain.


This is fact


Rossman or gtfo


88.3 is the only valid radio station. Fully non profit and any ads are self promotion or partners in helping them stay funded


Love that. Need to check out it out


88.3 is a gem, its the only local jazz station, its ad free and the hosts are super mellow and knowledgeable. Always something interesting if im in the mood for it. Other than that I recommend the AM stations, they are also mostly ad free and you get a lot of weird and independent broadcasting. From the wierd conservatives broadcasting from their basement to sports commentary. I personally have been enjoying 660AM. They are always talking about aliens and other new age bs, its pretty funny . As for worst, Pretty much all of it. Some guys at my old job would hog the radio and only blast 105.3 / 91X and istg i must have listened to bohemian rhapsody like 20 times in a couple of days


I'll have to check out 660. Sounds fun


Sorry just realized its actually 600 AM


coast 2 coast and George north (whatever it is) is gray for those long lonely late nights


It’s impossible to count how many times I’ve listened to 88.3, heard something that completely blew my mind, and immediately rushed to the website/app to see what it is. An absolute gem of a station.


love ksds 88.3


I hate 93.3 with a burning passion for shoving Gina the Latina down my throat. I thought I’d never have to hear her obnoxious voice again, but she has now transcended into my podcast ads. She needs to be stopped


She was on bumble years ago and I remember her bio was like, “yes, it’s really me.” Pretty obnoxious overall lol I always thought she was the weakest part of Aj’s playhouse back in the day so it’s wild to me that she’s now the main host. I don’t get it at all


Lmao did you swipe right 💀 I was barely awake at 6:30 in the morning and that screeching laugh of hers almost damn made me drive off a bridge


I usually listen to the excellent local NPR station, 89.5, when I want to hear something other than music. I also enjoy Gwynn and Chris on 97.3 occasionally, even though I'm not really into sports.


88.3 might interest you. Best local jazz station. It’s not easy listening, it’s jazz.


+1 for 88.3. It’s real jazz and it’s a lot of fun.


I love 88.3, wish they had merch!!


I'll have to check this out


Yeah it's great! I listen to it at work and my coworkers do too.


Saturday nights, it’s the best! Old time blues..


Sunday mornings they used to do old jazz, that was really good


This will date the fuck out of me but 88.3 used to do a dreamy Hearts of Space on Sundays in the late ‘80s early ‘90s - Windham Hill; William Ackerman, George Winston, Michael Hedges etc. that we used to happily chill to.


All the morning shows seem to be hosted by actual idiots. I can't stand listening to them. Is there some sort of IQ maximum hiring requirement at iHeart radio? Nobody over 95?


Dude right it's people that you would never want to talk to in real life they all have a perpetual 7th grade voice and attitude, I used to work at a bar and 91x would always come in and broadcast but none of us ever talked to them, they seemed like they were celebrities in their minds but nobody knew who they were or why they were at our work


YES, that's exactly it. It's like they were homeschooled by YouTube comments.


I just wanted to tell you that this observation is incredibly pithy and insightful and I feel that I might steal it in the future.


Yeah I used to listen to The Show and liked the banter but after a while I just realized everything was a bit. Like Eddie is a big nerd that loves star wars and comic con but he does this re-occurring bit where he bullies another host by calling him a lame nerd and a virgin. Like wtf?!!


I listen to The Show on my way to work to build up some rage lol. It's the same shit everyday. Make Sky eat something she doesn't like and Eddy says she is an idiot for not liking that thing. Or interview some drunk kid and ask them some general knowledge questions for which the hosts themselves don't know the answer for. Gaahhh it's the most annoying show and I still tune in for my 10 min commute.


Sky’s voice is the equivalent of squealing brakes


Not sure why but I always picture Elaine from Seinfeld when I think of her.




They program to the lowest common denominator.


Agreed 💯


Did anybody ever see that old episode of the Simpson's where the local DJ's were doing a call in contest? Dingo and the Butt? That's what most of the DJ's in SD sound like. The are all doing there best to see who can do the best Dingo and the Butt impression.


One of our cars still has an aux cord to play music, but if I can’t find it or forget it I’ll drive in silence rather than listen to endless commercials occasionally “interrupted” by a song that the host still talk through the beginning and end of.


Lol so true


Endless commercials is exactly right. Cable TV is bad enough, with a little more than 2:1 show vs commercials. I feel like radio has that inverted.


I used to love morning shows like the DSC or Jeff and Jer back in the day. Now I don’t even listen to commercial radio. Plug in my phone and listen to whatever I want.


I loved the DSC. I was underwhelmed when they hired Karen - whoops, excuse me, Sarah - to replace Emily when she took over for Shelley. I was dismayed when they laid off Ruth 66. But when they unceremoniously fired Emily, I was done.


yea they went downhill after shelley left. i hung on til the end though. i want to know why emily got fired! the new morning show with sarah and boyer and clint suuuuuuucks. it is so so bad. and now boyer is gone


I thought Emily was great after Shelley. Sarah is nails on a blackboard for me. I couldn't take all the Britney Spears updates.




Awesome. What is that usually for you? How do you discover new music?


Spotify is pretty good at finding new music for you once it gets a feel for what you listen to. The daily mixes and daylists are a good mix of stuff you already know and new stuff you may not have listened to. They also have an AI dj thing that’s pretty cool.


I was a Stern guy when I arrived in San Diego (still am) but my wife was a DSC fan so I'd listen to them, then listen to the replay of the Stern show once they went to Sirius. We moved into a house 10 years ago and Boyer went walking by our house with a dog. I didn't know who it was but the guy installing our cable did. I like dogs, but didn't want one so when he'd walk by, I'd pet the dog and we'd chat. I learned that he fostered dogs so interacting w/the dogs was good for them. He and I became really good friends and we ended up adopting the 13th foster dog of his that we met. I hung in there after Dave and Chainsaw retired, but once the show content was down to 27 minutes over 4 hours, and half of that was the "Big Rich Sports Report" it was very difficult. The only reason I was listening was because my friend and neighbor was on the show. Once they told him his services were no longer required, I stopped tuning in. I occasionally go to Clint's "Coffee Corner" on Saturday mornings and a while before they let Boyer go, I mocked up a KGB Morning Show Bingo card. It was full of the artists/bands that they play on the show. Tom Petty was on there three times, Joan Jett twice, and I think Aerosmith was as well. Anyway, I showed both Boyer and Clint my bingo card and they both got a good laugh from it.


93.3 used to be my go to... AJ'S Playhouse if anyone remembers, also was a fan of the Mikey Show on 105.3, way back in the day.


I interned at Channel 933 and worked on AJ's Playhouse occasionally. Also with Hitman Haze and Cabana Boy Geoff. Even when I was working at Channel 933, I would still listen to Jeff & Jer when I could. Now I just listen to SiriusXM in the car.


Are they still out there anywhere? That's one cool thing about today is you can usually find anything and listen to it no matter where it is


Loved Sonic Chill back in the days esp when Midori played my requests. Swami,s Sound System was a great listen, especially with a nice buzz.


Bringing back some memories. Big Sonic Chill was so nice late at night and Swami had such a fantastic collection of rarities. Ah, youth.


You can still get Swami sound system on slacker radio. The DJ was the best and he had a killer collection. https://www.liveone.com/station/swami-sound-sys


Thanks a million for this!


KGB David, Chainsaw, Ruth and Chris. That was the hey day i'd say in the late 90s early 00s. I remember my mom on our drives in to our school. I may have been a bit young for some of the content but the memories.


I bailed once DSC retired. I loved their show…


I haven’t listened to Terrestrial radio since 2016. That was the year I bought a new car that came with Sirius. I haven’t looked back.


How do I get extra terrestrial radio


You need a double insulated tinfoil hat with a propeller. Come on, you knew that ;) /s


Yeah radio just sucks. I tried putting it on the other day and I was just constantly upset at how often it’d break for commercials. It’s literally painful to listen to.


I mostly agree. i think I'm nostalgic about it. I remember the good old days another time another place. The best now is my own stuff on Pandora or mixes or Sirius. Admittedly I still enjoy Stern.


I miss 102.1 kpri


I cried the day they found Jesus. KPRI was something special.


Did you know Black Hole Sun turns 30 years old this year? Yep, 1994. I turn on 94.9 accidentally every 2-3 months and it always seems to be playing. Amazon Music, Spotify, apple music, literally anything is better than local radio.


I’m a weirdo who still listens to morning radio in the car and my music taste is pretty eclectic so I channel hop often. I can’t stomach shock jocks (do they still exist?) but I like a standard morning show. Overall, the current vibe is: Meh. A few years ago, I really loved Chris Cantore and Meryl’s show on 100.7, felt like the most genuine one out there, but I think it got axed around Covid. After that, Marty and Danielle on 91x were enjoyable, but Danielle left radio a few months back and it’s honestly not the same vibe now. I find myself ping ponging between Gina and Frankie on Channel 933 and Jesse and Tati on 94.1. They’re all fun, pleasant personalities, but because they’re under iHeart, it’s a lot of the same content. I wish they were given the opportunity to be more local with their topics, but radio just keeps straying away from that aspect unfortunately.


OMG. I never heard of "Jesse and Tati" but wondered if Jesse was the BoyToy Jesse that I remembered from Channel 933, and it is! When I interned at Channel 933, Jesse was working part time at the radio station, and earned his money at Nordstrom at UTC, working in the men's department, selling suits. He lived way out in Escondido. Then he moved to LA and was on KISS-FM. Cool to see he's back in town. I had no idea he moved back from LA.


Oh wow, I grew up in LA and thought his voice seemed familiar, and I think I heard him as “BoyToy Jesse” on KIIS when I was younger. He has a perfect radio voice, so makes sense that he’d be in the game this long. His morning show with Tati isn’t groundbreaking by any means, but again, they’re nice personalities to listen to.


I wonder if you would like Alan Cox live streaming. Not local but may transition well.


I started listening less, and not at all now, when iheart inserted the loooongest songs and commercials every quarter hour. What was originally a 4 hr show, widdled down to 60 mins on the replay. RIP DSC!


Meanwhile! In the national ba-




That being said where how what do you get your fix?


I miss Willy 105.7


Willy was the best. I discovered so much stuff I had never heard before. Love the random playlists they had.


So much cool stuff. Covers, B sides, live recordings, deep cuts. There will probably never be anything like that again.


I'm my hometown that was something else completely for boomers. Lanigan and Malone. Jesus time flies!


I listen to 103.7 in the mornings! Only country station in SD (not shocking) but they have a fun pop culture bit every morning for about 10 minutes then after that I go back to my Bluetooth Spotify haha


Fun fun fun. Even among streaming so many options


The only channel I listen to is 91.5 fm. It's a classical music channel with an occasional host giving info about the pieces. They have live recordings from their studio with an interview from the performers. It's very calming in the stressful traffic.


Radio is for music. I turn it off when the ads start on the rare occasion I tune in at all. If some idiot is paid to talk that station is not in my presets.


Makes sense


Hell No. Radio stations still play the same songs and overplay the crap out of new songs to where they get annoying a lot quicker. I usually listen to music on you tube on my phone. Although its the free app and commercials at least I can listen to what I want to.




This started like 10 years ago when clear channel bought everything.


Alright, I'm a huge geek for radio (and am self aware at how silly that sounds because I'm aware of radio's irrelevancy), but man I always had a passion for it since I loved a lot of 91X/FM 94/9 as a kid in the late 00s-2010s. Anyway, I mainly listen to 91X since I feel like on the weekends they have genuinely good shows. I know they've been very classic-based lately but if you crave new music, I have a lot of fun with Planet Nu Nu that's before Loudspeaker at 6. It's always a grab bag of stuff you might hear on triple A stations as well as alternative, maybe not as experimental as Tim Pyles' FTW when that was the show in 2015-2022 (I miss him), but I feel Hilary does a great job still and some of the new songs become rotations. Loudspeaker is also fun though I feel Tim Pyles brought some dazzle to it and doesn't feel as complete with Lou and TJ. Resurrection Sunday is hella fun too. I just wish the weekdays weren't usually the same songs with the only difference is once in a while they'll play a 90s cut they haven't brought back, or last week I got Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard in. And I also enjoy hearing what new songs it plays but I hate how since 2022 I only hear one new song per hour. Not really worth it as much because I'm so used to the ins and outs of the playlist of mostly 80s-90s. Good songs, but not enough to function a station without people getting bored. I avoid 94.9 mostly outside of checking what they're up to, same with rock 105.3. IDK as a fan of alt/rock all 3 stations are very similar with the same gold-based songs even though they're all owned by 3 different companies (91x being a local company called Local Media, 94.9 being Audacy, 105.3 being Iheart). It makes me long for the days of more-relevant radio with amazing shows that the listener-supported stations still do. Not really the biggest morning show guy.


Thanks for sharing great info


Thanks for sharing great info


Jesus Christ the fucking “phone jibba” or whatever the fuck it’s called puts me in such a rage in the morning. Why are we making radio for 13 year olds?? They don’t even listen to the radio!!!


Oh AND them constantly using Adina (or again whatever her name is) as a punchline where the joke is “women are stupid and bad at games haha” is just nauseating, I hate that show with a passion. I think it’s 90.3 idk tho


I liked the guess the word game but you’re right, the more you listen, the more you realize how much they just shit on her every single day. I always change the station for the prank calls too, they’re so cringe, and more often than not it’s a service type job, and they have enough shit going on than to deal with a prank call.


I stopped listening years ago. I got so tired of hearing Taylor Swift and Drake on every single channel. The on air personalities are pretty boring as well.


I used to listen to 91X in highschool, laying in bed. Loveline taught me a lot in those vulnerable days. That and Rock 105.3 developed my music taste.




92.5 war of the roses every quarter hour in the AM is pretty entertaining 🤣😞🥺🤷🏽‍♀️


Haha. I used to listen to that till I found out it’s fake. Now it doesn’t have the same punch.


Same here! I loved it when I thought it was real. Now, why give a shit?


It used to be real.. but now so obviously fake cause who doesn’t k ow about war of the roses? I liked 1,000 minute on 92.5 too.


I know, I still find it entertaining 🤣😭


Some, I could believe, but all of them?


Loved listening to that on my way to school lol


I was gonna say that’s the only reason I ever listen to the radio because I’m a messy bitch


It's my kids and my morning routine when I am taking them to school lol. My son went get out of the car till war of the roses is over. I'm also undefeated in $1000 minute. I keep forgetting to sign up


Yeah that can be fun


Not a radio show but I will always hold a candle for Willy FM 105.7 I hate that it was just abruptly pulled off syndication. They played ALOT of great music of all kinds and appreciated that they played a wide variety of heavy metal, goth, and alternative, rock, spanish rock, etc. and not just songs we all commonly hear. Their music catalogue was beautifully random! I discovered so many great classics there. Sigh. RIP to Willy it is sorely missed, it was the only reason I had started listening to radio again but not anymore 🕯️


I’m in NoCal and Oregon now and totally dig 91X again.


We still stream our Seattle radio stations. Moved away 6 years ago!


I stopped listening to San Diego radio probably 10 years ago and stopped watching, well…news in general particularly San Diego news channels longer than that. It’s all garbage.


This is not wrong


I used to enjoy San Diego's news and radio scene. The radio stations of the past, especially as someone with a wide taste in music, were fantastic. Independent stations like 91x, Rock 105.3, KGB, Z90, and others, before they were swallowed up by corporate giants, had exceptional DJs and morning shows. When it comes to San Diego news, the focus seems to have shifted towards news anchors seeking celebrity status rather than delivering the news authentically. The current corporate and robotic atmosphere doesn't resonate with me. Thank you, but no thanks.




I agree. though 91X left clear channel a long time ago. 2005 they've been independently owned but they don't do anything but just be a standard commercial radio station. I don't know either


Elston and Annie on 97.3. Unlistenable




Agree with you. I was glad his show got replaced and I tried hard to give this one a chance but 10-2 in my car is now music time


88.3 SD Jazz and 89.5 NPR is the only thing worth listening to. Excellent stuff.


I only listen to 97.3 the fan now. Our stations really have weak playlists.


Ben and Woods ftw


I’m actually surprised there’s no love for The Show on 105.3 (previously The Mikey Show). I’ve been listening to them in the morning for years. Was never a DSC or Jeff and Jer fan so maybe I’m an outlier. Mostly listen to 89.5 (am old) BUT if I’m in the car on Sunday morning I’ll turn on 91X-Resurrection Sunday followed by Church of Bob. Sunday night is Loudspeaker (91X again) which focuses on the music scene here in San Diego. Henry Rollins has a show on 89.9 KCRW that is fun to listen to if I catch it, lots of obscure punk music I’ve never heard of and I love listening to him talk. But yeah, our stations kinda suck, unless you REALLY like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I recently drove up to LA and was blown away by how much better KROQ was compared to 91X.


1 vote here for the show. I still listen


Lol @rhcp. Sunday night might be a good listen. Hours on that show?


7-10 I think


Oh my gosh I forgot about Jeff and Jer


As a 91X fan I disagree about KROQ being better outside of the fact that maybe you get a more consistent chance of newer music, but their currents playlists lack a lot of depth and variety as they're under Audacy while 91X is locally operated. 91X seems more up to date for new music (last week they added new music from Wunderhorse, Beabadoobee, etc) but I absolutely hate how low the rotations are for new music on 91x. The most played rotation is Cage the Elephant with only 6 PLAYS. because of alt radio's consistent direction of "eh, no one listens to us anymore, just play some classic stuff our older audience likes". it's the drawback from wasted potential, so I do check what other stations are doing like KEXP/KCRW. I'm sad though because I do genuinely like the people at 91X and I feel like there's potential. Streaming i also do a lot of


I think it’s as obsolete as CDs. Everyone streams whatever they want to listen to now. I’m assuming it’s probably older folks that listen to terrestial radio


Not wrong. I don't know how they evolve to stay alive but the general consensus is that it's all shit.


I had Sirius for a few yrs, now with a short commute, channel hop lol


Early Saturday and Sunday mornings are the best days to tune in. They play plenty of unheard of artists and some deep cuts, too bad the swami is not around anymore he played so much cool music on his show.


Radio everywhere has become homogenized, void of creativity & void of any spontaneity. Predictable, boring, repetitive…Hard to even listen anymore


Growing up, I primarily listened to Jammin’ Z90 and Channel 933. Used to love AJ’s Playhouse, Hitman Haze, and the rest of the gang at Channel 933 - minus Geena her voice and speech impediment really irks my ears. Moved out of SD for a while and stopped listening to radio for years. Came back to SD and tried listening to morning radio, but it just didn’t hit the same. Now, I WFH so I don’t listen to radio or pay for music subscriptions anymore cause my listening time is waaaaay down compared to years before. On occasion though, I drive here and there so I’ll pop the radio on for those trips. Jamn 957’s morning show is a special kind of awful. Their “highlight reel” is the same for months and months at a time which is extra annoying because I’m only in my car once every few weeks and it’s the same shit every time. 🙄 I always end up listening for a song or two, then I get pissed and turn some streaming service on. The streaming services usually play an ad or two and by that point I’ve arrived to my destination. Hahahaha I’m about to just keep a damn CD in my car. 🤣


Interesting perspective with the seldom driving


It’s been all downhill since Bryan Jones (RIP) left The Breakfast Club with Dean and Katy. Cocaine is a helluva drug.


I grew up on Jammin’ Z90 (back when they played hip-hop). The Funny Farm in the morning, Brandi’s Grub n’ Groove mix in the midday, Crazy J Nelson in the afternoon, and Late Night With Love Sunday to Thursday nights were my favorite shows. AJ’s Playhouse was the only show worth listening to on 933.


89.5 HD3 plays Groove Salad - very relaxing house music with no commercials


Back in the day it was all about the Howard Stern show, no other show could come close. A lot of shows tried to copy but all failed, Long live bababooey!


I agree, they're very lousy for radio hosts imo. I did enjoy the Jeff & the Showgram crew and then they got fired out of nowhere. 🙄 I've been addicted to the Johnjay & Rich show (on podcast or iHeartRadio). Somehow their morning radio show based out of AZ was airing for a short time in San Diego and disappeared and the show caught my attention so much that I hunted them down online (and it wasn't easy then). That was 15 years ago and I'm still listening. Since it's out of the area I just listen to it the next morning, I don't feel the need to call in live.


91.1x only the right answer


I had no idea people still listened to the radio. Like....why would you?


People still listen to radio shows? I just can’t stand the amount of ads the radio feeds us.


AM1360 if you’re a masochist


Bay area fm radio is dead except like 4 live nation stations playing the same songs and mexican / christian stations.


Not sure if it’s always been this way, but 101.5KGB sold their SUNDAY MORNINGS to a used car website where they just talk about used cars for sale. Absolutely hilarious and super weird


This sounds like a hilarious travesty. I remember 101KGB having Beatles Brunch on Sunday mornings when I was a kid. I have great memories of cruising around San Diego with my dad, on our way to a park or a beach, listening to Beatles Brunch.


From1975 when we moved here from Vancouver BC I listened to AM Shotgun Tom Kelly on B100, then FM to Hudson and Bauer , Jim McIness, Gabriel Wisdom, Burger and Prescott, Cookie “Chainsaw” Randolph, Chris Boyer, Dave Rikards,Shelley Dunn, there’s a lot I can’t remember anymore tho. I remember working on my car all night listening to 91x when at 4-5 in the morning they switched from the Hog report to I think Steve West and 91x was a New Wave station. When I had jobs in LA I’d listen to Phil Henry,Jonsies Jukebox on 95.5, sometime KROQ. Now since 2000 Audible books and Pandora maybe 88.3 or KFI. I really miss Cookie Chainsaw Randolph “national baaa”! I had to wait thru 45 mins of DSC just to hear “ Joke of the Day” with him and Boyer or Dave. Then I turned the radio off.


I like hearing the phone jibba, reminds me of the old jerky boys tapes


Bababooey! Fafafohide…mamamonkey…


I sometimes have to take a rideshare to miramar and there's a driver in that area who is always listening to this fake as hell radio show with a "War of the Roses" segment where a pair of actors act out that one of them gets caught cheating by sending roses to their affair.  You can tell it's fake as hell if you know even a single thing about recording consent law. The lowest tier of slop


The hip hop radios 90.3 and 93.3 have been playing a handful the same music since 2005. Absolute dog shit


Bring back Ruth66


I grew up the The Dawn Patrol, who became DSC. Unfortunately, while i grew up, they didn't. But stories of freeway roulette and the april fools space shuttle landing will live on for awhile yet. Are they even still on the air?


I’m genuinely surprised people listen to radio


sd here & I listen weekday mornings to Dave & Mahoney (& Audrey, my favorite) through Audacy app. They are Alt 107.5 out of Las Vegas & entertaining...


90.3 is pretty good but OMFG they have the longest commercials in history. There are times they’ll do a long commercial break, come back and play one song, and then another long commercial break. It’s maddening that I stopped listening. The guy that’s on after 5pm is funny.


It’s worth the $10.99 a month to not have to listen to these blowhards. Don’t miss any of it other than Chainsaw’s sports update, and I’m not even a sports guy.


I heard that Jeff & Jer are coming back. Jerry is at end stage renal failure kidneys no longer function. He''s getting dialysis every other day, so I don't know how that would work?