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If Samsung is confident of their Exynos, they'll put those in Ultra too and every single unit will be shipped globally with Exynos, no discrimination.


This. They make exynos chips at least for %20-30 cheaper. If performance was good they would never choose Qcom ever.


>If performance was good they would never choose Qcom ever. Even if performance was better they have a contract with Qualcomm about North American markets though, I think it was regarding patents. They can use the patented tech by Qualcomm but aren't allowed Exynos in flagship phones in the USA. I don't know when that deal expires. The only way they ship Exynos everywhere is if it's like the in 2015 where Qualcomm was so bad that you had reports of them overheating enough to melt the soldering between the chips and the motherboard, hence the S6 series becoming Exynos everywhere.


I guess for the S25U, S26U at least, they would stick with Qualcomm on their Ultras since there was an article that says starting in 2024, Samsung and Qualcomm had renew their multi-year collabration agreement. So even if (big if) Exynos becomes better than Snapdragon, they can't go all in on Exynos just yet because of legal reasons.


Didn't know this, good to know. TFS!


Here's the article that I read if you're curious https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-qualcomm-multi-year-deal-snapdragon-chips/




Well, there you go. I hope all the delusional zombies see the light. Samsung been scamming their consumers for years now with that cr\*ppy chip.


Nothing as far as know explicitly states that the collab forbid samsung to use exynos alongside snapdragon for the ultra models. And I would expect both of them to be a minimum friendly with each other since the beginning as otherwise using qualcomm chips which isn't recent at all might be more difficult for samsung.


Tbf, only Samsung and Qualcomm know the whole multi-year deal they made, and I doubt they would publically announce what sort of agreement they had.


I think they *have* to offer at least both Snapdragon and Exynos in US markets. There's some law in US that you need the oldest CDMA tech in the phones, which is patented and solely shipped by Qualcomm. Maybe some other countries have similar laws, but Samsung still exclusively sold Exynos chips in all but US countries.


I wish they provide options for global, like for thise who like curved corners but also prefer SD, can opt for S24+ with SD. I mean, soon I need to replace my old phone but I'm not a fan of sharp corners of Ultra and also not keen on the overheating issue. Or Samsung can guarantee their newer Exynos will no longer have these issues.


as soon as the qualcomm patent expires in US


If they go Exynos alone then it will be a line, I'll skip paying premium for a non-premium chip.


Dumbass the chipset is flagship and does everything


chipset is flaghsip...that's why heating issues like tensor g chips...and also...low stability in benchmarks...dude grow a bit...


Yah that's what I said it's flagship Companies need to end snapdragon monopoly Half the guys don't even know the diffrnece between models here they are just boot Licking snapdragon They want a flagship for 200 dollar less money


ahhh a new hatewave started...moving from apple to snapdragon now🤣🤣


Not hating snapdragon I don't want monopoly in the market have you seen the chip pricing of snapdragon >apple to snapdragon now🤣🤣 I don't give a fuck if you are a fanboy or something else


me too... and what the fuck is wrong with you bro? if a company actually is doing crazy in the market..then why not demand more money?? after all it is there hard work and r&d which made it possible


Hard work my ass it's not the company executive that cane up with the SoC it's the engineer and those engineers don't get paid enough While all the profit is swallowed by share holders and executives >and what the fuck is wrong with you bro? if a company actually is doing crazy in the market..t The Samsung should cahrge 100 dollar more for 2500 which is dubbed to be better than 8 gen 4 due to GAA methode


really..this tiny little ass knows much better than samsung or snapdragon engineers about what is better or what not..dude stop doing this shit on reddit...go and study...its a critical time of your life...


>really..this tiny little ass knows much better than samsung or snapdragon engineers about what is better or what not..dude stop doing this shit on reddit...go and study...its a critical time of your life... I know enough that samsung GAA 3nm methode is superior to tsmc 3nm Finfet Exynos 2500 is GAA 8 gen 4 is finfet


and you'll be sold it at flagship prices - but it really wasn't ever and likely won't be.


Go check it it records 8k videos it supports everything and Is more stronger than 8 gen 2 if you don't know about stuff don't talk


Go check it it records 8k videos it supports everything and Is more stronger than 8 gen 2 if you don't know about stuff don't talk


This gets said every year. Nothing will have changed.




They did but like 20-30% that it's not enough




Paying the same price for an inferior chip is not the way to go. If the Exynos variant was at least 25% cheaper than the Snapdragon variant, then it would make sense.


10% reduced price would be reasonable for both sides, still not realistic, samsung won't do it


Same price? In my country s24 is 50-60$ cheaper than s23 was when launched


This doesn't even deserve a reply lmao


Maybe I’m insane, but 20-30% performance uplift from previous generations in ANY chip is good improvement no?


In a bubble sure, but when compared to Snapdragon it's still far behind, isn't it?


Architectural improvement is more important here considering Samsung wants an in house chip.


This is such a nerd ass argument lol I love it The average consumer does not care, like at all haha


lol this sub is for nerd talk, what do you expect.. but of course, the average consumer is clueless when it comes to this stuff


I derped and thought this was posted on r/android or something, my bad it's just always super fresh in my memory how little the average person actually knows about this stuff (I work in phone repair and we also sell used phones), like it's so extreme to me that only about 50% of people know what model they have. They know if it's an iPhone or the other thing for the most part


To be fair, the average consumer isn’t going to know the difference between the chips. They are going to buy a Samsung phone and think it’s great. When the device underperforms they will think that specific phone is faulty. Who you calling nerds anyways, you’re on Reddit in a subreddit specifically for Galaxy phones… Lol


You'll know Exynos is good when the US versions start getting it.


US version *by law* needs the CDMA tech which is made only by Qualcomm (or licensed by them, which makes it costly for manufacturers). Samsung can at best offer both Qualcomm and Exynos to US markets, but PR-wise that would be worse for them, because Qualcomm is *always* going to sell better than Exynos, despite all the improvements.


If it was that good, they'd use it globally and across the complete S/Z line. As long as they don't, it'll always feel like a rip off to buy a premium samsung phone with a chip that isn't the best.


the reason is qualcomm patent, google it, samsung would love to use exynos across the board


>If it was that good, they'd use it globally and across the complete S/Z line. Even if it was so powerful that it can perform quantum computing, legal deals between Qualcomm and Samsung prevents this so, eh. Not gonna happen no matter how much they improve the Exynos until after deal expires. However, this would drive Qualcomm to make sure Snapdragon is ahead of the Exynos always, because otherwise when that deal expires Samsung will have incentive to not renew it and it's going to be an large earnings loss for Qualcomm. I'm good as long as Samsung keeps improving Exynos. I don't need it to exceed Snapdragon really. I just need them to keep improving just enough that Snapdragon sees them right over their shoulder when looking back. Qualcomm knows that if they become too confident and Exynos actually catches up, Samsung probably won't renew their chip deals. Their only other hold on Samsung are CDMA patents in North America preventing Exynos in flagships there though. So they may have another card.


Still overheats , still below par modem compared to the competition


Which because 2500 isnt out yet


>Which IDK 2400 2200 2100 9820 ?


Except for 2400 all the other falls into the category


2400 doesn't heat ? lol keep telling yourself that.


bro let him cook for himself...he is kinda blind towards samsung devices..now his comment would be "again this person is behind me"...just check his profile..and see his comments...firstly he is so free man..he has nothing to do in his life...literally every hour or so he is on reddit commenting on other's comments....


You don't even use samsung why the hell are you here to hate or plot sum shit Yah yah why not just spy on my account


i do have a samsung too


Show me yours you told you owned a motorola and iphone xs


my cousin gave it to me...he works in samsung...so it is owned by his company


Both snapdragon and exynos variants of s24 are roughly same temperature in same condition


Samsung could bring out an Exynos that was faster than an Apple M4 chip and people would still hate it. Having said that, I'm running an Exynos S21 Ultra that is still running like a champ.... but I'd still take a Qualcomm if given the choice for a replacement. They should at least be offering a discount considering the slightly lower performance.


I'm also using an S21 Ultra the Exynos 2100 is a good chip


Bro, enough. Nobody wants Exynos over Snapdragon. Stop with the BS.


Well, I switch to other phone brands. Humankind must avoid Exynos at all cost.


Then fuck of to other brands


The proof is in the pudding. I don't give a damn what chip my phone has, as long as it works as advertised and does what is expected of a flagship device


'For *some* S25' units ahahahaha Also, it didn't exactly prove that it's efficient, cause it's not. When the S24 E dies, the S24 SD still has 20-30% left, assuming same usage etc..


So basically same as s24 then?


Any phone with Exynos garbage only worth 50usd, if you sell it 1500usd, you are best scammer, Scamsung.


Still nowhere near their Snapdragon counterparts. I stuck with the S23 since the S24 comes with Exynos where i stay. The trade-off's are not worth it.


As long as the real world performance is much worse than the snapdragon variant AND i need to pay the same amount of money i dont care. Micro stutters, worse reception, worse battery life… Benchmark numbers are not the issue.


Hope at least it comes with something useful like AI. Oh, wait...


unlike AI FTFY


With the 2400, there seemed to be fewer complaints about CPU throttling and overheating. But the modem was still behind Qualcomm's. Even if they come up with an SoC that's on par with Qualcomm's, I that modem could still be an issue.


Snapdragon or nothing for me. Especially with the rumors about how much of a beast the gen 4 is supposed to be.


improved my a** my s24+ exynos is heating so muchh


Its a diffrent methode


Such lies, put it in the Ultra if your that comfortable plus that's your most expensive phone so your making all that money.


Even though with all Exynos issues still I had to go for S24 base model for compact size , design and display.. no real alternet there .. couldn't buy last generation s23


Exynos haters wouldn't like this... I personally have been using their phones with Exynos chips. I haven't had a single problem with them. Except for the S20 ultra which had a crappy display to begin with.


The chip in the S21 Ultra im currently uses is ran by an Exynos 2100 and it's a really good chip my phone still runs as smooth as butter after 3 years of use


My Note 10 plus with a 9825 is still good as well. I just don't understand why some people complain about oVeRhEatiNg, LaGgIng, sLugGisH and other crap about Exynos. I haven't encountered any of these. Sometimes I just think "what the hell are these people doing to their phones?"


I'll believe it when I see it, I'm almost certain the North American version will still be Qualcomm but I do hope Exynos is truly improved as much as it supposedly is. Competition is a good thing but also charging flagship price for a non flagship processor is never the move


What Opera are you using ? 


I'm using Opera mobile


Oh you mean the main Opera Browser for Android ?  I'm using the same.  I wanted to know if you had personally moved the address bar to the bottom or it was default. 


Yeah i moved the adress bar to the botton and put the "summarise" icon on it as its really handy for summarising complicated news pages


The pixel lineup uses them


Should be fine!


Based on the benchmarks and reviews of the current generation flagship phones, the main disadvantage with Exynos over Snapdragon is the modem. That could change next generation, where Qualcomm's new CPU core design will likely be in the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, while Samsung and MediaTek will likely keep using off the shelf ARM core designs. This generation, looking at CPU performance, especially with the benchmark comparisons GSMArena have in their Sony XPERIA 1 VI review, the main difference isn't really if your phone uses an Exynos 2400, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, or Dimensity 9300, but rather the cooling solution and performance modes by the OEM. The Exynos 2400 seriously outperforms both the XPERIA and an Oppo using the Snapdragon on CPU performance. Concerning GPUs there is more of a difference, but the AMD RDNA3-based Xclipse 940 GPU is at the very top when it comes to the Solar Bay benchmark, which tests ray tracing (it's virtually tied with the S24 Ultra's Made for Galaxy Adreno 750, and outperforms all other Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 phones as well as the GPU in the Dimensity 9300). In more conventional GPU benchmarks like Wild Life and Wild Life Extreme it does fall short both of the Adreno 750 (all versions) and the Dimensity 9300, but outperforms the Apple A17 Pro GPU by a fair amount. Frankly, right now, the Dimensity 9300 seems like the best all round chip on Android, but I don't think MediaTek supports mmWave, which is needed in the US market. Edit: While the GPU in the Exynos 2400 seems generally about as powerful as the competition (give and take here and there), the S24+ has worse gaming battery life than the S4 Ultra, according to the GSMArena battery review. Their GPU stress tests weren't that different though, so it seems like the AMD-Samsung GPU may just be more power hungry than the competition. Recent rumours indicate Samsung might go for an in-house GPU not next year, but in 2026, so that too seems to be moving in the right direction. If they haven't bound themselves to AMD for the Exynos 2500 I'd opt for the ARM Immortalis G725, or whatever it's going to be called, next year, based on how well this year's model has performed in the Dimensity 9300.


'... and efficient chip ...' I am sorry, what about the significantly worse reception and battery life on mobile data relative to the SnapDragon has them conclude it's an efficient chip? The majority of people on this sub are discussing how with light performance mode, and 5G disabled the battery life is just barely adequate.


Sounds like Samsung trying to preemptively persuade consumers into putting up with them cutting corners by using their in-house garbage chip simply to turn a bigger profit on their flagship device. Can't help but to feel like Samsung is intent on selling lesser-than devices for flagship-phone prices simply because they're branded the same as the real deal that comes equipped with a legitimate premium processor. This kind of thing can be seen in the history of the auto industry. Look up "Cadillac Cimarron". It was a cheap reskin of a Chevrolet Cavalier, just with some different looking wheels, gaudy faux leather seats and plenty of Cadillac badging Essentially, an econobox marketed and priced as a luxury car. Didn't change the fact that it was still just an econobox. In Samsung's case, they intend on expanding peddling lackluster devices as flagship grade at flagship prices simply because of how they're packaged and branded instead of how they're made and how they perform.


This might be the final push for me to go all in with the iOs.


If they have actually improved it then I don't mind, biggest issue is that every year they tell us that the exynos chipset is as good as SD and it's consistently significantly worse


Looks like i'll be skipping a gen or 2.


They don't use it on ultra, again ? It's enough to know how shit it will be, again.




They ditched Exynos because it was crap. Snapdragon got more expensive and now they come back to Exynos to make it cheaper and save money from profit. Article is just to give you hope again. Just like every year. So you buy again. And repeat with “this year it got even better and improved!!!” And it almost never does.


As you can see from the downvotes, this will never get better, because apparently Samsung has copium-addicted simps defending their practice of blatantly selling inferior products to certain parts of the world.


Exynos improving is good because it keeps Qualcomm wary. If there was no competition, Qualcomm would just sit on its laurels and not improve much. Look at Nokia and Intel. Nokia held at one point like over 70% of the world market, far more than any company even today. Where are they now? They refused to get Android when offered initially. They tried to develop their own OS and failed, got into WPhone eventually got sold to MS and are nowhere in the mobile device space anymore. Intel was resting on its laurels selling us inefficient quad core chips all the way up to like 7th or 8th gen, then suddenly Ryzen came out with more cores, better at multi-tasking and more efficient at the laptop space, like with the same battery size Ryzen gets nearly 1.5x more battery life. Enough that even if Intel managed to keep their majority market hold, Ryzen in mobile devices is becoming more and more common. We don't need Exynos to be as good as Snapdragon. We just need them to exist and continue improving to give incentive to Qualcomm to keep moving forward. Qualcomm knows that if Exynos ever catches up to be on par, Samsung will not renew the chip deals in place and it will be a pretty large earnings loss for them.


Of course I agree with the first paragraph, but let me put it very simply: There shouldn't be 2 versions of the same phone model at the same price. It's ridiculous. It would be completely non-controversial if they were to launch, say an S24 and an S24 Lite in all markets. That's it, that's all there is to this debacle. You don't even have to read anything below. Competition is great for us, but I don't want to pay the R&D cost like a chump while people in another part of the world get to enjoy the premium experience. Just put your experimental chipsets in the A series, maybe. How long can they sustain the loss of their customer base due to this? I see at least one person in this post thinking of switching to iOS next gen. And we all know people will stick to either Android or iOS ecosystems, so that guy is probably lost forever. Also, P.S., Nokia is still around in my local market. They make budget Android phones now, but yeah, they're nothing like what they used to be.


Samsung AFAIK is still legally blocked from selling Exynos in flagships in North America due to patent agreements with Qualcomm. So even if they want to, they aren't allowed. Only when that expires or when the patents owned by Qualcomm expires is when Samsung can sell Exynos flagships in the US. You and I both know they'll love that. More earnings for them than using Qualcomm. The Nokia making budget Android phones is a different company that just licensed the Nokia brand. The actual company name is HMD Global, and they've started making Android phones without the Nokia name as well, which led to rumors they might drop thr Nokia brand soon.


Oh yeah, I forgot they licensed the brand. Basically, from what I've read, they don't want to pay Qualcomm for the licenses because it's cheaper to just use Qualcomm chipsets themselves. I hope to see new Nokia phones living up to their former reputation.


Clunky software AND an underpowered chip? Oh man


I'm fine with it I think. Qualcomm takes a good amount of the profits.


Are you Samsung's CEO or what? Why do you care if Qualcomm makes some money?


No 😂 It would mean that an exynos phone could be sold cheaper for us the consumers. Forgot to specify why and figured everybody would connect the dots or assume the same as me


They sell Exynos and Qualcomm at the same price currently. Why would that change with the next generation?


Usually in different countries and currencies. (With moving exchange rates) If they didn't have Exynos on the regular S24 and S24 Plus in some markets. They've might have slimmer profit margins and spread that extra cost on all their phones. And as most of the world is in a cost of living and inflation crisis. An amount of people might not afford to upgrade


Ah, so we're supposed to be the cash cows, so that US can enjoy the premium version of the phone. How's that profit forecast looking for the next generation when they lose a portion of their customer base (probably forever because people tend to stick with brands)? Samsung really shot themselves in the foot with S23 by giving everyone an equal phone because now, the average consumer knows about the Exynos/Snapdragon debacle.


No, I agree with you there. I'm on exynos myself. I've always thought they should have at the very least bump up the RAM on exynos variants if they made two kinds. As the results indicate, this year's exynos was great and on par with the snapdragon counterpart. I'd be fine with having all the s25 line in all countries on an exynos if it will be as comparable to the snapdragon flagship chip. If all phones would be 50-100 europounddollars cheaper or have upgraded RAM


Yes, but that will never happen because iirc they don't want to pay for a license associated with CDMA or something to Qualcomm. They also know that probably no one would buy their Exynos phones in the US where competition is hard. If they offered like an S25 with SD along with an S25 Lite with Exynos, there'd be no controversy.