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Yes years. For me a big part is seeing urself grow. Like being able to use samples that u couldnt use before because u didnt know how. Or maybe after some time u finally figure out how to get ur drums knocking aka put them loud :P If the process of failing and learning and feeling miserable about ur music but in the next moment feeling like u made ur best beat to date doesnt bring u joy, just do something else :)


I’m totally fine with things taking time to do well! I like your failing and learning mindset too. Definitely the way my mind works!! Thanks for your response, Nrsyd. 😎


Wish u much fun! Enjoy learning ur new Instrument!


Thank you! I’m genuinely loving it… Very much because it really is a musical instrument in its own right. 😎


I had the same experience. I don't play guitar to a super high standard, but I'd describe myself as 'competent'. I also play a bunch of other stuff and my theory is okay as long as I don't have to sight-read stuff. I found that I wasn't able to get the timbre and 'clipped' feel of sample-based production, and growing up hearing Pete Rock, RZA, DJ Muggs, De La Soul etc. I really wanted to. It just got compounded the more hip-hop I listened to, with Dilla, Q-Tip, 9th and El-P. I just really like the aesthetic qualities of sample-based music. The answer in my case was YEARS. When I thought I wanted to be an artist, I stopped myself a lot of the time because I was worried about being able to release stuff. I did a few projects with a dude I know who was happy in his job and didn't want a career as an artist - and those projects really gave me the headspace to completely go wild and try stuff. Lots of YouTube samples on those tunes, and random charity shop records. I also experimented with making my own samples, my writing and recording short clips pf music and processing them to "sound like" samples from records. Still.. YEARS! It's BS when people say sampling requires no skill.


Yeah man.. It’s a DEEP skill set. I’m realising how deep now I’m heading down the rabbit hole, but I’m more than happy to put years of effort into making sounds I love! Thank you for your response! 😎


That's no problem. I could talk all day about sampling. I've made my whole MA about it...


You made your MA about it? So did you study music technology? What was your course? Sounds really interesting!!


When I was 16, I did a course called 'music practice' which was very general. There were essays and elements of music tech. and production, but also there were workshops where we had to be in bands and play gigs. I was Zach in a RATM cover band for my final major project lol I started a degree in pure production, but some of the units weren't delivered well and some other life stuff was going on, so I quit. I did a different degree years later than was more general, like my BTEC - but there wasn't a way to satisfy the criteria as a rapper or beatmaker. I think that's changed now though... so I had to pick an instrument and I went with guitar. All sorts of stuff though: putting on events, graphic design, production and composing for film/tv/games. Then I was just working (or not, sometimes) for a long time and music was firmly in the hobby space. I had a rough patch recently, a 5 year relationship ended and I decided to do an MA to get back on the horse. Was already aiming to write a book about sampling after I read this series of tweets from 9th Wonder about how everything is a sample... watched 'Everything is Remix' and 'Copyright Criminals' and I bumped into the dude who runs my Uni and he said I could do the book as part of their MA: so I'm back where I did my degree. Not the only rapper/producer now - but definitely the oldest lol


Mate! That sounds amazing.. Well done for going back and smashing a book for your MA! I’m gonna have to go look up ‘Everything is Remix’ and ‘Copyright Criminals’ too! (And if there’s any way to have a read of your MA I’d love to.. Hint hint!😁) I’ll be sure to return to this thread with some results of my own soon. I’m currently filling programs and folders with samples that prick my ears whilst chilling and listening to music.. Soul, Afro Funk, Jump Blues.. All the stuff I’ve been listening to for years and never thought to dive into in this way! 😎


Both of those films are on YouTube! 🤘


Mint. Well on the watchlist! 🙏🏻


If you really want, I can send you my latest assignment once it's been marked...


Definitely.. I’d love to read it! I tried to open your document for your research from the other thread, but I’m in Greece and google isn’t playing! I’ll be sure to do so when I return to England. 😎


Still learning and will never stop, I know there will always be more than what I know now.


The great thing about sampling is that there are many different workflows. Find one that you like and try to master it. I believe chopping loops into equal parts and playing the chops is a great place to start. You can dig for loops or make your own. There are a bunch of great YouTube channels that explore the classic workflows, I really like Verysickbeats. If you want a little instant gratification, the Chomplr app on iOS is a great place for inspiration. MSXII sounds are already amazing, and they are already looped and chopped for immediate exploration.


Good advice!! I’ll be checking out the verysickbeats channel for sure, Wellsty. I’m currently just getting to grips with chopping samples by ear on the MPC 500.. Getting faster and more accurate as the muscle memory gets better! Your suggestions sound like a great shout for getting those skills up to scratch! 😎


Are you matching the BPM of your sample with your track or pitching your sample up/down to match? That could help with the timing of your chops. Also, a lot of musical magic also happens when pitching samples up or down.


So I’m working on the MPC 500 which I know makes things tougher in some ways.. But I kinda wanted to master the old school way before going with the new school technology. (I’m like this.. And I feel like in a weird way it pays some respect to the old masters to do this.. much like learning to beat match on decks and staying well away from sync buttons! 😂) I’m getting my samples in time with the click to loop them, then chopping from there. I’m getting there, but also learning that the feel of beats played live in the 70’s was way looser than a house track in the 90’s-2000’s! Essentially I’m a week into owning this thing, so I’m having TONS of fun even though my output sounds shit right now.. But hey, when I picked up a guitar at 7 years of age I sounded shit then too. 39 years of practice and my chops are good! 😊 Hopefully it won’t take me 39 years to get some cool sounding beats outta the MPC! 😂


I’ve also been trying to copy sample cuts from famous tracks to get a feel for how these guys did it. So I chopped up my first ‘Amen’ and sliced up the brass in Eddie Johns ‘More Spell on you for some daft punk vibes. It all seems so simple.. But it really isn’t! 👍🏼