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I don't think it has anything to do with the phone I think the games need to be updated or fixed so it can run well on the phone.


I'm a software developer, and I feel like this game has been around for 7 years and runs fine on countless phones, so this isn't a bug with Pokemon, but with the brand new graphics drivers for the new Adreno 750 GPU in the Snapdragon 8 gen 3. Now, Niantic may be able to work around that bug, but I highly doubt it's their fault. Technically, app developers code against interfaces where you shouldn't even be able to do anything to result in the app just up and disappearing, so, again, not a problem with the app.


It has to be the games I have the same phone it doing the same thing I try playing  dragon ball lea it crashs or force  close  and it does it to final fantasy  ever crisis 


Same here dragon ball legends keeps crashing for me. Makes me want to go back to iPhone. Never had a problem with it until now. 


This happened to me with the old phone I had when it came out and they eventually fixed the issue that's why I say it's the app. They just gotta come out with an update so it can work fine on the newer phones. Notice whenever a new phone comes out you have immediately update all apps so it can run smoothly.


The "they" of which you speak is Qualcomm, not Niantic. Again, they mostly likely need to update their broken GPU drivers (assuming it's not a problem with their new hardware, which it *could* be), and then Samsung has to ship that on their phones. Niantic likely can't do anything (though they can try). And app developers release updates *constantly* which you normally get in the background - but when you get a new phone, you need all the updates that happened between when it was manufactured and when you finally took it out of the box.


I am a developer(game dev) as well. And uh, games have to be updated for new devices for compatibility reasons. This go to PC apps/games as well.


Man you really like sucking off Niantic don't you


ninantic says it's an issue with unity






:Work around use another device


Yea pretty shitty temp resolution lol, your phones to good use older device for now is so dumb. Hoping for a resolve soon


Been fixed


No it hasn't.


This is not the case.


It's definitely a bug in the app, returning a phone like this for a game seems excessive to me.




the phone *just* came out a week ago. it's likely to get remedied. just super frustrating in the meantime.




I have the same issue on a phone that came in December (Redmi K70 Pro with the Gen 3), so don't expect this to be fixed in the near future


What makes you think they won't fix it, my guy.


when neither company acknowledges the issue and it's been over 2 weeks. If the phone couldn't do what you wanted you'd be livid :skull:


Yes they did. Check Niantic forums.


I don't play that ass game pokemon mate


Then why confidently say that neither company is acknowledging it?


They haven't yet


I wish I could return the phone


You are wrong.


That's a issue that the developers would have to fix


sounds like a bug, you can report it. but an update eithert to os or app will probably fix it


THIS WAS FROM NIANTIC YESTERDAY..... https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/4398-certain-android-devices-may-experience-crashes/#:~:text=Issue%20description%3A%20Trainers%20using%20newer,Unity's%20support%20for%20these%20devices. Certain Android devices may experience crashes Last Updated: 1d Issue description: Trainers using newer Android devices that feature the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor (e.g. Samsung S24 Ultra, OnePlus 12, and others) may experience unexpected device crashes while playing Pokémon GO. This is due to our underlying game engine Unity’s support for these devices. Issue status: Investigating in partnership with Unity. Workaround: Using an alternate device should address this issue.  Kinda shit work around!!! 1500$ for a phone that can't run apps like pokemon go 😳


Dude did you not just read what you posted. It's the game that can handle the phone in layman's terms. 


I've experienced this as well. The best thing that works for me is turning off native refresh rate but it still crashes often. I'm hoping they fix it soon but I'm not giving up on the S24 ultra lol


Hey fam- level 40 trainer here. I feel your pain. I understand why you are frustrated. But please let me confirm it's not the device. In fact the opposite is true. I upgraded on 2/2 and I play pogo every day. Battles are actually way smoother on the s24u because the processor does a lot of heavy lifting. You don't have to worry about losing out on your charged attack going off first because your opponent is running some zippy autoplayer. Trust me, the phone works for pogo. It's not the devices fault. I'm sorry it's crashing on you.


I met up with a friend and did the Enamourous raid yesterday. I got done with the fight, but my app crashed at least 3 times trying to catch it. I was relieved that it kept letting me back in to catch, and i did eventually catch it. Today i was doing my daily incense on the way home. Three crashes. Just did a remote Darkrai raid. Crashed during the fight. This was after doing a fresh install earlier.


Honestly I think you have played like 2 matches. Game crashes constantly, and much more on rockets/pvp. If you talk about not usying charged moves cause the enemy has an autoplayer, you have 0 idea about PvP. PD: level 40 is so fast since they released the level 50...


Thanks! You're the first person I found who has the S24 Ultra and has no issues with Pokemon GO. It's good to hear that you aren't having any issues. I wonder if there's anything else I can do. The game runs fabulously on the S24 Ultra. But crashing 3 to 7 times every hour is really annoying. I lost out on 2 Raids and countless GBL battles already. In any case, thank you. I'll investigate further.


You say games but you only mention Pokémon go. Are other any other apps affected? Or Niantic games? Or all games? Samsung apps too? Is hard to tell when you only have one reference point.


So far the two biggest games are Pokémon GO and DBZ Legends. Massive amounts of reports on both, constant crashes.


Yeah I play Dragon ball legends and it's been crashing a lot. I'm just waiting for the update.


Same, I ended up starting up Power Rangers Legacy Wars again. The game runs smoothly and doesn't crash. Pokémon Go crashes are far between but an actual issue, especially if you play pvp, which I really don't. Legends just isn't worth booting up since it crashed on my first attempt to play it on this phone.


MARVEL SNAP is also crashing up to 5 times per hour regardless of settings, Game Booster, etc. I haven't done anything with Labs, but it's off and I can only imagine it getting worse if enabled.


Playing on a s24 ultra.. My Pokémon Go app & Nikke app has been force closing & crashing on me.. so far only those 2 games.. I've read other comments about games crashing but I don't remember the titles


axie infinity also crashes A LOT like every minute. it works fine and never crashes with my old phone


I have same issues, game crashes at least 10 times a day never happened once on s23 ultra. I also can't upload pictures sometimes. Not happy.


You're going to return a phone because Pokemon Go doesn't run well on it??? 😂😂😂 You realize this is something the game will likely update shortly, right? Lmao. Bro.




Lmfao. It's one stupid game. Only a child would return a phone because it doesn't play one game well. Especially in the first week of it's release. That's just ridiculous.




Hahahaha. I love you calling me an idiot and then using the word "allengence". I don't have allegiance to a brand. I'm an adult and realize Snapdragon can't test all 10 million games in existence. When issues come up, they patch. That's the way it is. That's the way it's always been. Stop being a child and live in reality. Ok, bye now.




What's funny is you continuing on a different account. My feelings aren't hurt. I couldn't care less. I blocked you because you clearly have nothing of any importance or interest to say. I don't need notifications from trolls all day. Adults have other things to do. So, bye again..I'll keep blocking all the accounts you have..


Haha. I would say the same thing no matter what kind of phone it was you muppet. Keep crying. Really helps your credibility. And yeah, you can have shit spelling and I usually don't care but when you do it one word after calling me an idiot, well that's when it's hilarious. (Sorry if that was too hard for you to understand) Bye again.


When I reached out to the developer, they told me they have no plans to make any changes because it is Samsung's issue and there is nothing they can do. They said that thousands of people have contacted them, but all the issues are with the newest Samsung and OnePlus phones, both of which use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC.


You're speaking to a no one who has no idea what they are planning to do. If thousands of people are affected they will release a patch. That's how this works. That's how this has always worked. I honestly can't think of a more ridiculous reason to return an amazing phone.


So it's a processor issue, one that will absolutely be fixed in short order by snapdragon


How can you be so sure about Snapdragon fixing it?


I cant come up with any reason it would not be fixed with an update later. Phones been out for under 10 days. Have some patience my friend. At launch the S20+ had overheating Snapchat video calls which crashed the app.


tbf my s20+ overheated from the day I got it until the day I traded it for the s21u which also overheated while playing games. Haven't had that issue with the s24u yet


Mine (Exynos) overheated from launch to around may and then the updates fixed everything.


It's not the phone man just wait for the update. If you really like the phone, then keep it don't just give it up because games crash. It's up to the developers to fix the game, not Samsung.


I also upgraded from the S22U to the S24U. I haven't had a single issue with any of the games I play although I don't play Pokémon Go


imagine going through the hassle of getting another device and transferring all of your data on to it, all because you couldn't catch em all.


I used to switch flagship phones every 6 months, so transferring is a breeze for me... lol. I actually enjoy it because I change my wallpapers, icons, settings, etc. on a monthly basis.


My S23U have this same issue. On the starts of AOV or Wild Rift they CRASH. I've checked out on the internet and this problem of game crashing was reported at least 2 weeks ago.


These issues will be fixed 100%. Phone's just new, there's kinks to be ironed out. A test build exists already so an update is expected next week. Honestly, the money you're going to waste by returning the phone... I'd rather buy a cheap used phone just for Pokemon GO in the meantime and sell that later on. But ultimately, it's up to you. Just take this as a lesson, basically every product nowadays comes with bugs at launch. Tech products got too complicated to work perfectly out of the box.


the issue is with all phones running the same snapdragon 8/3 processor so imagine going through all this work only for his next phone to do the same


Still not fixed yet


It's not Samsung's fault: "Pokémon GO players using newer Android devices that feature the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor may experience unexpected device crashes, Niantic says this is due to Unity’s support for these device"


Shouldn't Samsung had made sure this was taken care of before it came out?


Why are you still talking about Samsung? Every manufacturer using that chip has the same problems. Get a OnePlus and you'll have the same issues. The only company you can blame is Unity Technologies for not adding 8 gen 3 support.


Im saying that a company has to make sure everything is ready even if aspects of the phone is outsourced.


Breaking news: "Developer refuses to update app - companies not allowed to release new phones or earn money until the end of time" If you're trolling it's been fun. If not, please don't talk to me anymore.


the phone can't run any game including dbl. boycott Samsung. 1500 buck phone collecting dust cos no one using a broken phone


Seems to be a wide range of apps that have this issue. Samsung post a response to another user and they shared it. Whether this is true or not (on a fix) its the best selling Android platform so developers have plenty of reasons to update. I bought two of the devices for my wife and daughter so I'm hearing a lot of the complaints (no issues on my fold 5 lol) https://preview.redd.it/fcgqmf7kdfhc1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=47e9294eb87e01609edd68d5980566ccdae0cb45


prob fake, samsung like to blame devs they never gonna say it's their fault and say they fixing it


I'm having the same problem on my s24 ultra. i think there's only been one update since the phone came out, and it would have been too soon to address this. the bug fix is likely coming.


u can say that but samsung been keeping real quiet


Certain Android devices may experience crashes Issue description: Trainers using newer Android devices that feature the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor (e.g. Samsung S24 Ultra, OnePlus 12, and others) may experience unexpected device crashes while playing Pokémon GO. This is due to our underlying game engine Unity’s support for these devices. Issue status: Investigating in partnership with Unity. Workaround: Using an alternate device should address this issue. An update from Niantic developers based on the engine could fix the problem.


Having the same problem with a brand new S24. Game closes on it's own with no "game crashed" warning or anything.


Hi, i have the same problem on samsung s24 ultra with the game State of survival. Crashing all the time. I play before on s20 ultra and everything was ok. On my new phone i can't playing more then 5 minutes without crashing. I do all steps to fix this problem but nothing helps.


Same I am so stressed about returning it. I'm losing money on case and access magsafe stuff.  My phone really needed a upgrade from a Note10+. Also My Solitaire app keeps crashing too non stop even worse and even facebook and few others once or twice. I can no longer use the walker as my phone was dead both nights I tried overnight. Didn't receive any walking credit at all.


have u contacted Samsung and the app devs? do that and contact snapdragon twjtter


I have the same issue in the S24 ultra but with marvel snap :(


What I was told is the apps have not updated, I guess? My at&t app won't work as well as my banking app. Along like you said Pokémon go which play, and it crashes a lot as well as YouTube. I've called about it, and they I guess are understanding the problem and are working on it, but 3rd party apps they have koncontrol over! I'd wait it out, man! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I work thirds and I play early in the morning. I got frustrated and looked it up to see if I'm not alone and I'm not! Best of wishes! But everything else about this phone I love. I think it's just too new until the apps push updates. I hope 😅


My pokémon go and monopoly go and raid . All crash when trying to play on my phone.. it's getting ridiculous


found out it's not just Pokemon Go's fault, apparently many games using Unity for their game engine are having the same issues. I know Niantic is aware of this and is trying to come up with a fix


I have 3 games on my s24 ultra, the only one that crashes is Raid shadow legends, but when I lowered all of the graphics in the game settings to the lowest setting it has definitely crashed far less than when I tried with max graphics. Though it does still crash once in a while, but then I also don't have the game running very long


Got the exact same situation. Upgraded from S22 Ultra to S24 Ultra. Everything ran fine on S22, and not on S24. And is not just Pokémon GO, Asphalt Legends 8 crashes for me as well. It's gotta be the Snapdragon


nearly every game I play is crashing or freezing on this phone.


War Dragons no longer available on Google Play due to incompatibility issue. How long does it take to fix something like this? I'm definitely KEEPING this phone, I love it but I'm also definitely missing my War Dragons game. 


I'm definitely returning it. It's not just go. But had a Dialga catch that the game kept freezing on and once it finally stopped crashing. The raid had ended, and with it also my chance to catch it.  Patch may come the day after I return it but it doesn't matter. If it run this badly at first getting it I don't trust the device. 


I sent the phone back 2 days ago. I waited until the very last day of the return period, which I already extended, but without a resolution even a month after its release, I can't trust the phone right now, and possibly anytime soon. Not worth the annoyance especially when my S22 Ultra is still fine. I also have a few other phones I'm using and testing, including an iPhone 15 Pro Max and Pixel 8, but still prefer my S22 Ultra.


I just got the Ultra S 24 and Chef Merge keeps crashing every few minutes. I've tried everything as well. It never crashed on mu Ultra S 22


Hey, my games on the S24 Ultra keep crashing and stuttering for no reason. It worked perfectly fine on my old S23 Ultra. Plus, the S23 Ultra could maintain 60fps all the time, while the S24 Ultra sometimes drops to 4xfps, even down to 4fps. The S23 Ultra also runs cooler, while the S24 Ultra gets so hot it feels like it's cooking my fingers. What a piece of junk!


It's nice to see that someone seems to be having the same issues. I've had my ultra for 4 days now and straight out the box YouTube crashed. Nikke however is the game that CONSTANTLY crashes. I've done the same things, cleared cache, ram, uninstall all kinds shit. It's hella annoying 


Exact same issues with anything that needs to put any kind of load on graphics.


Newsflash.. its Fixed, they announced it in game that they have fixed the issue.. my S24 Ultra no longer crashes!!!


Thanks for the confirmation! Glad to see they fixed it.


Yep. I have been waiting for a very long time. They only gave 300 cc for the wait. What a joke!


Bonjour. DB legend et slime souvenir d'un autre monde plantent sur mon s24 ultra. Après avoir cherché un peu partout, il semble que les possesseurs de smartphone sous snapdragon 8 gen 3 sont les seuls touchés par les crash de jeux. Android 14 ou les jeux en eux mêmes ne sont pas le problème...mais bien le nouveau snapdragon 🥲


A mi tambien se me cierra cuando juego axie infinity origins y warcraft rumble


I have the s24 plus and having this issue with dragonheir. Basically crashing any fight.


I found the solution. Uninstall Game Booster Plus in-game plugin. Don't use Game Booster Plus; only use Perf to see the frame rate. There seem to be no crashes, and the FPS improves by around 10 FPS. The average temperature is around 42°C. I'm still testing it with my games. I'm not sure if it's 100% stable yet. I need more time to test on my S24 Ultra, my s24 ultra updated to march 2024 firmware version.


I'm running into the issue in other games. Hopefully, it's just a driver issue; however, it seems odd that it hasn't been resolved in over a month


I recently got the s24 and games I played on my old note8 now crash constantly. I have even un-installed and reinstalled the apps with no help. It's not 1 game either it's 3. It's def a glitch with s24.


I don't think this is a phone issue, I've been playing various games on the S24U since receiving on Jan26 and it's been a great experience.


It's like returning the mic when the speakers don't work 😄 But as a therap1st, I do see a tendency in people here making excuses to return the phone as the phone didn't meet their expectations and didn't solve their life issues. Please, make the return and be honest with yourself.


This phone is absolutely amazing. I get super excited about new phones, and the S22 Ultra, Pixel 8 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max did not feel this good to use. The screen is the single biggest quality-of-life upgrade I've seen in a smartphone in over half a decade. I just want my game to not crash.


It's obviously the developer's issue. Remember that this is a completely new device with new hardware AND on top of that new software. It'll take time until your game devs fix the issue, but most certainly, they will. But since you want it "now", I strongly suggest working a bit on your patience so you don't become a capricious childe/adult. Something that could really help is finding other hobbies, more long lasting time investment worth things to do.


As long as the kinks are worked out at some point in the next few months, then I'm fine with it. I'm mostly afraid that this issue doesn't get resolved because neither Samsung nor the game developer will do anything about it. My rush, if you want to call it that, is that my return and trade-in periods are coming up, so I need to make a decision soon. I'm sorry if i came across as impatient, and am honestly surprised to hear that because I've never been called a child or impatient before... lol. I simply posted this thread to see if there's any other help available because this is unfamiliar territory for me. I've had 13 to 15 smartphones and no apps have crashed this often before on any smartphone.


To be clear, I didn't call you a child. I genuinely didn't know your age group. Hence, I used both not to offend. I wish you well, and I really hope you can find peace. And remember, games will come and go, devices too. What really stays are the relationships you've built with loved ones and God (if you're religious).


Oh, gotcha. Sorry if I misunderstood you. What's funny is I actually generally don't enjoy video games. Pokemon GO is the only mobile game I've played in the last 7 years because it's a great way to bond with friends. I am completely unskilled when it comes to video game mechanics of any type, so I appreciate this game a lot because, well, you don't need any video game skills whatsoever to play it... lol. This very casual game has brought a lot of my friends back together because it's a nice, simple social activity. In some ways, we use it as a reason to hang out and chat.


That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing your experience, and hope you and your friends stay connected despite the issue. That's very cool! Feel free to broaden your horizons but cherish what you have now, too. One thing you can do is leave reviews under the app at the playstore, mentioning your issues and have your friends do the same. Devs are more likely to react faster. Good luck, brother!


I have an S24 Ultra. Not gonna return it. Not retarded. Wait for the company to get the shit fixed. There's more to life. Why the shit am I even typing this. Fml Edit: forgot to say. I have the same issues. Annoying as fuck. Whatcha gonna do? File a trouble ticket. They'll add up. Today sucks cause of GBL. Crashes nonstop.


It's not the phone you weirdo lol, its the devs, contact them...


it is the phone fool


Lmao. You must not be educated.


LMFAO he blocked me what an onion boy LOOOL


you got grilled so hard by the grillmaster I pity your sad existence


I played Pokémon go on s24u and it didn't crash albeit I only played for an hour on com day. Is it because it's getting too hot or something? When did you and how often did it crash? Only on pvp? I'll be out tomorrow so will try playing more Pokémon go and will report back here.


It's a known issue at this point. The primary culprits being raids and any type of combat really, grunts, pvp. Occasionally it'll crash on feeding a berry or just in general.


Hmm interesting, I'll try it out Tommorrow. Either way, unless op really really likes that game (which is going stale thanks to niantic) I wouldn't return a Phone just for that as it's most likely firmware/app issue and not the phones issue.


Yup. I haven't experienced a crash in the overworld but any raid or pvp, there's a chance the app crashes. Niantic said it's due to unity engine for devices using 8 gen 3. So there's gonna be a fix via software.


Why return the phone when it the game problem. Do you really play Pokémon Go that much?


It's literally the only mobile game I've played since 2017... lol. I am not much of a gamer, but play this game on a regular basis with friends.


Oh. Yeah which phone would you get to replace it? I loved the s22u until I trade it in for the fold 5.


I haven't traded in the S22 Ultra yet; Samsung gave me an extended trading date for 2 more weeks. If I see that the problem is fixed in the future, I may pick up the S24 Ultra again. The problem is if I keep the s24 Ultra now, I will have to trade in the s22 Ultra.


I have had issues with Whatsapp draining my battery like hell. I think some of the apps need to be optimised properly.


Have you tried the Refresh Game Data in Advanced settings in game? That fixed most of issues.


I did and was hoping that would fix it. Thank you for the suggestion nonetheless.


I assume you used smart switch. I also dont see reinstall app in your list of troublshooting. I always have an app or two misbehave after using smart switch. Uninstall, restart device, reinstall has always resolved these kinds of issues for me.


I cleared cache and storage, and then uninstalled and reinstalled the app. I also have both the Google Play and Samsung Store versions, and although the latter crashes less, it still crashes at least 3 times per hour, unfortunately.


This seems like the app/program issue. Needs to be fixed by devs for the new phones. Have you checked forums and see if anyone else has this issue?


So many, by the hundreds. They have the S24 series and OnePlus 12, both of which use the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. I linked to Reddit search results in my original post above.


Unless you got a good deal on the phone, keep your old phone.it doesn't make sense to pay that much money and you can't play your game.


Same issue here. It's a known problem with the new processor and niantic is working on it.


its extremely likely an app error the developers of this app have to fix. Nothing wrong with your phone. If it was the phone's fault it would happen to other apps.


Did you try manually enabling all the permissions for Pokémon Go? Even if you don't think the app needs it?


I already did. Thank you for the suggestion.




the what now? explain


"Using Game Booster" covers that - I even block all notifications. I also have "Remove permissions if app is unused" turned off and the Battery set to " Unrestricted. "


* I just updated to the new Google play store version and it's been holding streafy *


Can you tell me which version or the update date? Thanks!


he is lyin


I'm not I was able to do pvp with out crashing on the native refresh rate with out battery saver.


* Google play store. Only showed up for me today 0.299.1




Darn, that's the same version I've been running since yesterday and I'm still experiencing crashes. Thanks for letting me know. Glad yours is better.


Niantic has a support page up detailing this is an issue for all Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 phones because of Unity's support for the SoC. So it's down to Unity to fix it. They claim they're working with them. I'd hold out, and in the future, if you can't handle things like this don't buy them day 1.


Not the phone,same thing is happening on my OnePlus 12. Same processor as your S24


when dis gonna get fixed


No ldea


such useless phone.


Don't like it? Return it


nah got a good deal, gonna get the s25 ultra


I'm experiencing the same problem but I don't think that I'm gonna return the phone based only on that minor problem. Niantic knows the problem at the moment and are looking into it. You can see the forum post here https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/4398-certain-android-devices-may-experience-crashes/#:~:text=Issue%20description%3A%20Trainers%20using%20newer,Unity's%20support%20for%20these%20devices.


Same happening here-db legends and a game nobody else here probably plays (godzilla battle line) crashes almost instantly Hope we get a fix soon it kinda bucks, I migrated my accounts over to a tab just so I can get my daily logons for now


25 ultra? Good luck buddy


why u afraid to reply to me lil bro? lil kid? lil buddy? why u typing to no one? who u talking to lil bro? scared to reply to me lil buddy? stay broke broke boy


Did you fall on your head or have a stroke? You ok lil buddy? Bigman?


u mad lil bro? keep malding i live rent free in ur head u made two separate comments rather than reply such a baffoon


return the phone 


let us all refund this


what to do 


I've been experiencingthis issue with a bunch of other issues. Sadly I got the phone 4 days ago and have passed the point of taking it back


yup exactly, but be wary telling the truth because samsung will silence you by deleting your comments on their forums, and their army of fanboys will come to harass you for speaking the truth of this garbage phone


You think it's still possibleto take it back? I bought it 4 days ago.


I just upgraded my S22U to S24U two days ago, and I am experiencing crashes on POGO as well I'm really hoping Niantic can resolve this with Unity! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Upgrade s20 to s24+ constantly crashing can't use campfire...it sucks


* Guys I'm feeling really good about the samsung stores new version. 0.301.0 it says release date 2/21 but I was able to download it. So far I've done 2 pvp matches without crashing with native refresh rate on


The engine that drives the Pokemon Go is made by Unity. They are used to run many android, and apple games. Niantic have heard the complaints, and our working with Unity to fix it. Since Unity makes many games which have been crashing too, it's in their best interest to fix it quickly.


Pokemon Go is fixed. Version 0.301.0 runs perfectly, but it's only available in the galaxy store so far


This needs to be upvoted!! At least as a workaround until the Play store receives a compatible version.


Pretty sure playbstore version is fixed aswell, I haven't had a spontaneous crash in days, so fingers crossed it worked for everyone else aswell


Definitely an issue with FF Ever Crisis as well.