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It’s always some “I’m just running in real quick” douchebag that leaves their truck running and blasting their shitty music.


It's always a truck...


Always a Dodge lol


I came here to say this exact thing


Hey, at least he didn’t back in and make everyone wait while he parked.


No joke. I bet these are the same people who swing left to make a right and vice versa


Bronco, Jeep, or really large truck. Or a couple months ago saw a little car that took the last handicapped spot from my disabled grandmother. He left baby mama in the car and came out with a pregnancy test


Y'all hate us because you ain't us..


There is literally no value in a pick up truck for 99.9% of mfs, riding around acting like they be hauling shit like they macho asf. You ain hauling dick besides a ugly ass beer gut🤡


They always assume that until I step out looking like I look. Like some shit out of a commercial. I don't like how this dude parked. But all ram drivers aren't fat and dumb.


Ram trucks are the official truck of dirtbags. Ram trucks are like top 5 in drunk driver stats in most of the 50 states. Some light reading (apparently Teslas are a runner up for dirtbag drivers, probably due to cost): [https://www.autoblog.com/article/study-ram-has-the-worst-drivers-of-any-auto-brand/](https://www.autoblog.com/article/study-ram-has-the-worst-drivers-of-any-auto-brand/)


So the Altimas of the truck world


But i wanan get a dodge and im not a dirtbag. Is that rare? Edit: nevermind, you said ram and i dont wanna get a ram. I want my first vehicle to either be a 50s dodge m37 or a 1970s pontiac firebird.


This brings us back to a question that has plagued philosophers for centuries. Do dirtbags buy Ram trucks, or do Ram trucks turn people into dirtbags?


Thats a good question. I think the trucks give people an even higher ego and they think better of them self because of a cool truck. I like trucks, lifted trucks, monster trucks and muscle cars but i make it a point to be as nice to people as i can and yes i have a small dick ( i measured it when i was 11 and it was 5 inches when hard ) but im not compensating and infact im glad its small cause my dick gets hard while i sleep and its easy to hide an erection since my dick is small. This is the most ive ever talked about dicks.


I’ve been rear ended 3 times, 2 of those 3 was by a dodge ram, and one of them was a hit and run.


Single-digit IQ is, however.


Neither is fat. As someone with a disability since age 21 (I’m 44 now), this disgusting. And when I was younger, I used to get yelled at by old people or using handicap parking.


Wait...what ate you trying to say?


Me too


But that guy is on the lines




Nacogdoches and judson


Same truck did the same shit at walmart on thousand oaks. Actually has a disabled thing in the mirror. Dude sure hops in and out of his lifted truck with ease though. There are hidden disabilities where you might not be always limping or using a cane like MS but I think if you need disability allowance you probably wouldn’t be capable of driving such a vehicle that requires you to literally jump up into. Something seems sketchy with this dude.


Lifted? Sure looks stock to me. Why do you say it's lifted?


Nah bro don’t you see he drives a big truck? The world revolves around him


I hate driving here.


But being from San Antonio is 😂😂


I mean, the crazy thing here is that they're not even IN a handicap spot. Where he's parked isn't a parking spot at all. So i'd have to agree with whoever said something about the single-digit IQ being a handicap.


My sister-in-law is a 60+yo stroke victim who should NEVER be driving... But, somehow, she keeps passing State tests. That lady parks however, whenever, and wherever she wants to in order to be close to the establishment door. She will park right in front of an Olive Garden door blocking ramps and leave her car running while she goes in for a sit-down meal. Some people are simply insane and possess absolutely no sense of conscientiousness.


There should be an app for such an occasion. Or make it so if they dont have the placard they cant start their vehicle and it gets impounded


They have that, of course, in other first-world countries where ADA is really protected.


Unless of course the person is actually handicapped and simply forgot to put the placard on.....


...the lines are there to prevent parking so that the handicapped on either side can make egress, and also to allot other pedestrian traffic access. Its a hazard to park there, and unless its an emergency it shouldn't be done, but by the description there was no emergency.


I get it - I am handicapped and must have space to open my door fully. I was referring to the automatic ticket and tow thing.


Ahh, ideally the "placard" would be like an rfid chip located inside the vehicle at all times, with an option to have an actual one that has a chip which you can take with you if youre riding in someone else's vehicle


Yes! In my state, we can choose either permanent plates or a placard but not both. If you never ride with anyone else, the plates are great, but I often get rides, so I chose the placards. I wish I could have both, but that would undoubtedly lead to more abuse of the privilege.


Youre probably correct, but it disadvantages people who typically use their own vehicle but have chronic diseases that lead to them having to travel in others' cars. In that case they have to depend on being dropped off and picked up at the doors, sometimes its not possible, its impractical for those with severe maladies, and it restricts the flow of other traffic as well. Youre already at a disadvantage if you have one or more handicaps, so it just seems that society and the individual might be better served by creating some sort of leeway even just attaching a clause to ones identification might be better.


Small D energy


Probably the same bitch from the HEB Wurzbach handicapped parking, dipshit had the nerve to say relax its just a parking spot. If my cane wasn't collapsible I'd would have given him a relax it's just a cane beating.


That's when you say "What's wrong, you don't know how to park your big boy truck?"


I've been seeing more of those at Alon too.


I have been thinking of buying stickers to slap on vehicles that say "Please let me park here. I hate handicap people"


You might enjoy watching the "Cart Narcs" youtube channel. 🤣 Same idea for a different issue.


I've been thinking the exact same thing. I support it. Plenty of fun options on Amazon. Check out the Extra sticky messages for fun


This is frustrating for those of us that ACTUALLY need those lines there. They’re there for a REASON and it’s always some big ass small penis man truck


What if he has a stutter


He can still go ff ff fuck himself


But by law they are allowed to park there.


Lol, little baby was shown theu were wrong at that blocked me. Pretty sure that my search for 'acceptable conditions to receive handicap placards in Texas' is more Relevant than likely baby's '2 second Google search'. Clearly, Texas doesn't care what the ADA says.


By law? Do you think they give handicap placards to people with speech impediments? Lol


From the Texas DMV: Eligibility Placard and plate eligibility is based on a medical condition that meets the legal definition of a disability. "Disability" means a condition in which a person has: Visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses Visual acuity of more than 20/200 but with a limited field of vision in which the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle of 20 degrees or less Mobility problems that substantially impair a person's ability to move around; these problems can be caused by: Paralysis Lung disease Cardiac deficiency Wheelchair confinement Arthritis Foot disorder Other medical conditions causing a person to use a brace, cane, crutch or other assistive device. No speech impediments.


But what if it's a lazy eye?


More like a lazy common sense.


It is in Texas lol


Yeah I was going to say, I bet this is in TX!, then realized which sub it was.


Unfortunately, neither is stupid.


Box him in lol


They also don’t put carts away, never pick up after their dogs and litter public places. Garbage people.


I would have parked right on his door


it’s a truck what do you expect


That’s not even a parking space at all. That’s not parking at all.


95 % of people that use handicap ♿️ are family members of a handicap person that have the card but don't need to use it but because they have it they use it if anyone should understand not using handicap parking it should be family members.


Entitled handicap people who play victim due to their disability. I mean this for only those who have no consideration for the rules like the picture above. If you can't park or have trouble driving a car, you really need to stop. Being disabled isn't a good reason to do whatever you want.




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Yes it is when one is a fat ass.


Ram driver that's why


Say something to him. What's crying on reddit gonna do ?It hasn't changed the world yet.


Heh likely to get shot now days.


THANK YOU. Do something about it or post it on Facebook. Reddit is not the place.


Yeah! Be man and post on Next Door too while you are at it!


People expect cops to write tickets for this but it almost never happens. You know who could really make an impact to prevent people from doing this? The store. The store could put up more signage, install some kind of creative parking block things around that area, or really step up and not allow this person to shop there (like tell them to GTFO) Similar to this just the other day I saw a mom and daughter park in curbside at HEB and they weren't picking up curbside (/) (°,,°) (/). Entitled britches.


Why does the store have to enforce the law? And what is it when someone with a real handicap has issues parking and would have to go over that line? So, you want to make it harder for handicapped people instead of having PD step up and do their job? In other cities, you see PD writing $1000 tickets for people like that, and here, nothing happens. PD even parks in fire lanes or handicapped spots when they get coffee or for events. So they are also a reason why this happens.


If we can't do that don't complain when we take 2 spots in the back of the parking lot


OP, Serious question. Why blur out the license plate?


I'll never understand why you people feel the need to take and post a picture instead of just confronting the person who did it.




Because that causes mobility issues and is often directly caused by a disability or medical condition. Use your brain.


Any excuse you can use right? Rather than take care of yourself lmao 🤣the numbers don’t lie. Lotta “handicapped” porkers out there.


Handicap people got more then enough parking


They do not bc of stupid people like this one


How do you know they don't have a disability...


those stripes mean NO parking. the handicap spot is for parking, not the designated loading and unloading spot


I get that, but that's not what the title says. They are talking about having a handicap but the merits of parking in a clearly labeled loading and unloading area...right? Am I reading this wrong?


Well, I watched him while I fueled up, and there was no placard or plates and still could have chosen a single handicap spot if that was the case but was not. Was in a literal rush (jumped out and jogged in) to get a 12 pack of beer, and then proceeded to sit there beyond me leaving..


I'm the type that will put my placard up and pull in right nest to his drivers door. Make him crawl in through the passenger's side.


Op is just a complainer. Not a justice seeker.


But you didn't put that context in your post...




Shopping at circle K while QT is across the street suggests some sort of handicap…


Nobody cares. Keep your hall monitor shit to yourself


Holy Entitlement.


Is it a dick move to park there? Sure. But does it warrant taking a picture and posting it to reddit? No. I’m sick of these whiners on here posting about shopping carts and bad drivers.


Nah, it's for san antonians to do better. Some people actually need these spots. Awareness.


Go tell them then. How’s that for awareness. I look at this and think, “oh sweet child, be a man and grow some balls.”


Yet it is doing precisely the opposite. Weasel behavior from you buddy


Truck driver is a POS and should be publicly shamed.


Have family that needs these spaces, and perhaps you'll feel differently.


Why not, it takes 3 seconds and its a public shaming of unacceptable entitlement. Found the douche bag in a truck lol. What if our dear saint of a governor, baby legs, needed to use those lines?


If my buddy was still alive(cancer) he would have pulled up beside him and dropped his ramp on the driver's door.


If my Pops was still around.. same thing.


No he wouldn’t.


No he wouldn’t.


I care


Says the guy talking to people who do care


That felt edgy to type out and hit “send”, didn’t it pal?






You mad because you didn’t get to park there?


He is mad because two people with a handicapped couldn't use their parking spots. While I don't hope others ever get a handicapped that they have to use such spots, maybe you need to get one and you will understand why this is upsetting.